blob: e56f3ce97537da455b3568b942079dcd34272b4f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkSLByteCode.h"
#include "ir/SkSLAppendStage.h"
#include "ir/SkSLExpression.h"
#include "ir/SkSLFunctionCall.h"
#include "ir/SkSLFunctionDefinition.h"
#include "ir/SkSLProgram.h"
#include "ir/SkSLStatement.h"
#include <stack>
namespace SkSL {
class Interpreter {
typedef int StackIndex;
union Value {
Value() {}
Value(float f)
: fFloat(f) {}
Value(int32_t s)
: fSigned(s) {}
Value(uint32_t u)
: fUnsigned(u) {}
Value(bool b)
: fBool(b) {}
float fFloat;
int32_t fSigned;
uint32_t fUnsigned;
bool fBool;
enum TypeKind {
Interpreter(std::unique_ptr<Program> program, std::unique_ptr<ByteCode> byteCode)
: fProgram(std::move(program))
, fByteCode(std::move(byteCode)) {}
* Invokes the specified function with the given arguments, returning its return value. 'out'
* and 'inout' parameters will result in the 'args' array being modified.
Value* run(const ByteCodeFunction& f, Value args[], Value inputs[]);
StackIndex stackAlloc(int count);
uint8_t read8();
uint16_t read16();
uint32_t read32();
void next();
void nextVector(int count);
void run();
void push(Value v);
Value pop();
void swizzle();
void disassemble(const ByteCodeFunction& f);
void dumpStack();
std::unique_ptr<Program> fProgram;
std::unique_ptr<ByteCode> fByteCode;
int fIP;
const ByteCodeFunction* fCurrentFunction;
std::vector<Value> fGlobals;
std::vector<Value> fStack;
} // namespace