blob: 6b50a09f268c3889e99831098980486aef235af7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkCodecPriv.h"
#include "SkScaledCodec.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkWebpCodec.h"
SkCodec* SkScaledCodec::NewFromStream(SkStream* stream) {
SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromStream(stream));
if (nullptr == codec) {
return nullptr;
switch (codec->getEncodedFormat()) {
case kWEBP_SkEncodedFormat:
// Webp codec supports scaling and subsetting natively
return codec.detach();
case kPNG_SkEncodedFormat:
case kJPEG_SkEncodedFormat:
// wrap in new SkScaledCodec
return new SkScaledCodec(codec.detach());
// FIXME: SkScaledCodec is temporarily disabled for other formats
// while focusing on the formats that are supported by
// BitmapRegionDecoder.
return nullptr;
SkCodec* SkScaledCodec::NewFromData(SkData* data) {
if (!data) {
return nullptr;
return NewFromStream(new SkMemoryStream(data));
SkScaledCodec::SkScaledCodec(SkCodec* codec)
: INHERITED(codec->getInfo(), nullptr)
, fCodec(codec)
SkScaledCodec::~SkScaledCodec() {}
bool SkScaledCodec::onRewind() {
return fCodec->onRewind();
static SkISize best_scaled_dimensions(const SkISize& origDims, const SkISize& nativeDims,
const SkISize& scaledCodecDims, float desiredScale) {
if (nativeDims == scaledCodecDims) {
// does not matter which to return if equal. Return here to skip below calculations
return nativeDims;
float idealWidth = origDims.width() * desiredScale;
float idealHeight = origDims.height() * desiredScale;
// calculate difference between native dimensions and ideal dimensions
float nativeWDiff = SkTAbs(idealWidth - nativeDims.width());
float nativeHDiff = SkTAbs(idealHeight - nativeDims.height());
float nativeDiff = nativeWDiff + nativeHDiff;
// Native scaling is preferred to sampling. If we can scale natively to
// within one of the ideal value, we should choose to scale natively.
if (nativeWDiff < 1.0f && nativeHDiff < 1.0f) {
return nativeDims;
// calculate difference between scaledCodec dimensions and ideal dimensions
float scaledCodecWDiff = SkTAbs(idealWidth - scaledCodecDims.width());
float scaledCodecHDiff = SkTAbs(idealHeight - scaledCodecDims.height());
float scaledCodecDiff = scaledCodecWDiff + scaledCodecHDiff;
// return dimensions closest to ideal dimensions.
// If the differences are equal, return nativeDims, as native scaling is more efficient.
return nativeDiff > scaledCodecDiff ? scaledCodecDims : nativeDims;
* Return a valid set of output dimensions for this decoder, given an input scale
SkISize SkScaledCodec::onGetScaledDimensions(float desiredScale) const {
SkISize nativeDimensions = fCodec->getScaledDimensions(desiredScale);
// support scaling down by integer numbers. Ex: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 ...
SkISize scaledCodecDimensions;
if (desiredScale > 0.5f) {
// sampleSize = 1
scaledCodecDimensions = fCodec->getInfo().dimensions();
// sampleSize determines the step size between samples
// Ex: sampleSize = 2, sample every second pixel in x and y directions
int sampleSize = int ((1.0f / desiredScale) + 0.5f);
int scaledWidth = get_scaled_dimension(this->getInfo().width(), sampleSize);
int scaledHeight = get_scaled_dimension(this->getInfo().height(), sampleSize);
// Return the calculated output dimensions for the given scale
scaledCodecDimensions = SkISize::Make(scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
return best_scaled_dimensions(this->getInfo().dimensions(), nativeDimensions,
scaledCodecDimensions, desiredScale);
// check if scaling to dstInfo size from srcInfo size using sampleSize is possible
static bool scaling_supported(const SkISize& dstDim, const SkISize& srcDim,
int* sampleX, int* sampleY) {
SkScaledCodec::ComputeSampleSize(dstDim, srcDim, sampleX, sampleY);
const int dstWidth = dstDim.width();
const int dstHeight = dstDim.height();
const int srcWidth = srcDim.width();
const int srcHeight = srcDim.height();
// only support down sampling, not up sampling
if (dstWidth > srcWidth || dstHeight > srcHeight) {
return false;
// check that srcWidth is scaled down by an integer value
if (get_scaled_dimension(srcWidth, *sampleX) != dstWidth) {
return false;
// check that src height is scaled down by an integer value
if (get_scaled_dimension(srcHeight, *sampleY) != dstHeight) {
return false;
// sampleX and sampleY should be equal unless the original sampleSize requested was larger
// than srcWidth or srcHeight. If so, the result of this is dstWidth or dstHeight = 1.
// This functionality allows for tall thin images to still be scaled down by scaling factors.
if (*sampleX != *sampleY){
if (1 != dstWidth && 1 != dstHeight) {
return false;
return true;
bool SkScaledCodec::onDimensionsSupported(const SkISize& dim) {
// Check with fCodec first. No need to call the non-virtual version, which
// just checks if it matches the original, since a match means this method
// will not be called.
if (fCodec->onDimensionsSupported(dim)) {
return true;
// FIXME: These variables are unused, but are needed by scaling_supported.
// This class could also cache these values, and avoid calling this in
// onGetPixels (since getPixels already calls it).
int sampleX;
int sampleY;
return scaling_supported(dim, this->getInfo().dimensions(), &sampleX, &sampleY);
// calculates sampleSize in x and y direction
void SkScaledCodec::ComputeSampleSize(const SkISize& dstDim, const SkISize& srcDim,
int* sampleXPtr, int* sampleYPtr) {
int srcWidth = srcDim.width();
int dstWidth = dstDim.width();
int srcHeight = srcDim.height();
int dstHeight = dstDim.height();
int sampleX = srcWidth / dstWidth;
int sampleY = srcHeight / dstHeight;
// only support down sampling, not up sampling
SkASSERT(dstWidth <= srcWidth);
SkASSERT(dstHeight <= srcHeight);
// sampleX and sampleY should be equal unless the original sampleSize requested was
// larger than srcWidth or srcHeight.
// If so, the result of this is dstWidth or dstHeight = 1. This functionality
// allows for tall thin images to still be scaled down by scaling factors.
if (sampleX != sampleY){
if (1 != dstWidth && 1 != dstHeight) {
// rounding during onGetScaledDimensions can cause different sampleSizes
// Ex: srcWidth = 79, srcHeight = 20, sampleSize = 10
// dstWidth = 7, dstHeight = 2, sampleX = 79/7 = 11, sampleY = 20/2 = 10
// correct for this rounding by comparing width to sampleY and height to sampleX
if (get_scaled_dimension(srcWidth, sampleY) == dstWidth) {
sampleX = sampleY;
} else if (get_scaled_dimension(srcHeight, sampleX) == dstHeight) {
sampleY = sampleX;
if (sampleXPtr) {
*sampleXPtr = sampleX;
if (sampleYPtr) {
*sampleYPtr = sampleY;
// TODO: Implement subsetting in onGetPixels which works when and when not sampling
SkCodec::Result SkScaledCodec::onGetPixels(const SkImageInfo& requestedInfo, void* dst,
size_t rowBytes, const Options& options,
SkPMColor ctable[], int* ctableCount,
int* rowsDecoded) {
if (options.fSubset) {
// Subsets are not supported.
return kUnimplemented;
if (fCodec->dimensionsSupported(requestedInfo.dimensions())) {
// Make sure that the parent class does not fill on an incomplete decode, since
// fCodec will take care of filling the uninitialized lines.
*rowsDecoded = requestedInfo.height();
return fCodec->getPixels(requestedInfo, dst, rowBytes, &options, ctable, ctableCount);
// scaling requested
int sampleX;
int sampleY;
if (!scaling_supported(requestedInfo.dimensions(), fCodec->getInfo().dimensions(),
&sampleX, &sampleY)) {
// onDimensionsSupported would have returned false, meaning we should never reach here.
return kInvalidScale;
// set first sample pixel in y direction
const int Y0 = get_start_coord(sampleY);
const int dstHeight = requestedInfo.height();
const int srcWidth = fCodec->getInfo().width();
const int srcHeight = fCodec->getInfo().height();
const SkImageInfo info = requestedInfo.makeWH(srcWidth, srcHeight);
Result result = fCodec->startScanlineDecode(info, &options, ctable, ctableCount);
if (kSuccess != result) {
return result;
SkSampler* sampler = fCodec->getSampler(true);
if (!sampler) {
return kUnimplemented;
if (sampler->setSampleX(sampleX) != requestedInfo.width()) {
return kInvalidScale;
switch(fCodec->getScanlineOrder()) {
case SkCodec::kTopDown_SkScanlineOrder: {
if (!fCodec->skipScanlines(Y0)) {
*rowsDecoded = 0;
return kIncompleteInput;
for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; y++) {
if (1 != fCodec->getScanlines(dst, 1, rowBytes)) {
// The failed call to getScanlines() will take care of
// filling the failed row, so we indicate that we have
// decoded (y + 1) rows.
*rowsDecoded = y + 1;
return kIncompleteInput;
if (y < dstHeight - 1) {
if (!fCodec->skipScanlines(sampleY - 1)) {
*rowsDecoded = y + 1;
return kIncompleteInput;
dst = SkTAddOffset<void>(dst, rowBytes);
return kSuccess;
case SkCodec::kBottomUp_SkScanlineOrder:
case SkCodec::kOutOfOrder_SkScanlineOrder: {
Result result = kSuccess;
int y;
for (y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) {
int srcY = fCodec->nextScanline();
if (is_coord_necessary(srcY, sampleY, dstHeight)) {
void* dstPtr = SkTAddOffset<void>(dst, rowBytes * get_dst_coord(srcY, sampleY));
if (1 != fCodec->getScanlines(dstPtr, 1, rowBytes)) {
result = kIncompleteInput;
} else {
if (!fCodec->skipScanlines(1)) {
result = kIncompleteInput;
// We handle filling uninitialized memory here instead of in the parent class.
// The parent class does not know that we are sampling.
if (kIncompleteInput == result) {
const uint32_t fillValue = fCodec->getFillValue(requestedInfo.colorType(),
for (; y < srcHeight; y++) {
int srcY = fCodec->outputScanline(y);
if (is_coord_necessary(srcY, sampleY, dstHeight)) {
void* dstRow = SkTAddOffset<void>(dst,
rowBytes * get_dst_coord(srcY, sampleY));
SkSampler::Fill(requestedInfo.makeWH(requestedInfo.width(), 1), dstRow,
rowBytes, fillValue, options.fZeroInitialized);
*rowsDecoded = dstHeight;
return result;
case SkCodec::kNone_SkScanlineOrder: {
SkAutoMalloc storage(srcHeight * rowBytes);
uint8_t* storagePtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(storage.get());
int scanlines = fCodec->getScanlines(storagePtr, srcHeight, rowBytes);
storagePtr += Y0 * rowBytes;
scanlines -= Y0;
int y = 0;
while (y < dstHeight && scanlines > 0) {
memcpy(dst, storagePtr, rowBytes);
storagePtr += sampleY * rowBytes;
dst = SkTAddOffset<void>(dst, rowBytes);
scanlines -= sampleY;
if (y < dstHeight) {
// fCodec has already handled filling uninitialized memory.
*rowsDecoded = dstHeight;
return kIncompleteInput;
return kSuccess;
return kUnimplemented;
uint32_t SkScaledCodec::onGetFillValue(SkColorType colorType, SkAlphaType alphaType) const {
return fCodec->onGetFillValue(colorType, alphaType);
SkCodec::SkScanlineOrder SkScaledCodec::onGetScanlineOrder() const {
return fCodec->onGetScanlineOrder();