blob: a9a8c686fcbd368cf8404e9f58544b3a29c48235 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
def call(cmd):
print("Executing: " + " ".join(cmd))
def main():
build_or_test = sys.argv[1]
assert build_or_test in ["build", "test"]
local_or_rbe = sys.argv[2]
assert local_or_rbe in ["local", "rbe"]
target = sys.argv[3]
assert target in ["android-arm", "android-arm64", "linux", "windows"]
print("Hello from {platform} in {cwd}!".format(platform=sys.platform,
# Create a temporary directory for the Bazel cache.
# We cannot use the default Bazel cache location ($HOME/.cache/bazel) because:
# - The cache can be large (>10G).
# - Swarming bots have limited storage space on the root partition (15G).
# - Because the above, the Bazel build fails with a "no space left on
# device" error.
# - The Bazel cache under $HOME/.cache/bazel lingers after the tryjob
# completes, causing the Swarming bot to be quarantined due to low disk
# space.
# - Generally, it's considered poor hygiene to leave a bot in a different
# state.
# The temporary directory created by the below function call lives under
# /mnt/pd0, which has significantly more storage space, and will be wiped
# after the tryjob completes.
# Reference:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="bazel-cache-",
dir=os.environ["TMPDIR"]) as cache_dir:
def bazel(args):
cmd = ["C:\\b\\s\\w\\ir\\bazelisk\\bazelisk.exe"] if target == "windows" \
else ["bazelisk", "--output_user_root=" + cache_dir]
print("Running", cmd)
call(cmd + args)
# Print the Bazel version.
# Compute the Bazel configuration to use.
config = target
if local_or_rbe == "rbe":
config += "-rbe"
# Run the requested Bazel command.
bazel([build_or_test, "//...", "--config=" + config])
# Kill the Bazel server, so as not to leave any children processes
# outliving the Swarming task.
if __name__ == "__main__":