blob: 57bb0b8773cc677ddbb3f7fb7dd978cd2cbea0bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define SKCMS_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
#include <stdnoreturn.h>
#define SKCMS_NORETURN noreturn
#include "skcms.h"
#include "test_only.h"
#include "src/Macros.h"
#include "src/TransferFunction.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static void fatal(const char* msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", msg);
// xy co-ordinates of the CIE 1931 standard observer XYZ functions.
// wavelength is sampled every 5 nm in [360, 700].
// This is effectively the hull of the horseshoe in a chromaticity diagram.
static const double kSpectralHull[] = {
0.17556, 0.00529384,
0.175161, 0.00525635,
0.174821, 0.0052206,
0.17451, 0.00518164,
0.174112, 0.00496373,
0.174008, 0.00498055,
0.173801, 0.00491541,
0.17356, 0.0049232,
0.173337, 0.00479674,
0.173021, 0.00477505,
0.172577, 0.0047993,
0.172087, 0.00483252,
0.171407, 0.00510217,
0.170301, 0.00578851,
0.168878, 0.00690024,
0.166895, 0.00855561,
0.164412, 0.0108576,
0.161105, 0.0137934,
0.156641, 0.0177048,
0.150985, 0.0227402,
0.14396, 0.029703,
0.135503, 0.0398791,
0.124118, 0.0578025,
0.109594, 0.0868425,
0.0912935, 0.132702,
0.0687059, 0.200723,
0.0453907, 0.294976,
0.0234599, 0.412703,
0.00816803, 0.538423,
0.00385852, 0.654823,
0.0138702, 0.750186,
0.0388518, 0.812016,
0.0743024, 0.833803,
0.114161, 0.826207,
0.154722, 0.805863,
0.192876, 0.781629,
0.22962, 0.754329,
0.265775, 0.724324,
0.301604, 0.692308,
0.337363, 0.658848,
0.373102, 0.624451,
0.408736, 0.589607,
0.444062, 0.554714,
0.478775, 0.520202,
0.512486, 0.486591,
0.544787, 0.454434,
0.575151, 0.424232,
0.602933, 0.396497,
0.627037, 0.372491,
0.648233, 0.351395,
0.665764, 0.334011,
0.680079, 0.319747,
0.691504, 0.308342,
0.700606, 0.299301,
0.707918, 0.292027,
0.714032, 0.285929,
0.719033, 0.280935,
0.723032, 0.276948,
0.725992, 0.274008,
0.728272, 0.271728,
0.729969, 0.270031,
0.731089, 0.268911,
0.731993, 0.268007,
0.732719, 0.267281,
0.733417, 0.266583,
0.734047, 0.265953,
0.73439, 0.26561,
0.734592, 0.265408,
0.73469, 0.26531,
static uint16_t read_big_u16(const uint8_t* ptr) {
uint16_t be;
memcpy(&be, ptr, sizeof(be));
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
return _byteswap_ushort(be);
return __builtin_bswap16(be);
static const double kSVGMarginLeft = 100.0;
static const double kSVGMarginRight = 10.0;
static const double kSVGMarginTop = 10.0;
static const double kSVGMarginBottom = 50.0;
static const double kSVGScaleX = 800.0;
static const double kSVGScaleY = 800.0;
static const char* kSVG_RGB_Colors[3] = { "red", "green", "blue" };
static const char* kSVG_CMYK_Colors[4] = { "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "black" };
static FILE* svg_open(const char* filename) {
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!fp) {
fatal("Unable to open output file");
fprintf(fp, "<svg width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\" xmlns=\"\">\n",
kSVGMarginLeft + kSVGScaleX + kSVGMarginRight,
kSVGMarginTop + kSVGScaleY + kSVGMarginBottom);
return fp;
static void svg_close(FILE* fp) {
fprintf(fp, "</svg>\n");
#define svg_push_group(fp, fmt, ...) fprintf(fp, "<g " fmt ">\n", __VA_ARGS__)
static void svg_pop_group(FILE* fp) {
fprintf(fp, "</g>\n");
static void svg_axes(FILE* fp) {
fprintf(fp, "<polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" vector-effect=\"non-scaling-stroke\" "
"points=\"0,1 0,0 1,0\"/>\n");
static void svg_transfer_function(FILE* fp, const skcms_TransferFunction* tf, const char* color) {
fprintf(fp, "<polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"%s\" vector-effect=\"non-scaling-stroke\" "
"points=\"\n", color);
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
float x = i / 255.0f;
float t = skcms_TransferFunction_eval(tf, x);
fprintf(fp, "%g, %g\n", (double)x, (double)t);
fprintf(fp, "\"/>\n");
static void svg_curve(FILE* fp, const skcms_Curve* curve, const char* color) {
if (!curve->table_entries) {
svg_transfer_function(fp, &curve->parametric, color);
double xScale = 1.0 / (curve->table_entries - 1.0);
double yScale = curve->table_8 ? (1.0 / 255) : (1.0 / 65535);
fprintf(fp, "<polyline fill=\"none\" stroke=\"%s\" vector-effect=\"non-scaling-stroke\" "
"transform=\"scale(%g %g)\" points=\"\n",
color, xScale, yScale);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < curve->table_entries; ++i) {
if (curve->table_8) {
fprintf(fp, "%3u, %3u\n", i, curve->table_8[i]);
} else {
fprintf(fp, "%4u, %5u\n", i, read_big_u16(curve->table_16 + 2 * i));
fprintf(fp, "\"/>\n");
static void svg_curves(FILE* fp, uint32_t num_curves, const skcms_Curve* curves,
const char** colors) {
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < num_curves; ++c) {
svg_curve(fp, curves + c, colors[c]);
static void dump_curves_svg(const char* filename, uint32_t num_curves, const skcms_Curve* curves) {
FILE* fp = svg_open(filename);
svg_push_group(fp, "transform=\"translate(%g %g) scale(%g %g)\"",
kSVGMarginLeft, kSVGMarginTop + kSVGScaleY, kSVGScaleX, -kSVGScaleY);
svg_curves(fp, num_curves, curves, (num_curves == 3) ? kSVG_RGB_Colors : kSVG_CMYK_Colors);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
const char* filename = NULL;
bool svg = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-s")) {
svg = true;
} else {
filename = argv[i];
if (!filename) {
printf("usage: %s [-s] <ICC filename>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
void* buf = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
if (!load_file(filename, &buf, &len)) {
fatal("Unable to load input file");
skcms_ICCProfile profile;
if (!skcms_Parse(buf, len, &profile)) {
fatal("Unable to parse ICC profile");
dump_profile(&profile, stdout, false);
if (svg) {
if (profile.has_toXYZD50) {
FILE* fp = svg_open("gamut.svg");
svg_push_group(fp, "transform=\"translate(%g %g) scale(%g %g)\"",
kSVGMarginLeft, kSVGMarginTop + kSVGScaleY, kSVGScaleX, -kSVGScaleY);
fprintf(fp, "<polygon fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" "
"vector-effect=\"non-scaling-stroke\" points=\"\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(kSpectralHull); i += 2) {
fprintf(fp, "%g, %g\n", kSpectralHull[i], kSpectralHull[i + 1]);
fprintf(fp, "\"/>\n");
const skcms_Matrix3x3* m = &profile.toXYZD50;
float rSum = m->vals[0][0] + m->vals[1][0] + m->vals[2][0];
float gSum = m->vals[0][1] + m->vals[1][1] + m->vals[2][1];
float bSum = m->vals[0][2] + m->vals[1][2] + m->vals[2][2];
fprintf(fp, "<polygon fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" "
"vector-effect=\"non-scaling-stroke\" points=\"%g,%g %g,%g %g,%g\"/>\n",
(double)(m->vals[0][0] / rSum), (double)(m->vals[1][0] / rSum),
(double)(m->vals[0][1] / gSum), (double)(m->vals[1][1] / gSum),
(double)(m->vals[0][2] / bSum), (double)(m->vals[1][2] / bSum));
if (profile.has_trc) {
FILE* fp = svg_open("TRC_curves.svg");
svg_push_group(fp, "transform=\"translate(%g %g) scale(%g %g)\"",
kSVGMarginLeft, kSVGMarginTop + kSVGScaleY, kSVGScaleX, -kSVGScaleY);
svg_curves(fp, 3, profile.trc, kSVG_RGB_Colors);
skcms_TransferFunction approx;
float max_error;
if (skcms_ApproximateTransferFunction(&profile, &approx, &max_error)) {
svg_transfer_function(fp, &approx, "magenta");
if (profile.has_A2B) {
const skcms_A2B* a2b = &profile.A2B;
if (a2b->input_channels) {
dump_curves_svg("A_curves.svg", a2b->input_channels, a2b->input_curves);
if (a2b->matrix_channels) {
dump_curves_svg("M_curves.svg", a2b->matrix_channels, a2b->matrix_curves);
dump_curves_svg("B_curves.svg", a2b->output_channels, a2b->output_curves);
return 0;