blob: ffc5a20c50618975257b77091e1a63b116d301f6 [file] [log] [blame]
Size : 0x00000390 : 912
Data color space : 0x47524159 : 'GRAY'
PCS : 0x58595A20 : 'XYZ '
Tag count : 0x00000005 : 5
Tag : Type : Size : Offset
------ : ------ : ------ : --------
'cprt' : 'text' : 50 : 192
'desc' : 'desc' : 103 : 244
'wtpt' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 348
'bkpt' : 'XYZ ' : 20 : 368
'kTRC' : 'curv' : 524 : 388
rTRC : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 1.73715, 0.999979, 6.92596e-05, 0.0629053, 0.0235294, -1.07513e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.000202142) (D-gap: 0)
~= : -0.183519x^3 + 1.08054x^2 + 0.102974x (Max error: 0.00263339)
gTRC : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 1.73715, 0.999979, 6.92596e-05, 0.0629053, 0.0235294, -1.07513e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.000202142) (D-gap: 0)
~= : -0.183519x^3 + 1.08054x^2 + 0.102974x (Max error: 0.00263339)
bTRC : 16-bit table with 256 entries
~= : 1.73715, 0.999979, 6.92596e-05, 0.0629053, 0.0235294, -1.07513e-05, 0 (Max error: 0.000202142) (D-gap: 0)
~= : -0.183519x^3 + 1.08054x^2 + 0.102974x (Max error: 0.00263339)
Best : 1.73715, 0.999979, 6.92596e-05, 0.0629053, 0.0235294, -1.07513e-05, 0 (D-gap: 0)
~= : -0.183505x^3 + 1.08052x^2 + 0.10298x (Max error: 0.00262765)
XYZ : | 0.964202881 0.000000000 0.000000000 |
| 0.000000000 1.000000000 0.000000000 |
| 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.824905396 |
252 random bytes transformed to linear XYZD50 bytes:
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