blob: c32d1204a3fd70ff5a0c493c02205535a0f87b6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "../skcms.h"
#include "GaussNewton.h"
#include "LinearAlgebra.h"
#include "Macros.h"
#include "PortableMath.h"
#include "TransferFunction.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
float skcms_TransferFunction_eval(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf, float x) {
float sign = x < 0 ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
x *= sign;
return sign * (x < tf->d ? tf->c * x + tf->f
: powf_(tf->a * x + tf->b, tf->g) + tf->e);
bool skcms_TransferFunction_isValid(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {
// Reject obviously malformed inputs
if (!isfinitef_(tf->a + tf->b + tf->c + tf->d + tf->e + tf->f + tf->g)) {
return false;
// All of these parameters should be non-negative
if (tf->a < 0 || tf->c < 0 || tf->d < 0 || tf->g < 0) {
return false;
return true;
// TODO: Adjust logic here? This still assumes that purely linear inputs will have D > 1, which
// we never generate. It also emits inverted linear using the same formulation. Standardize on
// G == 1 here, too?
bool skcms_TransferFunction_invert(const skcms_TransferFunction* src, skcms_TransferFunction* dst) {
// Original equation is: y = (ax + b)^g + e for x >= d
// y = cx + f otherwise
// so 1st inverse is: (y - e)^(1/g) = ax + b
// x = ((y - e)^(1/g) - b) / a
// which can be re-written as: x = (1/a)(y - e)^(1/g) - b/a
// x = ((1/a)^g)^(1/g) * (y - e)^(1/g) - b/a
// x = ([(1/a)^g]y + [-((1/a)^g)e]) ^ [1/g] + [-b/a]
// and 2nd inverse is: x = (y - f) / c
// which can be re-written as: x = [1/c]y + [-f/c]
// and now both can be expressed in terms of the same parametric form as the
// original - parameters are enclosed in square brackets.
skcms_TransferFunction tf_inv = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// This rejects obviously malformed inputs, as well as decreasing functions
if (!skcms_TransferFunction_isValid(src)) {
return false;
// There are additional constraints to be invertible
bool has_nonlinear = (src->d <= 1);
bool has_linear = (src->d > 0);
// Is the linear section not invertible?
if (has_linear && src->c == 0) {
return false;
// Is the nonlinear section not invertible?
if (has_nonlinear && (src->a == 0 || src->g == 0)) {
return false;
// If both segments are present, they need to line up
if (has_linear && has_nonlinear) {
float l_at_d = src->c * src->d + src->f;
float n_at_d = powf_(src->a * src->d + src->b, src->g) + src->e;
if (fabsf_(l_at_d - n_at_d) > (1 / 512.0f)) {
return false;
// Invert linear segment
if (has_linear) {
tf_inv.c = 1.0f / src->c;
tf_inv.f = -src->f / src->c;
// Invert nonlinear segment
if (has_nonlinear) {
tf_inv.g = 1.0f / src->g;
tf_inv.a = powf_(1.0f / src->a, src->g);
tf_inv.b = -tf_inv.a * src->e;
tf_inv.e = -src->b / src->a;
if (!has_linear) {
tf_inv.d = 0;
} else if (!has_nonlinear) {
// Any value larger than 1 works
tf_inv.d = 2.0f;
} else {
tf_inv.d = src->c * src->d + src->f;
*dst = tf_inv;
return true;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// From here below we're approximating an skcms_Curve with an skcms_TransferFunction{g,a,b,c,d,e,f}:
// tf(x) = cx + f x < d
// tf(x) = (ax + b)^g + e x ≥ d
// When fitting, we add the additional constraint that both pieces meet at d:
// cd + f = (ad + b)^g + e
// Solving for e and folding it through gives an alternate formulation of the non-linear piece:
// tf(x) = cx + f x < d
// tf(x) = (ax + b)^g - (ad + b)^g + cd + f x ≥ d
// Our overall strategy is then:
// For a couple tolerances,
// - skcms_fit_linear(): fit c,d,f iteratively to as many points as our tolerance allows
// - fit_nonlinear(): fit g,a,b using Gauss-Newton given c,d,f (and by constraint, e)
// Return the parameters with least maximum error.
// To run Gauss-Newton to find g,a,b, we'll also need the gradient of the non-linear piece:
// ∂tf/∂g = ln(ax + b)*(ax + b)^g
// - ln(ad + b)*(ad + b)^g
// ∂tf/∂a = xg(ax + b)^(g-1)
// - dg(ad + b)^(g-1)
// ∂tf/∂b = g(ax + b)^(g-1)
// - g(ad + b)^(g-1)
static float eval_nonlinear(float x, const void* ctx, const float P[4]) {
const skcms_TransferFunction* tf = (const skcms_TransferFunction*)ctx;
const float g = P[0], a = P[1], b = P[2],
c = tf->c, d = tf->d, f = tf->f;
const float X = a*x+b,
D = a*d+b;
assert (X >= 0 && D >= 0);
// (Notice how a large amount of this work is independent of x.)
return powf_(X, g)
- powf_(D, g)
+ c*d + f;
static void grad_nonlinear(float x, const void* ctx, const float P[4], float dfdP[4]) {
const skcms_TransferFunction* tf = (const skcms_TransferFunction*)ctx;
const float g = P[0], a = P[1], b = P[2],
d = tf->d;
const float X = a*x+b,
D = a*d+b;
assert (X >= 0 && D >= 0);
dfdP[0] = 0.69314718f*log2f_(X)*powf_(X, g)
- 0.69314718f*log2f_(D)*powf_(D, g);
dfdP[1] = x*g*powf_(X, g-1)
- d*g*powf_(D, g-1);
dfdP[2] = g*powf_(X, g-1)
- g*powf_(D, g-1);
int skcms_fit_linear(const skcms_Curve* curve, int N, float tol, float* c, float* d, float* f) {
assert(N > 1);
// We iteratively fit the first points to the TF's linear piece.
// We want the cx + f line to pass through the first and last points we fit exactly.
// As we walk along the points we find the minimum and maximum slope of the line before the
// error would exceed our tolerance. We stop when the range [slope_min, slope_max] becomes
// emtpy, when we definitely can't add any more points.
// Some points' error intervals may intersect the running interval but not lie fully
// within it. So we keep track of the last point we saw that is a valid end point candidate,
// and once the search is done, back up to build the line through *that* point.
const float x_scale = 1.0f / (N - 1);
int lin_points = 1;
*f = skcms_eval_curve(0, curve);
float slope_min = -INFINITY_;
float slope_max = +INFINITY_;
for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i) {
float x = i * x_scale;
float y = skcms_eval_curve(x, curve);
float slope_max_i = (y + tol - *f) / x,
slope_min_i = (y - tol - *f) / x;
if (slope_max_i < slope_min || slope_max < slope_min_i) {
// Slope intervals would no longer overlap.
slope_max = fminf_(slope_max, slope_max_i);
slope_min = fmaxf_(slope_min, slope_min_i);
float cur_slope = (y - *f) / x;
if (slope_min <= cur_slope && cur_slope <= slope_max) {
lin_points = i + 1;
*c = cur_slope;
// Set D to the last point that met our tolerance.
*d = (lin_points - 1) * x_scale;
return lin_points;
// Fit the points in [start,N) to the non-linear piece of tf, or return false if we can't.
static bool fit_nonlinear(const skcms_Curve* curve, int start, int N, skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {
float P[4] = { tf->g, tf->a, tf->b, 0 };
// No matter where we start, x_scale should always represent N even steps from 0 to 1.
const float x_scale = 1.0f / (N-1);
for (int j = 0; j < 3/*TODO: tune*/; j++) {
// These extra constraints a >= 0 and ad+b >= 0 are not modeled in the optimization.
assert (P[1] >= 0 &&
P[1] * tf->d + P[2] >= 0);
if (!skcms_gauss_newton_step(skcms_eval_curve, curve,
eval_nonlinear, tf,
grad_nonlinear, tf,
start*x_scale, 1, N-start)) {
return false;
// We don't really know how to fix up a if it goes negative.
if (P[1] < 0) {
return false;
// If ad+b goes negative, we feel just barely not uneasy enough to tweak b so ad+b is zero.
if (P[1] * tf->d + P[2] < 0) {
P[2] = -P[1] * tf->d;
tf->g = P[0];
tf->a = P[1];
tf->b = P[2];
tf->e = tf->c*tf->d + tf->f
- powf_(tf->a*tf->d + tf->b, tf->g);
return true;
bool skcms_ApproximateCurve(const skcms_Curve* curve,
skcms_TransferFunction* approx,
float* max_error) {
if (!curve || !approx || !max_error) {
return false;
if (curve->table_entries == 0) {
// No point approximating an skcms_TransferFunction with an skcms_TransferFunction!
return false;
if (curve->table_entries == 1 || curve->table_entries > (uint32_t)INT_MAX) {
// We need at least two points, and must put some reasonable cap on the maximum number.
return false;
int N = (int)curve->table_entries;
const float x_scale = 1.0f / (N - 1);
*max_error = INFINITY_;
const float kTolerances[] = { 1.5f / 65535.0f, 1.0f / 512.0f };
for (int t = 0; t < ARRAY_COUNT(kTolerances); t++) {
skcms_TransferFunction tf;
int L = skcms_fit_linear(curve, N, kTolerances[t], &tf.c, &tf.d, &tf.f);
if (L == N) {
// If the entire data set was linear, move the coefficients to the nonlinear portion
// with G == 1. This lets use a canonical representation with d == 0.
tf.g = 1;
tf.a = tf.c;
tf.b = tf.f;
tf.c = tf.d = tf.e = tf.f = 0;
} else if (L == N - 1) {
// Degenerate case with only two points in the nonlinear segment. Solve directly.
tf.g = 1;
tf.a = (skcms_eval_curve((N-1)*x_scale, curve) - skcms_eval_curve((N-2)*x_scale, curve))
* (N-1);
tf.b = skcms_eval_curve((N-1)*x_scale, curve)
- tf.a * (N-2) * x_scale;
tf.e = 0;
} else {
// Start by guessing a gamma-only curve through the midpoint.
int mid = (L + N) / 2;
float mid_x = mid / (N - 1.0f);
float mid_y = skcms_eval_curve(mid_x, curve);
tf.g = log2f_(mid_y) / log2f_(mid_x);;
tf.a = 1;
tf.b = 0;
if (!fit_nonlinear(curve, L,N, &tf)) {
// We want to calculate the error of this approximation now.
// The most likely use case for this approximation is to be inverted and
// used as the transfer function for a destination color space, so we'll
// exercise that scenario here.
skcms_TransferFunction inv;
if (!skcms_TransferFunction_invert(&tf, &inv)) {
// If we can't invert the transfer function, it's not of much practical use anyway.
float err = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
float x = i * x_scale,
y = skcms_eval_curve(x, curve);
err = fmaxf_(err, fabsf_(x - skcms_TransferFunction_eval(&inv, y)));
if (*max_error > err) {
*max_error = err;
*approx = tf;
return isfinitef_(*max_error);