This tool checks the ICU Git repository against the ICU Jira issue tracker to ensure that the two are consistent with one another.
Author: Shane Carr
Install pipenv
$ sudo pip3 install pipenv
Install this project's dependencies locally:
$ pipenv install
Optional: save your Jira credentials in a .env
file in this directory: JIRA_PASSWORD=world
This is required if you want to process sensitive tickets. Note: JIRA_PASSWORD needs to be an API Token generated according to the following instructions:
Make sure you have updated your repository:
$ git fetch --tags upstream
Run the tool and save the result into; set fixVersion to the upcoming ICU version, and take the revision range between the previous release and the tip for the upcoming release:
$ pipenv run python3 \ --jira-query "project=ICU AND fixVersion=64.1" \ --rev-range "release-63-1..upstream/maint/maint-64" >
If the maintenance branch hasn't been cut yet, use upstream/master as the tip:
--rev-range "release-64-2..upstream/master"
Note 1: These examples assume that your remote named “upstream” points to unicode-org/icu, the source of truth.
Note 2: Please change the previous-release tag (release-63-1, release-64-2, etc) to the correct version at the time you run the tool!
To preview the report, render the Markdown file in your favorite Markdown preview tool, like grip:
$ pip3 install grip $ grip * Running on http://localhost:6419/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Before sending the report to ICU-TC, do some basic cleanup yourself by adjusting fix versions and resolutions on Jira issues.
It should be possible to clear the first two sections of the report simply by correcting the ticket resolutions and fix versions in Jira.
When ready, create a branch and push to your fork so others can view the report easily. Team members should close issues they own that are correctly fixed. Re-generate the report periodically until it comes back clean.
Note: is not intended to be merged back into master.