ICU-20204 ICU4C: Use the CreateFileMapping API for both the UWP version and Win32 versions.

- CreateFileMappingW is marked for both desktop and UWP apps, so we can call that in both code paths.
- We can use the W version of the CreateFileMapping API instead of A version since we pass a NULL for the name anyways.
- We can call the same API CreateFile[A|W] from both the UWP and Win32 versions of the code, reducing one of the UWP forks.
- Add a work-around for older versions of the Windows 10 SDK UWP headers.
- Remove the code that was creating a custom security descriptor (but setting everything to NULL) and pass null to the API directly. This way we will get the default security descriptor instead of the NULL dacl.
- Change to use nullptr instead of NULL in C++ code.
2 files changed
tree: cc6bf443c95c5d10b1c93bd5d4150d364f18ff4e
  1. .ci-builds/
  2. .github/
  3. icu4c/
  4. icu4j/
  5. tools/
  6. vendor/
  7. .appveyor.yml
  8. .cpyskip.txt
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  11. .travis.yml

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