blob: 36e8d6b31f3fbe078d0a5dc35d5b7cbea72d85a4 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "rive/text/text.hpp"
#include "rive/text/text_style.hpp"
#include "rive/text/text_value_run.hpp"
#include "rive_file_reader.hpp"
#include "rive_testing.hpp"
#include "rive/text/glyph_lookup.hpp"
#include "rive/text/text_modifier_range.hpp"
#include "utils/no_op_renderer.hpp"
#include "rive/text/utf.hpp"
#include "rive/text/text_modifier_group.hpp"
TEST_CASE("file with text loads correctly", "[text]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/new_text.riv");
auto artboard = file->artboard();
auto textObjects = artboard->find<rive::Text>();
REQUIRE(textObjects.size() == 5);
auto styleObjects = artboard->find<rive::TextStyle>();
REQUIRE(styleObjects.size() == 13);
auto runObjects = artboard->find<rive::TextValueRun>();
REQUIRE(runObjects.size() == 22);
rive::NoOpRenderer renderer;
TEST_CASE("can query for all text runs", "[text]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/new_text.riv");
auto artboard = file->artboard();
auto textRunCount = artboard->count<rive::TextValueRun>();
REQUIRE(textRunCount == 22);
TEST_CASE("can query for a text run at a given index", "[text]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/hello_world.riv");
auto artboard = file->artboard();
auto textRun = artboard->objectAt<rive::TextValueRun>(0);
REQUIRE(textRun->text() == "Hello World!");
TEST_CASE("simple text loads", "[text]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/hello_world.riv");
auto artboard = file->artboard();
auto textObjects = artboard->find<rive::Text>();
REQUIRE(textObjects.size() == 1);
auto styleObjects = artboard->find<rive::TextStyle>();
REQUIRE(styleObjects.size() == 1);
auto runObjects = artboard->find<rive::TextValueRun>();
REQUIRE(runObjects.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(runObjects[0]->text() == "Hello World!");
rive::NoOpRenderer renderer;
REQUIRE(textObjects[0]->shape().size() == 1);
const rive::Paragraph& paragraph = textObjects[0]->shape()[0];
REQUIRE(paragraph.runs.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(paragraph.runs[0].glyphs.size() == 12);
// Changing to "Just Hello" works.
runObjects[0]->text("Just Hello");
REQUIRE(textObjects[0]->shape().size() == 1);
const rive::Paragraph& paragraph = textObjects[0]->shape()[0];
REQUIRE(paragraph.runs.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(paragraph.runs[0].glyphs.size() == 10);
// Changing to an empty space " " works.
runObjects[0]->text(" ");
REQUIRE(textObjects[0]->shape().size() == 1);
const rive::Paragraph& paragraph = textObjects[0]->shape()[0];
REQUIRE(paragraph.runs.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(paragraph.runs[0].glyphs.size() == 1);
// Changing to completely empty works.
REQUIRE(textObjects[0]->shape().size() == 0);
REQUIRE(textObjects[0]->localBounds().width() == 0.0f);
REQUIRE(textObjects[0]->localBounds().height() == 0.0f);
TEST_CASE("ellipsis is shown", "[text]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/ellipsis.riv");
auto artboard = file->artboard();
auto textObjects = artboard->find<rive::Text>();
REQUIRE(textObjects.size() == 1);
auto styleObjects = artboard->find<rive::TextStyle>();
REQUIRE(styleObjects.size() == 1);
auto runObjects = artboard->find<rive::TextValueRun>();
REQUIRE(runObjects.size() == 1);
auto text = textObjects[0];
auto lines = text->orderedLines();
REQUIRE(lines.size() == 1);
auto orderedLine = lines[0];
int glyphCount = 0;
std::vector<rive::GlyphID> glyphIds;
// for (auto itr = orderedLine.begin(); itr != orderedLine.end(); ++itr)
for (auto glyphItr : orderedLine)
auto run = std::get<0>(glyphItr);
size_t glyphIndex = std::get<1>(glyphItr);
// Expect 10 glyphs 'one two...'
REQUIRE(glyphCount == 10);
// Third to last glyph should be the "." for Inter.
REQUIRE(glyphIds[7] == 1405);
// Last three glyphs should be the same '.'
REQUIRE(glyphIds[7] == glyphIds[8]);
REQUIRE(glyphIds[8] == glyphIds[9]);
// now set overflow to visible.
lines = text->orderedLines();
// 2 lines after we set overflow to visible and advance which updates the
// ordered lines.
REQUIRE(lines.size() == 2);
orderedLine = lines[0];
glyphCount = 0;
for (auto itr = orderedLine.begin(); itr != orderedLine.end(); ++itr)
// Expect 7 glyphs 'one two' as now 'three' is on line 2.
REQUIRE(glyphCount == 7);
rive::NoOpRenderer renderer;
rive::GlyphLookup lookup;
lookup.compute(text->unichars(), text->shape());
REQUIRE(lookup.count(0) == 1);
runObjects[0]->text("a -> b");
lookup.compute(text->unichars(), text->shape());
REQUIRE(lookup.count(0) == 1); // a
REQUIRE(lookup.count(1) == 1); // space
REQUIRE(lookup.count(2) == 2); // - ligates > to ->
REQUIRE(lookup.count(4) == 1); // space
REQUIRE(lookup.count(5) == 1); // b
static std::vector<rive::Unichar> toUnicode(const char text[])
std::vector<rive::Unichar> codePoints;
const uint8_t* ptr = (const uint8_t*)text;
while (*ptr)
return codePoints;
TEST_CASE("range mapper maps words", "[text]")
auto codePoints = toUnicode("one two three four");
rive::RangeMapper rangeMapper;
rangeMapper.fromWords(codePoints, 0, (uint32_t)codePoints.size());
REQUIRE(rangeMapper.unitCount() == 4);
TEST_CASE("run modifier ranges select runs", "[text]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/modifier_to_run.riv");
auto artboard = file->artboard();
rive::NoOpRenderer renderer;
auto characterSelectedText = artboard->find<rive::Text>("Characters");
REQUIRE(characterSelectedText != nullptr);
REQUIRE(characterSelectedText->modifierGroups().size() == 2);
auto firstModifierGroup = characterSelectedText->modifierGroups()[0];
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->ranges().size() == 1);
auto firstRange = firstModifierGroup->ranges()[0];
REQUIRE(firstRange->run() != nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) == 0.0f);
// Run from 4-9 got selected.
REQUIRE(firstRange->run()->offset() == 4);
REQUIRE(firstRange->run()->length() == 5);
for (int i = 4; i < 9; i++)
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) != 0.0f);
for (int i = 9; i < 26; i++)
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) == 0.0f);
auto wordSelectedText = artboard->find<rive::Text>("Words");
REQUIRE(wordSelectedText != nullptr);
REQUIRE(wordSelectedText->modifierGroups().size() == 1);
auto firstModifierGroup = wordSelectedText->modifierGroups()[0];
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->ranges().size() == 1);
auto firstRange = firstModifierGroup->ranges()[0];
REQUIRE(firstRange->run() != nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) == 0.0f);
// Run from 4-34 got selected.
REQUIRE(firstRange->run()->offset() == 4);
auto text = firstRange->run()->text();
REQUIRE(text.size() == 34);
for (int i = 4; i < 39; i++)
if (rive::isWhiteSpace(text[i - 4]))
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) == 0.0f);
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) != 0.0f);
for (int i = 39; i < 50; i++)
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) == 0.0f);
TEST_CASE("run modifier ranges select runs with varying text size", "[text]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/test_modifier_run.riv");
auto artboard = file->artboard();
rive::NoOpRenderer renderer;
Full text is:
text for first run[UN]line separator[UN]text for second run
[UN] is the united nations flag
the first run is 18 characters long
the second run is 16 characters long
the second run is 20 characters long
auto characterSelectedText = artboard->find<rive::Text>("MultiRunText");
REQUIRE(characterSelectedText != nullptr);
REQUIRE(characterSelectedText->modifierGroups().size() == 1);
auto firstModifierGroup = characterSelectedText->modifierGroups()[0];
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->ranges().size() == 1);
auto firstRange = firstModifierGroup->ranges()[0];
REQUIRE(firstRange->run() != nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) == 0.0f);
// // Run from 18-33 got selected.
REQUIRE(firstRange->run()->offset() == 18);
REQUIRE(firstRange->run()->length() == 16);
// We confirm that the size and the length of the text are different and they're
// both correct
REQUIRE(firstRange->run()->text().size() == 22);
for (int i = 18; i < 34; i++)
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) != 0.0f);
for (int i = 34; i < 54; i++)
REQUIRE(firstModifierGroup->coverage(i) == 0.0f);
TEST_CASE("double new line type works", "[text]")
auto file = ReadRiveFile("../../test/assets/double_line.riv");
auto artboard = file->artboard();
auto textObjects = artboard->find<rive::Text>();
REQUIRE(textObjects.size() == 1);
auto styleObjects = artboard->find<rive::TextStyle>();
REQUIRE(styleObjects.size() == 1);
auto runObjects = artboard->find<rive::TextValueRun>();
REQUIRE(runObjects.size() == 9);
auto text = textObjects[0];
auto lines = text->orderedLines();
REQUIRE(lines.size() == 3);