blob: a57597dfd253d9f5ebf3940303d9dc1e1538ae48 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "Backboard",
"key": {
"int": 23,
"string": "backboard"
"properties": {
"activeArtboardId": {
"type": "Id",
"initialValue": "Core.missingId",
"key": {
"int": 43,
"string": "activeArtboardId"
"description": "Identifier used to track the last active artboard.",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"mainArtboardId": {
"type": "Id",
"initialValue": "Core.missingId",
"key": {
"int": 44,
"string": "mainArtboardId"
"description": "Identifier used to track the main artboard (this is the default one that shows up in runtimes unless specified).",
"runtime": false
"colorValue": {
"type": "Color",
"initialValue": "0xFF1D1D1D",
"key": {
"int": 45,
"string": "colorValue"
"description": "The background color.",
"runtime": false
"animateColorValue": {
"type": "Color",
"initialValue": "0xFF1D1D1D",
"key": {
"int": 354,
"string": "animatecolorvalue"
"description": "The background color while in Animate mode",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"editorMode": {
"type": "uint",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 135,
"string": "editormode"
"description": "Edit time mode.",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"treeMode": {
"type": "uint",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 247,
"string": "treemode"
"description": "Edit time hierarchy/assets/events mode.",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"animationPanelSize": {
"type": "double",
"initialValue": "300.0",
"key": {
"int": 258,
"string": "animationpanelsize"
"description": "Size of the animation panel",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"hierarchyPanelSize": {
"type": "double",
"initialValue": "300.0",
"key": {
"int": 259,
"string": "hierarchypanelsize"
"description": "Size of the Hierarchy panel",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"stageX": {
"type": "double",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 260,
"string": "stagex"
"description": "X translation value of the stage in the editor.",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"stageY": {
"type": "double",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 261,
"string": "stagey"
"description": "Y translation value of the stage in the editor.",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"stageZoom": {
"type": "double",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 262,
"string": "stagezoom"
"description": "Zoom value of the stage in the editor. Initial value is 0 to indicate it is not set.",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"rulersEnabled": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "false",
"key": {
"int": 263,
"string": "rulersenabled"
"description": "If rulers are enabled for this file",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"snappingEnabled": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "true",
"key": {
"int": 264,
"string": "snappingenabled"
"description": "If snapping are enabled for this file",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"bonesEnabled": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "true",
"key": {
"int": 265,
"string": "bonesenabled"
"description": "If bones are enabled for this file",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"targetsEnabled": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "true",
"key": {
"int": 379,
"string": "targetsenabled"
"description": "If targets and empty groups are enabled for this file",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"motionPathsEnabled": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "true",
"key": {
"int": 351,
"string": "motionpathsenabled"
"description": "If motion paths are enabled for this file",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"showFinalPlaybackEnabled": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "true",
"key": {
"int": 355,
"string": "showfinalplaybackenabled"
"description": "If final playback (hiding gizmos during playback) are enabled for this file",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"showModifierRange": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "true",
"key": {
"int": 374,
"string": "showmodifierrange"
"description": "Whether text modifier ranges show on the stage",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"showModifierRangeValues": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "false",
"key": {
"int": 375,
"string": "showmodifierrangevalues"
"description": "Whether text modifier range values show on the stage",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"toolbarOutputAction": {
"type": "uint",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 290,
"string": "toolbaroutputaction"
"description": "Primary output action in the toolbar (share, publish, download)",
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"assetsPanelState": {
"type": "uint",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 315,
"string": "assetspanelstate"
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"defaultFontFamily": {
"type": "String",
"initialValue": "'Inter'",
"key": {
"int": 343,
"string": "defaultfontfamily"
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"isDefaultFontFamilyCustom": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "false",
"key": {
"int": 352,
"string": "isdefaultfontfamilycustom"
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"defaultFontStyle": {
"type": "String",
"initialValue": "'Regular'",
"key": {
"int": 344,
"string": "defaultfontstyle"
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"defaultFontSize": {
"type": "double",
"initialValue": "20.0",
"key": {
"int": 345,
"string": "defaultfontsize"
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"defaultTextAlign": {
"type": "uint",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 346,
"string": "defaulttextalign"
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"defaultTextOverflow": {
"type": "uint",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 347,
"string": "defaulttextoverflow"
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"defaultTextHighlightTextRuns": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "false",
"key": {
"int": 348,
"string": "defaulttexthighlighttextruns"
"runtime": false,
"coop": false
"defaultCollapseTags": {
"type": "bool",
"initialValue": "false",
"key": {
"int": 387,
"string": "defaultcollapsetags"
"runtime": false,
"coop": false