blob: 4ab34efe9740f7bbc3b2fbd4247a6c46c740715c [file] [log] [blame]
#include "rive/constraints/translation_constraint.hpp"
#include "rive/transform_component.hpp"
#include "rive/math/mat2d.hpp"
#include "rive/math/vec2d.hpp"
#include <cmath>
using namespace rive;
void TranslationConstraint::constrain(TransformComponent* component) {
Mat2D& transformA = component->mutableWorldTransform();
Vec2D translationA(transformA[4], transformA[5]);
Vec2D translationB;
if (m_Target == nullptr) {
translationB = translationA;
} else {
Mat2D transformB(m_Target->worldTransform());
if (sourceSpace() == TransformSpace::local) {
const Mat2D& targetParentWorld = getParentWorld(*m_Target);
Mat2D inverse;
if (!Mat2D::invert(inverse, targetParentWorld)) {
transformB = inverse * transformB;
translationB[0] = transformB[4];
translationB[1] = transformB[5];
if (!doesCopy()) {
translationB[0] =
destSpace() == TransformSpace::local ? 0.0f : translationA[0];
} else {
translationB[0] *= copyFactor();
if (offset()) {
translationB[0] += component->x();
if (!doesCopyY()) {
translationB[1] =
destSpace() == TransformSpace::local ? 0.0f : translationA[1];
} else {
translationB[1] *= copyFactorY();
if (offset()) {
translationB[1] += component->y();
if (destSpace() == TransformSpace::local) {
// Destination space is in parent transform coordinates.
translationB = getParentWorld(*component) * translationB;
bool clampLocal = minMaxSpace() == TransformSpace::local;
if (clampLocal) {
// Apply min max in local space, so transform to local coordinates
// first.
Mat2D invert;
if (!Mat2D::invert(invert, getParentWorld(*component))) {
// Get our target world coordinates in parent local.
translationB = invert * translationB;
if (max() && translationB[0] > maxValue()) {
translationB[0] = maxValue();
if (min() && translationB[0] < minValue()) {
translationB[0] = minValue();
if (maxY() && translationB[1] > maxValueY()) {
translationB[1] = maxValueY();
if (minY() && translationB[1] < minValueY()) {
translationB[1] = minValueY();
if (clampLocal) {
// Transform back to world.
translationB = getParentWorld(*component) * translationB;
float t = strength();
float ti = 1.0f - t;
// Just interpolate world translation
transformA[4] = translationA[0] * ti + translationB[0] * t;
transformA[5] = translationA[1] * ti + translationB[1] * t;