blob: c237798e82365ba2147588d1cd437a0dd4cbcdfc [file] [log] [blame]
#include <rive/core/binary_reader.hpp>
#include <rive/file.hpp>
#include <rive/node.hpp>
#include <rive/shapes/clipping_shape.hpp>
#include <rive/shapes/rectangle.hpp>
#include <rive/shapes/shape.hpp>
#include "no_op_renderer.hpp"
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
TEST_CASE("cloning an ellipse works", "[instancing]") {
FILE* fp = fopen("../../test/assets/circle_clips.riv", "r");
REQUIRE(fp != nullptr);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
const size_t length = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
uint8_t* bytes = new uint8_t[length];
REQUIRE(fread(bytes, 1, length, fp) == length);
auto reader = rive::BinaryReader(bytes, length);
rive::File* file = nullptr;
auto result = rive::File::import(reader, &file);
REQUIRE(result == rive::ImportResult::success);
REQUIRE(file != nullptr);
REQUIRE(file->artboard() != nullptr);
auto node = file->artboard()->find<rive::Shape>("TopEllipse");
REQUIRE(node != nullptr);
auto clonedNode = node->clone()->as<rive::Shape>();
REQUIRE(node->x() == clonedNode->x());
REQUIRE(node->y() == clonedNode->y());
delete clonedNode;
delete file;
delete[] bytes;
TEST_CASE("instancing artboard clones clipped properties", "[instancing]") {
FILE* fp = fopen("../../test/assets/circle_clips.riv", "r");
REQUIRE(fp != nullptr);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
const size_t length = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
uint8_t* bytes = new uint8_t[length];
REQUIRE(fread(bytes, 1, length, fp) == length);
auto reader = rive::BinaryReader(bytes, length);
rive::File* file = nullptr;
auto result = rive::File::import(reader, &file);
REQUIRE(result == rive::ImportResult::success);
REQUIRE(file != nullptr);
REQUIRE(file->artboard() != nullptr);
auto artboard = file->artboard()->instance();
auto node = artboard->find("TopEllipse");
REQUIRE(node != nullptr);
auto shape = node->as<rive::Shape>();
REQUIRE(shape->clippingShapes().size() == 2);
REQUIRE(shape->clippingShapes()[0]->source()->name() == "ClipRect2");
REQUIRE(shape->clippingShapes()[1]->source()->name() == "BabyEllipse");
rive::NoOpRenderer renderer;
delete artboard;
delete file;
delete[] bytes;
TEST_CASE("instancing artboard doesn't clone animations", "[instancing]") {
FILE* fp = fopen("../../test/assets/juice.riv", "r");
REQUIRE(fp != nullptr);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
const size_t length = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
uint8_t* bytes = new uint8_t[length];
REQUIRE(fread(bytes, 1, length, fp) == length);
auto reader = rive::BinaryReader(bytes, length);
rive::File* file = nullptr;
auto result = rive::File::import(reader, &file);
REQUIRE(result == rive::ImportResult::success);
REQUIRE(file != nullptr);
REQUIRE(file->artboard() != nullptr);
auto artboard = file->artboard()->instance();
REQUIRE(file->artboard()->animationCount() == artboard->animationCount());
REQUIRE(file->artboard()->firstAnimation() == artboard->firstAnimation());
rive::LinearAnimation::deleteCount = 0;
delete artboard;
// Make sure no animations were deleted by deleting the instance.
REQUIRE(rive::LinearAnimation::deleteCount == 0);
int numberOfAnimations = file->artboard()->animationCount();
delete file;
// Now the animations should've been deleted.
REQUIRE(rive::LinearAnimation::deleteCount == numberOfAnimations);
delete[] bytes;