blob: 2b779e6100bfc170c205c1f61d846be55840975e [file] [log] [blame]
#include "rive/math/mat2d.hpp"
#include "low_level/low_level_renderer.hpp"
#include "opengl.h"
#include <vector>
namespace rive
class OpenGLRenderer : public LowLevelRenderer
Mat2D m_Projection;
GLuint m_VertexShader = 0, m_FragmentShader = 0;
GLuint m_Program = 0;
GLuint m_IndexBuffer = 0;
GLint m_ProjectionUniformIndex = -1;
GLint m_TransformUniformIndex = -1;
GLint m_FillTypeUniformIndex = -1;
GLint m_StopCountUniformIndex = -1;
GLint m_StopColorsUniformIndex = -1;
GLint m_ColorUniformIndex = -1;
GLint m_StopsUniformIndex = -1;
GLint m_GradientPositionUniformIndex = -1;
GLint m_ShapeTransformUniformIndex = -1;
GLuint m_VertexArray = 0;
GLuint m_BlitBuffer = 0;
bool m_IsClipping = false;
/// Indices for the max sized contour, prepended with 2 triangles for
/// bounding boxes.
std::vector<unsigned short> m_Indices;
const GLuint indexBuffer() const { return m_IndexBuffer; }
GraphicsApi::Type type() const override { return GraphicsApi::opengl; }
void drawPath(RenderPath* path, RenderPaint* paint) override;
void startFrame() override;
void endFrame() override;
RenderPaint* makeRenderPaint() override;
RenderPath* makeRenderPath() override;
bool initialize(void* data) override;
void updateIndexBuffer(std::size_t contourLength);
GLint transformUniformIndex() const { return m_TransformUniformIndex; }
GLint fillTypeUniformIndex() const { return m_FillTypeUniformIndex; }
GLint stopCountUniformIndex() const { return m_StopCountUniformIndex; }
GLint stopColorsUniformIndex() const
return m_StopColorsUniformIndex;
GLint colorUniformIndex() const { return m_ColorUniformIndex; }
GLint stopsUniformIndex() const { return m_StopsUniformIndex; }
GLint shapeTransformUniformIndex() const
return m_ShapeTransformUniformIndex;
GLint gradientPositionUniformIndex() const
return m_GradientPositionUniformIndex;
GLuint program() const { return m_Program; }
virtual const char* shaderHeader() const { return nullptr; };
} // namespace rive