blob: 3e97bad6e64645d5603ad2ac91ddbc3532f75fb1 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "rive/math/raw_path.hpp"
#include "rive/renderer.hpp"
#include "rive/span.hpp"
#include "rive/tess/segmented_contour.hpp"
#include "rive/tess/sub_path.hpp"
#include "earcut.hpp"
namespace rive
class ContourStroke;
class TessRenderPath : public RenderPath
// TessRenderPath stores a RawPath so that it can use utility classes
// that will work off of RawPath (like segmenting the contour and then
// triangulating the segmented contour).
RawPath m_rawPath;
FillRule m_fillRule;
// We hold a reference to the segmented contour so it can reserve and
// reuse storage when re-contouring.
SegmentedContour m_segmentedContour;
mapbox::detail::Earcut<uint16_t> m_earcut;
bool m_isContourDirty = true;
bool m_isTriangulationDirty = true;
Mat2D m_contourTransform;
bool m_isClosed = false;
std::vector<SubPath> m_subPaths;
virtual void addTriangles(Span<const Vec2D> vertices, Span<const uint16_t> indices) = 0;
virtual void setTriangulatedBounds(const AABB& value) = 0;
void contour(const Mat2D& transform);
void triangulate(TessRenderPath* containerPath);
TessRenderPath(RawPath&, FillRule);
void rewind() override;
void fillRule(FillRule value) override;
bool empty() const;
// In Rive a Path is used as a simple container (with no commands) when
// it aggregates multiple paths.
bool isContainer() const { return !m_subPaths.empty(); }
void moveTo(float x, float y) override;
void lineTo(float x, float y) override;
void cubicTo(float ox, float oy, float ix, float iy, float x, float y) override;
void close() override;
void addRenderPath(RenderPath* path, const Mat2D& transform) override;
const SegmentedContour& segmentedContour() const;
bool triangulate();
void extrudeStroke(ContourStroke* stroke,
StrokeJoin join,
StrokeCap cap,
float strokeWidth,
const Mat2D& transform);
const RawPath& rawPath() const;
} // namespace rive