blob: f598298935bf31c41bc142c43bb31990c0d67bf8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Rive
#include "rive/text/line_breaker.hpp"
using namespace rive;
// Return the index for the run that contains the char at textOffset
static int _offsetToRunIndex(Span<const RenderGlyphRun> runs, size_t textOffset) {
assert(textOffset >= 0);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)runs.size() - 1; ++i) {
if (textOffset <= runs[i].textOffsets.back()) {
return i;
return (int)runs.size() - 1;
static int textOffsetToGlyphIndex(const RenderGlyphRun& run, size_t textOffset) {
assert(textOffset >= run.textOffsets.front());
// assert(textOffset <= run.textOffsets.back()); // not true for last run
// todo: bsearch?
auto begin = run.textOffsets.begin();
auto end = run.textOffsets.end();
auto iter = std::find(begin, end, textOffset);
if (iter == end) { // end of run
return (int)run.glyphs.size() - 1;
return (int)(iter - begin);
RenderGlyphLine::BreakLines(Span<const RenderGlyphRun> runs, Span<const int> breaks, float width) {
assert(breaks.size() >= 2);
std::vector<RenderGlyphLine> lines;
int startRun = 0;
int startIndex = 0;
double xlimit = width;
int prevRun = 0;
int prevIndex = 0;
int wordStart = breaks[0];
int wordEnd = breaks[1];
int nextBreakIndex = 2;
int lineStartTextOffset = wordStart;
for (;;) {
assert(wordStart <= wordEnd); // == means trailing spaces?
int endRun = _offsetToRunIndex(runs, wordEnd);
int endIndex = textOffsetToGlyphIndex(runs[endRun], wordEnd);
float pos = runs[endRun].xpos[endIndex];
bool bumpBreakIndex = true;
if (pos > xlimit) {
int wsRun = _offsetToRunIndex(runs, wordStart);
int wsIndex = textOffsetToGlyphIndex(runs[wsRun], wordStart);
bumpBreakIndex = false;
// does just one word not fit?
if (lineStartTextOffset == wordStart) {
// walk backwards a letter at a time until we fit, stopping at
// 1 letter.
int wend = wordEnd;
while (pos > xlimit && wend - 1 > wordStart) {
wend -= 1;
prevRun = _offsetToRunIndex(runs, wend);
prevIndex = textOffsetToGlyphIndex(runs[prevRun], wend);
pos = runs[prevRun].xpos[prevIndex];
assert(wend < wordEnd || wend == wordEnd && wordStart + 1 == wordEnd);
if (wend == wordEnd) {
bumpBreakIndex = true;
// now reset our "whitespace" marker to just be prev, since
// by defintion we have no extra whitespace on this line
wsRun = prevRun;
wsIndex = prevIndex;
wordStart = wend;
// bulid the line
const auto lineStartX = runs[startRun].xpos[startIndex];
startRun, startIndex, prevRun, prevIndex, wsRun, wsIndex, lineStartX));
// update for the next line
xlimit = runs[wsRun].xpos[wsIndex] + width;
startRun = prevRun = wsRun;
startIndex = prevIndex = wsIndex;
lineStartTextOffset = wordStart;
} else {
// we didn't go too far, so remember this word-end boundary
prevRun = endRun;
prevIndex = endIndex;
if (bumpBreakIndex) {
if (nextBreakIndex < breaks.size()) {
wordStart = breaks[nextBreakIndex++];
wordEnd = breaks[nextBreakIndex++];
} else {
break; // bust out of the loop
// scoop up the last line (if present)
const int tailRun = (int)runs.size() - 1;
const int tailIndex = (int)runs[tailRun].glyphs.size();
if (startRun != tailRun || startIndex != tailIndex) {
const auto startX = runs[startRun].xpos[startIndex];
RenderGlyphLine(startRun, startIndex, tailRun, tailIndex, tailRun, tailIndex, startX));
ComputeLineSpacing(toSpan(lines), runs);
return lines;
void RenderGlyphLine::ComputeLineSpacing(Span<RenderGlyphLine> lines,
Span<const RenderGlyphRun> runs) {
float Y = 0; // top of our frame
for (auto& line : lines) {
float asc = 0;
float des = 0;
for (int i = line.startRun; i <= line.wsRun; ++i) {
const auto& run = runs[i];
asc = std::min(asc, run.font->lineMetrics().ascent * run.size);
des = std::max(des, run.font->lineMetrics().descent * run.size);
} = Y;
Y -= asc;
line.baseline = Y;
Y += des;
line.bottom = Y;
// TODO: good place to perform left/center/right alignment