blob: 72b8a5b670dba9f4b9bd8ea4bdbc7392e90f7a71 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Rive
#include "rive/render_text.hpp"
#ifdef RIVE_TEXT
#include "renderfont_hb.hpp"
#include "rive/factory.hpp"
#include "renderer_utils.hpp"
#include "hb.h"
#include "hb-ot.h"
// Initialized to null. Client can set this to a callback.
HBRenderFont::FallbackProc HBRenderFont::gFallbackProc;
rive::rcp<rive::RenderFont> HBRenderFont::Decode(rive::Span<const uint8_t> span) {
auto blob = hb_blob_create_or_fail((const char*),
if (blob) {
auto face = hb_face_create(blob, 0);
if (face) {
auto font = hb_font_create(face);
if (font) {
return rive::rcp<rive::RenderFont>(new HBRenderFont(font));
return nullptr;
constexpr int kStdScale = 2048;
constexpr float gInvScale = 1.0f / kStdScale;
extern "C" {
void rpath_move_to(hb_draw_funcs_t*, void* rpath, hb_draw_state_t*, float x, float y, void*) {
((rive::RawPath*)rpath)->moveTo(x * gInvScale, -y * gInvScale);
void rpath_line_to(hb_draw_funcs_t*, void* rpath, hb_draw_state_t*, float x1, float y1, void*) {
((rive::RawPath*)rpath)->lineTo(x1 * gInvScale, -y1 * gInvScale);
void rpath_quad_to(hb_draw_funcs_t*,
void* rpath,
float x1,
float y1,
float x2,
float y2,
void*) {
->quadTo(x1 * gInvScale, -y1 * gInvScale, x2 * gInvScale, -y2 * gInvScale);
void rpath_cubic_to(hb_draw_funcs_t*,
void* rpath,
float x1,
float y1,
float x2,
float y2,
float x3,
float y3,
void*) {
->cubicTo(x1 * gInvScale,
-y1 * gInvScale,
x2 * gInvScale,
-y2 * gInvScale,
x3 * gInvScale,
-y3 * gInvScale);
void rpath_close(hb_draw_funcs_t*, void* rpath, hb_draw_state_t*, void*) {
static rive::RenderFont::LineMetrics make_lmx(hb_font_t* font) {
// premable on font...
hb_font_set_scale(font, kStdScale, kStdScale);
hb_font_extents_t extents;
hb_font_get_h_extents(font, &extents);
return {-extents.ascender * gInvScale, -extents.descender * gInvScale};
HBRenderFont::HBRenderFont(hb_font_t* font) :
m_Font(font) // we just take ownership, no need to call reference()
m_DrawFuncs = hb_draw_funcs_create();
hb_draw_funcs_set_move_to_func(m_DrawFuncs, rpath_move_to, nullptr, nullptr);
hb_draw_funcs_set_line_to_func(m_DrawFuncs, rpath_line_to, nullptr, nullptr);
hb_draw_funcs_set_quadratic_to_func(m_DrawFuncs, rpath_quad_to, nullptr, nullptr);
hb_draw_funcs_set_cubic_to_func(m_DrawFuncs, rpath_cubic_to, nullptr, nullptr);
hb_draw_funcs_set_close_path_func(m_DrawFuncs, rpath_close, nullptr, nullptr);
HBRenderFont::~HBRenderFont() {
std::vector<rive::RenderFont::Axis> HBRenderFont::getAxes() const {
auto face = hb_font_get_face(m_Font);
std::vector<rive::RenderFont::Axis> axes;
const int count = hb_ot_var_get_axis_count(face);
if (count > 0) {
hb_ot_var_axis_info_t info;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
unsigned n = 1;
hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos(face, i, &n, &info);
assert(n == 1);
axes[i] = {info.tag, info.min_value, info.default_value, info.max_value};
// printf("[%d] %08X %g %g %g\n", i, info.tag, info.min_value, info.default_value,
// info.max_value);
return axes;
std::vector<rive::RenderFont::Coord> HBRenderFont::getCoords() const {
auto axes = this->getAxes();
// const int count = (int)axes.size();
unsigned length;
const float* values = hb_font_get_var_coords_design(m_Font, &length);
std::vector<rive::RenderFont::Coord> coords(length);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
coords[i] = {axes[i].tag, values[i]};
return coords;
rive::rcp<rive::RenderFont> HBRenderFont::makeAtCoords(rive::Span<const Coord> coords) const {
AutoSTArray<16, hb_variation_t> vars(coords.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < coords.size(); ++i) {
vars[i] = {coords[i].axis, coords[i].value};
auto font = hb_font_create_sub_font(m_Font);
hb_font_set_variations(font,, vars.size());
return rive::rcp<rive::RenderFont>(new HBRenderFont(font));
rive::RawPath HBRenderFont::getPath(rive::GlyphID glyph) const {
rive::RawPath rpath;
hb_font_get_glyph_shape(m_Font, glyph, m_DrawFuncs, &rpath);
return rpath;
const hb_feature_t gFeatures[] = {
constexpr int gNumFeatures = sizeof(gFeatures) / sizeof(gFeatures[0]);
static rive::RenderGlyphRun shape_run(const rive::Unichar text[],
const rive::RenderTextRun& tr,
unsigned textOffset) {
hb_buffer_t* buf = hb_buffer_create();
hb_buffer_add_utf32(buf, text, tr.unicharCount, 0, tr.unicharCount);
hb_buffer_set_direction(buf, HB_DIRECTION_LTR);
hb_buffer_set_script(buf, HB_SCRIPT_LATIN);
hb_buffer_set_language(buf, hb_language_from_string("en", -1));
auto hbfont = (HBRenderFont*)tr.font.get();
hb_shape(hbfont->m_Font, buf, gFeatures, gNumFeatures);
unsigned int glyph_count;
hb_glyph_info_t* glyph_info = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(buf, &glyph_count);
hb_glyph_position_t* glyph_pos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(buf, &glyph_count);
// todo: check for missing glyphs, and perform font-substitution
rive::RenderGlyphRun gr(glyph_count);
gr.font = tr.font;
gr.size = tr.size;
const float scale = tr.size / kStdScale;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < glyph_count; i++) {
// hb_position_t x_offset = glyph_pos[i].x_offset;
// hb_position_t y_offset = glyph_pos[i].y_offset;
gr.glyphs[i] = (uint16_t)glyph_info[i].codepoint;
gr.textOffsets[i] = textOffset + glyph_info[i].cluster;
gr.xpos[i] = glyph_pos[i].x_advance * scale;
gr.xpos[glyph_count] = 0; // so the next run can line up snug
return gr;
static rive::RenderGlyphRun extract_subset(const rive::RenderGlyphRun& orig,
size_t start,
size_t end) {
auto count = end - start;
rive::RenderGlyphRun subset(rive::SimpleArray<rive::GlyphID>(&orig.glyphs[start], count),
rive::SimpleArray<uint32_t>(&orig.textOffsets[start], count),
rive::SimpleArray<float>(&orig.xpos[start], count));
subset.font = std::move(orig.font);
subset.size = orig.size;
subset.xpos.back() = 0; // since we're now the end of a run
return subset;
static void perform_fallback(rive::rcp<rive::RenderFont> fallbackFont,
rive::SimpleArrayBuilder<rive::RenderGlyphRun>& gruns,
const rive::Unichar text[],
const rive::RenderGlyphRun& orig) {
assert(orig.glyphs.size() > 0);
const size_t count = orig.glyphs.size();
size_t startI = 0;
while (startI < count) {
size_t endI = startI + 1;
if (orig.glyphs[startI] == 0) {
while (endI < count && orig.glyphs[endI] == 0) {
auto textStart = orig.textOffsets[startI];
auto textCount = orig.textOffsets[endI - 1] - textStart + 1;
auto tr = rive::RenderTextRun{fallbackFont, orig.size, textCount};
gruns.add(shape_run(&text[textStart], tr, textStart));
} else {
while (endI < count && orig.glyphs[endI] != 0) {
gruns.add(extract_subset(orig, startI, endI));
startI = endI;
HBRenderFont::onShapeText(rive::Span<const rive::Unichar> text,
rive::Span<const rive::RenderTextRun> truns) const {
rive::SimpleArrayBuilder<rive::RenderGlyphRun> gruns(truns.size());
uint32_t unicharIndex = 0;
for (const auto& tr : truns) {
auto gr = shape_run(&text[unicharIndex], tr, unicharIndex);
unicharIndex += tr.unicharCount;
auto end = gr.glyphs.end();
auto iter = std::find(gr.glyphs.begin(), end, 0);
if (!gFallbackProc || iter == end) {
} else {
// found at least 1 zero in glyphs, so need to perform font-fallback
size_t index = iter - gr.glyphs.begin();
rive::Unichar missing = text[gr.textOffsets[index]];
// todo: consider sending more chars if that helps choose a font
auto fallback = gFallbackProc({&missing, 1});
if (fallback) {
perform_fallback(fallback, gruns,, gr);
} else {
gruns.add(std::move(gr)); // oh well, just keep the missing glyphs
// now turn the advances (widths) we stored in xpos[] into actual x-positions
float pos = 0;
for (auto& gr : gruns) {
for (auto& xp : gr.xpos) {
float adv = xp;
xp = pos;
pos += adv;
return std::move(gruns);