blob: b80324273f5a3a4d583db2f2ee14b4f7d439b65e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Rive
#include "rive/math/hit_test.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cmath>
// Should we make this an option at runtime?
#define CULL_BOUNDS true
using namespace rive;
static inline float graphics_roundf(float x) { return std::floor(x + 0.5f); }
static inline int graphics_round(float x) { return (int)graphics_roundf(x); }
struct Point
float x, y;
Point() {}
Point(float xx, float yy) : x(xx), y(yy) {}
Point(const Vec2D& src) : x(src.x), y(src.y) {}
Point operator+(Point v) const { return {x + v.x, y + v.y}; }
Point operator-(Point v) const { return {x - v.x, y - v.y}; }
Point& operator+=(Point v)
*this = *this + v;
return *this;
Point& operator-=(Point v)
*this = *this - v;
return *this;
friend Point operator*(Point v, float s) { return {v.x * s, v.y * s}; }
friend Point operator*(float s, Point v) { return {v.x * s, v.y * s}; }
template <typename T> T lerp(T a, T b, float t) { return a + (b - a) * t; }
template <typename T> T ave(T a, T b) { return lerp(a, b, 0.5f); }
static void
append_line(const float height, Point p0, Point p1, float m, int winding, int delta[], int iwidth)
assert(winding == 1 || winding == -1);
int top = graphics_round(p0.y);
int bottom = graphics_round(p1.y);
if (top == bottom)
assert(top < bottom);
assert(top >= 0);
assert((float)bottom <= height);
// we add 0.5 at the end to pre-round the values
float x = p0.x + m * (top - p0.y + 0.5f) + 0.5f;
int* row = delta + top * iwidth;
for (int y = top; y < bottom; ++y)
int ix = (int)std::max(x, 0.0f);
if (ix < iwidth)
row[ix] += winding;
x += m;
row += iwidth;
static void clip_line(const float height, Point p0, Point p1, int delta[], const int iwidth)
if (p0.y == p1.y)
int winding = 1;
if (p0.y > p1.y)
winding = -1;
std::swap(p0, p1);
// now we're monotonic in Y: p0 <= p1
if (p1.y <= 0 || p0.y >= height)
const float m = (float)(p1.x - p0.x) / (p1.y - p0.y);
if (p0.y < 0)
p0.x += m * (0 - p0.y);
p0.y = 0;
if (p1.y > height)
p1.x += m * (height - p1.y);
p1.y = height;
assert(p0.y <= p1.y);
assert(p0.y >= 0);
assert(p1.y <= height);
append_line(height, p0, p1, m, winding, delta, iwidth);
#define MAX_CURVE_SEGMENTS (1 << 8)
static int compute_cubic_segments(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d)
Point abc = a - b - b + c;
Point bcd = b - c - c + d;
float dx = std::max(std::abs(abc.x), std::abs(bcd.x));
float dy = std::max(std::abs(abc.y), std::abs(bcd.y));
float dist = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// count = sqrt(6*dist / 8*tol)
// tol = 0.25
// count = sqrt(3*dist)
float count = sqrtf(3 * dist);
return std::max(1, std::min((int)ceilf(count), MAX_CURVE_SEGMENTS));
// cubic a(1-t)^3 + 3bt(1-t)^2 + 3c(1-t)t^2 + dt^3
// becomes
// At^3 + Bt^2 + Ct + D
struct CubicCoeff
Point A, B, C, D;
// a(1-t)^3 + 3bt(1-t)^2 + 3ct^2(1-t) + dt^3
// a - 3at + 3at^2 - at^3 a(1 - 3t + 3t^2 - t^3)
// 3bt - 6bt^2 + 3bt^3 3b( t - 2t^2 + t^3)
// 3ct^2 - 3ct^3 3c( t^2 - t^3)
// dt^3 d( t^3)
// ...
// D + Ct + Bt^2 + At^3
CubicCoeff(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d)
A = (d - a) + 3.0f * (b - c);
B = 3.0f * ((c - b) + (a - b));
C = 3.0f * (b - a);
D = a;
Point eval(float t) const { return ((A * t + B) * t + C) * t + D; }
void HitTester::reset() { m_DW.clear(); }
void HitTester::reset(const IAABB& clip)
m_offset = Vec2D{(float)clip.left, (float)};
m_height = (float)clip.height();
m_IWidth = clip.width();
m_IHeight = clip.height();
m_DW.resize(m_IWidth * m_IHeight);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DW.size(); ++i)
m_DW[i] = 0;
m_ExpectsMove = true;
void HitTester::move(Vec2D v)
if (!m_ExpectsMove)
m_First = m_Prev = v - m_offset;
m_ExpectsMove = false;
void HitTester::line(Vec2D v)
v = v - m_offset;
clip_line(m_height, m_Prev, v,, m_IWidth);
m_Prev = v;
void HitTester::quad(Vec2D b, Vec2D c)
m_Prev = c;
static bool quickRejectCubic(float height, Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d)
const float h = height;
return (a.y <= 0 && b.y <= 0 && c.y <= 0 && d.y <= 0) ||
(a.y >= h && b.y >= h && c.y >= h && d.y >= h);
struct CubicChop
Vec2D storage[7];
CubicChop(Vec2D a, Vec2D b, Vec2D c, Vec2D d)
auto ab = ave(a, b);
auto bc = ave(b, c);
auto cd = ave(c, d);
auto abc = ave(ab, bc);
auto bcd = ave(bc, cd);
storage[0] = a;
storage[1] = ab;
storage[2] = abc;
storage[3] = ave(abc, bcd);
storage[4] = bcd;
storage[5] = cd;
storage[6] = d;
Vec2D operator[](unsigned index) const
assert(index < 7);
return storage[index];
// Trial and error to pick a good value for this.
// Subdivision and recursion have their own cost, so at some point
// just evaluating the cubic (count) times is cheaper than continuing
// to chop.
// The key win is quickRejectCubic. This is how we save time over just
// evaluating the cubic up front.
void HitTester::recurse_cubic(Vec2D b, Vec2D c, Vec2D d, int count)
if (quickRejectCubic(m_height, m_Prev, b, c, d))
m_Prev = d;
CubicChop chop(m_Prev, b, c, d);
const int newCount = (count + 1) >> 1;
assert(newCount < count);
this->recurse_cubic(chop[1], chop[2], chop[3], newCount);
this->recurse_cubic(chop[4], chop[5], chop[6], newCount);
const float dt = 1.0f / (float)count;
float t = dt;
CubicCoeff cube(m_Prev, b, c, d);
// we don't need the first point eval(0) or the last eval(1)
Point prev = m_Prev;
for (int i = 1; i < count - 1; ++i)
auto next = cube.eval(t);
clip_line(m_height, prev, next,, m_IWidth);
prev = next;
t += dt;
clip_line(m_height, prev, d,, m_IWidth);
m_Prev = d;
void HitTester::cubic(Vec2D b, Vec2D c, Vec2D d)
b = b - m_offset;
c = c - m_offset;
d = d - m_offset;
if (quickRejectCubic(m_height, m_Prev, b, c, d))
m_Prev = d;
const int count = compute_cubic_segments(m_Prev, b, c, d);
this->recurse_cubic(b, c, d, count);
void HitTester::close()
clip_line(m_height, m_Prev, m_First,, m_IWidth);
m_ExpectsMove = true;
void HitTester::addRect(const AABB& rect, const Mat2D& xform, PathDirection dir)
const Vec2D pts[] = {
xform * Vec2D{rect.left(),},
xform * Vec2D{rect.right(),},
xform * Vec2D{rect.right(), rect.bottom()},
xform * Vec2D{rect.left(), rect.bottom()},
if (dir == PathDirection::clockwise)
bool HitTester::test(FillRule rule)
if (!m_ExpectsMove)
const int mask = (rule == rive::FillRule::nonZero) ? -1 : 1;
int nonzero = 0;
for (auto m : m_DW)
nonzero |= (m & mask);
return nonzero != 0;
static bool cross_lt(Vec2D a, Vec2D b) { return a.x * b.y < a.y * b.x; }
bool HitTester::testMesh(Vec2D pt, Span<Vec2D> verts, Span<uint16_t> indices)
if (verts.size() < 3)
return false;
// Test against the bounds of the entire mesh
// Make this optional?
const auto bounds = AABB(verts);
if (bounds.bottom() < pt.y || pt.y < || bounds.right() < pt.x ||
pt.x < bounds.left())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i += 3)
const auto a = verts[indices[i + 0]];
const auto b = verts[indices[i + 1]];
const auto c = verts[indices[i + 2]];
auto pa = a - pt;
auto pb = b - pt;
auto pc = c - pt;
auto ab = cross_lt(pa, pb);
auto bc = cross_lt(pb, pc);
auto ca = cross_lt(pc, pa);
if (ab == bc && ab == ca)
return true;
return false;
bool HitTester::testMesh(const IAABB& area, Span<Vec2D> verts, Span<uint16_t> indices)
// this version can give slightly different results, so perhaps we should do this
// automatically, ... its just much faster if we do.
if (area.width() * area.height() == 1)
return testMesh(Vec2D((float)area.left, (float), verts, indices);
if (verts.size() < 3)
return false;
// Test against the bounds of the entire mesh
// Make this optional?
const auto bounds = AABB(verts);
if (bounds.bottom() <= || area.bottom <= ||
bounds.right() <= area.left || area.right <= bounds.left())
return false;
std::vector<int> windings(area.width() * area.height());
const auto offset = Vec2D((float)area.left, (float);
int* deltas =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i += 3)
const auto a = verts[indices[i + 0]] - offset;
const auto b = verts[indices[i + 1]] - offset;
const auto c = verts[indices[i + 2]] - offset;
clip_line((float)area.height(), a, b, deltas, area.width());
clip_line((float)area.height(), b, c, deltas, area.width());
clip_line((float)area.height(), c, a, deltas, area.width());
int nonzero = 0;
for (auto w : windings)
nonzero |= w;
if (nonzero)
return true;
return false;