blob: 3c31b7263e6a5271c9b3c14222616c204758628f [file] [log] [blame]
#include "rive/animation/linear_animation_instance.hpp"
#include "rive/animation/linear_animation.hpp"
#include "rive/animation/loop.hpp"
#include "rive/animation/keyed_callback_reporter.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
using namespace rive;
LinearAnimationInstance::LinearAnimationInstance(const LinearAnimation* animation,
ArtboardInstance* instance,
float speedMultiplier) :
m_animation((assert(animation != nullptr), animation)),
m_time((speedMultiplier >= 0) ? animation->startTime() : animation->endTime()),
LinearAnimationInstance::LinearAnimationInstance(LinearAnimationInstance const& lhs) :
LinearAnimationInstance::~LinearAnimationInstance() {}
bool LinearAnimationInstance::advanceAndApply(float seconds)
bool more = this->advance(seconds);
return more;
bool LinearAnimationInstance::advance(float elapsedSeconds, KeyedCallbackReporter* reporter)
const LinearAnimation& animation = *m_animation;
float deltaSeconds = elapsedSeconds * animation.speed() * m_direction;
m_spilledTime = 0.0f;
if (deltaSeconds == 0)
m_didLoop = false;
return true;
m_lastTotalTime = m_totalTime;
m_totalTime += std::abs(deltaSeconds);
// NOTE:
// do not track spilled time, if our one shot loop is already completed.
// stop gap before we move spilled tracking into state machine logic.
bool killSpilledTime = !this->keepGoing();
float lastTime = m_time;
m_time += deltaSeconds;
if (reporter != nullptr)
animation.reportKeyedCallbacks(reporter, lastTime, m_time);
int fps = animation.fps();
float frames = m_time * fps;
int start = animation.enableWorkArea() ? animation.workStart() : 0;
int end = animation.enableWorkArea() ? animation.workEnd() : animation.duration();
int range = end - start;
bool didLoop = false;
// this has some issues when deltaSeconds is 0,
// right now we basically assume we default to going forwards in that case
int direction = deltaSeconds < 0 ? -1 : 1;
switch (loop())
case Loop::oneShot:
if (direction == 1 && frames > end)
m_spilledTime = (frames - end) / fps;
frames = (float)end;
m_time = frames / fps;
didLoop = true;
else if (direction == -1 && frames < start)
m_spilledTime = (start - frames) / fps;
frames = (float)start;
m_time = frames / fps;
didLoop = true;
case Loop::loop:
if (direction == 1 && frames >= end)
m_spilledTime = (frames - end) / fps;
frames = m_time * fps;
frames = start + std::fmod(frames - start, (float)range);
m_time = frames / fps;
didLoop = true;
if (reporter != nullptr)
animation.reportKeyedCallbacks(reporter, 0.0f, m_time);
else if (direction == -1 && frames <= start)
m_spilledTime = (start - frames) / fps;
frames = m_time * fps;
frames = end - std::abs(std::fmod(start - frames, (float)range));
m_time = frames / fps;
didLoop = true;
if (reporter != nullptr)
animation.reportKeyedCallbacks(reporter, end / (float)fps, m_time);
case Loop::pingPong:
while (true)
if (direction == 1 && frames >= end)
m_spilledTime = (frames - end) / fps;
frames = end + (end - frames);
lastTime = end / (float)fps;
else if (direction == -1 && frames < start)
m_spilledTime = (start - frames) / fps;
frames = start + (start - frames);
lastTime = start / (float)fps;
// we're within the range, we can stop fixing. We do this in
// a loop to fix conditions when time has advanced so far
// that we've ping-ponged back and forth a few times in a
// single frame. We want to accomodate for this in cases
// where animations are not advanced on regular intervals.
m_time = frames / fps;
m_direction *= -1;
direction *= -1;
didLoop = true;
if (reporter != nullptr)
animation.reportKeyedCallbacks(reporter, lastTime, m_time);
if (killSpilledTime)
m_spilledTime = 0;
m_didLoop = didLoop;
return this->keepGoing();
void LinearAnimationInstance::time(float value)
if (m_time == value)
m_time = value;
// Make sure to keep last and total in relative lockstep so state machines
// can track change even when setting time.
auto diff = m_totalTime - m_lastTotalTime;
int start = (m_animation->enableWorkArea() ? m_animation->workStart() : 0) * m_animation->fps();
m_totalTime = value - start;
m_lastTotalTime = m_totalTime - diff;
// leaving this RIGHT now. but is this required? it kinda messes up
// playing things backwards and seeking. what purpose does it solve?
m_direction = 1;
void LinearAnimationInstance::reset(float speedMultiplier = 1.0)
m_time = (speedMultiplier >= 0) ? m_animation->startTime() : m_animation->endTime();
uint32_t LinearAnimationInstance::fps() const { return m_animation->fps(); }
uint32_t LinearAnimationInstance::duration() const { return m_animation->duration(); }
float LinearAnimationInstance::speed() const { return m_animation->speed(); }
float LinearAnimationInstance::startTime() const { return m_animation->startTime(); }
std::string LinearAnimationInstance::name() const { return m_animation->name(); }
bool LinearAnimationInstance::isTranslucent() const
return m_artboardInstance->isTranslucent(this);
// Returns either the animation's default or overridden loop values
int LinearAnimationInstance::loopValue() const
if (m_loopValue != -1)
return m_loopValue;
return m_animation->loopValue();
// Override the animation's loop value
void LinearAnimationInstance::loopValue(int value)
if (m_loopValue == value)
if (m_loopValue == -1 && m_animation->loopValue() == value)
m_loopValue = value;
float LinearAnimationInstance::durationSeconds() const { return m_animation->durationSeconds(); }