Generate Android builds directly from premake

Adds a global "setup_compiler.lua" file that configures premake to build for Android. Since premake doesn't support specifying a custom compiler, we hack this using "gccprefix".

Also moves a bunch of duplicated windows setup logic into "setup_compiler.lua".

040a27c1c Generate Android builds directly from premake (#4871)
diff --git a/.rive_head b/.rive_head
index 5bc4085..c2ac205 100644
--- a/.rive_head
+++ b/.rive_head
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/build/premake5.lua b/build/premake5.lua
index 52390b9..a3a3061 100644
--- a/build/premake5.lua
+++ b/build/premake5.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 workspace 'rive'
 configurations {'debug', 'release'}
+require 'setup_compiler'
 filter {'options:with_rive_tools'}
     defines {'WITH_RIVE_TOOLS'}
@@ -8,40 +11,16 @@
     defines {'WITH_RIVE_TEXT'}
+filter {}
 dofile(path.join(path.getabsolute('../dependencies/'), 'premake5_harfbuzz.lua'))
 dofile(path.join(path.getabsolute('../dependencies/'), 'premake5_sheenbidi.lua'))
-    '-Wno-c++98-compat',
-    '-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic',
-    '-Wno-deprecated-copy-with-user-provided-dtor',
-    '-Wno-documentation',
-    '-Wno-documentation-pedantic',
-    '-Wno-documentation-unknown-command',
-    '-Wno-double-promotion',
-    '-Wno-exit-time-destructors',
-    '-Wno-float-equal',
-    '-Wno-global-constructors',
-    '-Wno-implicit-float-conversion',
-    '-Wno-newline-eof',
-    '-Wno-old-style-cast',
-    '-Wno-reserved-identifier',
-    '-Wno-shadow',
-    '-Wno-sign-compare',
-    '-Wno-sign-conversion',
-    '-Wno-unused-macros',
-    '-Wno-unused-parameter',
-    '-Wno-switch-enum',
-    '-Wno-missing-field-initializers'
 project 'rive'
     kind 'StaticLib'
     language 'C++'
     cppdialect 'C++11'
-    toolset 'clang'
     targetdir '%{cfg.system}/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}'
     objdir '%{cfg.system}/obj/%{cfg.buildcfg}'
     includedirs {
@@ -81,9 +60,6 @@
         architecture 'x64'
         defines {'_USE_MATH_DEFINES'}
         flags {'FatalCompileWarnings'}
-        staticruntime 'on' -- Match Skia's /MT flag for link compatibility
-        runtime 'Release' -- Use /MT even in debug (/MTd is incompatible with Skia)
         removebuildoptions {
@@ -158,18 +134,6 @@
 newoption {
-    trigger = 'arch',
-    value = 'ABI',
-    description = 'The ABI with the right toolchain for this build, generally with Android',
-    allowed = {
-        {'x86'},
-        {'x64'},
-        {'arm'},
-        {'arm64'}
-    }
-newoption {
     trigger = 'with_rive_tools',
     description = 'Enables tools usually not necessary for runtime.'
diff --git a/build/setup_compiler.lua b/build/setup_compiler.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d16b4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/setup_compiler.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+toolset (_OPTIONS["toolset"] or "clang")
+filter 'system:windows'
+    staticruntime "on"  -- Match Skia's /MT flag for link compatibility
+    runtime "Release"  -- Use /MT even in debug (/MTd is incompatible with Skia)
+filter {'system:windows', 'options:toolset=clang'}
+    buildoptions {
+        '-Wno-c++98-compat',
+        '-Wno-c++20-compat',
+        '-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic',
+        '-Wno-c99-extensions',
+        '-Wno-ctad-maybe-unsupported',
+        '-Wno-deprecated-copy-with-user-provided-dtor',
+        '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
+        '-Wno-documentation',
+        '-Wno-documentation-pedantic',
+        '-Wno-documentation-unknown-command',
+        '-Wno-double-promotion',
+        '-Wno-exit-time-destructors',
+        '-Wno-float-equal',
+        '-Wno-global-constructors',
+        '-Wno-implicit-float-conversion',
+        '-Wno-newline-eof',
+        '-Wno-old-style-cast',
+        '-Wno-reserved-identifier',
+        '-Wno-shadow',
+        '-Wno-sign-compare',
+        '-Wno-sign-conversion',
+        '-Wno-unused-macros',
+        '-Wno-unused-parameter',
+        '-Wno-four-char-constants',
+        '-Wno-unreachable-code',
+        '-Wno-switch-enum',
+        '-Wno-missing-field-initializers'
+    }
+filter {'system:windows', 'options:toolset=msc'}
+    -- We currently suppress several warnings for the MSVC build, some serious. Once this build
+    -- is fully integrated into GitHub actions, we will definitely want to address these.
+    disablewarnings {
+        "4061", -- enumerator 'identifier' in switch of enum 'enumeration' is not explicitly
+                -- handled by a case label
+        "4100", -- 'identifier': unreferenced formal parameter
+        "4201", -- nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union
+        "4244", -- 'conversion_type': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data
+        "4245", -- 'conversion_type': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned
+                --  mismatch
+        "4267", -- 'variable': conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data
+        "4355", -- 'this': used in base member initializer list
+        "4365", -- 'expression': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned mismatch
+        "4388", -- 'expression': signed/unsigned mismatch
+        "4389", -- 'operator': signed/unsigned mismatch
+        "4458", -- declaration of 'identifier' hides class member
+        "4514", -- 'function': unreferenced inline function has been removed
+        "4583", -- 'Catch::clara::detail::ResultValueBase<T>::m_value': destructor is not
+                -- implicitly called
+        "4623", -- 'Catch::AssertionInfo': default constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
+        "4625", -- 'derived class': copy constructor was implicitly defined as deleted because a
+                -- base class copy constructor is inaccessible or deleted
+        "4626", -- 'derived class': assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted
+                --  because a base class assignment operator is inaccessible or deleted
+        "4820", -- 'bytes' bytes padding added after construct 'member_name'
+        "4868", -- (catch.hpp) compiler may not enforce left-to-right evaluation order in braced
+                -- initializer list
+        "5026", -- 'type': move constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
+        "5027", -- 'type': move assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted
+        "5039", -- (catch.hpp) 'AddVectoredExceptionHandler': pointer or reference to
+                -- potentially throwing function passed to 'extern "C"' function under -EHc.
+                -- Undefined behavior may occur if this function throws an exception.
+        "5045", -- Compiler will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load if /Qspectre switch
+                -- specified
+        "5204", -- 'Catch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherMethod<T>': class has virtual functions, but
+                -- its trivial destructor is not virtual; instances of objects derived from this
+                -- class may not be destructed correctly
+        "5219", -- implicit conversion from 'type-1' to 'type-2', possible loss of data
+        "5262", -- MSVC\14.34.31933\include\atomic(917,9): implicit fall-through occurs here;
+                -- are you missing a break statement?
+        "5264", -- 'rive::math::PI': 'const' variable is not used
+    }
+-- Don't use filter() here because we don't want to generate the "ndk-redirect-*" files if not
+-- building for android.
+if _OPTIONS["os"] == "android"
+    local ndk = os.getenv("NDK_PATH")
+    if not ndk or ndk == "" then
+        error("export $NDK_PATH")
+    end
+    local ndk_toolchain = ndk .. "/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt"
+    if == 'windows' then
+        ndk_toolchain = ndk_toolchain .. "/windows-x86_64"
+    elseif == 'macosx' then
+        ndk_toolchain = ndk_toolchain .. "/darwin-x86_64"
+    else
+        ndk_toolchain = ndk_toolchain .. "/linux-x86_64"
+    end
+    -- Using "gcc" allows us to redirect the compiler to the (clang) NDK.
+    toolset "gcc"
+    gccprefix (_WORKING_DIR .. "/ndk-redirect-")
+    -- Masquerade the clang NDK as a "gcc" cross-compiler.
+    file = .. "/ndk-redirect-g++", "w")
+    file:write("#!/bin/bash\n")
+    file:write(ndk_toolchain .. "/bin/clang++ $@")
+    file:close()
+    os.execute("chmod +x " .. _WORKING_DIR .. "/ndk-redirect-g++")
+    file = .. "/ndk-redirect-gcc", "w")
+    file:write("#!/bin/bash\n")
+    file:write(ndk_toolchain .. "/bin/clang $@")
+    file:close()
+    os.execute("chmod +x " .. _WORKING_DIR .. "/ndk-redirect-gcc")
+    file = .. "/ndk-redirect-ar", "w")
+    file:write("#!/bin/bash\n")
+    file:write(ndk_toolchain .. "/bin/llvm-ar $@")
+    file:close()
+    os.execute("chmod +x " .. _WORKING_DIR .. "/ndk-redirect-ar")
+    pic "on" -- Position-independent code is required for NDK libraries.
+    filter "options:arch=x86"
+    do
+        architecture "x86"
+        buildoptions {"--target=i686-none-linux-android23"}
+        linkoptions {"--target=i686-none-linux-android23"}
+    end
+    filter "options:arch=x64"
+    do
+        architecture "x64"
+        buildoptions {"--target=x86_64-none-linux-android23"}
+        linkoptions {"--target=x86_64-none-linux-android23"}
+    end
+    filter "options:arch=arm"
+    do
+        architecture "arm"
+        buildoptions {"--target=armv7a-none-linux-android23"}
+        linkoptions {"--target=armv7a-none-linux-android23"}
+    end
+    filter "options:arch=arm64"
+    do
+        architecture "arm64"
+        buildoptions {"--target=aarch64-none-linux-android23"}
+        linkoptions {"--target=aarch64-none-linux-android23"}
+    end
+    filter {}
+    buildoptions {
+        "--sysroot=" .. ndk_toolchain .. "/sysroot",
+        "-fdata-sections",
+        "-ffunction-sections",
+        "-funwind-tables",
+        "-fstack-protector-strong",
+        "-no-canonical-prefixes",
+    }
+    linkoptions {
+        "--sysroot=" .. ndk_toolchain .. "/sysroot",
+        "-fdata-sections",
+        "-ffunction-sections",
+        "-funwind-tables",
+        "-fstack-protector-strong",
+        "-no-canonical-prefixes",
+        "-Wl,--fatal-warnings",
+        "-Wl,--gc-sections",
+        "-Wl,--no-rosegment",
+        "-Wl,--no-undefined",
+        "-static-libstdc++",
+    }
+newoption {
+    trigger = 'toolset',
+    value = 'type',
+    description = 'Choose which toolchain to build with',
+    allowed = {
+        {'clang', 'Build with Clang'},
+        {'msc', 'Build with the Microsoft C/C++ compiler'}
+    },
+    default = 'clang'
+newoption {
+    trigger = 'arch',
+    value = 'ABI',
+    description = 'The ABI with the right toolchain for this build, generally with Android',
+    allowed = {
+        {'x86'},
+        {'x64'},
+        {'arm'},
+        {'arm64'}
+    }
diff --git a/dependencies/premake5_harfbuzz.lua b/dependencies/premake5_harfbuzz.lua
index 3fefe81..5c883bc 100644
--- a/dependencies/premake5_harfbuzz.lua
+++ b/dependencies/premake5_harfbuzz.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+require 'setup_compiler'
 local dependency = require 'dependency'
 harfbuzz = dependency.github('harfbuzz/harfbuzz', '858570b1d9912a1b746ab39fbe62a646c4f7a5b1')
@@ -9,7 +10,6 @@
     kind 'StaticLib'
     language 'C++'
     cppdialect 'C++17'
-    toolset 'clang'
     targetdir '%{cfg.system}/cache/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}/'
     objdir '%{cfg.system}/cache/obj/%{cfg.buildcfg}/'
@@ -222,14 +222,8 @@
         harfbuzz .. '/src/hb.hh'
-    buildoptions {
-        '-Wall',
-        '-fno-exceptions',
-        '-fno-rtti',
-        '-Werror=format',
-        '-Wimplicit-int-conversion',
-        '-Werror=vla'
-    }
+    exceptionhandling 'off'
+    rtti 'off'
     defines {
@@ -237,6 +231,16 @@
+    filter 'toolset:clang'
+    do
+        flags {'FatalWarnings'}
+        buildoptions {
+            '-Werror=format',
+            '-Wimplicit-int-conversion',
+            '-Werror=vla'
+        }
+    end
     filter 'configurations:debug'
         defines {'DEBUG'}
@@ -252,46 +256,6 @@
     filter 'system:windows'
-        removebuildoptions {
-            -- vs clang doesn't recognize these on windows
-            '-fno-exceptions',
-            '-fno-rtti'
-        }
         architecture 'x64'
-        buildoptions {
-            '-Wno-c++98-compat',
-            '-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic',
-            '-Wno-c99-extensions',
-            '-Wno-ctad-maybe-unsupported',
-            '-Wno-deprecated-copy-with-user-provided-dtor',
-            '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
-            '-Wno-documentation',
-            '-Wno-documentation-pedantic',
-            '-Wno-documentation-unknown-command',
-            '-Wno-double-promotion',
-            '-Wno-exit-time-destructors',
-            '-Wno-float-equal',
-            '-Wno-global-constructors',
-            '-Wno-implicit-float-conversion',
-            '-Wno-newline-eof',
-            '-Wno-old-style-cast',
-            '-Wno-reserved-identifier',
-            '-Wno-shadow',
-            '-Wno-sign-compare',
-            '-Wno-sign-conversion',
-            '-Wno-unused-macros',
-            '-Wno-unused-parameter',
-            '-Wno-used-but-marked-unused',
-            '-Wno-cast-qual',
-            '-Wno-unused-template',
-            '-Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant',
-            '-Wno-extra-semi',
-            '-Wno-undef',
-            '-Wno-comma',
-            '-Wno-nonportable-system-include-path',
-            '-Wno-covered-switch-default',
-            '-Wno-microsoft-enum-value',
-            '-Wno-deprecated-declarations'
-        }
diff --git a/dependencies/premake5_libpng.lua b/dependencies/premake5_libpng.lua
index a9a78a5..77f8d2c 100644
--- a/dependencies/premake5_libpng.lua
+++ b/dependencies/premake5_libpng.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+require 'setup_compiler'
 local dependency = require 'dependency'
 libpng = dependency.github('glennrp/libpng', 'libpng16')
 zlib = dependency.github('madler/zlib', '04f42ceca40f73e2978b50e93806c2a18c1281fc')
@@ -7,7 +8,6 @@
     kind 'StaticLib'
     language 'C++'
     cppdialect 'C++17'
-    toolset 'clang'
     targetdir '%{cfg.system}/cache/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}/'
     objdir '%{cfg.system}/cache/obj/%{cfg.buildcfg}/'
     rtti "Off"
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
     filter 'system:windows'
         architecture 'x64'
-        staticruntime "on"  -- Match Skia's /MT flag for link compatibility
-        runtime "Release"  -- Use /MT even in debug (/MTd is incompatible with Skia)
@@ -57,7 +55,6 @@
     kind 'StaticLib'
     language 'C++'
     cppdialect 'C++17'
-    toolset 'clang'
     targetdir '%{cfg.system}/cache/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}/'
     objdir '%{cfg.system}/cache/obj/%{cfg.buildcfg}/'
     rtti "Off"
@@ -87,8 +84,6 @@
     filter 'system:windows'
         architecture 'x64'
-        staticruntime "on"  -- Match Skia's /MT flag for link compatibility
-        runtime "Release"  -- Use /MT even in debug (/MTd is incompatible with Skia)
     filter 'system:not windows'
diff --git a/dependencies/premake5_sheenbidi.lua b/dependencies/premake5_sheenbidi.lua
index bebb582..9fd4e22 100644
--- a/dependencies/premake5_sheenbidi.lua
+++ b/dependencies/premake5_sheenbidi.lua
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
     kind 'StaticLib'
     language 'C'
-    toolset 'clang'
     targetdir '%{cfg.system}/cache/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}/'
     objdir '%{cfg.system}/cache/obj/%{cfg.buildcfg}/'
@@ -57,7 +56,6 @@
     filter 'configurations:debug'
-        buildoptions {'-g', '-O0'}
         defines {'DEBUG'}
         symbols 'On'
@@ -71,46 +69,6 @@
     filter 'system:windows'
-        removebuildoptions {
-            -- vs clang doesn't recognize these on windows
-            '-fno-exceptions',
-            '-fno-rtti'
-        }
         architecture 'x64'
-        buildoptions {
-            '-Wno-c++98-compat',
-            '-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic',
-            '-Wno-c99-extensions',
-            '-Wno-ctad-maybe-unsupported',
-            '-Wno-deprecated-copy-with-user-provided-dtor',
-            '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
-            '-Wno-documentation',
-            '-Wno-documentation-pedantic',
-            '-Wno-documentation-unknown-command',
-            '-Wno-double-promotion',
-            '-Wno-exit-time-destructors',
-            '-Wno-float-equal',
-            '-Wno-global-constructors',
-            '-Wno-implicit-float-conversion',
-            '-Wno-newline-eof',
-            '-Wno-old-style-cast',
-            '-Wno-reserved-identifier',
-            '-Wno-shadow',
-            '-Wno-sign-compare',
-            '-Wno-sign-conversion',
-            '-Wno-unused-macros',
-            '-Wno-unused-parameter',
-            '-Wno-used-but-marked-unused',
-            '-Wno-cast-qual',
-            '-Wno-unused-template',
-            '-Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant',
-            '-Wno-extra-semi',
-            '-Wno-undef',
-            '-Wno-comma',
-            '-Wno-nonportable-system-include-path',
-            '-Wno-covered-switch-default',
-            '-Wno-microsoft-enum-value',
-            '-Wno-deprecated-declarations'
-        }
diff --git a/dev/test/premake5.lua b/dev/test/premake5.lua
index 7e73360..94d5ba8 100644
--- a/dev/test/premake5.lua
+++ b/dev/test/premake5.lua
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
     kind 'ConsoleApp'
     language 'C++'
     cppdialect 'C++11'
-    toolset (_OPTIONS["toolset"] or "clang")
     targetdir 'build/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}'
     objdir 'build/obj/%{cfg.buildcfg}'
     flags {'FatalWarnings'}
@@ -69,94 +68,4 @@
-    filter {'system:windows', 'options:toolset=clang'}
-    do
-        buildoptions {
-            '-Wno-c++98-compat',
-            '-Wno-c++20-compat',
-            '-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic',
-            '-Wno-c99-extensions',
-            '-Wno-ctad-maybe-unsupported',
-            '-Wno-deprecated-copy-with-user-provided-dtor',
-            '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
-            '-Wno-documentation',
-            '-Wno-documentation-pedantic',
-            '-Wno-documentation-unknown-command',
-            '-Wno-double-promotion',
-            '-Wno-exit-time-destructors',
-            '-Wno-float-equal',
-            '-Wno-global-constructors',
-            '-Wno-implicit-float-conversion',
-            '-Wno-newline-eof',
-            '-Wno-old-style-cast',
-            '-Wno-reserved-identifier',
-            '-Wno-shadow',
-            '-Wno-sign-compare',
-            '-Wno-sign-conversion',
-            '-Wno-unused-macros',
-            '-Wno-unused-parameter',
-            '-Wno-four-char-constants',
-            '-Wno-unreachable-code',
-            '-Wno-switch-enum',
-            '-Wno-missing-field-initializers'
-        }
-    end
-    filter {'system:windows', 'options:toolset=msc'}
-    do
-        -- We currently suppress several warnings for the MSVC build, some serious. Once this build
-        -- is fully integrated into GitHub actions, we will definitely want to address these.
-        disablewarnings {
-            "4061", -- enumerator 'identifier' in switch of enum 'enumeration' is not explicitly
-                    -- handled by a case label
-            "4100", -- 'identifier': unreferenced formal parameter
-            "4201", -- nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union
-            "4244", -- 'conversion_type': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data
-            "4245", -- 'conversion_type': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned
-                    --  mismatch
-            "4267", -- 'variable': conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data
-            "4355", -- 'this': used in base member initializer list
-            "4365", -- 'expression': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned mismatch
-            "4388", -- 'expression': signed/unsigned mismatch
-            "4389", -- 'operator': signed/unsigned mismatch
-            "4458", -- declaration of 'identifier' hides class member
-            "4514", -- 'function': unreferenced inline function has been removed
-            "4583", -- 'Catch::clara::detail::ResultValueBase<T>::m_value': destructor is not
-                    -- implicitly called
-            "4623", -- 'Catch::AssertionInfo': default constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
-            "4625", -- 'derived class': copy constructor was implicitly defined as deleted because a
-                    -- base class copy constructor is inaccessible or deleted
-            "4626", -- 'derived class': assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted
-                    --  because a base class assignment operator is inaccessible or deleted
-            "4820", -- 'bytes' bytes padding added after construct 'member_name'
-            "4868", -- (catch.hpp) compiler may not enforce left-to-right evaluation order in braced
-                    -- initializer list
-            "5026", -- 'type': move constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
-            "5027", -- 'type': move assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted
-            "5039", -- (catch.hpp) 'AddVectoredExceptionHandler': pointer or reference to
-                    -- potentially throwing function passed to 'extern "C"' function under -EHc.
-                    -- Undefined behavior may occur if this function throws an exception.
-            "5045", -- Compiler will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load if /Qspectre switch
-                    -- specified
-            "5204", -- 'Catch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherMethod<T>': class has virtual functions, but
-                    -- its trivial destructor is not virtual; instances of objects derived from this
-                    -- class may not be destructed correctly
-            "5219", -- implicit conversion from 'type-1' to 'type-2', possible loss of data
-            "5262", -- MSVC\14.34.31933\include\atomic(917,9): implicit fall-through occurs here;
-                    -- are you missing a break statement?
-            "5264", -- 'rive::math::PI': 'const' variable is not used
-        }
-    end
-newoption {
-    trigger = 'toolset',
-    value = 'type',
-    description = 'Choose which toolchain to build with',
-    allowed = {
-        {'clang', 'Build with Clang'},
-        {'msc', 'Build with the Microsoft C/C++ compiler'}
-    },
-    default = 'clang'
diff --git a/skia/renderer/build/premake5.lua b/skia/renderer/build/premake5.lua
index 709ea37..2f5184f 100644
--- a/skia/renderer/build/premake5.lua
+++ b/skia/renderer/build/premake5.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 workspace 'rive'
 configurations {'debug', 'release'}
+require 'setup_compiler'
 SKIA_DIR = os.getenv('SKIA_DIR')
 dependencies = os.getenv('DEPENDENCIES')
@@ -18,7 +20,6 @@
     kind 'StaticLib'
     language 'C++'
     cppdialect 'C++17'
-    toolset 'clang'
     targetdir '%{cfg.system}/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}'
     objdir '%{cfg.system}/obj/%{cfg.buildcfg}'
     includedirs {
@@ -38,8 +39,6 @@
         architecture 'x64'
         defines {'_USE_MATH_DEFINES'}
-        staticruntime 'on' -- Match Skia's /MT flag for link compatibility
-        runtime 'Release' -- Use /MT even in debug (/MTd is incompatible with Skia)
     filter {'system:macosx'}