blob: dba4bf5279305032b70518459241025fb2ae7463 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* "fast_acos" test imported from skia:tests/SkVxTest.cpp
* Copyright 2022 Rive
// Ignore performance warnings in this file about having AVX disabled. We test vectors larger than 4
// and aren't worried about performance.
// If we try to use large vectors in other parts of the code with AVX disabled, we definitely still
// want this warning.
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpsabi"
#include <catch.hpp>
#include "rive/math/math_types.hpp"
#include "rive/math/simd.hpp"
#include <limits>
#define CHECK_ALL(B) CHECK(simd::all(B))
#define CHECK_ANY(B) CHECK(simd::any(B))
namespace rive
constexpr float kInf = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
constexpr float kNaN = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
// Check simd::any.
TEST_CASE("any", "[simd]")
CHECK(!simd::any(int4{0, 0, 0, 0}));
CHECK_ANY((int4{-1, 0, 0, 0}));
CHECK_ANY((int4{0, -1, 0, 0}));
CHECK_ANY((int4{0, 0, -1, 0}));
CHECK_ANY((int4{0, 0, 0, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::any(ivec<3>{0, 0, 0}));
CHECK_ANY((ivec<3>{-1, 0, 0}));
CHECK_ANY((ivec<3>{0, -1, 0}));
CHECK_ANY((ivec<3>{0, 0, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::any(int2{0, 0}));
CHECK_ANY((int2{-1, 0}));
CHECK_ANY((int2{0, -1}));
// Check simd::all.
TEST_CASE("all", "[simd]")
CHECK_ALL((int4{-1, -1, -1, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::all(int4{0, -1, -1, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::all(int4{-1, 0, -1, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::all(int4{-1, -1, 0, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::all(int4{-1, -1, -1, 0}));
CHECK_ALL((ivec<3>{-1, -1, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::all(ivec<3>{0, -1, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::all(ivec<3>{-1, 0, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::all(ivec<3>{-1, -1, 0}));
CHECK_ALL((int2{-1, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::all(int2{0, -1}));
CHECK(!simd::all(int2{-1, 0}));
TEST_CASE("operators", "[simd]")
float4 a{1, 2, 3, 4};
float4 b{5, 6, 7, 8};
CHECK_ALL((a + b == float4{6, 8, 10, 12}));
CHECK_ALL((a - b == float4(-4)));
CHECK_ALL((a * b == float4{5, 12, 21, 32}));
CHECK_ALL((a / a == b / b));
CHECK_ALL((a + 10.f == 10.f + a));
CHECK_ALL((+(a - 10.f) == -(10.f - a)));
CHECK_ALL((a * 2.f == 2.f * a));
CHECK_ALL((a / .5f == 2.f * a));
int4 i{1, 2, 4, 8};
int4 j{0, 1, 3, 7};
CHECK(!simd::any((i & j)));
CHECK_ALL(((i | j) == int4{1, 3, 7, 15}));
CHECK_ALL(((i | j) == (i ^ j)));
CHECK_ALL((~i + 1 == -i)); // Assume two's compliment for now...
TEST_CASE("swizzles", "[simd]")
float2 v2{1, -2};
CHECK(v2.x == 1);
CHECK(v2.y == -2);
CHECK(v2.yx[0] == v2[1]);
CHECK(v2.yx[1] == v2[0]);
CHECK_ALL((float2(v2.yx) == float2{-2, 1}));
CHECK_ALL((v2.yx == float2{-2, 1}));
CHECK_ALL((v2.xyxy == float4{1, -2, 1, -2}));
CHECK_ALL((v2.yxyx == float4{-2, 1, -2, 1}));
float4 v4{1, -2, 3, -1};
CHECK(v4.x == 1);
CHECK(v4.y == -2);
CHECK(v4.z == 3);
CHECK(v4.w == -1);
CHECK_ALL((v4.xy == float2{1, -2}));
CHECK_ALL((v4.yz == float2{-2, 3}));
CHECK_ALL(( == float2{3, -1}));
CHECK_ALL(( == vec<3>{1, -2, 3}));
CHECK_ALL((v4.yzw == vec<3>{-2, 3, -1}));
CHECK_ALL((v4.yxwz == float4{-2, 1, -1, 3}));
CHECK_ALL((v4.zwxy == float4{3, -1, 1, -2}));
CHECK_ALL((v4.zyxw == float4{3, -2, 1, -1}));
CHECK_ALL((v4.xwzy == float4{1, -1, 3, -2}));
v4.xy = v2.yx;
CHECK_ALL((v4 == float4{-2, 1, 3, -1})); = v4.yz;
CHECK_ALL((v4 == float4{-2, 1, 1, 3}));
v4.yz = -7.f;
CHECK_ALL((v4 == float4{-2, -7, -7, 3})); = 0.f;
CHECK_ALL((v4 == float4{0, 0, 0, 3}));
v4.yzw = -9.f;
CHECK_ALL((v4 == float4{0, -9, -9, -9}));
v4.x = 1;
v4.y = 2;
v4.z = -8;
v4.w = .5f;
CHECK_ALL((v4 == float4{1, 2, -8, .5f}));
v2.y = -9;
v2.x = 88;
CHECK_ALL((v2.yx == float2{-9, 88}));
ivec<3> v3;
v3.x = 0;
v3.y = 9;
v3.z = -1;
CHECK_ALL((v3 == ivec<3>{0, 9, -1}));
CHECK(v3.x == 0);
CHECK(v3.y == 9);
CHECK(v3.z == -1);
uvec<1> v1;
v1.x = 7;
CHECK(v1[0] == 7);
CHECK_ALL((v1 == uvec<1>{7}));
float4 a = {0, 1, 12, 99.9f};
float4 a_ = a.yxwz;
float4 b = {.1f, -1, -9, -20};
float4 b_ = b.yxwz;
CHECK_ALL((simd::abs(b.yxwz) == simd::abs(b_)));
CHECK_ALL((simd::floor(a.yxwz) == simd::floor(a_)));
CHECK_ALL((simd::ceil(a.yxwz) == simd::ceil(a_)));
CHECK_ALL((simd::sqrt(a.yxwz) == simd::sqrt(a_)));
CHECK_ALL((simd::fast_acos(a.yxwz) == simd::fast_acos(a_)));
CHECK_ALL((simd::min(a.yxwz, b.yxwz) == simd::min(a_, b_)));
CHECK_ALL((simd::max(a.yxwz, b.yxwz) == simd::max(a_, b_)));
(simd::clamp(a.yxwz, float4(2), float4(10)) == simd::clamp(a_, float4(2), float4(10))));
CHECK_ALL((simd::mix(a.yxwz, b.yxwz, float4(.5f)) == simd::mix(a_, b_, float4(.5f))));
(simd::precise_mix(a.yxwz, b.yxwz, float4(.5f)) == simd::precise_mix(a_, b_, float4(.5f))));
(simd::if_then_else(int4{~0}, a.yxwz, b.yxwz) == simd::if_then_else(int4{~0}, a_, b_)));
CHECK_ALL((simd::if_then_else(int4{~0}, a.yxwz, b.yxwz) == float4{a.y, b.x, b.w, b.z}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::if_then_else(~int4{~0}, a_, b_) == float4{b.y, a.x, a.w, a.z}));
(simd::if_then_else(int4{~0}, a.yxwz, b.yxwz) != simd::if_then_else(~int4{~0}, a_, b_)));
float mem[4]{};
simd::store(mem, a.yxwz);
CHECK(!memcmp(mem, &a_, 4 * 4));
// Unfortunate, but there's no way to block the default assignment operator and still be a POD
// type.
a.zwxy = b.zwxy;
CHECK_ALL((a == b));
// Verify the simd float types are IEEE 754 compliant for infinity and NaN.
TEST_CASE("ieee-compliance", "[simd]")
float4 test = float4{1, -kInf, 1, 4} / float4{0, 2, kInf, 4};
CHECK_ALL((test == float4{kInf, -kInf, 0, 1}));
// Inf * Inf == Inf
test = float4{kInf, -kInf, kInf, -kInf} * float4{kInf, kInf, -kInf, -kInf};
CHECK_ALL((test == float4{kInf, -kInf, -kInf, kInf}));
// Inf/0 == Inf, 0/Inf == 0
test = float4{kInf, -kInf, 0, 0} / float4{0, 0, kInf, -kInf};
CHECK_ALL((test == float4{kInf, -kInf, 0, 0}));
// Inf/Inf, 0/0, 0 * Inf, Inf - Inf == NaN
test = {kInf, 0, 0, kInf};
test.xy /= float2{kInf, 0};
test.z *= kInf;
test.w -= kInf;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
// NaN always fails comparisons.
CHECK(!simd::any(test == test));
CHECK_ALL((test != test));
CHECK(!simd::any(test <= test));
CHECK(!simd::any(test >= test));
CHECK(!simd::any(test < test));
CHECK(!simd::any(test > test));
// Inf + Inf == Inf, Inf + -Inf == NaN
test = float4{kInf, -kInf, kInf, -kInf} + float4{kInf, -kInf, -kInf, kInf};
CHECK_ALL((test.xy == float2{kInf, -kInf}));
CHECK(!simd::any( ==; // NaN
// Check simd::if_then_else.
TEST_CASE("ternary-operator", "[simd]")
// Vector condition.
float4 f4 = simd::if_then_else(int4{1, 2, 3, 4} < int4{4, 3, 2, 1}, float4(-1), float4(1));
CHECK_ALL((f4 == float4{-1, -1, 1, 1}));
// In vector, -1 is true, 0 is false.
uint2 u2 = simd::if_then_else(int2{0, -1}, uint2{1, 2}, uint2{3, 4});
CHECK_ALL((u2 == uint2{3, 2}));
// Scalar condition.
f4 = u2.x == u2.y ? float4{1, 2, 3, 4} : float4{5, 6, 7, 8};
CHECK_ALL((f4 == float4{5, 6, 7, 8}));
// Check simd::min/max compliance.
TEST_CASE("min-max", "[simd]")
float4 f4 = simd::min(float4{1, 2, 3, 4}, float4{4, 3, 2});
CHECK_ALL((f4 == float4{1, 2, 2, 0}));
f4 = simd::max(float4{1, 2, 3, 4}, float4{4, 3, 2});
CHECK_ALL((f4 == float4{4, 3, 3, 4}));
int2 i2 = simd::max(int2(-1), int2{-2});
CHECK_ALL((i2 == int2{-1, 0}));
i2 = simd::min(int2(-1), int2{-2});
CHECK_ALL((i2 == int2{-2, -1}));
// Infinity works as expected.
f4 = simd::min(float4{100, -kInf, -kInf, kInf}, float4{kInf, 100, kInf, -kInf});
CHECK_ALL((f4 == float4{100, -kInf, -kInf, -kInf}));
f4 = simd::max(float4{100, -kInf, -kInf, kInf}, float4{kInf, 100, kInf, -kInf});
CHECK_ALL((f4 == float4{kInf, 100, kInf, kInf}));
// If a or b is NaN, min returns whichever is not NaN.
f4 = simd::min(float4{1, kNaN, 2, kNaN}, float4{kNaN, 1, 1, kNaN});
CHECK_ALL(( == 1.f));
f4 = simd::max(float4{1, kNaN, 2, kNaN}, float4{kNaN, 1, 1, kNaN});
CHECK_ALL(( == vec<3>{1, 1, 2}));
// simd::min/max differs from std::min/max when the first argument is NaN.
CHECK(simd::min<float, 1>(kNaN, 1).x == 1);
CHECK(std::isnan(std::min<float>(kNaN, 1)));
CHECK(simd::max<float, 1>(kNaN, 1).x == 1);
CHECK(std::isnan(std::max<float>(kNaN, 1)));
// simd::min/max is equivalent std::min/max when the second argument is NaN.
CHECK(simd::min<float, 1>(1, kNaN).x == std::min<float>(1, kNaN));
CHECK(simd::max<float, 1>(1, kNaN).x == std::max<float>(1, kNaN));
// Check simd::clamp.
TEST_CASE("clamp", "[simd]")
(simd::clamp(float4{1, 2, kInf, -kInf}, float4{2, 1, kInf, 0}, float4{3, 1, kInf, kInf}) ==
float4{2, 1, kInf, 0}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::clamp(float4{1, kNaN, kInf, -kInf},
float4{kNaN, 2, kNaN, 0},
float4{kNaN, 3, kInf, kNaN}) == float4{1, 2, kInf, 0}));
float4 f4 = simd::clamp(float4{1, kNaN, kNaN, kNaN},
float4{kNaN, 1, kNaN, kNaN},
float4{kNaN, kNaN, 1, kNaN});
CHECK_ALL((1.f ==;
// Returns lo if x == NaN, but std::clamp() returns NaN.
CHECK(simd::clamp<float, 1>(kNaN, 1, 2).x == 1);
// Returns hi if hi <= lo.
CHECK(simd::clamp<float, 1>(3, 2, 1).x == 1);
CHECK(simd::clamp<float, 1>(kNaN, 2, 1).x == 1);
CHECK(simd::clamp<float, 1>(kNaN, kNaN, 1).x == 1);
// Ignores hi and/or lo if they are NaN.
CHECK(simd::clamp<float, 1>(3, 4, kNaN).x == 4);
CHECK(simd::clamp<float, 1>(3, 2, kNaN).x == 3);
CHECK(simd::clamp<float, 1>(3, kNaN, 2).x == 2);
CHECK(simd::clamp<float, 1>(3, kNaN, 4).x == 3);
CHECK(simd::clamp<float, 1>(3, kNaN, kNaN).x == 3);
// Check simd::abs.
TEST_CASE("abs", "[simd]")
CHECK_ALL((simd::abs(float4{-1, 2, -3, 4}) == float4{1, 2, 3, 4}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::abs(float2{-5, 6}) == float2{5, 6}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::abs(float2{-0, 0}) == float2{0, 0}));
-kInf} == float4{-std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(),
float2 nan2 = simd::abs(float2{kNaN, -kNaN});
CHECK_ALL((simd::abs(int4{7, -8, 9, -10}) == int4{7, 8, 9, 10}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::abs(int2{0, -0}) == int2{0, 0}));
// abs(INT_MIN) returns INT_MIN.
std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()}) ==
int2{std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()}));
// Check simd::sum.
TEST_CASE("sum", "[simd]")
float4 v = {1, 2, 3, 4};
CHECK(simd::sum(v) == 10);
CHECK(simd::sum(v.zwxy) == 10);
CHECK(simd::sum( == 6);
CHECK(simd::sum(v.yz) == 5);
CHECK(simd::sum(v.xy.yxyx) == 6);
int4 v = {1, 2, 3, 4};
CHECK(simd::sum(v) == 10);
CHECK(simd::sum(v.zwxy) == 10);
CHECK(simd::sum( == 6);
CHECK(simd::sum(v.yz) == 5);
CHECK(simd::sum(v.xy.yxyx) == 6);
uint4 v = {1, 2, 3, 4};
CHECK(simd::sum(v) == 10);
CHECK(simd::sum(v.zwxy) == 10);
CHECK(simd::sum( == 6);
CHECK(simd::sum(v.yz) == 5);
CHECK(simd::sum(v.xy.yxyx) == 6);
// Check simd::floor.
TEST_CASE("floor", "[simd]")
CHECK_ALL((simd::floor(float4{-1.9f, 1.9f, 2, -2}) == float4{-2, 1, 2, -2}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::floor(float2{kInf, -kInf}) == float2{kInf, -kInf}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::isnan(simd::floor(float2{kNaN, -kNaN}))));
// Check simd::ceil.
TEST_CASE("ceil", "[simd]")
CHECK_ALL((simd::ceil(float4{-1.9f, 1.9f, 2, -2}) == float4{-1, 2, 2, -2}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::ceil(float2{kInf, -kInf}) == float2{kInf, -kInf}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::isnan(simd::ceil(float2{kNaN, -kNaN}))));
// Check simd::sqrt.
TEST_CASE("sqrt", "[simd]")
CHECK_ALL((simd::sqrt(float4{1, 4, 9, 16}) == float4{1, 2, 3, 4}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::sqrt(float2{25, 36}) == float2{5, 6}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::sqrt(vec<1>{36}) == vec<1>{6}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::sqrt(vec<5>{49, 64, 81, 100, 121}) == vec<5>{7, 8, 9, 10, 11}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::isnan(simd::sqrt(float4{-1, -kInf, kNaN, -2}))));
CHECK_ALL((simd::sqrt(vec<3>{kInf, 0, 1}) == vec<3>{kInf, 0, 1}));
static bool check_fast_acos(float x, float fast_acos_x)
float acosf_x = acosf(x);
float error = acosf_x - fast_acos_x;
if (!(fabsf(error) <= SIMD_FAST_ACOS_MAX_ERROR))
auto rad2deg = [](float rad) { return rad * 180 / math::PI; };
"Larger-than-expected error from skvx::fast_acos\n"
" x= %f\n"
" fast_acos_x= %f (%f degrees\n"
" acosf_x= %f (%f degrees\n"
" error= %f (%f degrees)\n"
" tolerance= %f (%f degrees)\n\n",
return false;
return true;
TEST_CASE("fast_acos", "[simd]")
float4 boundaries = simd::fast_acos(float4{-1, 0, 1, 0});
check_fast_acos(-1, boundaries[0]);
check_fast_acos(0, boundaries[1]);
check_fast_acos(+1, boundaries[2]);
// Select a distribution of starting points around which to begin testing fast_acos. These
// fall roughly around the known minimum and maximum errors. No need to include -1, 0, or 1
// since those were just tested above. (Those are tricky because 0 is an inflection and the
// derivative is infinite at 1 and -1.)
using float8 = vec<8>;
float8 x = {-.99f, -.8f, -.4f, -.2f, .2f, .4f, .8f, .99f};
// Converge at the various local minima and maxima of "fast_acos(x) - cosf(x)" and verify that
// fast_acos is always within "kTolerance" degrees of the expected answer.
float8 err_;
for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter)
// Run our approximate inverse cosine approximation.
auto fast_acos_x = simd::fast_acos(x);
// Find d/dx(error)
// = d/dx(fast_acos(x) - acos(x))
// = (f'g - fg')/gg + 1/sqrt(1 - x^2), [where f = bx^3 + ax, g = dx^4 + cx^2 + 1]
float8 xx = x * x;
float8 a = -0.939115566365855f;
float8 b = 0.9217841528914573f;
float8 c = -1.2845906244690837f;
float8 d = 0.295624144969963174f;
float8 f = (b * xx + a) * x;
float8 f_ = 3.f * b * xx + a;
float8 g = (d * xx + c) * xx + 1.f;
float8 g_ = (4.f * d * xx + 2.f * c) * x;
float8 gg = g * g;
float8 q = simd::sqrt(1.f - xx);
err_ = (f_ * g - f * g_) / gg + 1.f / q;
// Find d^2/dx^2(error)
// = ((f''g - fg'')g^2 - (f'g - fg')2gg') / g^4 + x(1 - x^2)^(-3/2)
// = ((f''g - fg'')g - (f'g - fg')2g') / g^3 + x(1 - x^2)^(-3/2)
float8 f__ = 6.f * b * x;
float8 g__ = 12.f * d * xx + 2.f * c;
float8 err__ = ((f__ * g - f * g__) * g - (f_ * g - f * g_) * 2.f * g_) / (gg * g) +
x / ((1.f - xx) * q);
#if 0
SkDebugf("\n\niter %i\n", iter);
// Ensure each lane's approximation is within maximum error.
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
#if 0
SkDebugf("x=%f err=%f err'=%f err''=%f\n",
x[j], rad2deg(skvx::fast_acos_x[j] - acosf(x[j])),
rad2deg(err_[j]), rad2deg(err__[j]));
if (!check_fast_acos(x[j], fast_acos_x[j]))
// Use Newton's method to update the x values to locations closer to their local minimum or
// maximum. (This is where d/dx(error) == 0.)
x -= err_ / err__;
x = simd::clamp<float, 8>(x, -.99f, .99f);
// Verify each lane converged to a local minimum or maximum.
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
// Make sure we found all the actual known locations of local min/max error.
for (float knownRoot : {-0.983536f, -0.867381f, -0.410923f, 0.410923f, 0.867381f, 0.983536f})
CHECK_ANY((simd::abs(x - knownRoot) < math::EPSILON));
TEST_CASE("cast", "[simd]")
float4 f4 = float4{-1.9f, -1.5f, 1.5f, 1.1f};
CHECK(simd::all(simd::cast<int>(f4) == int4{-1, -1, 1, 1}));
CHECK(simd::all(simd::cast<int>(simd::floor(f4)) == int4{-2, -2, 1, 1}));
CHECK(simd::all(simd::cast<int>(simd::ceil(f4)) == int4{-1, -1, 2, 2}));
CHECK(simd::all(simd::cast<int>(simd::ceil(f4.zwxy)) == int4{2, 2, -1, -1}));
CHECK(simd::all(simd::cast<int>(simd::ceil(f4).zwxy) == int4{2, 2, -1, -1}));
// Check simd::dot.
TEST_CASE("dot", "[simd]")
CHECK(simd::dot(int2{0, 1}, int2{1, 0}) == 0);
CHECK(simd::dot(uint2{1, 0}, uint2{0, 1}) == 0);
CHECK(simd::dot(int2{1, 1}, int2{1, -1}) == 0);
CHECK(simd::dot(uint2{1, 1}, uint2{1, 1}) == 2);
CHECK(simd::dot(int2{1, 1}, int2{-1, -1}) == -2);
CHECK(simd::dot(ivec<3>{1, 2, -3}, ivec<3>{1, 2, 3}) == -4);
CHECK(simd::dot(uvec<3>{1, 2, 3}, uvec<3>{1, 2, 3}) == 14);
CHECK(simd::dot(int4{1, 2, 3, 4}, int4{1, 2, 3, 4}) == 30);
CHECK(simd::dot(ivec<5>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, ivec<5>{1, 2, 3, 4, -5}) == 5);
CHECK(simd::dot(uvec<5>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, uvec<5>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) == 55);
CHECK(simd::dot(float4{1, 2, 3, 4}, float4{4, 3, 2, 1}) == 20);
CHECK(simd::dot(vec<3>{1, 2, 3}, vec<3>{3, 2, 1}) == 10);
CHECK(simd::dot(float2{0, 1}, float2{1, 0}) == 0);
CHECK(simd::dot(vec<5>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, vec<5>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) == 55);
// Check simd::cross.
TEST_CASE("cross", "[simd]")
CHECK(simd::cross({0, 1}, {0, 1}) == 0);
CHECK(simd::cross({1, 0}, {1, 0}) == 0);
CHECK(simd::cross({1, 1}, {1, 1}) == 0);
CHECK(simd::cross({1, 1}, {1, -1}) == -2);
CHECK(simd::cross({1, 1}, {-1, 1}) == 2);
// Check simd::join
TEST_CASE("join", "[simd]")
CHECK_ALL((simd::join(int2{1, 2}, int4{3, 4, 5, 6}) == ivec<6>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::join(vec<1>{1}, vec<3>{2, 3, 4}) == float4{1, 2, 3, 4}));
template <int N> static vec<N> mix_reference_impl(vec<N> a, vec<N> b, float t)
return a * (1.f - t) + b * t;
template <int N> static vec<N> mix_reference_impl(vec<N> a, vec<N> b, vec<N> t)
return a * (1.f - t) + b * t;
template <typename T, int N> static bool fuzzy_equal(simd::gvec<T, N> a, simd::gvec<T, N> b)
return simd::all(b - a < 1e-4f);
static float frand()
float kMaxBelow1 = math::bit_cast<float>(math::bit_cast<uint32_t>(1.f) - 1);
float f = static_cast<float>(rand()) / static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX);
return std::min(kMaxBelow1, f);
template <int N> vec<N> vrand()
vec<N> vrand{};
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
vrand[i] = frand();
return vrand;
template <int N> void check_mix()
vec<N> a = vrand<N>();
vec<N> b = vrand<N>();
float t = frand();
CHECK(fuzzy_equal(simd::mix(a, b, vec<N>(t)), mix_reference_impl(a, b, t)));
CHECK(fuzzy_equal(simd::precise_mix(a, b, vec<N>(t)), mix_reference_impl(a, b, t)));
vec<N> tt = vrand<N>();
CHECK(fuzzy_equal(simd::mix(a, b, tt), mix_reference_impl(a, b, tt)));
CHECK(fuzzy_equal(simd::precise_mix(a, b, tt), mix_reference_impl(a, b, tt)));
// Check simd::mix
TEST_CASE("mix", "[simd]")
CHECK_ALL((simd::mix(float4{1, 2, 3, 4}, float4{5, 6, 7, 8}, float4(0)) == float4{1, 2, 3, 4}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::precise_mix(float4{-1, 2, 3, 4}, float4{5, 6, 7, 8}, float4(0)) ==
float4{-1, 2, 3, 4}));
CHECK_ALL((simd::precise_mix(float4{1, 2, 3, 4}, float4{5, -6, 7, -8}, float4(1)) ==
float4{5, -6, 7, -8}));
// Check simd::load4x4f
TEST_CASE("load4x4f", "[simd]")
// Column major.
float m[16] = {0, 4, 8, 12, 1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 6, 10, 14, 3, 7, 11, 15};
auto c = simd::load4x4f(m);
CHECK(simd::all(std::get<0>(c) == float4{0, 1, 2, 3}));
CHECK(simd::all(std::get<1>(c) == float4{4, 5, 6, 7}));
CHECK(simd::all(std::get<2>(c) == float4{8, 9, 10, 11}));
CHECK(simd::all(std::get<3>(c) == float4{12, 13, 14, 15}));
} // namespace rive