blob: 668273f7225c29f325f7fccb71b2d51589489da8 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "StateTransition",
"key": {
"int": 65,
"string": "statetransition"
"extends": "animation/state_machine_layer_component.json",
"properties": {
"stateFromId": {
"type": "Id",
"initialValue": "Core.missingId",
"key": {
"int": 150,
"string": "statefromid"
"description": "Id of the state this transition originates from.",
"runtime": false
"stateToId": {
"type": "Id",
"typeRuntime": "uint",
"initialValue": "Core.missingId",
"initialValueRuntime": "-1",
"key": {
"int": 151,
"string": "statetoid"
"description": "Id of the state this transition originates from."
"flags": {
"type": "uint",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 152,
"string": "flags"
"duration": {
"type": "uint",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 158,
"string": "duration"
"description": "Duration of the trasition (mix time) in milliseconds or percentage (0-100) based on flags."
"transitionOrder": {
"type": "FractionalIndex",
"initialValue": "FractionalIndex.invalid",
"key": {
"int": 159,
"string": "transitionorder"
"description": "Order value for sorting transitions in states.",
"runtime": false
"exitTime": {
"type": "uint",
"initialValue": "0",
"key": {
"int": 160,
"string": "exittime"
"description": "Duration in milliseconds that must elapse before allowing the state to change. If the flags mark this property as being percentage based, the value is in 0-100% of the outgoing animation's duration"