blob: cc68efad1de15bc1d8a851cb6979027ae04b0385 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "rive/shapes/paint/linear_gradient.hpp"
#include "rive/math/vec2d.hpp"
#include "rive/artboard.hpp"
#include "rive/factory.hpp"
#include "rive/node.hpp"
#include "rive/renderer.hpp"
#include "rive/shapes/paint/color.hpp"
#include "rive/shapes/paint/gradient_stop.hpp"
#include "rive/shapes/shape_paint_container.hpp"
#include "rive/shapes/paint/shape_paint.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace rive;
StatusCode LinearGradient::onAddedDirty(CoreContext* context)
StatusCode code = Super::onAddedDirty(context);
if (code != StatusCode::Ok)
return code;
if (!initPaintMutator(this))
return StatusCode::MissingObject;
return StatusCode::Ok;
void LinearGradient::buildDependencies()
auto p = parent();
if (p != nullptr && p->parent() != nullptr)
auto parentsParent = p->parent();
// Parent's parent must be a shape paint container.
assert(ShapePaintContainer::from(parentsParent) != nullptr);
// TODO: see if artboard should inherit from some TransformComponent
// that can return a world transform. We store the container just for
// doing the transform to world in update. If it's the artboard, then
// we're already in world so no need to transform.
m_ShapePaintContainer = parentsParent->is<Node>() ? parentsParent->as<Node>() : nullptr;
void LinearGradient::addStop(GradientStop* stop) { m_Stops.push_back(stop); }
static bool stopsComparer(GradientStop* a, GradientStop* b)
return a->position() < b->position();
void LinearGradient::update(ComponentDirt value)
// Do the stops need to be re-ordered?
bool stopsChanged = hasDirt(value, ComponentDirt::Stops);
if (stopsChanged)
std::sort(m_Stops.begin(), m_Stops.end(), stopsComparer);
bool worldTransformed = hasDirt(value, ComponentDirt::WorldTransform);
bool paintsInWorldSpace = parent()->as<ShapePaint>()->pathSpace() == PathSpace::World;
// We rebuild the gradient if the gradient is dirty or we paint in world
// space and the world space transform has changed, or the local transform
// has changed. Local transform changes when a stop moves in local space.
bool rebuildGradient =
ComponentDirt::Paint | ComponentDirt::RenderOpacity | ComponentDirt::Transform) ||
(paintsInWorldSpace && worldTransformed);
if (rebuildGradient)
Vec2D start(startX(), startY());
Vec2D end(endX(), endY());
// Check if we need to update the world space gradient (if there's no
// shape container, presumably it's the artboard and we're already in
// world).
if (paintsInWorldSpace && m_ShapePaintContainer != nullptr)
// Get the start and end of the gradient in world coordinates (world
// transform of the shape).
const Mat2D& world = m_ShapePaintContainer->worldTransform();
start = world * start;
end = world * end;
// build up the color and positions lists
const auto ro = opacity() * renderOpacity();
const auto count = m_Stops.size();
// need some temporary storage. Allocate enough for both arrays
assert(sizeof(ColorInt) == sizeof(float));
std::vector<ColorInt> storage(count * 2);
ColorInt* colors =;
float* stops = (float*)colors + count;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
colors[i] = colorModulateOpacity(m_Stops[i]->colorValue(), ro);
stops[i] = m_Stops[i]->position();
makeGradient(start, end, colors, stops, count);
void LinearGradient::makeGradient(Vec2D start,
Vec2D end,
const ColorInt colors[],
const float stops[],
size_t count)
auto factory = artboard()->factory();
factory->makeLinearGradient(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, colors, stops, count));
void LinearGradient::markGradientDirty() { addDirt(ComponentDirt::Paint); }
void LinearGradient::markStopsDirty() { addDirt(ComponentDirt::Paint | ComponentDirt::Stops); }
void LinearGradient::renderOpacityChanged() { markGradientDirty(); }
void LinearGradient::startXChanged() { addDirt(ComponentDirt::Transform); }
void LinearGradient::startYChanged() { addDirt(ComponentDirt::Transform); }
void LinearGradient::endXChanged() { addDirt(ComponentDirt::Transform); }
void LinearGradient::endYChanged() { addDirt(ComponentDirt::Transform); }
void LinearGradient::opacityChanged() { markGradientDirty(); }
bool LinearGradient::internalIsTranslucent() const
if (opacity() < 1)
return true;
for (const auto stop : m_Stops)
if (colorAlpha(stop->colorValue()) != 0xFF)
return true;
return false; // all of our stops are opaque