blob: 35a5179705be15e19685a82fa7019b8598950070 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <type_traits>
namespace rive
enum class ComponentDirt : unsigned short
None = 0,
Dependents = 1 << 0,
/// General flag for components are dirty (if this is up, the update
/// cycle runs). It gets automatically applied with any other dirt.
Components = 1 << 1,
/// Draw order needs to be re-computed.
DrawOrder = 1 << 2,
/// Path is dirty and needs to be rebuilt.
Path = 1 << 3,
/// Vertices have changed, re-order cached lists.
Vertices = 1 << 4,
/// Used by any component that needs to recompute their local transform.
/// Usually components that have their transform dirty will also have
/// their worldTransform dirty.
Transform = 1 << 5,
/// Used by any component that needs to update its world transform.
WorldTransform = 1 << 6,
/// Marked when the stored render opacity needs to be updated.
RenderOpacity = 1 << 7,
/// Dirt used to mark some stored paint needs to be rebuilt or that we
/// just want to trigger an update cycle so painting occurs.
Paint = 1 << 8,
/// Used by the gradients track when the stops need to be re-ordered.
Stops = 1 << 9,
/// Blend modes need to be updated
// TODO: do we need this?
// BlendMode = 1 << 9,
// Everything is dirty.
Filthy = 0xFFFF
inline constexpr ComponentDirt operator&(ComponentDirt lhs,
ComponentDirt rhs)
return static_cast<ComponentDirt>(
static_cast<std::underlying_type<ComponentDirt>::type>(lhs) &
inline constexpr ComponentDirt operator^(ComponentDirt lhs,
ComponentDirt rhs)
return static_cast<ComponentDirt>(
static_cast<std::underlying_type<ComponentDirt>::type>(lhs) ^
inline constexpr ComponentDirt operator|(ComponentDirt lhs,
ComponentDirt rhs)
return static_cast<ComponentDirt>(
static_cast<std::underlying_type<ComponentDirt>::type>(lhs) |
inline constexpr ComponentDirt operator~(ComponentDirt rhs)
return static_cast<ComponentDirt>(
inline ComponentDirt& operator|=(ComponentDirt& lhs, ComponentDirt rhs)
lhs = static_cast<ComponentDirt>(
static_cast<std::underlying_type<ComponentDirt>::type>(lhs) |
return lhs;
inline ComponentDirt& operator&=(ComponentDirt& lhs, ComponentDirt rhs)
lhs = static_cast<ComponentDirt>(
static_cast<std::underlying_type<ComponentDirt>::type>(lhs) &
return lhs;
inline ComponentDirt& operator^=(ComponentDirt& lhs, ComponentDirt rhs)
lhs = static_cast<ComponentDirt>(
static_cast<std::underlying_type<ComponentDirt>::type>(lhs) ^
return lhs;
} // namespace rive