blob: baac40a143861901934c62fd8f3800342e090587 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "rive/shapes/mesh.hpp"
#include "rive/shapes/image.hpp"
#include "rive/shapes/vertex.hpp"
#include "rive/shapes/mesh_vertex.hpp"
#include "rive/bones/skin.hpp"
#include "rive/artboard.hpp"
#include "rive/factory.hpp"
#include "rive/span.hpp"
#include <limits>
using namespace rive;
/// Called whenever a vertex moves (x/y change).
void Mesh::markDrawableDirty() {
if (skin() != nullptr) {
void Mesh::addVertex(MeshVertex* vertex) { m_Vertices.push_back(vertex); }
StatusCode Mesh::onAddedDirty(CoreContext* context) {
StatusCode result = Super::onAddedDirty(context);
if (result != StatusCode::Ok) {
return result;
if (!parent()->is<Image>()) {
return StatusCode::MissingObject;
// All good, tell the image it has a mesh.
return StatusCode::Ok;
StatusCode Mesh::onAddedClean(CoreContext* context) {
// Make sure Core found indices in the file for this Mesh.
if (m_IndexBuffer == nullptr) {
return StatusCode::InvalidObject;
// Check the indices are all in range. We should consider having a better
// error reporting system to the implementor.
for (auto index : *m_IndexBuffer) {
if (index >= m_Vertices.size()) {
return StatusCode::InvalidObject;
return Super::onAddedClean(context);
void Mesh::decodeTriangleIndexBytes(Span<const uint8_t> value) {
// decode the triangle index bytes
rcp<IndexBuffer> buffer = rcp<IndexBuffer>(new IndexBuffer());
BinaryReader reader(value);
while (!reader.reachedEnd()) {
m_IndexBuffer = buffer;
void Mesh::copyTriangleIndexBytes(const MeshBase& object) {
m_IndexBuffer =<Mesh>()->m_IndexBuffer;
/// Called whenever a bone moves that is connected to the skin.
void Mesh::markSkinDirty() { addDirt(ComponentDirt::Vertices); }
void Mesh::buildDependencies() {
if (skin() != nullptr) {
// TODO: This logic really needs to move to a "intializeGraphics/Renderer"
// method that is passed a reference to the Renderer.
// TODO: if this is an instance, share the index and uv buffer from the
// source. Consider storing an m_SourceMesh.
std::vector<float> uv = std::vector<float>(m_Vertices.size() * 2);
std::size_t index = 0;
for (auto vertex : m_Vertices) {
uv[index++] = vertex->u();
uv[index++] = vertex->v();
auto factory = artboard()->factory();
m_UVRenderBuffer = factory->makeBufferF32(toSpan(uv));
m_IndexRenderBuffer = factory->makeBufferU16(toSpan(*m_IndexBuffer));
void Mesh::update(ComponentDirt value) {
if (hasDirt(value, ComponentDirt::Vertices)) {
if (skin() != nullptr) {
skin()->deform({(Vertex**), m_Vertices.size()});
m_VertexRenderBuffer = nullptr;
void Mesh::draw(Renderer* renderer, const RenderImage* image, BlendMode blendMode, float opacity) {
if (m_VertexRenderBuffer == nullptr) {
std::vector<float> vertices(m_Vertices.size() * 2);
std::size_t index = 0;
for (auto vertex : m_Vertices) {
auto translation = vertex->renderTranslation();
vertices[index++] = translation.x;
vertices[index++] = translation.y;
auto factory = artboard()->factory();
m_VertexRenderBuffer = factory->makeBufferF32(toSpan(vertices));
if (skin() == nullptr) {
image, m_VertexRenderBuffer, m_UVRenderBuffer, m_IndexRenderBuffer, blendMode, opacity);