blob: 7e733608a573b376f3468c49b0c2de6ed60a6740 [file] [log] [blame]
-- require "lfs"
-- Clean Function --
newaction {
trigger = 'clean',
description = 'clean the build',
execute = function()
print('clean the build...')
-- no wildcards in os.remove, so use shell
os.execute('rm *.make')
print('build cleaned')
workspace 'rive'
configurations {'debug'}
dofile(path.join(path.getabsolute('../../dependencies/'), 'premake5_harfbuzz.lua'))
dofile(path.join(path.getabsolute('../../dependencies/'), 'premake5_sheenbidi.lua'))
kind 'ConsoleApp'
language 'C++'
cppdialect 'C++11'
toolset (_OPTIONS["toolset"] or "clang")
targetdir 'build/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}'
objdir 'build/obj/%{cfg.buildcfg}'
flags {'FatalWarnings'}
buildoptions {'-Wall', '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti'}
includedirs {
harfbuzz .. '/src',
sheenbidi .. '/Headers'
links {
files {
'../../src/**.cpp', -- the Rive runtime source
'../../test/**.cpp', -- the tests
'../../utils/**.cpp' -- no_op utils
filter 'configurations:debug'
defines {'DEBUG'}
symbols 'On'
filter 'system:windows'
removebuildoptions {
-- vs clang doesn't recognize these on windows
architecture 'x64'
defines {
filter {'system:windows', 'options:toolset=clang'}
buildoptions {
filter {'system:windows', 'options:toolset=msc'}
-- We currently suppress several warnings for the MSVC build, some serious. Once this build
-- is fully integrated into GitHub actions, we will definitely want to address these.
disablewarnings {
"4061", -- enumerator 'identifier' in switch of enum 'enumeration' is not explicitly
-- handled by a case label
"4100", -- 'identifier': unreferenced formal parameter
"4201", -- nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union
"4244", -- 'conversion_type': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data
"4245", -- 'conversion_type': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned
-- mismatch
"4267", -- 'variable': conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data
"4355", -- 'this': used in base member initializer list
"4365", -- 'expression': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned mismatch
"4388", -- 'expression': signed/unsigned mismatch
"4389", -- 'operator': signed/unsigned mismatch
"4458", -- declaration of 'identifier' hides class member
"4514", -- 'function': unreferenced inline function has been removed
"4583", -- 'Catch::clara::detail::ResultValueBase<T>::m_value': destructor is not
-- implicitly called
"4623", -- 'Catch::AssertionInfo': default constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
"4625", -- 'derived class': copy constructor was implicitly defined as deleted because a
-- base class copy constructor is inaccessible or deleted
"4626", -- 'derived class': assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted
-- because a base class assignment operator is inaccessible or deleted
"4820", -- 'bytes' bytes padding added after construct 'member_name'
"4868", -- (catch.hpp) compiler may not enforce left-to-right evaluation order in braced
-- initializer list
"5026", -- 'type': move constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
"5027", -- 'type': move assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted
"5039", -- (catch.hpp) 'AddVectoredExceptionHandler': pointer or reference to
-- potentially throwing function passed to 'extern "C"' function under -EHc.
-- Undefined behavior may occur if this function throws an exception.
"5045", -- Compiler will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load if /Qspectre switch
-- specified
"5204", -- 'Catch::Matchers::Impl::MatcherMethod<T>': class has virtual functions, but
-- its trivial destructor is not virtual; instances of objects derived from this
-- class may not be destructed correctly
"5219", -- implicit conversion from 'type-1' to 'type-2', possible loss of data
"5262", -- MSVC\14.34.31933\include\atomic(917,9): implicit fall-through occurs here;
-- are you missing a break statement?
"5264", -- 'rive::math::PI': 'const' variable is not used
newoption {
trigger = 'toolset',
value = 'type',
description = 'Choose which toolchain to build with',
allowed = {
{'clang', 'Build with Clang'},
{'msc', 'Build with the Microsoft C/C++ compiler'}
default = 'clang'