bugs: Internal Lua values may escape through the debug API +
Problems when yielding from debug hooks
diff --git a/bugs b/bugs
index c114b96..492e9b3 100644
--- a/bugs
+++ b/bugs
@@ -1880,8 +1880,8 @@
 +++ lundump.c   2008/04/04 19:51:41
 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--** $Id: bugs,v 1.113 2012/04/12 16:25:25 roberto Exp roberto $
-+** $Id: bugs,v 1.113 2012/04/12 16:25:25 roberto Exp roberto $
+-** $Id: bugs,v 1.114 2012/05/11 14:10:28 roberto Exp roberto $
++** $Id: bugs,v 1.114 2012/05/11 14:10:28 roberto Exp roberto $
  ** load precompiled Lua chunks
  ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
@@ -2648,6 +2648,43 @@
+what = [[Internal Lua values may escape through the debug API]],
+report = [[Dan Tull, 2012/04/20]],
+since = [[5.1]],
+example = [[
+-- for Lua 5.1
+local firsttime = true
+local function foo ()
+  if firsttime then
+    firsttime = false
+    return "a = 1" 
+  else
+    for i = 1, 10 do
+      print(debug.getlocal(2, i))
+    end
+  end
+print(load(foo))   -- prints some lines and then seg. fault.
+patch = [[
+what = [[Problems when yielding from debug hooks]],
+report = [[Erik Cassel, 2012/06/05]],
+since = [[5.2.0]],
+example = [[
+Set, in C, a line hook that simply yields,
+and then call any Lua function.
+You get an infinite loop of yields.
+patch = [[