Fixed bug of old finalized objects in the GC

When an object aged OLD1 is finalized, it is moved from the list
'finobj' to the *beginning* of the list 'allgc'. So, this part of the
list (and not only the survival list) must be visited by 'markold'.
diff --git a/lgc.c b/lgc.c
index f26c921..f7fd7a5 100644
--- a/lgc.c
+++ b/lgc.c
@@ -1131,16 +1131,14 @@
-** Does a young collection. First, mark 'OLD1' objects.  (Only survival
-** and "recent old" lists can contain 'OLD1' objects. New lists cannot
-** contain 'OLD1' objects, at most 'OLD0' objects that were already
-** visited when marked old.) Then does the atomic step. Then,
-** sweep all lists and advance pointers. Finally, finish the collection.
+** Does a young collection. First, mark 'OLD1' objects. Then does the
+** atomic step. Then, sweep all lists and advance pointers. Finally,
+** finish the collection.
 static void youngcollection (lua_State *L, global_State *g) {
   GCObject **psurvival;  /* to point to first non-dead survival object */
   lua_assert(g->gcstate == GCSpropagate);
-  markold(g, g->survival, g->reallyold);
+  markold(g, g->allgc, g->reallyold);
   markold(g, g->finobj, g->finobjrold);