blob: 95f5aeb826ec2ef3753842f910fe63f3bdf22122 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense
// Fine rasterizer. This can run in simple (just path rendering) and full
// modes, controllable by #define.
// This is a cut'n'paste w/ backdrop.
struct Tile {
backdrop: i32,
segments: u32,
#import segment
#import config
@group(0) @binding(0)
var<uniform> config: Config;
@group(0) @binding(1)
var<storage> tiles: array<Tile>;
@group(0) @binding(2)
var<storage> segments: array<Segment>;
#ifdef full
#import blend
#import ptcl
@group(0) @binding(3)
var output: texture_storage_2d<rgba8unorm, write>;
@group(0) @binding(4)
var<storage> ptcl: array<u32>;
@group(0) @binding(5)
var gradients: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(6)
var<storage> info: array<u32>;
@group(0) @binding(7)
var image_atlas: texture_2d<f32>;
#ifdef msaa8
let MASK_WIDTH = 32u;
let MASK_HEIGHT = 32u;
// This might be better in uniform, but that has 16 byte alignment
@group(0) @binding(8)
var<storage> mask_lut: array<u32, 256u>;
#ifdef msaa16
let MASK_WIDTH = 64u;
let MASK_HEIGHT = 64u;
// This might be better in uniform, but that has 16 byte alignment
@group(0) @binding(8)
var<storage> mask_lut: array<u32, 2048u>;
fn read_fill(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdFill {
let size_and_rule = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
let seg_data = ptcl[cmd_ix + 2u];
let backdrop = i32(ptcl[cmd_ix + 3u]);
return CmdFill(size_and_rule, seg_data, backdrop);
fn read_color(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdColor {
let rgba_color = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
return CmdColor(rgba_color);
fn read_lin_grad(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdLinGrad {
let index = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
let info_offset = ptcl[cmd_ix + 2u];
let line_x = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset]);
let line_y = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 1u]);
let line_c = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 2u]);
return CmdLinGrad(index, line_x, line_y, line_c);
fn read_rad_grad(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdRadGrad {
let index = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
let info_offset = ptcl[cmd_ix + 2u];
let m0 = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset]);
let m1 = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 1u]);
let m2 = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 2u]);
let m3 = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 3u]);
let matrx = vec4(m0, m1, m2, m3);
let xlat = vec2(bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 4u]), bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 5u]));
let c1 = vec2(bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 6u]), bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 7u]));
let ra = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 8u]);
let roff = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 9u]);
return CmdRadGrad(index, matrx, xlat, c1, ra, roff);
fn read_image(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdImage {
let info_offset = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
let m0 = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset]);
let m1 = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 1u]);
let m2 = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 2u]);
let m3 = bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 3u]);
let matrx = vec4(m0, m1, m2, m3);
let xlat = vec2(bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 4u]), bitcast<f32>(info[info_offset + 5u]));
let xy = info[info_offset + 6u];
let width_height = info[info_offset + 7u];
// The following are not intended to be bitcasts
let x = f32(xy >> 16u);
let y = f32(xy & 0xffffu);
let width = f32(width_height >> 16u);
let height = f32(width_height & 0xffffu);
return CmdImage(matrx, xlat, vec2(x, y), vec2(width, height));
fn read_end_clip(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdEndClip {
let blend = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
let alpha = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 2u]);
return CmdEndClip(blend, alpha);
@group(0) @binding(3)
var output: texture_storage_2d<r8, write>;
fn fill_path(seg_data: u32, n_segs: u32, backdrop: i32, xy: vec2<f32>, even_odd: bool) -> array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD> {
var area: array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>;
let backdrop_f = f32(backdrop);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
area[i] = backdrop_f;
for (var i = 0u; i < n_segs; i++) {
let seg_off = seg_data + i;
let segment = segments[seg_off];
let y = segment.origin.y - xy.y;
let y0 = clamp(y, 0.0, 1.0);
let y1 = clamp(y +, 0.0, 1.0);
let dy = y0 - y1;
if dy != 0.0 {
let vec_y_recip = 1.0 /;
let t0 = (y0 - y) * vec_y_recip;
let t1 = (y1 - y) * vec_y_recip;
let startx = segment.origin.x - xy.x;
let x0 = startx + t0 *;
let x1 = startx + t1 *;
let xmin0 = min(x0, x1);
let xmax0 = max(x0, x1);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let i_f = f32(i);
let xmin = min(xmin0 - i_f, 1.0) - 1.0e-6;
let xmax = xmax0 - i_f;
let b = min(xmax, 1.0);
let c = max(b, 0.0);
let d = max(xmin, 0.0);
let a = (b + 0.5 * (d * d - c * c) - xmin) / (xmax - xmin);
area[i] += a * dy;
let y_edge = sign( * clamp(xy.y - segment.y_edge + 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
area[i] += y_edge;
if even_odd {
// even-odd winding rule
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let a = area[i];
area[i] = abs(a - 2.0 * round(0.5 * a));
} else {
// non-zero winding rule
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
area[i] = min(abs(area[i]), 1.0);
return area;
let WG_SIZE = 64u;
var<workgroup> sh_count: array<u32, WG_SIZE>;
#ifdef msaa8
let SH_SAMPLES_SIZE = 256u;
#ifdef msaa16
let SH_SAMPLES_SIZE = 512u;
// This is 8 winding numbers packed to a u32, 4 bits per sample
var<workgroup> sh_winding: array<atomic<u32>, 32u>;
// Same packing, one group of 8 per pixel
var<workgroup> sh_samples: array<atomic<u32>, SH_SAMPLES_SIZE>;
// Same packing, accumulating winding numbers for vertical edge crossings
var<workgroup> sh_winding_y: array<atomic<u32>, 2u>;
// number of integer cells spanned by interval defined by a, b
fn span(a: f32, b: f32) -> u32 {
return u32(max(ceil(max(a, b)) - floor(min(a, b)), 1.0));
let SEG_SIZE = 5u;
// New multisampled algorithm.
fn fill_path_ms(seg_data: u32, n_segs: u32, backdrop: i32, wg_id: vec2<u32>, local_id: vec2<u32>, even_odd: bool) -> array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD> {
let tile_origin = vec2(f32(wg_id.x) * f32(TILE_HEIGHT), f32(wg_id.y) * f32(TILE_WIDTH));
let th_ix = local_id.y * (TILE_WIDTH / PIXELS_PER_THREAD) + local_id.x;
if th_ix < 32u {
if th_ix < 2u {
atomicStore(&sh_winding_y[th_ix], 0x88888888u);
atomicStore(&sh_winding[th_ix], 0x88888888u);
for (var i = 0u; i < sample_count; i++) {
atomicStore(&sh_samples[th_ix * sample_count + i], 0x88888888u);
let n_batch = (n_segs + (WG_SIZE - 1u)) / WG_SIZE;
for (var batch = 0u; batch < n_batch; batch++) {
let seg_ix = batch * WG_SIZE + th_ix;
let seg_off = seg_data + seg_ix;
var count = 0u;
let slice_size = min(n_segs - batch * WG_SIZE, WG_SIZE);
// TODO: might save a register rewriting this in terms of limit
if th_ix < slice_size {
let segment = segments[seg_off];
// Note: coords relative to tile origin probably a good idea in coarse path,
// especially as f16 would work. But keeping existing scheme for compatibility.
let xy0 = segment.origin - tile_origin;
let xy1 = xy0 +;
var y_edge_f = f32(TILE_HEIGHT);
var delta = select(-1, 1, xy1.x <= xy0.x);
if xy0.x == 0.0 && xy1.x == 0.0 {
if xy0.y == 0.0 {
y_edge_f = 0.0;
} else if xy1.y == 0.0 {
y_edge_f = 0.0;
delta = -delta;
} else {
if xy0.x == 0.0 {
if xy0.y != 0.0 {
y_edge_f = xy0.y;
} else if xy1.x == 0.0 && xy1.y != 0.0 {
y_edge_f = xy1.y;
// discard horizontal lines aligned to pixel grid
if !(xy0.y == xy1.y && xy0.y == floor(xy0.y)) {
count = span(xy0.x, xy1.x) + span(xy0.y, xy1.y) - 1u;
let y_edge = u32(ceil(y_edge_f));
if y_edge < TILE_HEIGHT {
atomicAdd(&sh_winding_y[y_edge >> 3u], u32(delta) << ((y_edge & 7u) << 2u));
// workgroup prefix sum of counts
sh_count[th_ix] = count;
let lg_n = firstLeadingBit(slice_size * 2u - 1u);
for (var i = 0u; i < lg_n; i++) {
if th_ix >= 1u << i {
count += sh_count[th_ix - (1u << i)];
sh_count[th_ix] = count;
#ifdef have_uniform
let total = workgroupUniformLoad(&sh_count[slice_size - 1u]);
let total = sh_count[slice_size - 1u];
for (var i = th_ix; i < total; i += WG_SIZE) {
// binary search to find pixel
var lo = 0u;
var hi = slice_size;
let goal = i;
while hi > lo + 1u {
let mid = (lo + hi) >> 1u;
if goal >= sh_count[mid - 1u] {
lo = mid;
} else {
hi = mid;
let el_ix = lo;
let last_pixel = i + 1u == sh_count[el_ix];
let sub_ix = i - select(0u, sh_count[el_ix - 1u], el_ix > 0u);
let seg_off = seg_data + batch * WG_SIZE + el_ix;
let segment = segments[seg_off];
let xy0_in = segment.origin - tile_origin;
let xy1_in = xy0_in +;
let is_down = xy1_in.y >= xy0_in.y;
let xy0 = select(xy1_in, xy0_in, is_down);
let xy1 = select(xy0_in, xy1_in, is_down);
// Set up data for line rasterization
// Note: this is duplicated work if total count exceeds a workgroup.
// One alternative is to compute it in a separate dispatch.
let dx = abs(xy1.x - xy0.x);
let dy = xy1.y - xy0.y;
let dy_dxdy = dy / (dx + dy);
let a = dx / (dx + dy);
let is_positive_slope = xy1.x >= xy0.x;
let sign = select(-1.0, 1.0, is_positive_slope);
let xt0 = floor(xy0.x * sign);
let c = xy0.x * sign - xt0;
// This has a special case in the JS code, but we should just not render
let y0i = floor(xy0.y);
let ytop = select(y0i + 1.0, ceil(xy0.y), xy0.y == xy1.y);
let b = dy_dxdy * c + a * (ytop - xy0.y);
let x0i = i32(xt0 * sign + 0.5 * (sign - 1.0));
// Use line equation to plot pixel coordinates
let zf = a * f32(sub_ix) + b;
let z = floor(zf);
let x = x0i + i32(sign * z);
let y = i32(y0i) + i32(sub_ix) - i32(z);
var is_delta: bool;
// We need to adjust winding number if slope is positive and there
// is a crossing at the left edge of the pixel.
var is_bump = false;
let zp = floor(a * f32(sub_ix - 1u) + b);
if sub_ix == 0u {
is_delta = y0i == xy0.y && y0i != xy1.y;
is_bump = xy0.x == 0.0;
} else {
is_delta = z == zp;
is_bump = is_positive_slope && !is_delta;
let pix_ix = u32(y) * TILE_WIDTH + u32(x);
if u32(x) < TILE_WIDTH - 1u && u32(y) < TILE_HEIGHT {
let delta_pix = pix_ix + 1u;
if is_delta {
let delta = select(u32(-1), 1u, is_down) << ((delta_pix & 7u) << 2u);
atomicAdd(&sh_winding[delta_pix >> 3u], delta);
// Apply sample mask
let mask_block = u32(is_positive_slope) * (MASK_WIDTH * MASK_HEIGHT / 2u);
let half_height = f32(MASK_HEIGHT / 2u);
let mask_row = floor(min(a * half_height, half_height - 1.0)) * f32(MASK_WIDTH);
let mask_col = floor((zf - z) * f32(MASK_WIDTH));
let mask_ix = mask_block + u32(mask_row + mask_col);
#ifdef msaa8
var mask = mask_lut[mask_ix / 4u] >> ((mask_ix % 4u) * 8u);
mask &= 0xffu;
// Intersect with y half-plane masks
if sub_ix == 0u && !is_bump {
let mask_shift = u32(round(8.0 * (xy0.y - f32(y))));
mask &= 0xffu << mask_shift;
if last_pixel && xy1.x != 0.0 {
let mask_shift = u32(round(8.0 * (xy1.y - f32(y))));
mask &= ~(0xffu << mask_shift);
let mask_a = mask | (mask << 6u);
let mask_b = mask_a | (mask_a << 12u);
let mask_exp = (mask_b & 0x1010101u) | ((mask_b << 3u) & 0x10101010u);
var mask_signed = select(mask_exp, u32(-i32(mask_exp)), is_down);
if is_bump {
mask_signed += select(u32(-0x11111111), 0x1111111u, is_down);
atomicAdd(&sh_samples[pix_ix], mask_signed);
#ifdef msaa16
var mask = mask_lut[mask_ix / 2u] >> ((mask_ix % 2u) * 16u);
mask &= 0xffffu;
// Intersect with y half-plane masks
if sub_ix == 0u && !is_bump {
let mask_shift = u32(round(16.0 * (xy0.y - f32(y))));
mask &= 0xffffu << mask_shift;
if last_pixel && xy1.x != 0.0 {
let mask_shift = u32(round(16.0 * (xy1.y - f32(y))));
mask &= ~(0xffffu << mask_shift);
let mask0 = mask & 0xffu;
let mask0_a = mask0 | (mask0 << 6u);
let mask0_b = mask0_a | (mask0_a << 12u);
let mask0_exp = (mask0_b & 0x1010101u) | ((mask0_b << 3u) & 0x10101010u);
var mask0_signed = select(mask0_exp, u32(-i32(mask0_exp)), is_down);
let mask1 = (mask >> 8u) & 0xffu;
let mask1_a = mask1 | (mask1 << 6u);
let mask1_b = mask1_a | (mask1_a << 12u);
let mask1_exp = (mask1_b & 0x1010101u) | ((mask1_b << 3u) & 0x10101010u);
var mask1_signed = select(mask1_exp, u32(-i32(mask1_exp)), is_down);
if is_bump {
let bump_delta = select(u32(-0x11111111), 0x1111111u, is_down);
mask0_signed += bump_delta;
mask1_signed += bump_delta;
atomicAdd(&sh_samples[pix_ix * 2u], mask0_signed);
atomicAdd(&sh_samples[pix_ix * 2u + 1u], mask1_signed);
var area: array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>;
let major = (th_ix * PIXELS_PER_THREAD) >> 3u;
var packed_w = atomicLoad(&sh_winding[major]);
// Prefix sum of packed 4 bit values within u32
packed_w += (packed_w - 0x8888888u) << 4u;
packed_w += (packed_w - 0x888888u) << 8u;
packed_w += (packed_w - 0x8888u) << 16u;
// Note: could probably do bias in one go, but it would be inscrutable
if (major & 1u) != 0u {
// We could use shmem to communicate the value from another thread;
// if we had subgroups that would almost certainly be the most
// efficient way. But we just calculate again for simplicity.
var last_packed = atomicLoad(&sh_winding[major - 1u]);
last_packed += (last_packed - 0x8888888u) << 4u;
last_packed += (last_packed - 0x888888u) << 8u;
last_packed += (last_packed - 0x8888u) << 16u;
let bump = ((last_packed >> 28u) - 8u) * 0x11111111u;
packed_w += bump;
var packed_y = atomicLoad(&sh_winding_y[local_id.y >> 3u]);
packed_y += (packed_y - 0x8888888u) << 4u;
packed_y += (packed_y - 0x888888u) << 8u;
packed_y += (packed_y - 0x8888u) << 16u;
if th_ix == 0u {
atomicStore(&sh_winding_y[0], packed_y);
var wind_y = (packed_y >> ((local_id.y & 7u) << 2u)) - 8u;
if local_id.y >= 8u {
wind_y += (atomicLoad(&sh_winding_y[0]) >> 28u) - 8u;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i++) {
let pix_ix = th_ix * PIXELS_PER_THREAD + i;
let minor = pix_ix & 7u;
//let nonzero = ((packed_w >> (minor << 2u)) & 0xfu) != u32(8 + backdrop);
// TODO: math might be off here
let expected_zero = (((packed_w >> (minor * 4u)) + wind_y) & 0xfu) - u32(backdrop);
if expected_zero >= 16u {
area[i] = 1.0;
} else {
#ifdef msaa8
let samples = atomicLoad(&sh_samples[pix_ix]);
let xored = (expected_zero * 0x11111111u) ^ samples;
// Each 4-bit nibble in xored is 0 for winding = 0, nonzero otherwise
let xored2 = xored | (xored * 2u);
let xored4 = xored2 | (xored2 * 4u);
area[i] = f32(countOneBits(xored4 & 0x88888888u)) * 0.125;
#ifdef msaa16
let samples0 = atomicLoad(&sh_samples[pix_ix * 2u]);
let samples1 = atomicLoad(&sh_samples[pix_ix * 2u + 1u]);
let xored0 = (expected_zero * 0x11111111u) ^ samples0;
let xored0_2 = xored0 | (xored0 * 2u);
let xored1 = (expected_zero * 0x11111111u) ^ samples1;
let xored1_2 = xored1 | (xored1 >> 1u);
let xored2 = (xored0_2 & 0xAAAAAAAAu) | (xored1_2 & 0x55555555u);
let xored4 = xored2 | (xored2 * 4u);
area[i] = f32(countOneBits(xored4 & 0xCCCCCCCCu)) * 0.0625;
return area;
// The X size should be 16 / PIXELS_PER_THREAD
@compute @workgroup_size(4, 16)
fn main(
@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>,
@builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id: vec3<u32>,
@builtin(workgroup_id) wg_id: vec3<u32>,
) {
let tile_ix = wg_id.y * config.width_in_tiles + wg_id.x;
let xy = vec2(f32(global_id.x * PIXELS_PER_THREAD), f32(global_id.y));
#ifdef full
var rgba: array<vec4<f32>, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
rgba[i] = unpack4x8unorm(config.base_color).wzyx;
var blend_stack: array<array<u32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>, BLEND_STACK_SPLIT>;
var clip_depth = 0u;
var area: array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>;
var cmd_ix = tile_ix * PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC;
let blend_offset = ptcl[cmd_ix];
cmd_ix += 1u;
// main interpretation loop
while true {
let tag = ptcl[cmd_ix];
if tag == CMD_END {
switch tag {
case 1u: {
let fill = read_fill(cmd_ix);
let n_segs = fill.size_and_rule >> 1u;
let even_odd = (fill.size_and_rule & 1u) != 0u;
//area = fill_path(fill.seg_data, n_segs, fill.backdrop, xy, even_odd);
area = fill_path_ms(fill.seg_data, n_segs, fill.backdrop, wg_id.xy, local_id.xy, even_odd);
cmd_ix += 4u;
case 2u: {
// Stroking in fine rasterization is disabled, as strokes will be expanded
// to fills earlier in the pipeline. This implementation is a stub, just to
// keep the shader from crashing.
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i++) {
area[i] = 0.0;
cmd_ix += 3u;
case 3u: {
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
area[i] = 1.0;
cmd_ix += 1u;
case 5u: {
let color = read_color(cmd_ix);
let fg = unpack4x8unorm(color.rgba_color).wzyx;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let fg_i = fg * area[i];
rgba[i] = rgba[i] * (1.0 - fg_i.a) + fg_i;
cmd_ix += 2u;
case 6u: {
let lin = read_lin_grad(cmd_ix);
let d = lin.line_x * xy.x + lin.line_y * xy.y + lin.line_c;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let my_d = d + lin.line_x * f32(i);
let x = i32(round(clamp(my_d, 0.0, 1.0) * f32(GRADIENT_WIDTH - 1)));
let fg_rgba = textureLoad(gradients, vec2(x, i32(lin.index)), 0);
let fg_i = fg_rgba * area[i];
rgba[i] = rgba[i] * (1.0 - fg_i.a) + fg_i;
cmd_ix += 3u;
case 7u: {
let rad = read_rad_grad(cmd_ix);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let my_xy = vec2(xy.x + f32(i), xy.y);
// TODO: can hoist y, but for now stick to the GLSL version
let xy_xformed = rad.matrx.xy * my_xy.x + * my_xy.y + rad.xlat;
let ba = dot(xy_xformed, rad.c1);
let ca = rad.ra * dot(xy_xformed, xy_xformed);
let t = sqrt(ba * ba + ca) - ba - rad.roff;
let x = i32(round(clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0) * f32(GRADIENT_WIDTH - 1)));
let fg_rgba = textureLoad(gradients, vec2(x, i32(rad.index)), 0);
let fg_i = fg_rgba * area[i];
rgba[i] = rgba[i] * (1.0 - fg_i.a) + fg_i;
cmd_ix += 3u;
case 8u: {
let image = read_image(cmd_ix);
let atlas_extents = image.atlas_offset + image.extents;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let my_xy = vec2(xy.x + f32(i), xy.y);
let atlas_uv = image.matrx.xy * my_xy.x + * my_xy.y + image.xlat + image.atlas_offset;
// This currently clips to the image bounds. TODO: extend modes
if all(atlas_uv < atlas_extents) && area[i] != 0.0 {
let uv_quad = vec4(max(floor(atlas_uv), image.atlas_offset), min(ceil(atlas_uv), atlas_extents));
let uv_frac = fract(atlas_uv);
let a = premul_alpha(textureLoad(image_atlas, vec2<i32>(uv_quad.xy), 0));
let b = premul_alpha(textureLoad(image_atlas, vec2<i32>(uv_quad.xw), 0));
let c = premul_alpha(textureLoad(image_atlas, vec2<i32>(uv_quad.zy), 0));
let d = premul_alpha(textureLoad(image_atlas, vec2<i32>(, 0));
let fg_rgba = mix(mix(a, b, uv_frac.y), mix(c, d, uv_frac.y), uv_frac.x);
let fg_i = fg_rgba * area[i];
rgba[i] = rgba[i] * (1.0 - fg_i.a) + fg_i;
cmd_ix += 2u;
case 9u: {
if clip_depth < BLEND_STACK_SPLIT {
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
blend_stack[clip_depth][i] = pack4x8unorm(rgba[i]);
rgba[i] = vec4(0.0);
} else {
// TODO: spill to memory
clip_depth += 1u;
cmd_ix += 1u;
case 10u: {
let end_clip = read_end_clip(cmd_ix);
clip_depth -= 1u;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
var bg_rgba: u32;
if clip_depth < BLEND_STACK_SPLIT {
bg_rgba = blend_stack[clip_depth][i];
} else {
// load from memory
let bg = unpack4x8unorm(bg_rgba);
let fg = rgba[i] * area[i] * end_clip.alpha;
rgba[i] = blend_mix_compose(bg, fg, end_clip.blend);
cmd_ix += 3u;
case 11u: {
cmd_ix = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
default: {}
let xy_uint = vec2<u32>(xy);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let coords = xy_uint + vec2(i, 0u);
if coords.x < config.target_width && coords.y < config.target_height {
let fg = rgba[i];
// Max with a small epsilon to avoid NaNs
let a_inv = 1.0 / max(fg.a, 1e-6);
let rgba_sep = vec4(fg.rgb * a_inv, fg.a);
textureStore(output, vec2<i32>(coords), rgba_sep);
let tile = tiles[tile_ix];
let area = fill_path(tile, xy);
let xy_uint = vec2<u32>(xy);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let coords = xy_uint + vec2(i, 0u);
if coords.x < config.target_width && coords.y < config.target_height {
textureStore(output, vec2<i32>(coords), vec4(area[i]));
fn premul_alpha(rgba: vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
return vec4(rgba.rgb * rgba.a, rgba.a);