blob: 8deda1b21e761497415a4a5a2fec4aba00ae4b0f [file] [log] [blame]
//! A benchmark based on MotionMark 1.2's path benchmark.
use rand::{Rng, seq::SliceRandom};
use piet::{Color, RenderContext, kurbo::{BezPath, CubicBez, Line, ParamCurve, PathSeg, Point, QuadBez}};
use crate::PietGpuRenderContext;
const WIDTH: usize = 1600;
const HEIGHT: usize = 900;
const GRID_WIDTH: i64 = 80;
const GRID_HEIGHT: i64 = 40;
pub struct MMark {
elements: Vec<Element>,
struct Element {
seg: PathSeg,
color: Color,
width: f64,
is_split: bool,
grid_point: GridPoint,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct GridPoint((i64, i64));
impl MMark {
pub fn new(n: usize) -> MMark {
let mut last = GridPoint((GRID_WIDTH / 2, GRID_HEIGHT / 2));
let elements = (0..n).map(|_| {
let element = Element::new_rand(last);
last = element.grid_point;
MMark { elements }
pub fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut PietGpuRenderContext) {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut path = BezPath::new();
let len = self.elements.len();
for (i, element) in self.elements.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if path.is_empty() {
match element.seg {
PathSeg::Line(l) => path.line_to(l.p1),
PathSeg::Quad(q) => path.quad_to(q.p1, q.p2),
PathSeg::Cubic(c) => path.curve_to(c.p1, c.p2, c.p3),
if element.is_split || i == len {
// This gets color and width from the last element, original
// gets it from the first, but this should not matter.
ctx.stroke(&path, &element.color, element.width);
path = BezPath::new(); // Should have clear method, to avoid allocations.
if rng.gen::<f32>() > 0.995 {
element.is_split ^= true;
const COLORS: &[Color] = &[
Color::rgb8(0x10, 0x10, 0x10),
Color::rgb8(0x80, 0x80, 0x80),
Color::rgb8(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0),
Color::rgb8(0x10, 0x10, 0x10),
Color::rgb8(0x80, 0x80, 0x80),
Color::rgb8(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0),
Color::rgb8(0xe0, 0x10, 0x40),
impl Element {
fn new_rand(last: GridPoint) -> Element {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let seg_type = rng.gen_range(0, 4);
let next = GridPoint::random_point(last);
let (grid_point, seg) = if seg_type < 2 {
(next, PathSeg::Line(Line::new(last.coordinate(), next.coordinate())))
} else if seg_type < 3 {
let p2 = GridPoint::random_point(next);
(p2, PathSeg::Quad(QuadBez::new(last.coordinate(), next.coordinate(), p2.coordinate())))
} else {
let p2 = GridPoint::random_point(next);
let p3 = GridPoint::random_point(next);
(p3, PathSeg::Cubic(CubicBez::new(last.coordinate(), next.coordinate(), p2.coordinate(), p3.coordinate())))
let color = COLORS.choose(&mut rng).unwrap().clone();
let width = rng.gen::<f64>().powi(5) * 20.0 + 1.0;
let is_split = rng.gen();
Element { seg, color, width, is_split, grid_point }
const OFFSETS: &[(i64, i64)] = &[(-4, 0), (2, 0), (1, -2), (1, 2)];
impl GridPoint {
fn random_point(last: GridPoint) -> GridPoint {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let offset = OFFSETS.choose(&mut rng).unwrap();
let mut x = last.0.0 + offset.0;
if x < 0 || x > GRID_WIDTH {
x -= offset.0 * 2;
let mut y = last.0.1 + offset.1;
if y < 0 || y > GRID_HEIGHT {
y -= offset.1 * 2;
GridPoint((x, y))
fn coordinate(&self) -> Point {
let scale_x = WIDTH as f64 / ((GRID_WIDTH + 1) as f64);
let scale_y = HEIGHT as f64 / ((GRID_HEIGHT + 1) as f64);
Point::new((self.0.0 as f64 + 0.5) * scale_x, 100.0 + (self.0.1 as f64 + 0.5) * scale_y)