blob: 62b943013cae384ba9132478f1f737f7fb5d33c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 the Vello Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
//! This utility provides conservative size estimation for buffer allocations backing
//! GPU bump memory. This estimate relies on heuristics and naturally overestimates.
use super::{BumpAllocatorMemory, BumpAllocators, Transform};
use peniko::kurbo::{Cap, Join, PathEl, Point, Stroke, Vec2};
const RSQRT_OF_TOL: f64 = 2.2360679775; // tol = 0.2
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct BumpEstimator {
// TODO: support binning
// TODO: support ptcl
// TODO: support tile
// NOTE: The segment count estimation could use further refinement, particularly to handle
// viewport clipping and rotation applied to fragments during append. We can produce a more
// optimal result under scale and rotation if we track more data for each shape during insertion
// and defer the final tally to resolve-time (in which we could evaluate the estimates using
// precisely transformed coordinates). For now we apply a fudge factor of sqrt(2) and inflate
// the number of tile crossing (a near~diagonal line orientation would result in worst case for
// the number of intersected tiles) to account for this.
// Accounting for viewport clipping (for the right and bottom edges of the viewport) is simply
// impossible at insertion time as the render target dimensions are unknown. We could
// potentially account for clipping (including clip shapes/layers) by tracking bounding boxes
// during insertion and resolving all clips at tally time (e.g. one could come up with a
// heuristic for scaling the counts based on the proportions of a clipped bbox area).
// Since we currently don't account for clipping, this will always overshoot when clips are
// present and when the bounding box of a shape is partially or wholly outside the viewport.
segments: u32,
lines: LineSoup,
impl BumpEstimator {
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
*self = Self::default();
/// Combine the counts of this estimator with `other` after applying an optional `transform`.
pub fn append(&mut self, other: &Self, transform: Option<&Transform>) {
let scale = transform_scale(transform);
self.segments += (other.segments as f64 * scale).ceil() as u32;
self.lines.add(&other.lines, scale);
pub fn count_path(
&mut self,
path: impl Iterator<Item = PathEl>,
t: &Transform,
stroke: Option<&Stroke>,
) {
let mut caps = 1;
let mut joins: u32 = 0;
let mut lineto_lines = 0;
let mut fill_close_lines = 1;
let mut curve_lines = 0;
let mut curve_count = 0;
let mut segments = 0;
// Track the path state to correctly count empty paths and close joins.
let mut first_pt = None;
let mut last_pt = None;
let scale = transform_scale(Some(t));
let scaled_width =|s| s.width * scale).unwrap_or(0.);
let offset_fudge = scaled_width.sqrt().max(1.);
for el in path {
match el {
PathEl::MoveTo(p0) => {
first_pt = Some(p0);
if last_pt.is_none() {
caps += 1;
joins = joins.saturating_sub(1);
fill_close_lines += 1;
segments += count_segments_for_line(first_pt.unwrap(), last_pt.unwrap(), t);
last_pt = None;
PathEl::ClosePath => {
if last_pt.is_some() {
joins += 1;
lineto_lines += 1;
segments += count_segments_for_line(first_pt.unwrap(), last_pt.unwrap(), t);
last_pt = first_pt;
PathEl::LineTo(p0) => {
last_pt = Some(p0);
joins += 1;
lineto_lines += 1;
segments += count_segments_for_line(first_pt.unwrap(), last_pt.unwrap(), t);
PathEl::QuadTo(p1, p2) => {
let Some(p0) = last_pt.or(first_pt) else {
last_pt = Some(p2);
let p0 = p0.to_vec2();
let p1 = p1.to_vec2();
let p2 = p2.to_vec2();
let lines = offset_fudge * wang::quadratic(RSQRT_OF_TOL, p0, p1, p2, t);
curve_lines += lines.ceil() as u32;
curve_count += 1;
joins += 1;
let segs = offset_fudge * count_segments_for_quadratic(p0, p1, p2, t);
segments += segs.ceil().max(lines.ceil()) as u32;
PathEl::CurveTo(p1, p2, p3) => {
let Some(p0) = last_pt.or(first_pt) else {
last_pt = Some(p3);
let p0 = p0.to_vec2();
let p1 = p1.to_vec2();
let p2 = p2.to_vec2();
let p3 = p3.to_vec2();
let lines = offset_fudge * wang::cubic(RSQRT_OF_TOL, p0, p1, p2, p3, t);
curve_lines += lines.ceil() as u32;
curve_count += 1;
joins += 1;
let segs = count_segments_for_cubic(p0, p1, p2, p3, t);
segments += segs.ceil().max(lines.ceil()) as u32;
let Some(style) = stroke else {
self.lines.linetos += lineto_lines + fill_close_lines;
self.lines.curves += curve_lines;
self.lines.curve_count += curve_count;
self.segments += segments;
// Account for the implicit close
if let (Some(first_pt), Some(last_pt)) = (first_pt, last_pt) {
self.segments += count_segments_for_line(first_pt, last_pt, t);
// For strokes, double-count the lines to estimate offset curves.
self.lines.linetos += 2 * lineto_lines;
self.lines.curves += 2 * curve_lines;
self.lines.curve_count += 2 * curve_count;
self.segments += 2 * segments;
self.count_stroke_caps(style.start_cap, scaled_width, caps);
self.count_stroke_caps(style.end_cap, scaled_width, caps);
self.count_stroke_joins(style.join, scaled_width, style.miter_limit, joins);
/// Produce the final total, applying an optional transform to all content.
pub fn tally(&self, transform: Option<&Transform>) -> BumpAllocatorMemory {
let scale = transform_scale(transform);
// The post-flatten line estimate.
let lines = self.lines.tally(scale);
// The estimate for tile crossings for lines. Here we ensure that there are at least as many
// segments as there are lines, in case `segments` was underestimated at small scales.
let n_segments = ((self.segments as f64 * scale).ceil() as u32).max(lines);
let bump = BumpAllocators {
failed: 0,
// TODO: we can provide a tighter bound here but for now we
// assume that binning must be bounded by the segment count.
binning: n_segments,
ptcl: 0,
tile: 0,
blend: 0,
seg_counts: n_segments,
segments: n_segments,
fn count_stroke_caps(&mut self, style: Cap, scaled_width: f64, count: u32) {
match style {
Cap::Butt => {
self.lines.linetos += count;
self.segments += count_segments_for_line_length(scaled_width) * count;
Cap::Square => {
self.lines.linetos += 3 * count;
self.segments += count_segments_for_line_length(scaled_width) * count;
self.segments += 2 * count_segments_for_line_length(0.5 * scaled_width) * count;
Cap::Round => {
let (arc_lines, line_len) = estimate_arc_lines(scaled_width);
self.lines.curves += count * arc_lines;
self.lines.curve_count += 1;
self.segments += count * arc_lines * count_segments_for_line_length(line_len);
fn count_stroke_joins(&mut self, style: Join, scaled_width: f64, miter_limit: f64, count: u32) {
match style {
Join::Bevel => {
self.lines.linetos += count;
self.segments += count_segments_for_line_length(scaled_width) * count;
Join::Miter => {
let max_miter_len = scaled_width * miter_limit;
self.lines.linetos += 2 * count;
self.segments += 2 * count * count_segments_for_line_length(max_miter_len);
Join::Round => {
let (arc_lines, line_len) = estimate_arc_lines(scaled_width);
self.lines.curves += count * arc_lines;
self.lines.curve_count += 1;
self.segments += count * arc_lines * count_segments_for_line_length(line_len);
// Count inner join lines
self.lines.linetos += count;
self.segments += count_segments_for_line_length(scaled_width) * count;
fn estimate_arc_lines(scaled_stroke_width: f64) -> (u32, f64) {
// These constants need to be kept consistent with the definitions in `flatten_arc` in
// flatten.wgsl.
// TODO: It would be better if these definitions were shared/configurable. For example an
// option is for all tolerances to be parameters to the estimator as well as the GPU pipelines
// (the latter could be in the form of a config uniform) which would help to keep them in
// sync.
const MIN_THETA: f64 = 1e-6;
const TOL: f64 = 0.25;
let radius = TOL.max(scaled_stroke_width * 0.5);
let theta = (2. * (1. - TOL / radius).acos()).max(MIN_THETA);
let arc_lines = ((std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2 / theta).ceil() as u32).max(2);
(arc_lines, 2. * theta.sin() * radius)
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct LineSoup {
// Explicit lines (such as linetos and non-round stroke caps/joins) and Bezier curves
// get tracked separately to ensure that explicit lines remain scale invariant.
linetos: u32,
curves: u32,
// Curve count is simply used to ensure a minimum number of lines get counted for each curve
// at very small scales to reduce the chances of an under-estimate.
curve_count: u32,
impl LineSoup {
fn tally(&self, scale: f64) -> u32 {
let curves = self
.max(5 * self.curve_count);
self.linetos + curves
fn scaled_curve_line_count(&self, scale: f64) -> u32 {
(self.curves as f64 * scale.sqrt()).ceil() as u32
fn add(&mut self, other: &LineSoup, scale: f64) {
self.linetos += other.linetos;
self.curves += other.scaled_curve_line_count(scale);
self.curve_count += other.curve_count;
// TODO: The 32-bit Vec2 definition from cpu_shaders/ could come in handy here.
fn transform(t: &Transform, v: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
t.matrix[0] as f64 * v.x + t.matrix[2] as f64 * v.y,
t.matrix[1] as f64 * v.x + t.matrix[3] as f64 * v.y,
fn transform_scale(t: Option<&Transform>) -> f64 {
match t {
Some(t) => {
let m = t.matrix;
let v1x = m[0] as f64 + m[3] as f64;
let v2x = m[0] as f64 - m[3] as f64;
let v1y = m[1] as f64 - m[2] as f64;
let v2y = m[1] as f64 + m[2] as f64;
(v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y).sqrt() + (v2x * v2x + v2y * v2y).sqrt()
None => 1.,
fn approx_arc_length_cubic(p0: Vec2, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2) -> f64 {
let chord_len = (p3 - p0).length();
// Length of the control polygon
let poly_len = (p1 - p0).length() + (p2 - p1).length() + (p3 - p2).length();
0.5 * (chord_len + poly_len)
fn count_segments_for_cubic(p0: Vec2, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, t: &Transform) -> f64 {
let p0 = transform(t, p0);
let p1 = transform(t, p1);
let p2 = transform(t, p2);
let p3 = transform(t, p3);
(approx_arc_length_cubic(p0, p1, p2, p3) * 0.0625 * std::f64::consts::SQRT_2).ceil()
fn count_segments_for_quadratic(p0: Vec2, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, t: &Transform) -> f64 {
count_segments_for_cubic(p0, p1.lerp(p0, 0.333333), p1.lerp(p2, 0.333333), p2, t)
// Estimate tile crossings for a line with known endpoints.
fn count_segments_for_line(p0: Point, p1: Point, t: &Transform) -> u32 {
let dxdy = p0 - p1;
let dxdy = transform(t, dxdy);
let segments = (dxdy.x.abs().ceil() * 0.0625).ceil() + (dxdy.y.abs().ceil() * 0.0625).ceil();
(segments as u32).max(1)
// Estimate tile crossings for a line with a known length.
fn count_segments_for_line_length(scaled_width: f64) -> u32 {
// scale the tile count by sqrt(2) to allow some slack for diagonal lines.
// TODO: Would "2" be a better factor?
((scaled_width * 0.0625 * std::f64::consts::SQRT_2).ceil() as u32).max(1)
/// Wang's Formula (as described in Pyramid Algorithms by Ron Goldman, 2003, Chapter 5, Section
/// 5.6.3 on Bezier Approximation) is a fast method for computing a lower bound on the number of
/// recursive subdivisions required to approximate a Bezier curve within a certain tolerance. The
/// formula for a Bezier curve of degree `n`, control points `p[0]...p[n]`, and number of levels of
/// subdivision `l`, and flattening tolerance `tol` is defined as follows:
/// ```ignore
/// m = max([length(p[k+2] - 2 * p[k+1] + p[k]) for (0 <= k <= n-2)])
/// l >= log_4((n * (n - 1) * m) / (8 * tol))
/// ```
/// For recursive subdivisions that split a curve into 2 segments at each level, the minimum number
/// of segments is given by 2^l. From the formula above it follows that:
/// ```ignore
/// segments >= 2^l >= 2^log_4(x) (1)
/// segments^2 >= 2^(2*log_4(x)) >= 4^log_4(x) (2)
/// segments^2 >= x
/// segments >= sqrt((n * (n - 1) * m) / (8 * tol)) (3)
/// ```
/// Wang's formula computes an error bound on recursive subdivision based on the second derivative
/// which tends to result in a suboptimal estimate when the curvature within the curve has a lot of
/// variation. This is expected to frequently overshoot the flattening formula used in vello, which
/// is closer to optimal (vello uses a method based on a numerical approximation of the integral
/// over the continuous change in the number of flattened segments, with an error expressed in terms
/// of curvature and infinitesimal arclength).
mod wang {
use super::*;
// The curve degree term sqrt(n * (n - 1) / 8) specialized for cubics:
// sqrt(3 * (3 - 1) / 8)
const SQRT_OF_DEGREE_TERM_CUBIC: f64 = 0.86602540378;
// The curve degree term sqrt(n * (n - 1) / 8) specialized for quadratics:
// sqrt(2 * (2 - 1) / 8)
const SQRT_OF_DEGREE_TERM_QUAD: f64 = 0.5;
pub fn quadratic(rsqrt_of_tol: f64, p0: Vec2, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, t: &Transform) -> f64 {
let v = -2. * p1 + p0 + p2;
let v = transform(t, v); // transform is distributive
let m = v.length();
(SQRT_OF_DEGREE_TERM_QUAD * m.sqrt() * rsqrt_of_tol).ceil() as f64
pub fn cubic(rsqrt_of_tol: f64, p0: Vec2, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, t: &Transform) -> f64 {
let v1 = -2. * p1 + p0 + p2;
let v2 = -2. * p2 + p1 + p3;
let v1 = transform(t, v1);
let v2 = transform(t, v2);
let m = v1.length().max(v2.length()) as f64;
(SQRT_OF_DEGREE_TERM_CUBIC * m.sqrt() * rsqrt_of_tol).ceil() as f64