blob: 7ffc546d600d4a6b43d16fd9f98736c32264b41a [file] [log] [blame]
# If there are new files with headers that can't match the conditions here,
# then the files can be ignored by an additional glob argument via the -g flag.
# For example:
# -g "!src/"
# -g "!src/special_directory"
# Check all the standard Rust source files
output=$(rg "^// Copyright (19|20)[\d]{2} (.+ and )?the Vello Authors( and .+)?$\n^// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2\.0 OR MIT$\n\n" --files-without-match --multiline -g "*.rs" -g "!{shader,src/cpu_shader}" .)
if [ -n "$output" ]; then
echo -e "The following files lack the correct copyright header:\n"
echo $output
echo -e "\n\nPlease add the following header:\n"
echo "// Copyright $(date +%Y) the Vello Authors"
echo "// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
echo -e "\n... rest of the file ...\n"
exit 1
# Check all the shaders, both WGSL and CPU shaders in Rust, as they also have Unlicense
output=$(rg "^// Copyright (19|20)[\d]{2} (.+ and )?the Vello Authors( and .+)?$\n^// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2\.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense$\n\n" --files-without-match --multiline -g "{shader,src/cpu_shader}/**/*.{rs,wgsl}" .)
if [ -n "$output" ]; then
echo -e "The following shader files lack the correct copyright header:\n"
echo $output
echo -e "\n\nPlease add the following header:\n"
echo "// Copyright $(date +%Y) the Vello Authors"
echo "// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense"
echo -e "\n... rest of the file ...\n"
exit 1
echo "All files have correct copyright headers."
exit 0