blob: 97367b846ecc7702f65b7b787bf88ff7573f21d7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
pub fn get_imports(shader_dir: &Path) -> HashMap<String, String> {
let mut imports = HashMap::new();
let imports_dir = shader_dir.join("shared");
for entry in imports_dir
.expect("Can read shader import directory")
let entry = entry.expect("Can continue reading shader import directory");
if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_file() {
let file_name = entry.file_name();
if let Some(name) = file_name.to_str() {
let suffix = ".wgsl";
if let Some(import_name) = name.strip_suffix(suffix) {
let contents = fs::read_to_string(imports_dir.join(&file_name))
.expect("Could read shader {import_name} contents");
imports.insert(import_name.to_owned(), contents);
pub struct StackItem {
active: bool,
else_passed: bool,
pub fn preprocess(input: &str, defines: &HashSet<String>, imports: &HashMap<&str, &str>) -> String {
let mut output = String::with_capacity(input.len());
let mut stack = vec![];
'all_lines: for (line_number, mut line) in input.lines().enumerate() {
loop {
if line.is_empty() {
let hash_index = line.find('#');
let comment_index = line.find("//");
let hash_index = match (hash_index, comment_index) {
(Some(hash_index), None) => hash_index,
(Some(hash_index), Some(comment_index)) if hash_index < comment_index => hash_index,
// Add this line to the output - all directives are commented out or there are no directives
_ => break,
let directive_start = &line[hash_index + '#'.len_utf8()..];
let directive_len = directive_start
// The first character which can't be part of the directive name marks the end of the directive
// In practise this should always be whitespace, but in theory a 'unit' directive
// could be added
.find(|c: char| !c.is_alphanumeric())
let directive = &directive_start[..directive_len];
let directive_is_at_start = line.trim_start().starts_with('#');
match directive {
if_item @ ("ifdef" | "ifndef" | "else" | "endif") if !directive_is_at_start => {
eprintln!("#{if_item} directives must be the first non_whitespace items on their line, ignoring (line {line_number})");
def_test @ ("ifdef" | "ifndef") => {
let def = directive_start[directive_len..].trim();
let exists = defines.contains(def);
let mode = def_test == "ifdef";
stack.push(StackItem {
active: mode == exists,
else_passed: false,
// Don't add this line to the output; instead process the next line
continue 'all_lines;
"else" => {
let item = stack.last_mut();
if let Some(item) = item {
if item.else_passed {
eprintln!("Second else for same ifdef/ifndef (line {line_number}); ignoring second else")
} else {
item.else_passed = true; = !;
let remainder = directive_start[directive_len..].trim();
if !remainder.is_empty() {
eprintln!("#else directives don't take an argument. `{remainder}` will not be in output (line {line_number})");
// Don't add this line to the output; it should be empty (see warning above)
continue 'all_lines;
"endif" => {
if stack.pop().is_none() {
eprintln!("Mismatched endif (line {line_number})");
let remainder = directive_start[directive_len..].trim();
if !remainder.is_empty() {
eprintln!("#endif directives don't take an argument. `{remainder}` will not be in output (line {line_number})");
// Don't add this line to the output; it should be empty (see warning above)
continue 'all_lines;
"import" => {
let directive_end = &directive_start[directive_len..];
let import_name_start = if let Some(import_name_start) =
directive_end.find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace())
} else {
eprintln!("#import needs a non_whitespace argument (line {line_number})");
continue 'all_lines;
let import_name_start = &directive_end[import_name_start..];
let import_name_end_index = import_name_start
// The first character which can't be part of the import name marks the end of the import
.find(|c: char| !(c == '_' || c.is_alphanumeric()))
let import_name = &import_name_start[..import_name_end_index];
line = &import_name_start[import_name_end_index..];
let import = imports.get(import_name);
if let Some(import) = import {
// In theory, we can cache this until the top item of the stack changes
// However, in practise there will only ever be at most 2 stack items, so it's reasonable to just recompute it every time
if stack.iter().all(|item| {
output.push_str(&preprocess(import, defines, imports));
} else {
eprintln!("Unknown import `{import_name}` (line {line_number})");
val => {
eprintln!("Unknown preprocessor directive `{val}` (line {line_number})");
if stack.iter().all(|item| {
// wgsl-analyzer does not yet recognize `const` but naga does not allow global `let`. We
// use `let` in our canonical sources to satisfy wgsl-analyzer but replace with
// `const` when using
if line.starts_with("let ") {
} else {