blob: 566c13d2965fd21f5db19dc5598a2325224369d8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Universal iconv implementation for OS/2.
# OpenWatcom makefile to build a library that uses kiconv.dll / iconv2.dll /
# iconv.dll or OS/2 Uni*() API.
# Andrey Vasilkin, 2016.
LIBFILE = geniconv.lib
all: $(LIBFILE) test.exe .symbolic
CFLAGS = -I$(%WATCOM)/h/os2 -I$(%WATCOM)/h -I. -bt=os2 -q -d0 -w2 -DGENICONV_STANDALONE=1
SRCS = geniconv.c os2cp.c os2iconv.c
SRCS+= sys2utf8.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.obj)
LIBS = libuls.lib libconv.lib $(LIBFILE)
test.exe: $(LIBFILE) test.obj
wlink op quiet system os2v2 file test.obj lib {$(LIBS)} name $*
@if exist $@ rm $@
@for %f in ($(OBJS)) do wlib -q -b $* +%f
wcc386 $(CFLAGS) -fo=$^@ $<
clean: .SYMBOLIC
@if exist *.obj rm *.obj
@if exist *.err rm *.err
@if exist $(LIBFILE) rm $(LIBFILE)
@if exist test.exe rm test.exe