blob: b9ca60f4dd500e395758abc931fede785d06f828 [file] [log] [blame]
# Makefile for Independent JPEG Group's software
# This makefile is for Microsoft C for MS-DOS, version 6.x (use NMAKE).
# Thanks to Alan Wright and Chris Turner of Olivetti Research Ltd.
# See README and edit jconfig.h before saying "make" !!
all: cjpeg.exe djpeg.exe
# compiler flags. -D gives a #define to the sources:
# -O default optimisation
# -W3 warning level 3
# -Za ANSI conformance, defines__STDC__ but undefines far
# and near!
# -D__STDC__ pretend we have full ANSI compliance. MSC is near
# enough anyway
# -DMSDOS we are on an MSDOS machine
# -DMEM_STATS enable memory usage statistics (optional)
# -DHAVE_GETOPT library has getopt routine to parse cmnd line options
# -c compile, don't link (implicit in inference rules)
# compression objectfiles
COBJECTS = jcmain.obj jcmaster.obj jcdeflts.obj jcarith.obj jccolor.obj jcexpand.obj \
jchuff.obj jcmcu.obj jcpipe.obj jcsample.obj jfwddct.obj \
jrdgif.obj jrdppm.obj jwrjfif.obj \
jutils.obj jvirtmem.obj jerror.obj
# decompression objectfiles
DOBJECTS = jdmain.obj jdmaster.obj jbsmooth.obj jdarith.obj jdcolor.obj jdhuff.obj \
jdmcu.obj jdpipe.obj jdsample.obj jquant1.obj jquant2.obj jrevdct.obj \
jrdjfif.obj jwrgif.obj jwrppm.obj \
jutils.obj jvirtmem.obj jerror.obj
# default rules in nmake will use cflags and compile the list below
jbsmooth.o : jbsmooth.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jcarith.o : jcarith.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jccolor.o : jccolor.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jcdeflts.o : jcdeflts.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jcexpand.o : jcexpand.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jchuff.o : jchuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jcmain.o : jcmain.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h egetopt.c
jcmaster.o : jcmaster.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jcmcu.o : jcmcu.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jcpipe.o : jcpipe.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jcsample.o : jcsample.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jdarith.o : jdarith.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jdcolor.o : jdcolor.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jdhuff.o : jdhuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jdmain.o : jdmain.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h egetopt.c
jdmaster.o : jdmaster.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jdmcu.o : jdmcu.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jdpipe.o : jdpipe.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jdsample.o : jdsample.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jerror.o : jerror.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jfwddct.o : jfwddct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jquant1.o : jquant1.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jquant2.o : jquant2.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jrdjfif.o : jrdjfif.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jrdgif.o : jrdgif.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jrdppm.o : jrdppm.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jrevdct.o : jrevdct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jutils.o : jutils.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jvirtmem.o : jvirtmem.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jwrjfif.o : jwrjfif.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jwrgif.o : jwrgif.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
jwrppm.o : jwrppm.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h
# use linker response files because file list > 128 chars
cjpeg.exe: $(COBJECTS)
link /STACK:8192 @makcjpeg.lnk
djpeg.exe: $(DOBJECTS)
link /STACK:8192 @makdjpeg.lnk