blob: 1e7ac0c3086ab11ee43326714a30be33a30b639e [file] [log] [blame]
Significant changes since 0.0.93
[1] 2983700: Further FreeBSD build tweaks (no longer necessary to specify
--host when configuring on a 64-bit system)
[2] Created sym. links in the Unix/Linux packages so that the TurboJPEG
include file can always be found in /opt/libjpeg-turbo/include, the 32-bit
static libraries can always be found in /opt/libjpeg-turbo/lib32, and the
64-bit static libraries can always be found in /opt/libjpeg-turbo/lib64.
[3] The Unix/Linux distribution packages now include the libjpeg run-time
programs (cjpeg, etc.) and man pages.
[4] Created a 32-bit supplementary package for amd64 Debian systems which
contains just the 32-bit libjpeg-turbo libraries.
[5] Moved the libraries from */lib32 to */lib in the i386 Debian package.
[6] Include distribution package for Cygwin
[7] No longer necessary to specify --without-simd on non-x86 architectures, and
unit tests now work on those architectures.
Significant changes since 0.0.91
[1] 2982659, Fixed x86-64 build on FreeBSD systems
[2] 2988188: Added support for Windows 64-bit systems
Significant changes since 0.0.90
[1] Added documentation to .deb packages
[2] 2968313: Fixed data corruption issues when decompressing large JPEG images
and/or using buffered I/O with the libjpeg-turbo decompressor