blob: de89009afd8b3d1c7071c5c2c6732c440b74e3eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cgen
import (
a ""
t ""
type funk struct {
bPrologue buffer
bBodyResume buffer
bBody buffer
bBodySuspend buffer
bEpilogue buffer
astFunc *a.Func
cName string
coroID uint32
returnsStatus bool
varList []*a.Var
varResumables map[t.ID]bool
derivedVars map[t.ID]struct{}
jumpTargets map[a.Loop]uint32
coroSuspPoint uint32
ioBinds uint32
tempW uint32
tempR uint32
usesEmptyIOBuffer bool
usesScratch bool
hasGotoOK bool
func (k *funk) jumpTarget(n a.Loop) (uint32, error) {
if k.jumpTargets == nil {
k.jumpTargets = map[a.Loop]uint32{}
if jt, ok := k.jumpTargets[n]; ok {
return jt, nil
jt := uint32(len(k.jumpTargets))
if jt == 1000000 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("too many jump targets")
k.jumpTargets[n] = jt
return jt, nil
func (g *gen) funcCName(n *a.Func) string {
if r := n.Receiver(); !r.IsZero() {
// TODO: this isn't right if r[0] != 0, i.e. the receiver is from a
// used package. There might be similar cases elsewhere in this
// package.
return g.pkgPrefix + r.Str( + "__" + n.FuncName().Str(
return g.pkgPrefix + n.FuncName().Str(
// C++ related function signature constants.
const (
cppNone = 0 // Not C++, just plain C.
cppInsideStruct = 1
cppOutsideStruct = 2
func (g *gen) writeFuncSignature(b *buffer, n *a.Func, cpp uint32) error {
if cpp != cppNone {
b.writes("inline ")
} else if n.Public() {
} else {
b.writes("static ")
// TODO: write n's return values.
if n.Effect().Coroutine() {
b.writes("wuffs_base__status ")
} else if out := n.Out(); out == nil {
b.writes("wuffs_base__empty_struct ")
// TODO: does writeCTypeName generate the right C if out is an array?
} else if err := g.writeCTypeName(b, out, "", ""); err != nil {
return err
// The empty // comment makes clang-format place the function name at the
// start of a line.
switch cpp {
case cppNone:
case cppInsideStruct:
case cppOutsideStruct:
comma := false
if cpp == cppNone {
if r := n.Receiver(); !r.IsZero() {
if n.Effect().Pure() {
b.writes("const ")
b.printf("%s%s *self", g.pkgPrefix, r.Str(
comma = true
for _, o := range n.In().Fields() {
if comma {
comma = true
o := o.AsField()
if err := g.writeCTypeName(b, o.XType(), aPrefix, o.Name().Str(; err != nil {
return err
if cpp != cppNone && !n.Receiver().IsZero() && n.Effect().Pure() {
b.writes(" const ")
return nil
func (g *gen) writeFuncPrototype(b *buffer, n *a.Func) error {
if err := g.writeFuncSignature(b, n, cppNone); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *gen) writeFuncImpl(b *buffer, n *a.Func) error {
k := g.funks[n.QQID()]
b.printf("// -------- func %s.%s\n\n", g.pkgName, n.QQID().Str(
if err := g.writeFuncSignature(b, n, cppNone); err != nil {
return err
if k.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() {
if k.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() {
} else if k.hasGotoOK {
b.writes("\ngoto ok;ok:\n") // The goto avoids the "unused label" warning.
return nil
func (g *gen) gatherFuncImpl(_ *buffer, n *a.Func) error {
if n.Public() && n.Effect().Coroutine() {
g.currFunk = funk{
astFunc: n,
cName: g.funcCName(n),
coroID: g.numPublicCoroutines,
returnsStatus: n.Effect().Coroutine() ||
((n.Out() != nil) && n.Out().IsStatus()),
if err := g.findVars(); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.writeFuncImplPrologue(&g.currFunk.bPrologue); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.writeFuncImplBodyResume(&g.currFunk.bBodyResume); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.writeFuncImplBody(&g.currFunk.bBody); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.writeFuncImplBodySuspend(&g.currFunk.bBodySuspend); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.writeFuncImplEpilogue(&g.currFunk.bEpilogue); err != nil {
return err
if g.currFunk.tempW != g.currFunk.tempR {
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: temporary variable count out of sync")
g.funks[n.QQID()] = g.currFunk
return nil
func (g *gen) writeOutParamZeroValue(b *buffer, typ *a.TypeExpr) error {
if typ == nil {
return nil
} else if typ.IsNumType() {
return nil
} else if typ.IsSliceType() {
if inner := typ.Inner(); (inner.Decorator() == 0) && (inner.QID() == t.QID{t.IDBase, t.IDU8}) {
b.writes("wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(NULL, 0)")
return nil
} else if (typ.Decorator() == 0) && (typ.QID()[0] == t.IDBase) {
switch typ.QID()[1] {
case t.IDRangeIEU32:
b.writes("wuffs_base__utility__make_range_ie_u32(0, 0)")
return nil
case t.IDRangeIIU32:
b.writes("wuffs_base__utility__make_range_ii_u32(0, 0)")
return nil
case t.IDRangeIEU64:
b.writes("wuffs_base__utility__make_range_ie_u64(0, 0)")
return nil
case t.IDRangeIIU64:
b.writes("wuffs_base__utility__make_range_ii_u64(0, 0)")
return nil
case t.IDRectIEU32:
b.writes("wuffs_base__utility__make_rect_ie_u32(0, 0, 0, 0)")
return nil
case t.IDRectIIU32:
b.writes("wuffs_base__utility__make_rect_ii_u32(0, 0, 0, 0)")
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: cannot write the zero value of type %q", typ.Str(
func (g *gen) writeFuncImplPrologue(b *buffer) error {
// Check the initialized/disabled state and the "self" arg.
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Public() && !g.currFunk.astFunc.Receiver().IsZero() {
out := g.currFunk.astFunc.Out()
b.writes("if (!self) { return ")
if g.currFunk.returnsStatus {
} else if err := g.writeOutParamZeroValue(b, out); err != nil {
return err
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Effect().Pure() {
b.writes("if ((self->private_impl.magic != WUFFS_BASE__MAGIC) &&")
b.writes(" (self->private_impl.magic != WUFFS_BASE__DISABLED)) {")
} else {
b.writes("if (self->private_impl.magic != WUFFS_BASE__MAGIC) {")
b.writes("return ")
if g.currFunk.returnsStatus {
b.writes("(self->private_impl.magic == WUFFS_BASE__DISABLED) " +
"? wuffs_base__error__disabled_by_previous_error " +
": wuffs_base__error__initialize_not_called")
} else if err := g.writeOutParamZeroValue(b, out); err != nil {
return err
// For public functions, check (at runtime) the other args for bounds and
// null-ness. For private functions, those checks are done at compile time.
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Public() {
if err := g.writeFuncImplArgChecks(b, g.currFunk.astFunc); err != nil {
return err
// For public coroutines, check that we are not suspended in an active
// coroutine.
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() {
b.printf("if ((self->private_impl.active_coroutine != 0) && "+
"(self->private_impl.active_coroutine != %d)) {\n", g.currFunk.coroID)
b.writes("self->private_impl.magic = WUFFS_BASE__DISABLED;\n")
b.writes("return wuffs_base__error__interleaved_coroutine_calls;\n")
b.writes("self->private_impl.active_coroutine = 0;\n")
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() ||
(g.currFunk.returnsStatus && (len(g.currFunk.derivedVars) > 0)) {
// TODO: rename the "status" variable to "ret"?
b.printf("wuffs_base__status status = NULL;\n")
// Generate the local variables.
if err := g.writeVars(b, &g.currFunk, false); err != nil {
return err
if g.currFunk.derivedVars != nil {
for _, o := range g.currFunk.astFunc.In().Fields() {
o := o.AsField()
if err := g.writeLoadDerivedVar(b, "", aPrefix, o.Name(), o.XType(), true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *gen) writeFuncImplBodyResume(b *buffer) error {
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() {
// TODO: don't hard-code [0], and allow recursive coroutines.
b.printf("uint32_t coro_susp_point = self->private_impl.%s%s[0];\n",
pPrefix, g.currFunk.astFunc.FuncName().Str(
b.printf("if (coro_susp_point) {\n")
if err := g.writeResumeSuspend(b, &g.currFunk, false); err != nil {
return err
// Generate a coroutine switch similiar to the technique in
// The matching } is written below. See "Close the coroutine switch".
b.writes("switch (coro_susp_point) {\nWUFFS_BASE__COROUTINE_SUSPENSION_POINT_0;\n\n")
return nil
func (g *gen) writeFuncImplBody(b *buffer) error {
for _, o := range g.currFunk.astFunc.Body() {
if err := g.writeStatement(b, o, 0); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *gen) writeFuncImplBodySuspend(b *buffer) error {
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() {
// We've reached the end of the function body. Reset the coroutine
// suspension point so that the next call to this function starts at
// the top.
b.writes("\ngoto ok;ok:") // The goto avoids the "unused label" warning.
b.printf("self->private_impl.%s%s[0] = 0;\n",
pPrefix, g.currFunk.astFunc.FuncName().Str(
b.writes("goto exit; }\n\n") // Close the coroutine switch.
b.writes("goto suspend;suspend:") // The goto avoids the "unused label" warning.
b.printf("self->private_impl.%s%s[0] = "+
"wuffs_base__status__is_suspension(status) ? coro_susp_point : 0;\n",
pPrefix, g.currFunk.astFunc.FuncName().Str(
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Public() {
b.printf("self->private_impl.active_coroutine = "+
"wuffs_base__status__is_suspension(status) ? %d : 0;\n", g.currFunk.coroID)
if err := g.writeResumeSuspend(b, &g.currFunk, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *gen) writeFuncImplEpilogue(b *buffer) error {
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() ||
(g.currFunk.returnsStatus && (len(g.currFunk.derivedVars) > 0)) {
b.writes("goto exit;exit:") // The goto avoids the "unused label" warning.
if g.currFunk.derivedVars != nil {
for _, o := range g.currFunk.astFunc.In().Fields() {
o := o.AsField()
if err := g.writeSaveDerivedVar(b, "", aPrefix, o.Name(), o.XType()); err != nil {
return err
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() ||
(g.currFunk.returnsStatus && (len(g.currFunk.derivedVars) > 0)) {
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Public() {
b.writes("if (wuffs_base__status__is_error(status)) { " +
"self->private_impl.magic = WUFFS_BASE__DISABLED; }\n")
b.writes("return status;\n")
} else if g.currFunk.astFunc.Out() == nil {
b.writes("return wuffs_base__make_empty_struct();\n")
return nil
func (g *gen) writeFuncImplArgChecks(b *buffer, n *a.Func) error {
checks := []string(nil)
for _, o := range n.In().Fields() {
o := o.AsField()
oTyp := o.XType()
// TODO: Also check elements, for array-typed arguments.
switch {
case oTyp.IsIOType() || (oTyp.Decorator() == t.IDPtr):
checks = append(checks, fmt.Sprintf("!%s%s", aPrefix, o.Name().Str(
case oTyp.IsRefined():
bounds := [2]*big.Int{}
for i, bound := range oTyp.Bounds() {
if bound != nil {
if cv := bound.ConstValue(); cv != nil {
bounds[i] = cv
if qid := oTyp.QID(); qid[0] == t.IDBase {
if key := qid[1]; key < t.ID(len(numTypeBounds)) {
ntb := numTypeBounds[key]
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
if bounds[i] != nil && ntb[i] != nil && bounds[i].Cmp(ntb[i]) == 0 {
bounds[i] = nil
for i, bound := range bounds {
if bound != nil {
op := '<'
if i != 0 {
op = '>'
checks = append(checks, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s %c %s", aPrefix, o.Name().Str(, op, bound))
if len(checks) == 0 {
return nil
b.writes("if (")
for i, c := range checks {
if i != 0 {
b.writes(" || ")
b.writes(") {")
b.writes("self->private_impl.magic = WUFFS_BASE__DISABLED;\n")
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() {
b.writes("return wuffs_base__error__bad_argument;\n\n")
} else {
// TODO: don't assume that the return type is empty.
b.printf("return wuffs_base__make_empty_struct();\n")
return nil
var numTypeBounds = [...][2]*big.Int{
t.IDI8: {big.NewInt(-1 << 7), big.NewInt(1<<7 - 1)},
t.IDI16: {big.NewInt(-1 << 15), big.NewInt(1<<15 - 1)},
t.IDI32: {big.NewInt(-1 << 31), big.NewInt(1<<31 - 1)},
t.IDI64: {big.NewInt(-1 << 63), big.NewInt(1<<63 - 1)},
t.IDU8: {zero, big.NewInt(0).SetUint64(1<<8 - 1)},
t.IDU16: {zero, big.NewInt(0).SetUint64(1<<16 - 1)},
t.IDU32: {zero, big.NewInt(0).SetUint64(1<<32 - 1)},
t.IDU64: {zero, big.NewInt(0).SetUint64(1<<64 - 1)},
t.IDBool: {zero, one},