Fix etc__parse_number_f64 goto-crosses-init
diff --git a/internal/cgen/base/strconv-impl.c b/internal/cgen/base/strconv-impl.c
index 1d1c3af..06710a1 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/base/strconv-impl.c
+++ b/internal/cgen/base/strconv-impl.c
@@ -1107,178 +1107,184 @@
     wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin* m,
     const wuffs_base__private_implementation__high_prec_dec* h,
     bool skip_fast_path_for_tests) {
-  // m->mantissa is a uint64_t, which is an integer approximation to a rational
-  // value - h's underlying digits after m's normalization. This error is an
-  // upper bound on the difference between the approximate and actual value.
-  //
-  // The DiyFpStrtod function in
-  // uses a finer grain (1/8th of the ULP, Unit in the Last Place) when
-  // tracking error. This implementation is coarser (1 ULP) but simpler.
-  //
-  // It is an error in the "numerical approximation" sense, not in the typical
-  // programming sense (as in "bad input" or "a result type").
-  uint64_t error = 0;
-  // Convert up to 19 decimal digits (in h->digits) to 64 binary digits (in
-  // m->mantissa): (1e19 < (1<<64)) and ((1<<64) < 1e20). If we have more than
-  // 19 digits, we're truncating (with error).
-  uint32_t i;
-  uint32_t i_end = h->num_digits;
-  if (i_end > 19) {
-    i_end = 19;
-    error = 1;
-  }
-  uint64_t mantissa = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < i_end; i++) {
-    mantissa = (10 * mantissa) + h->digits[i];
-  }
-  m->mantissa = mantissa;
-  m->exp2 = 0;
-  // Check that exp10 lies in the (big_powers_of_10 + small_powers_of_10)
-  // range, -348 ..= +347, stepping big_powers_of_10 by 8 (which is 87 triples)
-  // and small_powers_of_10 by 1 (which is 8 triples).
-  int32_t exp10 = h->decimal_point - ((int32_t)(i_end));
-  if (exp10 < -348) {
-    goto fail;
-  }
-  uint32_t bpo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) / 8;
-  uint32_t spo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) % 8;
-  if (bpo10 >= 87) {
-    goto fail;
-  }
-  // Try a fast path, if float64 math would be exact.
-  //
-  // 15 is such that 1e15 can be losslessly represented in a float64 mantissa:
-  // (1e15 < (1<<53)) and ((1<<53) < 1e16).
-  //
-  // 22 is the maximum valid index for the
-  // wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10 array.
   do {
-    if (skip_fast_path_for_tests || ((mantissa >> 52) != 0)) {
-      break;
+    // m->mantissa is a uint64_t, which is an integer approximation to a
+    // rational value - h's underlying digits after m's normalization. This
+    // error is an upper bound on the difference between the approximate and
+    // actual value.
+    //
+    // The DiyFpStrtod function in
+    // uses a finer grain (1/8th of the ULP, Unit in the Last Place) when
+    // tracking error. This implementation is coarser (1 ULP) but simpler.
+    //
+    // It is an error in the "numerical approximation" sense, not in the
+    // typical programming sense (as in "bad input" or "a result type").
+    uint64_t error = 0;
+    // Convert up to 19 decimal digits (in h->digits) to 64 binary digits (in
+    // m->mantissa): (1e19 < (1<<64)) and ((1<<64) < 1e20). If we have more
+    // than 19 digits, we're truncating (with error).
+    uint32_t i;
+    uint32_t i_end = h->num_digits;
+    if (i_end > 19) {
+      i_end = 19;
+      error = 1;
-    double d = (double)mantissa;
+    uint64_t mantissa = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < i_end; i++) {
+      mantissa = (10 * mantissa) + h->digits[i];
+    }
+    m->mantissa = mantissa;
+    m->exp2 = 0;
-    if (exp10 == 0) {
-      wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
-      ret.status.repr = NULL;
-      ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
-      return ret;
+    // Check that exp10 lies in the (big_powers_of_10 + small_powers_of_10)
+    // range, -348 ..= +347, stepping big_powers_of_10 by 8 (which is 87
+    // triples) and small_powers_of_10 by 1 (which is 8 triples).
+    int32_t exp10 = h->decimal_point - ((int32_t)(i_end));
+    if (exp10 < -348) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    uint32_t bpo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) / 8;
+    uint32_t spo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) % 8;
+    if (bpo10 >= 87) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
-    } else if (exp10 > 0) {
-      if (exp10 > 22) {
-        if (exp10 > (15 + 22)) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // If exp10 is in the range 23 ..= 37, try moving a few of the zeroes
-        // from the exponent to the mantissa. If we're still under 1e15, we
-        // haven't truncated any mantissa bits.
-        if (exp10 > 22) {
-          d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10 - 22];
-          exp10 = 22;
-          if (d >= 1e15) {
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10];
-      wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
-      ret.status.repr = NULL;
-      ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
-      return ret;
-    } else {  // "if (exp10 < 0)" is effectively "if (true)" here.
-      if (exp10 < -22) {
+    // Try a fast path, if float64 math would be exact.
+    //
+    // 15 is such that 1e15 can be losslessly represented in a float64
+    // mantissa: (1e15 < (1<<53)) and ((1<<53) < 1e16).
+    //
+    // 22 is the maximum valid index for the
+    // wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10 array.
+    do {
+      if (skip_fast_path_for_tests || ((mantissa >> 52) != 0)) {
-      d /= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[-exp10];
-      wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
-      ret.status.repr = NULL;
-      ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
-      return ret;
+      double d = (double)mantissa;
+      if (exp10 == 0) {
+        wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
+        ret.status.repr = NULL;
+        ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
+        return ret;
+      } else if (exp10 > 0) {
+        if (exp10 > 22) {
+          if (exp10 > (15 + 22)) {
+            break;
+          }
+          // If exp10 is in the range 23 ..= 37, try moving a few of the zeroes
+          // from the exponent to the mantissa. If we're still under 1e15, we
+          // haven't truncated any mantissa bits.
+          if (exp10 > 22) {
+            d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10 -
+                                                                      22];
+            exp10 = 22;
+            if (d >= 1e15) {
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10];
+        wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
+        ret.status.repr = NULL;
+        ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
+        return ret;
+      } else {  // "if (exp10 < 0)" is effectively "if (true)" here.
+        if (exp10 < -22) {
+          break;
+        }
+        d /= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[-exp10];
+        wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
+        ret.status.repr = NULL;
+        ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
+        return ret;
+      }
+    } while (0);
+    // Normalize (and scale the error).
+    error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
+    // Multiplying two MPB values nominally multiplies two mantissas, call them
+    // A and B, which are integer approximations to the precise values (A+a)
+    // and (B+b) for some error terms a and b.
+    //
+    // MPB multiplication calculates (((A+a) * (B+b)) >> 64) to be ((A*B) >>
+    // 64). Shifting (truncating) and rounding introduces further error. The
+    // difference between the calculated result:
+    //  ((A*B                  ) >> 64)
+    // and the true result:
+    //  ((A*B + A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error
+    // is:
+    //  ((      A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error
+    // which can be re-grouped as:
+    //  ((A*b) >> 64) + ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) + rounding_error
+    //
+    // Now, let A and a be "m->mantissa" and "error", and B and b be the
+    // pre-calculated power of 10. A and B are both less than (1 << 64), a is
+    // the "error" local variable and b is less than 1.
+    //
+    // An upper bound (in absolute value) on ((A*b) >> 64) is therefore 1.
+    //
+    // An upper bound on ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) is a, also known as error.
+    //
+    // Finally, the rounding_error is at most 1.
+    //
+    // In total, calling mpb__mul_pow_10 will raise the worst-case error by 2.
+    // The subsequent re-normalization can multiply that by a further factor.
+    // Multiply by small_powers_of_10[etc].
+    wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(
+        m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__small_powers_of_10[3 * spo10]);
+    error += 2;
+    error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
+    // Multiply by big_powers_of_10[etc].
+    wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(
+        m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__big_powers_of_10[3 * bpo10]);
+    error += 2;
+    error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
+    // We have a good approximation of h, but we still have to check whether
+    // the error is small enough. Equivalently, whether the number of surplus
+    // mantissa bits (the bits dropped when going from m's 64 mantissa bits to
+    // the smaller number of double-precision mantissa bits) would always round
+    // up or down, even when perturbed by ±error. We start at 11 surplus bits
+    // (m has 64, double-precision has 1+52), but it can be higher for
+    // subnormals.
+    //
+    // In many cases, the error is small enough and we return true.
+    const int32_t f64_bias = -1023;
+    int32_t subnormal_exp2 = f64_bias - 63;
+    uint32_t surplus_bits = 11;
+    if (subnormal_exp2 >= m->exp2) {
+      surplus_bits += 1 + ((uint32_t)(subnormal_exp2 - m->exp2));
+    uint64_t surplus_mask =
+        (((uint64_t)1) << surplus_bits) - 1;  // e.g. 0x07FF.
+    uint64_t surplus = m->mantissa & surplus_mask;
+    uint64_t halfway = ((uint64_t)1) << (surplus_bits - 1);  // e.g. 0x0400.
+    // Do the final calculation in *signed* arithmetic.
+    int64_t i_surplus = (int64_t)surplus;
+    int64_t i_halfway = (int64_t)halfway;
+    int64_t i_error = (int64_t)error;
+    if ((i_surplus > (i_halfway - i_error)) &&
+        (i_surplus < (i_halfway + i_error))) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
+    ret.status.repr = NULL;
+    ret.value = wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__as_f64(
+        m, h->negative);
+    return ret;
   } while (0);
-  // Normalize (and scale the error).
-  error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
-  // Multiplying two MPB values nominally multiplies two mantissas, call them A
-  // and B, which are integer approximations to the precise values (A+a) and
-  // (B+b) for some error terms a and b.
-  //
-  // MPB multiplication calculates (((A+a) * (B+b)) >> 64) to be ((A*B) >> 64).
-  // Shifting (truncating) and rounding introduces further error. The
-  // difference between the calculated result:
-  //  ((A*B                  ) >> 64)
-  // and the true result:
-  //  ((A*B + A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error
-  // is:
-  //  ((      A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error
-  // which can be re-grouped as:
-  //  ((A*b) >> 64) + ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) + rounding_error
-  //
-  // Now, let A and a be "m->mantissa" and "error", and B and b be the
-  // pre-calculated power of 10. A and B are both less than (1 << 64), a is the
-  // "error" local variable and b is less than 1.
-  //
-  // An upper bound (in absolute value) on ((A*b) >> 64) is therefore 1.
-  //
-  // Similarly, an upper bound on ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) is a, also known as error.
-  //
-  // Finally, the rounding_error is at most 1.
-  //
-  // In total, calling mpb__mul_pow_10 will increase the worst-case error by 2.
-  // The subsequent re-normalization can multiply that by a further factor.
-  // Multiply by small_powers_of_10[etc].
-  wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(
-      m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__small_powers_of_10[3 * spo10]);
-  error += 2;
-  error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
-  // Multiply by big_powers_of_10[etc].
-  wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(
-      m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__big_powers_of_10[3 * bpo10]);
-  error += 2;
-  error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
-  // We have a good approximation of h, but we still have to check whether the
-  // error is small enough. Equivalently, whether the number of surplus
-  // mantissa bits (the bits dropped when going from m's 64 mantissa bits to
-  // the smaller number of double-precision mantissa bits) would always round
-  // up or down, even when perturbed by ±error. We start at 11 surplus bits (m
-  // has 64, double-precision has 1+52), but it can be higher for subnormals.
-  //
-  // In many cases, the error is small enough and we return true.
-  const int32_t f64_bias = -1023;
-  int32_t subnormal_exp2 = f64_bias - 63;
-  uint32_t surplus_bits = 11;
-  if (subnormal_exp2 >= m->exp2) {
-    surplus_bits += 1 + ((uint32_t)(subnormal_exp2 - m->exp2));
-  }
-  uint64_t surplus_mask = (((uint64_t)1) << surplus_bits) - 1;  // e.g. 0x07FF.
-  uint64_t surplus = m->mantissa & surplus_mask;
-  uint64_t halfway = ((uint64_t)1) << (surplus_bits - 1);  // e.g. 0x0400.
-  // Do the final calculation in *signed* arithmetic.
-  int64_t i_surplus = (int64_t)surplus;
-  int64_t i_halfway = (int64_t)halfway;
-  int64_t i_error = (int64_t)error;
-  if ((i_surplus > (i_halfway - i_error)) &&
-      (i_surplus < (i_halfway + i_error))) {
-    goto fail;
-  }
-  wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
-  ret.status.repr = NULL;
-  ret.value = wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__as_f64(
-      m, h->negative);
-  return ret;
   do {
     wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
diff --git a/internal/cgen/data.go b/internal/cgen/data.go
index da600e3..437a056 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/data.go
+++ b/internal/cgen/data.go
@@ -118,14 +118,14 @@
 	"normalized).\n//\n// The etc_powers_of_10 triple is already normalized.\nstatic void  //\nwuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(\n    wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin* m,\n    const uint32_t* p) {\n  uint64_t p_mantissa = ((uint64_t)p[0]) | (((uint64_t)p[1]) << 32);\n  int32_t p_exp2 = (int32_t)p[2];\n\n  wuffs_base__multiply_u64__output o =\n      wuffs_base__multiply_u64(m->mantissa, p_mantissa);\n  // Round the mantissa up. It cannot overflow because the maximum possible\n  // value of o.hi is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE.\n  m->mantissa = o.hi + (o.lo >> 63);\n  m->exp2 = m->exp2 + p_exp2 + 64;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__as_f64 converts m to a\n// double (what C calls a double-precision float64).\n//\n// Preconditions:\n//  - m is non-NULL.\n//  - m->mantissa is non-zero.\n//  - m->mantissa's high bit is set (i.e. m is normalized).\nstatic double  //\nwuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__as_f64(\n    const wuffs_base__private_implementation__mediu" +
 	"m_prec_bin* m,\n    bool negative) {\n  uint64_t mantissa64 = m->mantissa;\n  // An mpb's mantissa has the implicit (binary) decimal point at the right\n  // hand end of the mantissa's explicit digits. A double-precision's mantissa\n  // has that decimal point near the left hand end. There's also an explicit\n  // versus implicit leading 1 bit (binary digit). Together, the difference in\n  // semantics corresponds to adding 63.\n  int32_t exp2 = m->exp2 + 63;\n\n  // Ensure that exp2 is at least -1022, the minimum double-precision exponent\n  // for normal (as opposed to subnormal) numbers.\n  if (-1022 > exp2) {\n    uint32_t n = (uint32_t)(-1022 - exp2);\n    mantissa64 >>= n;\n    exp2 += (int32_t)n;\n  }\n\n  // Extract the (1 + 52) bits from the 64-bit mantissa64. 52 is the number of\n  // explicit mantissa bits in a double-precision f64.\n  //\n  // Before, we have 64 bits and due to normalization, the high bit 'H' is 1.\n  // 63        55        47       etc     15        7\n  // H210_9876_5432_1098_7654_etc_etc_etc_5432_109" +
 	"8_7654_3210\n  // ++++_++++_++++_++++_++++_etc_etc_etc_++++_+..._...._....  Kept bits.\n  // ...._...._...H_2109_8765_etc_etc_etc_6543_2109_8765_4321  After shifting.\n  // After, we have 53 bits (and bit #52 is this 'H' bit).\n  uint64_t mantissa53 = mantissa64 >> 11;\n\n  // Round up if the old bit #10 (the highest bit dropped by shifting) was set.\n  // We also fix any overflow from rounding up.\n  if (mantissa64 & 1024) {\n    mantissa53++;\n    if ((mantissa53 >> 53) != 0) {\n      mantissa53 >>= 1;\n      exp2++;\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Handle double-precision infinity (a nominal exponent of 1024) and\n  // subnormals (an exponent of -1023 and no implicit mantissa bit, bit #52).\n  if (exp2 >= 1024) {\n    mantissa53 = 0;\n    exp2 = 1024;\n  } else if ((mantissa53 >> 52) == 0) {\n    exp2 = -1023;\n  }\n\n  // Pack the bits and return.\n  const int32_t f64_bias = -1023;\n  uint64_t exp2_bits =\n      (uint64_t)((exp2 - f64_bias) & 0x07FF);           // (1 << 11) - 1.\n  uint64_t bits = (mantissa53 & 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF) |   // (1 << 52" +
-	") - 1.\n                  (exp2_bits << 52) |                   //\n                  (negative ? 0x8000000000000000 : 0);  // (1 << 63).\n  return wuffs_base__ieee_754_bit_representation__to_f64(bits);\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__parse_number_f64\n// converts from an HPD to a double, using an MPB as scratch space. It returns\n// a NULL status.repr if there is no ambiguity in the truncation or rounding to\n// a float64 (an IEEE 754 double-precision floating point value).\n//\n// It may modify m even if it returns a non-NULL status.repr.\nstatic wuffs_base__result_f64  //\nwuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__parse_number_f64(\n    wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin* m,\n    const wuffs_base__private_implementation__high_prec_dec* h,\n    bool skip_fast_path_for_tests) {\n  // m->mantissa is a uint64_t, which is an integer approximation to a rational\n  // value - h's underlying digits after m's normalization. This error is an\n  // upper bound on the difference " +
-	"between the approximate and actual value.\n  //\n  // The DiyFpStrtod function in\n  // uses a finer grain (1/8th of the ULP, Unit in the Last Place) when\n  // tracking error. This implementation is coarser (1 ULP) but simpler.\n  //\n  // It is an error in the \"numerical approximation\" sense, not in the typical\n  // programming sense (as in \"bad input\" or \"a result type\").\n  uint64_t error = 0;\n\n  // Convert up to 19 decimal digits (in h->digits) to 64 binary digits (in\n  // m->mantissa): (1e19 < (1<<64)) and ((1<<64) < 1e20). If we have more than\n  // 19 digits, we're truncating (with error).\n  uint32_t i;\n  uint32_t i_end = h->num_digits;\n  if (i_end > 19) {\n    i_end = 19;\n    error = 1;\n  }\n  uint64_t mantissa = 0;\n  for (i = 0; i < i_end; i++) {\n    mantissa = (10 * mantissa) + h->digits[i];\n  }\n  m->mantissa = mantissa;\n  m->exp2 = 0;\n\n  // Check that exp10 lies in the (big_powers_of_10 + small_powers_of_10)\n  // range, -348 ..= +347, stepping big_powers_of_10 by " +
-	"8 (which is 87 triples)\n  // and small_powers_of_10 by 1 (which is 8 triples).\n  int32_t exp10 = h->decimal_point - ((int32_t)(i_end));\n  if (exp10 < -348) {\n    goto fail;\n  }\n  uint32_t bpo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) / 8;\n  uint32_t spo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) % 8;\n  if (bpo10 >= 87) {\n    goto fail;\n  }\n\n  // Try a fast path, if float64 math would be exact.\n  //\n  // 15 is such that 1e15 can be losslessly represented in a float64 mantissa:\n  // (1e15 < (1<<53)) and ((1<<53) < 1e16).\n  //\n  // 22 is the maximum valid index for the\n  // wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10 array.\n  do {\n    if (skip_fast_path_for_tests || ((mantissa >> 52) != 0)) {\n      break;\n    }\n    double d = (double)mantissa;\n\n    if (exp10 == 0) {\n      wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n      ret.status.repr = NULL;\n      ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;\n      return ret;\n\n    } else if (exp10 > 0) {\n      if (exp10 > 22) {\n        if (exp10 > (15 + 22)) {\n          break;\n        }\n        // If exp10 is in the " +
-	"range 23 ..= 37, try moving a few of the zeroes\n        // from the exponent to the mantissa. If we're still under 1e15, we\n        // haven't truncated any mantissa bits.\n        if (exp10 > 22) {\n          d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10 - 22];\n          exp10 = 22;\n          if (d >= 1e15) {\n            break;\n          }\n        }\n      }\n      d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10];\n      wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n      ret.status.repr = NULL;\n      ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;\n      return ret;\n\n    } else {  // \"if (exp10 < 0)\" is effectively \"if (true)\" here.\n      if (exp10 < -22) {\n        break;\n      }\n      d /= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[-exp10];\n      wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n      ret.status.repr = NULL;\n      ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;\n      return ret;\n    }\n  } while (0);\n\n  // Normalize (and scale the error).\n  error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);\n\n" +
-	"  // Multiplying two MPB values nominally multiplies two mantissas, call them A\n  // and B, which are integer approximations to the precise values (A+a) and\n  // (B+b) for some error terms a and b.\n  //\n  // MPB multiplication calculates (((A+a) * (B+b)) >> 64) to be ((A*B) >> 64).\n  // Shifting (truncating) and rounding introduces further error. The\n  // difference between the calculated result:\n  //  ((A*B                  ) >> 64)\n  // and the true result:\n  //  ((A*B + A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error\n  // is:\n  //  ((      A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error\n  // which can be re-grouped as:\n  //  ((A*b) >> 64) + ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) + rounding_error\n  //\n  // Now, let A and a be \"m->mantissa\" and \"error\", and B and b be the\n  // pre-calculated power of 10. A and B are both less than (1 << 64), a is the\n  // \"error\" local variable and b is less than 1.\n  //\n  // An upper bound (in absolute value) on ((A*b) >> 64) is therefore 1.\n  //\n  // Similarly, an upper bound on ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) is a, " +
-	"also known as error.\n  //\n  // Finally, the rounding_error is at most 1.\n  //\n  // In total, calling mpb__mul_pow_10 will increase the worst-case error by 2.\n  // The subsequent re-normalization can multiply that by a further factor.\n\n  // Multiply by small_powers_of_10[etc].\n  wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(\n      m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__small_powers_of_10[3 * spo10]);\n  error += 2;\n  error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);\n\n  // Multiply by big_powers_of_10[etc].\n  wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(\n      m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__big_powers_of_10[3 * bpo10]);\n  error += 2;\n  error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);\n\n  // We have a good approximation of h, but we still have to check whether the\n  // error is small enough. Equivalently, whether the number of surplus\n  // mantissa bits (the bits dropped when going from m's 64 mantissa bits to\n  /" +
-	"/ the smaller number of double-precision mantissa bits) would always round\n  // up or down, even when perturbed by ±error. We start at 11 surplus bits (m\n  // has 64, double-precision has 1+52), but it can be higher for subnormals.\n  //\n  // In many cases, the error is small enough and we return true.\n  const int32_t f64_bias = -1023;\n  int32_t subnormal_exp2 = f64_bias - 63;\n  uint32_t surplus_bits = 11;\n  if (subnormal_exp2 >= m->exp2) {\n    surplus_bits += 1 + ((uint32_t)(subnormal_exp2 - m->exp2));\n  }\n\n  uint64_t surplus_mask = (((uint64_t)1) << surplus_bits) - 1;  // e.g. 0x07FF.\n  uint64_t surplus = m->mantissa & surplus_mask;\n  uint64_t halfway = ((uint64_t)1) << (surplus_bits - 1);  // e.g. 0x0400.\n\n  // Do the final calculation in *signed* arithmetic.\n  int64_t i_surplus = (int64_t)surplus;\n  int64_t i_halfway = (int64_t)halfway;\n  int64_t i_error = (int64_t)error;\n\n  if ((i_surplus > (i_halfway - i_error)) &&\n      (i_surplus < (i_halfway + i_error))) {\n    goto fail;\n  }\n\n  wuffs_base__result_f64" +
-	" ret;\n  ret.status.repr = NULL;\n  ret.value = wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__as_f64(\n      m, h->negative);\n  return ret;\n\nfail:\n  do {\n    wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n    ret.status.repr = \"#base: mpb__parse_number_f64 failed\";\n    ret.value = 0;\n    return ret;\n  } while (0);\n}\n\n" +
+	") - 1.\n                  (exp2_bits << 52) |                   //\n                  (negative ? 0x8000000000000000 : 0);  // (1 << 63).\n  return wuffs_base__ieee_754_bit_representation__to_f64(bits);\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__parse_number_f64\n// converts from an HPD to a double, using an MPB as scratch space. It returns\n// a NULL status.repr if there is no ambiguity in the truncation or rounding to\n// a float64 (an IEEE 754 double-precision floating point value).\n//\n// It may modify m even if it returns a non-NULL status.repr.\nstatic wuffs_base__result_f64  //\nwuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__parse_number_f64(\n    wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin* m,\n    const wuffs_base__private_implementation__high_prec_dec* h,\n    bool skip_fast_path_for_tests) {\n  do {\n    // m->mantissa is a uint64_t, which is an integer approximation to a\n    // rational value - h's underlying digits after m's normalization. This\n    // error is an upper bound on th" +
+	"e difference between the approximate and\n    // actual value.\n    //\n    // The DiyFpStrtod function in\n    // uses a finer grain (1/8th of the ULP, Unit in the Last Place) when\n    // tracking error. This implementation is coarser (1 ULP) but simpler.\n    //\n    // It is an error in the \"numerical approximation\" sense, not in the\n    // typical programming sense (as in \"bad input\" or \"a result type\").\n    uint64_t error = 0;\n\n    // Convert up to 19 decimal digits (in h->digits) to 64 binary digits (in\n    // m->mantissa): (1e19 < (1<<64)) and ((1<<64) < 1e20). If we have more\n    // than 19 digits, we're truncating (with error).\n    uint32_t i;\n    uint32_t i_end = h->num_digits;\n    if (i_end > 19) {\n      i_end = 19;\n      error = 1;\n    }\n    uint64_t mantissa = 0;\n    for (i = 0; i < i_end; i++) {\n      mantissa = (10 * mantissa) + h->digits[i];\n    }\n    m->mantissa = mantissa;\n    m->exp2 = 0;\n\n    // Check that exp10 lies in the (big_powers_of_10 + small_po" +
+	"wers_of_10)\n    // range, -348 ..= +347, stepping big_powers_of_10 by 8 (which is 87\n    // triples) and small_powers_of_10 by 1 (which is 8 triples).\n    int32_t exp10 = h->decimal_point - ((int32_t)(i_end));\n    if (exp10 < -348) {\n      goto fail;\n    }\n    uint32_t bpo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) / 8;\n    uint32_t spo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) % 8;\n    if (bpo10 >= 87) {\n      goto fail;\n    }\n\n    // Try a fast path, if float64 math would be exact.\n    //\n    // 15 is such that 1e15 can be losslessly represented in a float64\n    // mantissa: (1e15 < (1<<53)) and ((1<<53) < 1e16).\n    //\n    // 22 is the maximum valid index for the\n    // wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10 array.\n    do {\n      if (skip_fast_path_for_tests || ((mantissa >> 52) != 0)) {\n        break;\n      }\n      double d = (double)mantissa;\n\n      if (exp10 == 0) {\n        wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n        ret.status.repr = NULL;\n        ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;\n        return ret;\n\n      } else if (e" +
+	"xp10 > 0) {\n        if (exp10 > 22) {\n          if (exp10 > (15 + 22)) {\n            break;\n          }\n          // If exp10 is in the range 23 ..= 37, try moving a few of the zeroes\n          // from the exponent to the mantissa. If we're still under 1e15, we\n          // haven't truncated any mantissa bits.\n          if (exp10 > 22) {\n            d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10 -\n                                                                      22];\n            exp10 = 22;\n            if (d >= 1e15) {\n              break;\n            }\n          }\n        }\n        d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10];\n        wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n        ret.status.repr = NULL;\n        ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;\n        return ret;\n\n      } else {  // \"if (exp10 < 0)\" is effectively \"if (true)\" here.\n        if (exp10 < -22) {\n          break;\n        }\n        d /= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[-exp10];\n        wuffs_bas" +
+	"e__result_f64 ret;\n        ret.status.repr = NULL;\n        ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;\n        return ret;\n      }\n    } while (0);\n\n    // Normalize (and scale the error).\n    error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);\n\n    // Multiplying two MPB values nominally multiplies two mantissas, call them\n    // A and B, which are integer approximations to the precise values (A+a)\n    // and (B+b) for some error terms a and b.\n    //\n    // MPB multiplication calculates (((A+a) * (B+b)) >> 64) to be ((A*B) >>\n    // 64). Shifting (truncating) and rounding introduces further error. The\n    // difference between the calculated result:\n    //  ((A*B                  ) >> 64)\n    // and the true result:\n    //  ((A*B + A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error\n    // is:\n    //  ((      A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error\n    // which can be re-grouped as:\n    //  ((A*b) >> 64) + ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) + rounding_error\n    //\n    // Now, let A and a be \"m->mantissa\" and \"erro" +
+	"r\", and B and b be the\n    // pre-calculated power of 10. A and B are both less than (1 << 64), a is\n    // the \"error\" local variable and b is less than 1.\n    //\n    // An upper bound (in absolute value) on ((A*b) >> 64) is therefore 1.\n    //\n    // An upper bound on ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) is a, also known as error.\n    //\n    // Finally, the rounding_error is at most 1.\n    //\n    // In total, calling mpb__mul_pow_10 will raise the worst-case error by 2.\n    // The subsequent re-normalization can multiply that by a further factor.\n\n    // Multiply by small_powers_of_10[etc].\n    wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(\n        m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__small_powers_of_10[3 * spo10]);\n    error += 2;\n    error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);\n\n    // Multiply by big_powers_of_10[etc].\n    wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(\n        m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__big_powers_of_10[3 * bpo10]);\n    err" +
+	"or += 2;\n    error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);\n\n    // We have a good approximation of h, but we still have to check whether\n    // the error is small enough. Equivalently, whether the number of surplus\n    // mantissa bits (the bits dropped when going from m's 64 mantissa bits to\n    // the smaller number of double-precision mantissa bits) would always round\n    // up or down, even when perturbed by ±error. We start at 11 surplus bits\n    // (m has 64, double-precision has 1+52), but it can be higher for\n    // subnormals.\n    //\n    // In many cases, the error is small enough and we return true.\n    const int32_t f64_bias = -1023;\n    int32_t subnormal_exp2 = f64_bias - 63;\n    uint32_t surplus_bits = 11;\n    if (subnormal_exp2 >= m->exp2) {\n      surplus_bits += 1 + ((uint32_t)(subnormal_exp2 - m->exp2));\n    }\n\n    uint64_t surplus_mask =\n        (((uint64_t)1) << surplus_bits) - 1;  // e.g. 0x07FF.\n    uint64_t surplus = m->mantissa & surplus_mask;\n    uint64_t" +
+	" halfway = ((uint64_t)1) << (surplus_bits - 1);  // e.g. 0x0400.\n\n    // Do the final calculation in *signed* arithmetic.\n    int64_t i_surplus = (int64_t)surplus;\n    int64_t i_halfway = (int64_t)halfway;\n    int64_t i_error = (int64_t)error;\n\n    if ((i_surplus > (i_halfway - i_error)) &&\n        (i_surplus < (i_halfway + i_error))) {\n      goto fail;\n    }\n\n    wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n    ret.status.repr = NULL;\n    ret.value = wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__as_f64(\n        m, h->negative);\n    return ret;\n  } while (0);\n\nfail:\n  do {\n    wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n    ret.status.repr = \"#base: mpb__parse_number_f64 failed\";\n    ret.value = 0;\n    return ret;\n  } while (0);\n}\n\n" +
 	"" +
 	"// --------\n\nwuffs_base__result_f64  //\nwuffs_base__parse_number_f64_special(wuffs_base__slice_u8 s,\n                                     const char* fallback_status_repr) {\n  do {\n    uint8_t* p = s.ptr;\n    uint8_t* q = s.ptr + s.len;\n\n    for (; (p < q) && (*p == '_'); p++) {\n    }\n    if (p >= q) {\n      goto fallback;\n    }\n\n    // Parse sign.\n    bool negative = false;\n    do {\n      if (*p == '+') {\n        p++;\n      } else if (*p == '-') {\n        negative = true;\n        p++;\n      } else {\n        break;\n      }\n      for (; (p < q) && (*p == '_'); p++) {\n      }\n    } while (0);\n    if (p >= q) {\n      goto fallback;\n    }\n\n    bool nan = false;\n    switch (p[0]) {\n      case 'I':\n      case 'i':\n        if (((q - p) < 3) ||                     //\n            ((p[1] != 'N') && (p[1] != 'n')) ||  //\n            ((p[2] != 'F') && (p[2] != 'f'))) {\n          goto fallback;\n        }\n        p += 3;\n\n        if ((p >= q) || (*p == '_')) {\n          break;\n        } else if (((q - p) < 5) ||           " +
 	"          //\n                   ((p[0] != 'I') && (p[0] != 'i')) ||  //\n                   ((p[1] != 'N') && (p[1] != 'n')) ||  //\n                   ((p[2] != 'I') && (p[2] != 'i')) ||  //\n                   ((p[3] != 'T') && (p[3] != 't')) ||  //\n                   ((p[4] != 'Y') && (p[4] != 'y'))) {\n          goto fallback;\n        }\n        p += 5;\n\n        if ((p >= q) || (*p == '_')) {\n          break;\n        }\n        goto fallback;\n\n      case 'N':\n      case 'n':\n        if (((q - p) < 3) ||                     //\n            ((p[1] != 'A') && (p[1] != 'a')) ||  //\n            ((p[2] != 'N') && (p[2] != 'n'))) {\n          goto fallback;\n        }\n        p += 3;\n\n        if ((p >= q) || (*p == '_')) {\n          nan = true;\n          break;\n        }\n        goto fallback;\n\n      default:\n        goto fallback;\n    }\n\n    // Finish.\n    for (; (p < q) && (*p == '_'); p++) {\n    }\n    if (p != q) {\n      goto fallback;\n    }\n    wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;\n    ret.status.repr = NULL;\n    ret.value = w" +
diff --git a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
index 042f052..8262813 100644
--- a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
+++ b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
@@ -9814,178 +9814,184 @@
     wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin* m,
     const wuffs_base__private_implementation__high_prec_dec* h,
     bool skip_fast_path_for_tests) {
-  // m->mantissa is a uint64_t, which is an integer approximation to a rational
-  // value - h's underlying digits after m's normalization. This error is an
-  // upper bound on the difference between the approximate and actual value.
-  //
-  // The DiyFpStrtod function in
-  // uses a finer grain (1/8th of the ULP, Unit in the Last Place) when
-  // tracking error. This implementation is coarser (1 ULP) but simpler.
-  //
-  // It is an error in the "numerical approximation" sense, not in the typical
-  // programming sense (as in "bad input" or "a result type").
-  uint64_t error = 0;
-  // Convert up to 19 decimal digits (in h->digits) to 64 binary digits (in
-  // m->mantissa): (1e19 < (1<<64)) and ((1<<64) < 1e20). If we have more than
-  // 19 digits, we're truncating (with error).
-  uint32_t i;
-  uint32_t i_end = h->num_digits;
-  if (i_end > 19) {
-    i_end = 19;
-    error = 1;
-  }
-  uint64_t mantissa = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < i_end; i++) {
-    mantissa = (10 * mantissa) + h->digits[i];
-  }
-  m->mantissa = mantissa;
-  m->exp2 = 0;
-  // Check that exp10 lies in the (big_powers_of_10 + small_powers_of_10)
-  // range, -348 ..= +347, stepping big_powers_of_10 by 8 (which is 87 triples)
-  // and small_powers_of_10 by 1 (which is 8 triples).
-  int32_t exp10 = h->decimal_point - ((int32_t)(i_end));
-  if (exp10 < -348) {
-    goto fail;
-  }
-  uint32_t bpo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) / 8;
-  uint32_t spo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) % 8;
-  if (bpo10 >= 87) {
-    goto fail;
-  }
-  // Try a fast path, if float64 math would be exact.
-  //
-  // 15 is such that 1e15 can be losslessly represented in a float64 mantissa:
-  // (1e15 < (1<<53)) and ((1<<53) < 1e16).
-  //
-  // 22 is the maximum valid index for the
-  // wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10 array.
   do {
-    if (skip_fast_path_for_tests || ((mantissa >> 52) != 0)) {
-      break;
+    // m->mantissa is a uint64_t, which is an integer approximation to a
+    // rational value - h's underlying digits after m's normalization. This
+    // error is an upper bound on the difference between the approximate and
+    // actual value.
+    //
+    // The DiyFpStrtod function in
+    // uses a finer grain (1/8th of the ULP, Unit in the Last Place) when
+    // tracking error. This implementation is coarser (1 ULP) but simpler.
+    //
+    // It is an error in the "numerical approximation" sense, not in the
+    // typical programming sense (as in "bad input" or "a result type").
+    uint64_t error = 0;
+    // Convert up to 19 decimal digits (in h->digits) to 64 binary digits (in
+    // m->mantissa): (1e19 < (1<<64)) and ((1<<64) < 1e20). If we have more
+    // than 19 digits, we're truncating (with error).
+    uint32_t i;
+    uint32_t i_end = h->num_digits;
+    if (i_end > 19) {
+      i_end = 19;
+      error = 1;
-    double d = (double)mantissa;
+    uint64_t mantissa = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < i_end; i++) {
+      mantissa = (10 * mantissa) + h->digits[i];
+    }
+    m->mantissa = mantissa;
+    m->exp2 = 0;
-    if (exp10 == 0) {
-      wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
-      ret.status.repr = NULL;
-      ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
-      return ret;
+    // Check that exp10 lies in the (big_powers_of_10 + small_powers_of_10)
+    // range, -348 ..= +347, stepping big_powers_of_10 by 8 (which is 87
+    // triples) and small_powers_of_10 by 1 (which is 8 triples).
+    int32_t exp10 = h->decimal_point - ((int32_t)(i_end));
+    if (exp10 < -348) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    uint32_t bpo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) / 8;
+    uint32_t spo10 = ((uint32_t)(exp10 + 348)) % 8;
+    if (bpo10 >= 87) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
-    } else if (exp10 > 0) {
-      if (exp10 > 22) {
-        if (exp10 > (15 + 22)) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // If exp10 is in the range 23 ..= 37, try moving a few of the zeroes
-        // from the exponent to the mantissa. If we're still under 1e15, we
-        // haven't truncated any mantissa bits.
-        if (exp10 > 22) {
-          d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10 - 22];
-          exp10 = 22;
-          if (d >= 1e15) {
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10];
-      wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
-      ret.status.repr = NULL;
-      ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
-      return ret;
-    } else {  // "if (exp10 < 0)" is effectively "if (true)" here.
-      if (exp10 < -22) {
+    // Try a fast path, if float64 math would be exact.
+    //
+    // 15 is such that 1e15 can be losslessly represented in a float64
+    // mantissa: (1e15 < (1<<53)) and ((1<<53) < 1e16).
+    //
+    // 22 is the maximum valid index for the
+    // wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10 array.
+    do {
+      if (skip_fast_path_for_tests || ((mantissa >> 52) != 0)) {
-      d /= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[-exp10];
-      wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
-      ret.status.repr = NULL;
-      ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
-      return ret;
+      double d = (double)mantissa;
+      if (exp10 == 0) {
+        wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
+        ret.status.repr = NULL;
+        ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
+        return ret;
+      } else if (exp10 > 0) {
+        if (exp10 > 22) {
+          if (exp10 > (15 + 22)) {
+            break;
+          }
+          // If exp10 is in the range 23 ..= 37, try moving a few of the zeroes
+          // from the exponent to the mantissa. If we're still under 1e15, we
+          // haven't truncated any mantissa bits.
+          if (exp10 > 22) {
+            d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10 -
+                                                                      22];
+            exp10 = 22;
+            if (d >= 1e15) {
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        d *= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[exp10];
+        wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
+        ret.status.repr = NULL;
+        ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
+        return ret;
+      } else {  // "if (exp10 < 0)" is effectively "if (true)" here.
+        if (exp10 < -22) {
+          break;
+        }
+        d /= wuffs_base__private_implementation__f64_powers_of_10[-exp10];
+        wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
+        ret.status.repr = NULL;
+        ret.value = h->negative ? -d : +d;
+        return ret;
+      }
+    } while (0);
+    // Normalize (and scale the error).
+    error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
+    // Multiplying two MPB values nominally multiplies two mantissas, call them
+    // A and B, which are integer approximations to the precise values (A+a)
+    // and (B+b) for some error terms a and b.
+    //
+    // MPB multiplication calculates (((A+a) * (B+b)) >> 64) to be ((A*B) >>
+    // 64). Shifting (truncating) and rounding introduces further error. The
+    // difference between the calculated result:
+    //  ((A*B                  ) >> 64)
+    // and the true result:
+    //  ((A*B + A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error
+    // is:
+    //  ((      A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error
+    // which can be re-grouped as:
+    //  ((A*b) >> 64) + ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) + rounding_error
+    //
+    // Now, let A and a be "m->mantissa" and "error", and B and b be the
+    // pre-calculated power of 10. A and B are both less than (1 << 64), a is
+    // the "error" local variable and b is less than 1.
+    //
+    // An upper bound (in absolute value) on ((A*b) >> 64) is therefore 1.
+    //
+    // An upper bound on ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) is a, also known as error.
+    //
+    // Finally, the rounding_error is at most 1.
+    //
+    // In total, calling mpb__mul_pow_10 will raise the worst-case error by 2.
+    // The subsequent re-normalization can multiply that by a further factor.
+    // Multiply by small_powers_of_10[etc].
+    wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(
+        m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__small_powers_of_10[3 * spo10]);
+    error += 2;
+    error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
+    // Multiply by big_powers_of_10[etc].
+    wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(
+        m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__big_powers_of_10[3 * bpo10]);
+    error += 2;
+    error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
+    // We have a good approximation of h, but we still have to check whether
+    // the error is small enough. Equivalently, whether the number of surplus
+    // mantissa bits (the bits dropped when going from m's 64 mantissa bits to
+    // the smaller number of double-precision mantissa bits) would always round
+    // up or down, even when perturbed by ±error. We start at 11 surplus bits
+    // (m has 64, double-precision has 1+52), but it can be higher for
+    // subnormals.
+    //
+    // In many cases, the error is small enough and we return true.
+    const int32_t f64_bias = -1023;
+    int32_t subnormal_exp2 = f64_bias - 63;
+    uint32_t surplus_bits = 11;
+    if (subnormal_exp2 >= m->exp2) {
+      surplus_bits += 1 + ((uint32_t)(subnormal_exp2 - m->exp2));
+    uint64_t surplus_mask =
+        (((uint64_t)1) << surplus_bits) - 1;  // e.g. 0x07FF.
+    uint64_t surplus = m->mantissa & surplus_mask;
+    uint64_t halfway = ((uint64_t)1) << (surplus_bits - 1);  // e.g. 0x0400.
+    // Do the final calculation in *signed* arithmetic.
+    int64_t i_surplus = (int64_t)surplus;
+    int64_t i_halfway = (int64_t)halfway;
+    int64_t i_error = (int64_t)error;
+    if ((i_surplus > (i_halfway - i_error)) &&
+        (i_surplus < (i_halfway + i_error))) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
+    ret.status.repr = NULL;
+    ret.value = wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__as_f64(
+        m, h->negative);
+    return ret;
   } while (0);
-  // Normalize (and scale the error).
-  error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
-  // Multiplying two MPB values nominally multiplies two mantissas, call them A
-  // and B, which are integer approximations to the precise values (A+a) and
-  // (B+b) for some error terms a and b.
-  //
-  // MPB multiplication calculates (((A+a) * (B+b)) >> 64) to be ((A*B) >> 64).
-  // Shifting (truncating) and rounding introduces further error. The
-  // difference between the calculated result:
-  //  ((A*B                  ) >> 64)
-  // and the true result:
-  //  ((A*B + A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error
-  // is:
-  //  ((      A*b + a*B + a*b) >> 64)   + rounding_error
-  // which can be re-grouped as:
-  //  ((A*b) >> 64) + ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) + rounding_error
-  //
-  // Now, let A and a be "m->mantissa" and "error", and B and b be the
-  // pre-calculated power of 10. A and B are both less than (1 << 64), a is the
-  // "error" local variable and b is less than 1.
-  //
-  // An upper bound (in absolute value) on ((A*b) >> 64) is therefore 1.
-  //
-  // Similarly, an upper bound on ((a*(B+b)) >> 64) is a, also known as error.
-  //
-  // Finally, the rounding_error is at most 1.
-  //
-  // In total, calling mpb__mul_pow_10 will increase the worst-case error by 2.
-  // The subsequent re-normalization can multiply that by a further factor.
-  // Multiply by small_powers_of_10[etc].
-  wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(
-      m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__small_powers_of_10[3 * spo10]);
-  error += 2;
-  error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
-  // Multiply by big_powers_of_10[etc].
-  wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__mul_pow_10(
-      m, &wuffs_base__private_implementation__big_powers_of_10[3 * bpo10]);
-  error += 2;
-  error <<= wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__normalize(m);
-  // We have a good approximation of h, but we still have to check whether the
-  // error is small enough. Equivalently, whether the number of surplus
-  // mantissa bits (the bits dropped when going from m's 64 mantissa bits to
-  // the smaller number of double-precision mantissa bits) would always round
-  // up or down, even when perturbed by ±error. We start at 11 surplus bits (m
-  // has 64, double-precision has 1+52), but it can be higher for subnormals.
-  //
-  // In many cases, the error is small enough and we return true.
-  const int32_t f64_bias = -1023;
-  int32_t subnormal_exp2 = f64_bias - 63;
-  uint32_t surplus_bits = 11;
-  if (subnormal_exp2 >= m->exp2) {
-    surplus_bits += 1 + ((uint32_t)(subnormal_exp2 - m->exp2));
-  }
-  uint64_t surplus_mask = (((uint64_t)1) << surplus_bits) - 1;  // e.g. 0x07FF.
-  uint64_t surplus = m->mantissa & surplus_mask;
-  uint64_t halfway = ((uint64_t)1) << (surplus_bits - 1);  // e.g. 0x0400.
-  // Do the final calculation in *signed* arithmetic.
-  int64_t i_surplus = (int64_t)surplus;
-  int64_t i_halfway = (int64_t)halfway;
-  int64_t i_error = (int64_t)error;
-  if ((i_surplus > (i_halfway - i_error)) &&
-      (i_surplus < (i_halfway + i_error))) {
-    goto fail;
-  }
-  wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;
-  ret.status.repr = NULL;
-  ret.value = wuffs_base__private_implementation__medium_prec_bin__as_f64(
-      m, h->negative);
-  return ret;
   do {
     wuffs_base__result_f64 ret;