Update release/c/README.md for v0.2
diff --git a/release/c/README.md b/release/c/README.md
index 18d4e05..73f42f8 100644
--- a/release/c/README.md
+++ b/release/c/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
-Wuffs ships as a "single file C library", also known as a "[header file
+# Releases (in the C Programming Language)
+[Wuffs the Library](/doc/wuffs-the-library.md) ships as a "single file C
+library", also known as a "[header file
-To use Wuffs in your C/C++ project, you just need to copy one file from this
-directory, or otherwise integrate that one file into your build system.
-Typically, pick the latest version (but not the unsupported snapshot), with a
-filename like `wuffs-vMAJOR.MINOR.c` for version MAJOR.MINOR.
+To use that library in your C/C++ project, you just need to copy one file from
+this directory, or otherwise integrate that one file into your build system.
+Typically, pick the latest stable version (but not the unsupported snapshot),
+with a filename like `wuffs-vMAJOR.MINOR.c` for version MAJOR.MINOR.
 To use that single file as a "foo.c"-like implementation, instead of a
 "foo.h"-like header, `#define WUFFS_IMPLEMENTATION` before `#include`'ing or
 compiling it.
+# Latest Stable Version
+**Version 0.2 (December 2019)** is the latest stable version. Stable means that
+its API won't change any further, but being a "version 0.x" means that:
+- It will not have long term support.
+- Newer versions make no promises about compatibility.