Avoid wuffs_aux macro's unused variable token_ptr
diff --git a/internal/cgen/auxiliary/json.cc b/internal/cgen/auxiliary/json.cc
index 8deda21..8990849 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/auxiliary/json.cc
+++ b/internal/cgen/auxiliary/json.cc
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
     goto done;                                                           \
   }                                                                      \
   uint8_t* token_ptr = io_buf->data.ptr + cursor_index;                  \
+  (void)(token_ptr);                                                     \
   cursor_index += token_len
 // --------
diff --git a/internal/cgen/data/data.go b/internal/cgen/data/data.go
index 106e22f..0d9df90 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/data/data.go
+++ b/internal/cgen/data/data.go
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@
 	"// --------\n\n#define WUFFS_AUX__DECODE_JSON__GET_THE_NEXT_TOKEN                       \\\n  while (tok_buf.meta.ri >= tok_buf.meta.wi) {                           \\\n    if (tok_status.repr == nullptr) {                                    \\\n    } else if (tok_status.repr == wuffs_base__suspension__short_write) { \\\n      tok_buf.compact();                                                 \\\n    } else if (tok_status.repr == wuffs_base__suspension__short_read) {  \\\n      if (!io_error_message.empty()) {                                   \\\n        ret_error_message = std::move(io_error_message);                 \\\n        goto done;                                                       \\\n      } else if (cursor_index != io_buf->meta.ri) {                      \\\n        ret_error_message =                                              \\\n            \"wuffs_aux::DecodeJson: internal error: bad cursor_index\";   \\\n        goto done;                                                       \\\n      } else if (io_buf->meta.closed" +
 	") {                                  \\\n        ret_error_message =                                              \\\n            \"wuffs_aux::DecodeJson: internal error: io_buf is closed\";   \\\n        goto done;                                                       \\\n      }                                                                  \\\n      io_buf->compact();                                                 \\\n      if (io_buf->meta.wi >= io_buf->data.len) {                         \\\n        ret_error_message =                                              \\\n            \"wuffs_aux::DecodeJson: internal error: io_buf is full\";     \\\n        goto done;                                                       \\\n      }                                                                  \\\n      cursor_index = io_buf->meta.ri;                                    \\\n      io_error_message = input.CopyIn(io_buf);                           \\\n    } else {                                                             \\\n      ret_" +
 	"error_message = tok_status.message();                          \\\n      goto done;                                                         \\\n    }                                                                    \\\n    if (WUFFS_JSON__DECODER_WORKBUF_LEN_MAX_INCL_WORST_CASE != 0) {      \\\n      ret_error_message =                                                \\\n          \"wuffs_aux::DecodeJson: internal error: bad WORKBUF_LEN\";      \\\n      goto done;                                                         \\\n    }                                                                    \\\n    wuffs_base__slice_u8 work_buf = wuffs_base__empty_slice_u8();        \\\n    tok_status = dec->decode_tokens(&tok_buf, io_buf, work_buf);         \\\n  }                                                                      \\\n  wuffs_base__token token = tok_buf.data.ptr[tok_buf.meta.ri++];         \\\n  uint64_t token_len = token.length();                                   \\\n  if ((io_buf->meta.ri < cursor_index) ||                  " +
-	"              \\\n      ((io_buf->meta.ri - cursor_index) < token_len)) {                  \\\n    ret_error_message =                                                  \\\n        \"wuffs_aux::DecodeJson: internal error: bad token indexes\";      \\\n    goto done;                                                           \\\n  }                                                                      \\\n  uint8_t* token_ptr = io_buf->data.ptr + cursor_index;                  \\\n  cursor_index += token_len\n\n" +
+	"              \\\n      ((io_buf->meta.ri - cursor_index) < token_len)) {                  \\\n    ret_error_message =                                                  \\\n        \"wuffs_aux::DecodeJson: internal error: bad token indexes\";      \\\n    goto done;                                                           \\\n  }                                                                      \\\n  uint8_t* token_ptr = io_buf->data.ptr + cursor_index;                  \\\n  (void)(token_ptr);                                                     \\\n  cursor_index += token_len\n\n" +
 	"" +
 	"// --------\n\nnamespace {\n\n// DecodeJson_SplitJsonPointer returns (\"bar\", 8) for (\"/foo/bar/b~1z/qux\", 5,\n// etc). It returns a 0 size_t when s has invalid JSON Pointer syntax.\n//\n// The string returned is unescaped. If calling it again, this time with i=8,\n// the \"b~1z\" substring would be returned as \"b/z\".\nstd::pair<std::string, size_t>  //\nDecodeJson_SplitJsonPointer(std::string& s,\n                            size_t i,\n                            bool allow_tilde_r_tilde_n) {\n  std::string fragment;\n  while (i < s.size()) {\n    char c = s[i];\n    if (c == '/') {\n      break;\n    } else if (c != '~') {\n      fragment.push_back(c);\n      i++;\n      continue;\n    }\n    i++;\n    if (i >= s.size()) {\n      return std::make_pair(std::string(), 0);\n    }\n    c = s[i];\n    if (c == '0') {\n      fragment.push_back('~');\n      i++;\n      continue;\n    } else if (c == '1') {\n      fragment.push_back('/');\n      i++;\n      continue;\n    } else if (allow_tilde_r_tilde_n) {\n      if (c == 'r') {\n        fragment.push_ba" +
 	"ck('\\r');\n        i++;\n        continue;\n      } else if (c == 'n') {\n        fragment.push_back('\\n');\n        i++;\n        continue;\n      }\n    }\n    return std::make_pair(std::string(), 0);\n  }\n  return std::make_pair(std::move(fragment), i);\n}\n\nstd::string  //\nDecodeJson_DecodeBackslashX(std::string& str,\n                            uint8_t* token_ptr,\n                            size_t token_len) {\n  wuffs_base__slice_u8 encoded =\n      wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(token_ptr, token_len);\n  while (encoded.len > 0) {\n    uint8_t decoded[64];\n    constexpr bool src_closed = true;\n    wuffs_base__transform__output o = wuffs_base__base_16__decode4(\n        wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(&decoded[0], sizeof decoded), encoded,\n        src_closed, WUFFS_BASE__BASE_16__DEFAULT_OPTIONS);\n    if (o.status.is_error()) {\n      return o.status.message();\n    } else if ((o.num_dst > (sizeof decoded)) || (o.num_src > encoded.len)) {\n      return \"wuffs_aux::DecodeJson: internal error: inconsistent base16 \"\n             \"decodi" +
diff --git a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
index 470639c..7f91ad1 100644
--- a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
+++ b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
@@ -29435,6 +29435,7 @@
     goto done;                                                           \
   }                                                                      \
   uint8_t* token_ptr = io_buf->data.ptr + cursor_index;                  \
+  (void)(token_ptr);                                                     \
   cursor_index += token_len
 // --------