blob: ac18984124f356869a9f4fb1f03c0a29c949ed1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// --------
// Filter 1: Sub.
// This (filter = 1, distance = 3) implementation doesn't actually bench faster
// than the non-SIMD one.
// pri func decoder.filter_1_distance_3_sse128!(curr: slice base.u8),
// choose cpu_arch >= sse128,
// {
// var c : slice base.u8
// var x128 : base.sse128_i
// var a128 : base.sse128_i
// iterate (c = args.curr)(length: 4, advance: 3, unroll: 1) {
// x128.load_u32!(a: c.peek_u32le())
// x128 = x128._mm_add_epi8!(b: a128)
// a128 = x128
// c.poke_u24le!(a: x128.truncate_u32())
// } else (length: 3, advance: 3, unroll: 1) {
// x128.load_u32!(a: c.peek_u24le_as_u32())
// x128 = x128._mm_add_epi8!(b: a128)
// c.poke_u24le!(a: x128.truncate_u32())
// }
// }
pri func decoder.filter_1_distance_4_sse128!(curr: slice base.u8),
choose cpu_arch >= sse128,
var c : slice base.u8
var x128 : base.sse128_i
var a128 : base.sse128_i
iterate (c = args.curr)(length: 4, advance: 4, unroll: 1) {
x128.load_u32!(a: c.peek_u32le())
x128 = x128._mm_add_epi8(b: a128)
a128 = x128
c.poke_u32le!(a: x128.truncate_u32())
// --------
// Filter 3: Average.
// Similar to filter_1_distance_3_sse128, the SIMD implementation for (filter =
// 3, distance = 3) doesn't actually bench faster than the non-SIMD one.
// pri func decoder.filter_3_distance_3_sse128!(curr: slice base.u8, prev: slice base.u8),
// choose cpu_arch >= sse128,
// {
// etc
// }
pri func decoder.filter_3_distance_4_sse128!(curr: slice base.u8, prev: slice base.u8),
choose cpu_arch >= sse128,
var c : slice base.u8
var p : slice base.u8
var x128 : base.sse128_i
var a128 : base.sse128_i
var b128 : base.sse128_i
var p128 : base.sse128_i
var k128 : base.sse128_i
if args.prev.length() == 0 {
k128 = k128.create_mm_set1_epi8(a: 0xFE)
iterate (c = args.curr)(length: 4, advance: 4, unroll: 1) {
// The predictor, p128, is just half (rounded down) of the previous
// pixel, a128. In this branch, b128 stays zero so the average of
// a128 and b128 is just half of a128. _mm_avg_epu8 rounds up, but
// (a128 & 0xFE_repeated) takes out the low bits of a128's bytes.
p128 = a128._mm_and_si128(b: k128)._mm_avg_epu8(b: b128)
// Add the predictor to the residual and, for the next iteration,
// set its previous pixel, a128, to this one, x128.
x128.load_u32!(a: c.peek_u32le())
x128 = x128._mm_add_epi8(b: p128)
a128 = x128
c.poke_u32le!(a: x128.truncate_u32())
} else {
k128 = k128.create_mm_set1_epi8(a: 0x01)
iterate (c = args.curr, p = args.prev)(length: 4, advance: 4, unroll: 1) {
// Load the pixel from the row above.
b128.load_u32!(a: p.peek_u32le())
// The predictor, p128, is the average (rounded down) of the
// previous pixel, a128, and the pixel above, b128.
p128 = a128._mm_avg_epu8(b: b128)
// Subtract a correction term because _mm_avg_epu8 rounds up but
// the PNG filter rounds down. The correction term is the low bit
// of each byte of (a128 ^ b128).
p128 = p128._mm_sub_epi8(b: k128._mm_and_si128(b: a128._mm_xor_si128(b: b128)))
// Add the predictor to the residual and, for the next iteration,
// set its previous pixel, a128, to this one, x128.
x128.load_u32!(a: c.peek_u32le())
x128 = x128._mm_add_epi8(b: p128)
a128 = x128
c.poke_u32le!(a: x128.truncate_u32())