blob: 397cc741e6bbd4e419d916eb43f2d8c2d6a368c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
pri func decoder.decode_mcu!(workbuf: slice base.u8, mx: base.u32[..= 0x1FFF], my: base.u32[..= 0x1FFF]) base.u32,
var ret : base.u32
var bits : base.u64
var n_bits : base.u32
var csel : base.u8[..= 3]
var r : base.io_reader
var pos : base.u32
// etc_bl and etc_blm1 are the Huffman code's "bit length" and "bit length
// minus 1" for the DC (first) and AC (later) components.
var dc_h : base.u8[..= 3]
var dc_symbol : base.u32[..= 0x0F]
var dc_ht_fast : base.u32
var dc_bl : base.u32
var dc_code : base.u32
var dc_blm1 : base.u32[..= 15]
var dc_ht_slow : base.u32
var dc_value : base.u16
var dc_extend : base.u16
var ac_huff_table_fast : nptr roarray[256] base.u16
var ac_h : base.u8[..= 7]
var ac_symbol : base.u32[..= 0xFF]
var ac_ht_fast : base.u32
var ac_bl : base.u32
var ac_code : base.u32
var ac_blm1 : base.u32[..= 15]
var ac_ht_slow : base.u32
var ac_value : base.u16
var ac_extend : base.u16
var ac_rrrr : base.u32[..= 15]
var ac_ssss : base.u32[..= 15]
var z : base.u32[..= 79] // 79 = 63 + 15 + 1.
var mcb : base.u32[..= 9]
var stride : base.u64[..= 0x1_0008]
var offset : base.u64
bits = this.bitstream_bits
n_bits = this.bitstream_n_bits
if this.bitstream_ri > this.bitstream_wi {
return 2 // Internal error.
io_bind (io: r, data: this.bitstream_buffer[this.bitstream_ri .. this.bitstream_wi], history_position: this.bitstream_ri as base.u64) {
while.goto_done true {{
while.block this.mcu_current_block < this.mcu_num_blocks {
assert this.mcu_current_block < 10 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: this.mcu_num_blocks)
while.dc_component this.mcu_zig_index <= 0,
inv this.mcu_current_block < 10,
this.mcu_blocks[.. 1].bulk_memset!(byte_value: 0)
// Load at least 56 bits. We only need 8 bytes (for the
// peek_u64be call), but ask for 264 to be consistent with the
// other "another fill_bitstream call" requests, in this method
// (decode_mcu) and its other variants.
if r.length() < 264 {
ret = 1 // Request another fill_bitstream call.
bits |= r.peek_u64be() >> (n_bits & 63)
r.skip_u32_fast!(actual: (63 - (n_bits & 63)) >> 3, worst_case: 8)
n_bits |= 56
// Read the Huffman-encoded dc_symbol, up to 16 bits long.
dc_h = this.mcu_blocks_dc_hselector[this.mcu_current_block]
dc_ht_fast = this.huff_tables_fast[dc_h][bits >> 56] as base.u32
dc_bl = dc_ht_fast >> 8
if n_bits >= dc_bl {
dc_symbol = 0x0F & dc_ht_fast
dc_extend = EXTEND[dc_symbol]
bits ~mod<<= (dc_bl & 63)
n_bits -= dc_bl
} else {
dc_code = (bits >> 55) as base.u32
dc_blm1 = 8
bits ~mod<<= 9
n_bits ~mod-= 9
while true,
inv this.mcu_current_block < 10,
dc_ht_slow = this.huff_tables_slow[dc_h][dc_blm1]
if dc_code < (dc_ht_slow >> 8) {
dc_symbol = 0x0F & (this.huff_tables_symbols[dc_h][0xFF & (dc_code ~mod+ dc_ht_slow)] as base.u32)
dc_extend = EXTEND[dc_symbol]
dc_code = (dc_code ~mod<< 1) | ((bits >> 63) as base.u32)
bits ~mod<<= 1
n_bits ~mod-= 1
dc_blm1 = (dc_blm1 + 1) & 15
if dc_blm1 == 0 {
dc_symbol = 0
dc_extend = EXTEND[dc_symbol]
} endwhile
// Process the dc_value in the next dc_symbol (up to 15) bits.
// The dc_value is shifted by (64 - dc_symbol) in two steps,
// because we want to shift by 64 (not 0) when dc_symbol is 0.
dc_value = (((bits >> 32) >> (32 - dc_symbol)) & 0xFFFF) as base.u16
dc_value ~mod+= dc_extend &
(((this.util.sign_extend_rshift_u64(a: bits, n: 63) & 0xFFFF) as base.u16) ^ 0xFFFF)
bits ~mod<<= dc_symbol
n_bits ~mod-= dc_symbol
csel = this.scan_comps_cselector[this.mcu_blocks_sselector[this.mcu_current_block]]
this.mcu_previous_dc_values[csel] ~mod+= dc_value
this.mcu_blocks[0][0] =
this.mcu_zig_index = 1
} endwhile.dc_component
// Ensure that we have enough bits for this iteration of the
// while.block loop body. Worst case, there are 64 components and
// each one needs (16 + 15) bits (round that up to 4 bytes), so we
// need (64 * 4) = 256 bytes available. 8 more bytes of slack means
// that we can always call peek_u64be.
if r.length() < 264 {
ret = 1 // Request another fill_bitstream call.
// Ensure the informal "the lower bound on the number of loaded
// bits is at least 16" loop pre-condition below.
if n_bits < 16 {
bits |= r.peek_u64be() >> (n_bits & 63)
// Skip these lines that are normally part of "load more bits".
// It's unnecessary, just for the informal (NB > 16) below, and
// skipping it avoids a small but negative performance impact.
// r.skip_u32_fast!( etc )
// n_bits |= 56
z = 1
this.mcu_zig_index = 0
ac_h = this.mcu_blocks_ac_hselector[this.mcu_current_block]
ac_huff_table_fast = this.huff_tables_fast[ac_h][..] as ptr array[256] base.u16
while.ac_components z < 64,
inv this.mcu_current_block < 10,
inv ac_huff_table_fast <> nullptr,
// Use the high bits of the bits variable to look up the
// Huffman table. Conceptually, we should do this *after*
// "Load at least 56 bits" below (at "LOOK-UP" further below),
// but it is noticably faster to do it beforehand:
// Earlier look-up is OK because there is a informal loop
// pre-condition (informal means not enforced by the Wuffs
// compiler) that (NB >= 16) here, where NB is "the number of
// loaded bits in the bits variable". It is literally n_bits
// for almost all loop iterations, but it can be higher on the
// first iteration, set up by "Ensure the informal" above.
// For subsequent iterations, the "Load at least 56 bits" below
// does what it says. The Huffman code consumes up to 16 bits
// and processing the Huffman symbol's ssss nibble consumes up
// to 15 bits. (56 - 16 - 15) = 25 >= 16 so at the end of the
// loop body, (n_bits >= 16).
// This 16 bound has some slack, as (NB >= 8) is all we need
// when ac_huff_table_fast has (1 << 8) entries, but a bound of
// 16 (the longest JPEG Huffman code bit length) won't need to
// change even if, in the future, the look-up table size grows.
ac_ht_fast = ac_huff_table_fast[bits >> 56] as base.u32
// Load at least 56 bits.
// TODO: eliminate this bounds check entirely.
if r.length() < 8 {
ret = 2 // Internal error.
bits |= r.peek_u64be() >> (n_bits & 63)
r.skip_u32_fast!(actual: (63 - (n_bits & 63)) >> 3, worst_case: 8)
n_bits |= 56
// Read the Huffman-encoded ac_symbol, up to 16 bits long.
// LOOK-UP: "ac_ht_fast = etc" conceptually happens here, just
// before deriving ac_bl from ac_ht_fast.
ac_bl = ac_ht_fast >> 8
if n_bits >= ac_bl {
ac_symbol = 0xFF & ac_ht_fast
bits ~mod<<= (ac_bl & 63)
n_bits -= ac_bl
} else {
ac_code = (bits >> 55) as base.u32
ac_blm1 = 8
bits ~mod<<= 9
n_bits ~mod-= 9
while true,
inv this.mcu_current_block < 10,
inv ac_huff_table_fast <> nullptr,
inv z < 64,
ac_ht_slow = this.huff_tables_slow[ac_h][ac_blm1]
if ac_code < (ac_ht_slow >> 8) {
ac_symbol = this.huff_tables_symbols[ac_h][0xFF & (ac_code ~mod+ ac_ht_slow)] as base.u32
ac_code = (ac_code ~mod<< 1) | ((bits >> 63) as base.u32)
bits ~mod<<= 1
n_bits ~mod-= 1
ac_blm1 = (ac_blm1 + 1) & 15
if ac_blm1 == 0 {
ac_symbol = 0
} endwhile
// Split the 8-bit ac_symbol into two 4-bit halves, per section
// F.2.2.2 "Decoding procedure for AC coefficients".
ac_rrrr = ac_symbol >> 4
z += ac_rrrr + 1
ac_ssss = ac_symbol & 15
ac_extend = EXTEND[ac_ssss]
// Process the ac_value in the next ac_ssss (up to 15) bits.
if ac_ssss > 0 {
ac_value = ((bits >> (64 - ac_ssss)) & 0xFFFF) as base.u16
ac_value ~mod+= ac_extend &
(((this.util.sign_extend_rshift_u64(a: bits, n: 63) & 0xFFFF) as base.u16) ^ 0xFFFF)
bits ~mod<<= ac_ssss
n_bits ~mod-= ac_ssss
this.mcu_blocks[0][UNZIG[z]] =
} else if ac_rrrr < 15 {
} endwhile.ac_components
assert this.mcu_current_block < 10
mcb = this.mcu_current_block
this.mcu_current_block += 1
if this.test_only_interrupt_decode_mcu {
// Apply IDCT.
csel = this.scan_comps_cselector[this.mcu_blocks_sselector[mcb]]
stride = this.components_workbuf_widths[csel] as base.u64
offset = this.mcu_blocks_offset[mcb] +
((this.mcu_blocks_mx_mul[mcb] as base.u64) * ( as base.u64)) +
((this.mcu_blocks_my_mul[mcb] as base.u64) * ( as base.u64))
if offset <= args.workbuf.length() {
dst_buffer: args.workbuf[offset ..],
dst_stride: stride,
q: this.components_tq[csel] as base.u32)
} endwhile.block
this.mcu_current_block = 0
}} endwhile.goto_done
pos = (r.position() & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as base.u32
if pos > this.bitstream_wi {
ret = 2 // Internal error.
} else {
assert pos <= 0x800 via "a <= b: a <= c; c <= b"(c: this.bitstream_wi)
this.bitstream_ri = pos
this.bitstream_bits = bits
this.bitstream_n_bits = n_bits
return ret