Tweak std/cbor token bits
diff --git a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
index c957133..4fd0018 100644
--- a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
+++ b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
@@ -5545,9 +5545,11 @@
 // ---------------- Struct Declarations
@@ -16578,7 +16580,7 @@
               } else {
                 *iop_a_dst++ = wuffs_base__make_token(
                     (((uint64_t)(787997)) << WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MAJOR__SHIFT) |
-                    (((uint64_t)(2)) << WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MINOR__SHIFT) |
+                    (((uint64_t)(8388608)) << WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MINOR__SHIFT) |
                     (((uint64_t)(9)) << WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__LENGTH__SHIFT));
               goto label__goto_parsed_a_leaf_value__break;
diff --git a/std/cbor/decode_cbor.wuffs b/std/cbor/decode_cbor.wuffs
index e4e179c..123fb72 100644
--- a/std/cbor/decode_cbor.wuffs
+++ b/std/cbor/decode_cbor.wuffs
@@ -20,18 +20,24 @@
 // TOKEN_VALUE_MAJOR is the base-38 encoding of "cbor".
 pub const TOKEN_VALUE_MAJOR : base.u32 = 0x0C_061D
-// TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__TAG means that the remaining 24 bits of the token's
-// value_minor is a CBOR tag. That token may be continued, in which case the
-// following token is an extended token (46 bits) and the overall 64-bit CBOR
-// tag is ((first << 46) | ext).
-pub const TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__TAG : base.u32 = 0x01
+// TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__DETAIL_MASK is a mask for the low 18 bits of a token's
+// value_minor. 18 is 64 - base.TOKEN__VALUE_EXTENSION__NUM_BITS.
+pub const TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__DETAIL_MASK : base.u64 = 0x003_FFFF
+// TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__TAG means that the low 18 bits of the token's value_minor
+// is a CBOR tag. That token may be continued, in which case the following
+// token is an extended token whose value_extension holds a further
+// base.TOKEN__VALUE_EXTENSION__NUM_BITS bits. The 64-bit CBOR tag is either v
+// or ((v << base.TOKEN__VALUE_EXTENSION__NUM_BITS) | value_extension_1) where
+// v is (value_minor_0 & TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__DETAIL_MASK).
+pub const TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__TAG : base.u32 = 0x100_0000
 // TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__MINUS_1_MINUS_X means that the 9-byte length token holds
 // the negative integer (-1 - x), where x is the big-endian unsigned integer in
 // the token's final 8 bytes. The most significant bit of x is guaranteed to be
 // set, so that (-1 - x) will always underflow an int64_t and its absolute
 // value (+1 + x) might also overflow a uint64_t.
-pub const TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__MINUS_1_MINUS_X : base.u32 = 0x02
+pub const TOKEN_VALUE_MINOR__MINUS_1_MINUS_X : base.u32 = 0x080_0000
 pri const TOKEN_LENGTHS : array[32] base.u8[..= 9] = [
 	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,