blob: 7779f6e2c07c722a9104cb9a273037a4526cfa1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ast
import (
t ""
// Kind is what kind of node it is. For example, a top-level func or a numeric
// constant. Kind is different from Type; the latter is used for type-checking
// in the programming language sense.
type Kind uint32
// XType is the explicit type, directly from the source code.
// MType is the implicit type, deduced for expressions during type checking.
// MBounds are the implicit bounds, deduced during bounds checking.
const (
KInvalid = Kind(iota)
func (k Kind) String() string {
if uint(k) < uint(len(kindStrings)) {
return kindStrings[k]
return "KUnknown"
var kindStrings = [...]string{
KInvalid: "KInvalid",
KArg: "KArg",
KAssert: "KAssert",
KAssign: "KAssign",
KConst: "KConst",
KExpr: "KExpr",
KField: "KField",
KFile: "KFile",
KFunc: "KFunc",
KIOBind: "KIOBind",
KIf: "KIf",
KIterate: "KIterate",
KJump: "KJump",
KRet: "KRet",
KStatus: "KStatus",
KStruct: "KStruct",
KTypeExpr: "KTypeExpr",
KUse: "KUse",
KVar: "KVar",
KWhile: "KWhile",
type Flags uint32
const (
// The low 8 bits are reserved. Effect values (Effect is a uint8) share the
// same values as Flags.
FlagsPublic = Flags(0x00000100)
FlagsHasBreak = Flags(0x00000200)
FlagsHasContinue = Flags(0x00000400)
FlagsGlobalIdent = Flags(0x00000800)
FlagsClassy = Flags(0x00001000)
FlagsSubExprHasEffect = Flags(0x00002000)
FlagsRetsError = Flags(0x00004000)
FlagsPrivateData = Flags(0x00008000)
func (f Flags) AsEffect() Effect { return Effect(f) }
type Effect uint8
const (
EffectPure = Effect(0)
EffectImpure = Effect(effectBitImpure)
EffectImpureCoroutine = Effect(effectBitImpure | effectBitCoroutine)
effectBitImpure = 0x01
effectBitCoroutine = 0x02
effectMask = Effect(0xFF)
func (e Effect) AsFlags() Flags { return Flags(e) }
func (e Effect) Pure() bool { return e == 0 }
func (e Effect) Impure() bool { return e&effectBitImpure != 0 }
func (e Effect) Coroutine() bool { return e&effectBitCoroutine != 0 }
func (e Effect) WeakerThan(o Effect) bool { return e < o }
func (e Effect) String() string {
switch e & effectMask {
case EffectPure:
return ""
case EffectImpure:
return "!"
case EffectImpureCoroutine:
return "?"
type Node struct {
kind Kind
flags Flags
constValue *big.Int
mBounds interval.IntRange
mType *TypeExpr
jumpTarget Loop
filename string
line uint32
// The idX fields' meaning depend on what kind of node it is.
// kind id0 id1 id2 kind
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Arg . . name Arg
// Assert keyword . lit(reason) Assert
// Assign operator . . Assign
// Const . pkg name Const
// Expr operator pkg literal/ident Expr
// Field . . name Field
// File . . . File
// Func funcName receiverPkg receiverName Func
// IOBind . . . IOBind
// If . . . If
// Iterate unroll label length Iterate
// Jump keyword label . Jump
// Ret keyword . . Ret
// Status keyword pkg lit(message) Status
// Struct . pkg name Struct
// TypeExpr decorator pkg name TypeExpr
// Use . . lit(path) Use
// Var operator . name Var
// While . label . While
id0 t.ID
id1 t.ID
id2 t.ID
lhs *Node // Left Hand Side.
mhs *Node // Middle Hand Side.
rhs *Node // Right Hand Side.
list0 []*Node
list1 []*Node
list2 []*Node
func (n *Node) Kind() Kind { return n.kind }
func (n *Node) MBounds() interval.IntRange { return n.mBounds }
func (n *Node) MType() *TypeExpr { return n.mType }
func (n *Node) SetMBounds(x interval.IntRange) { n.mBounds = x }
func (n *Node) SetMType(x *TypeExpr) { n.mType = x }
func (n *Node) AsArg() *Arg { return (*Arg)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsAssert() *Assert { return (*Assert)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsAssign() *Assign { return (*Assign)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsConst() *Const { return (*Const)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsExpr() *Expr { return (*Expr)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsField() *Field { return (*Field)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsFile() *File { return (*File)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsFunc() *Func { return (*Func)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsIOBind() *IOBind { return (*IOBind)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsIf() *If { return (*If)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsIterate() *Iterate { return (*Iterate)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsJump() *Jump { return (*Jump)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsRaw() *Raw { return (*Raw)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsRet() *Ret { return (*Ret)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsStatus() *Status { return (*Status)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsStruct() *Struct { return (*Struct)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsTypeExpr() *TypeExpr { return (*TypeExpr)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsUse() *Use { return (*Use)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsVar() *Var { return (*Var)(n) }
func (n *Node) AsWhile() *While { return (*While)(n) }
func (n *Node) Walk(f func(*Node) error) error {
if n != nil {
if err := f(n); err != nil {
return err
for _, o := range n.AsRaw().SubNodes() {
if err := o.Walk(f); err != nil {
return err
for _, l := range n.AsRaw().SubLists() {
for _, o := range l {
if err := o.Walk(f); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type Loop interface {
AsNode() *Node
HasBreak() bool
HasContinue() bool
Keyword() t.ID
Label() t.ID
Asserts() []*Node
Body() []*Node
type Raw Node
func (n *Raw) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Raw) Flags() Flags { return n.flags }
func (n *Raw) FilenameLine() (string, uint32) { return n.filename, n.line }
func (n *Raw) SubNodes() [3]*Node { return [3]*Node{n.lhs, n.mhs, n.rhs} }
func (n *Raw) SubLists() [3][]*Node { return [3][]*Node{n.list0, n.list1, n.list2} }
func (n *Raw) SetFilenameLine(f string, l uint32) { n.filename, n.line = f, l }
func (n *Raw) SetPackage(tm *t.Map, pkg t.ID) error {
return n.AsNode().Walk(func(o *Node) error {
switch o.Kind() {
return nil
case KConst, KFunc, KStatus, KStruct:
// No-op.
case KExpr:
if o.id0 != t.IDStatus {
return nil
case KTypeExpr:
if o.id0 != 0 {
return nil
if o.id1 == t.IDBase {
return nil
if o.id1 != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(`invalid SetPackage(%q) call: old package: got %q, want ""`,
pkg.Str(tm), o.id1.Str(tm))
o.id1 = pkg
return nil
// MaxExprDepth is an advisory limit for an Expr's recursion depth.
const MaxExprDepth = 255
// Expr is an expression, such as "i", "+j" or "k + l[m(n, o)].p":
// - ID0: <0|operator|IDOpenParen|IDOpenBracket|IDDotDot|IDDot>
// - ID1: <0|pkg> (for statuses)
// - ID2: <0|literal|ident>
// - LHS: <nil|Expr>
// - MHS: <nil|Expr>
// - RHS: <nil|Expr|TypeExpr>
// - List0: <Arg|Expr> function call args, assoc. op args or list members.
// A zero ID0 means an identifier or literal in ID2, like `foo`, `42` or a
// status literal like `"#foo"` or `pkg."$bar"`. For status literals, ID1 is
// the package.
// For unary operators, ID0 is the operator and RHS is the operand.
// For binary operators, ID0 is the operator and LHS and RHS are the operands.
// For associative operators, ID0 is the operator and List0 holds the operands.
// The ID0 operator is in disambiguous form. For example, IDXUnaryPlus,
// IDXBinaryPlus or IDXAssociativePlus, not a bare IDPlus.
// For function calls, like "LHS(List0)", ID0 is IDOpenParen.
// For indexes, like "LHS[RHS]", ID0 is IDOpenBracket.
// For slices, like "LHS[MHS .. RHS]", ID0 is IDDotDot.
// For selectors, like "LHS.ID2", ID0 is IDDot.
// For lists, like "[0, 1, 2]", ID0 is IDComma.
type Expr Node
func (n *Expr) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Expr) Effect() Effect { return Effect(n.flags) }
func (n *Expr) GlobalIdent() bool { return n.flags&FlagsGlobalIdent != 0 }
func (n *Expr) SubExprHasEffect() bool { return n.flags&FlagsSubExprHasEffect != 0 }
func (n *Expr) ConstValue() *big.Int { return n.constValue }
func (n *Expr) MBounds() interval.IntRange { return n.mBounds }
func (n *Expr) MType() *TypeExpr { return n.mType }
func (n *Expr) Operator() t.ID { return n.id0 }
func (n *Expr) StatusQID() t.QID { return t.QID{n.id1, n.id2} }
func (n *Expr) Ident() t.ID { return n.id2 }
func (n *Expr) LHS() *Node { return n.lhs }
func (n *Expr) MHS() *Node { return n.mhs }
func (n *Expr) RHS() *Node { return n.rhs }
func (n *Expr) Args() []*Node { return n.list0 }
func (n *Expr) SetConstValue(x *big.Int) { n.constValue = x }
func (n *Expr) SetGlobalIdent() { n.flags |= FlagsGlobalIdent }
func (n *Expr) SetMBounds(x interval.IntRange) { n.mBounds = x }
func (n *Expr) SetMType(x *TypeExpr) { n.mType = x }
func NewExpr(flags Flags, operator t.ID, statusPkg t.ID, ident t.ID, lhs *Node, mhs *Node, rhs *Node, args []*Node) *Expr {
subExprEffect := Flags(0)
if lhs != nil {
subExprEffect |= lhs.flags & Flags(effectMask)
if mhs != nil {
subExprEffect |= mhs.flags & Flags(effectMask)
if rhs != nil {
subExprEffect |= rhs.flags & Flags(effectMask)
for _, o := range args {
subExprEffect |= o.flags & Flags(effectMask)
if subExprEffect != 0 {
flags |= subExprEffect | FlagsSubExprHasEffect
return &Expr{
kind: KExpr,
flags: flags,
id0: operator,
id1: statusPkg,
id2: ident,
lhs: lhs,
mhs: mhs,
rhs: rhs,
list0: args,
// Assert is "assert RHS via ID2(args)", "pre etc", "inv etc" or "post etc":
// - ID0: <IDAssert|IDPre|IDInv|IDPost>
// - ID2: <string literal> reason
// - RHS: <Expr>
// - List0: <Arg> reason arguments
type Assert Node
func (n *Assert) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Assert) Keyword() t.ID { return n.id0 }
func (n *Assert) Reason() t.ID { return n.id2 }
func (n *Assert) Condition() *Expr { return n.rhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *Assert) Args() []*Node { return n.list0 }
func NewAssert(keyword t.ID, condition *Expr, reason t.ID, args []*Node) *Assert {
return &Assert{
kind: KAssert,
id0: keyword,
id2: reason,
rhs: condition.AsNode(),
list0: args,
// Arg is "name:value".
// - ID2: <ident> name
// - RHS: <Expr> value
type Arg Node
func (n *Arg) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Arg) Name() t.ID { return n.id2 }
func (n *Arg) Value() *Expr { return n.rhs.AsExpr() }
func NewArg(name t.ID, value *Expr) *Arg {
return &Arg{
kind: KArg,
id2: name,
rhs: value.AsNode(),
// Assign is "LHS = RHS" or "LHS op= RHS" or "RHS":
// - ID0: operator
// - LHS: <nil|Expr>
// - RHS: <Expr>
type Assign Node
func (n *Assign) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Assign) Operator() t.ID { return n.id0 }
func (n *Assign) LHS() *Expr { return n.lhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *Assign) RHS() *Expr { return n.rhs.AsExpr() }
func NewAssign(operator t.ID, lhs *Expr, rhs *Expr) *Assign {
return &Assign{
kind: KAssign,
id0: operator,
lhs: lhs.AsNode(),
rhs: rhs.AsNode(),
// Var is "var ID2 LHS":
// - ID2: name
// - LHS: <TypeExpr>
type Var Node
func (n *Var) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Var) Name() t.ID { return n.id2 }
func (n *Var) XType() *TypeExpr { return n.lhs.AsTypeExpr() }
func NewVar(name t.ID, xType *TypeExpr) *Var {
return &Var{
kind: KVar,
id2: name,
lhs: xType.AsNode(),
// Field is a "name : type" struct field:
// - FlagsPrivateData is the initializer need not explicitly memset to zero.
// - ID2: name
// - LHS: <TypeExpr>
type Field Node
func (n *Field) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Field) PrivateData() bool { return n.flags&FlagsPrivateData != 0 }
func (n *Field) Name() t.ID { return n.id2 }
func (n *Field) XType() *TypeExpr { return n.lhs.AsTypeExpr() }
func NewField(flags Flags, name t.ID, xType *TypeExpr) *Field {
return &Field{
kind: KField,
flags: flags,
id2: name,
lhs: xType.AsNode(),
// IOBind is "io_bind (io:LHS, data:MHS) { List2 }" or "io_limit (io:LHS,
// limit:MHS) { List2 }":
// - ID0: <IDIOBind|IDIOLimit>
// - LHS: <Expr>
// - MHS: <Expr>
// - List2: <Statement> body
type IOBind Node
func (n *IOBind) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *IOBind) Keyword() t.ID { return n.id0 }
func (n *IOBind) IO() *Expr { return n.lhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *IOBind) Arg1() *Expr { return n.mhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *IOBind) Body() []*Node { return n.list2 }
func NewIOBind(keyword t.ID, io *Expr, arg1 *Expr, body []*Node) *IOBind {
return &IOBind{
kind: KIOBind,
id0: keyword,
lhs: io.AsNode(),
mhs: arg1.AsNode(),
list2: body,
// Iterate is
// "iterate.ID1 (assigns)(length:ID2, unroll:ID0), List1 { List2 } else RHS":
// - FlagsHasBreak is the iterate has an explicit break
// - FlagsHasContinue is the iterate has an explicit continue
// - ID0: unroll
// - ID1: <0|label>
// - ID2: length
// - RHS: <nil|Iterate>
// - List0: <Assign> assigns
// - List1: <Assert> asserts
// - List2: <Statement> body
type Iterate Node
func (n *Iterate) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Iterate) HasBreak() bool { return n.flags&FlagsHasBreak != 0 }
func (n *Iterate) HasContinue() bool { return n.flags&FlagsHasContinue != 0 }
func (n *Iterate) Keyword() t.ID { return t.IDIterate }
func (n *Iterate) Unroll() t.ID { return n.id0 }
func (n *Iterate) Label() t.ID { return n.id1 }
func (n *Iterate) Length() t.ID { return n.id2 }
func (n *Iterate) ElseIterate() *Iterate { return n.rhs.AsIterate() }
func (n *Iterate) Assigns() []*Node { return n.list0 }
func (n *Iterate) Asserts() []*Node { return n.list1 }
func (n *Iterate) Body() []*Node { return n.list2 }
func (n *Iterate) SetHasBreak() { n.flags |= FlagsHasBreak }
func (n *Iterate) SetHasContinue() { n.flags |= FlagsHasContinue }
func NewIterate(label t.ID, assigns []*Node, length t.ID, unroll t.ID, asserts []*Node, body []*Node, elseIterate *Iterate) *Iterate {
return &Iterate{
kind: KIterate,
id0: unroll,
id1: label,
id2: length,
rhs: elseIterate.AsNode(),
list0: assigns,
list1: asserts,
list2: body,
// While is "while.ID1 MHS, List1 { List2 }":
// - FlagsHasBreak is the while has an explicit break
// - FlagsHasContinue is the while has an explicit continue
// - ID1: <0|label>
// - MHS: <Expr>
// - List1: <Assert> asserts
// - List2: <Statement> body
// TODO: should we be able to unroll while loops too?
type While Node
func (n *While) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *While) HasBreak() bool { return n.flags&FlagsHasBreak != 0 }
func (n *While) HasContinue() bool { return n.flags&FlagsHasContinue != 0 }
func (n *While) Keyword() t.ID { return t.IDWhile }
func (n *While) Label() t.ID { return n.id1 }
func (n *While) Condition() *Expr { return n.mhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *While) Asserts() []*Node { return n.list1 }
func (n *While) Body() []*Node { return n.list2 }
func (n *While) SetHasBreak() { n.flags |= FlagsHasBreak }
func (n *While) SetHasContinue() { n.flags |= FlagsHasContinue }
func NewWhile(label t.ID, condition *Expr, asserts []*Node, body []*Node) *While {
return &While{
kind: KWhile,
id1: label,
mhs: condition.AsNode(),
list1: asserts,
list2: body,
// If is "if MHS { List2 } else RHS" or "if MHS { List2 } else { List1 }":
// - MHS: <Expr>
// - RHS: <nil|If>
// - List1: <Statement> if-false body
// - List2: <Statement> if-true body
type If Node
func (n *If) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *If) Condition() *Expr { return n.mhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *If) ElseIf() *If { return n.rhs.AsIf() }
func (n *If) BodyIfTrue() []*Node { return n.list2 }
func (n *If) BodyIfFalse() []*Node { return n.list1 }
func NewIf(condition *Expr, bodyIfTrue []*Node, bodyIfFalse []*Node, elseIf *If) *If {
return &If{
kind: KIf,
mhs: condition.AsNode(),
rhs: elseIf.AsNode(),
list1: bodyIfFalse,
list2: bodyIfTrue,
// Ret is "return LHS" or "yield LHS":
// - FlagsReturnsError LHS is an error status
// - ID0: <IDReturn|IDYield>
// - LHS: <Expr>
type Ret Node
func (n *Ret) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Ret) RetsError() bool { return n.flags&FlagsRetsError != 0 }
func (n *Ret) Keyword() t.ID { return n.id0 }
func (n *Ret) Value() *Expr { return n.lhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *Ret) SetRetsError() { n.flags |= FlagsRetsError }
func NewRet(keyword t.ID, value *Expr) *Ret {
return &Ret{
kind: KRet,
id0: keyword,
lhs: value.AsNode(),
// Jump is "break" or "continue", with an optional label, "break.label":
// - ID0: <IDBreak|IDContinue>
// - ID1: <0|label>
type Jump Node
func (n *Jump) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Jump) JumpTarget() Loop { return n.jumpTarget }
func (n *Jump) Keyword() t.ID { return n.id0 }
func (n *Jump) Label() t.ID { return n.id1 }
func (n *Jump) SetJumpTarget(o Loop) { n.jumpTarget = o }
func NewJump(keyword t.ID, label t.ID) *Jump {
return &Jump{
kind: KJump,
id0: keyword,
id1: label,
// MaxTypeExprDepth is an advisory limit for a TypeExpr's recursion depth.
const MaxTypeExprDepth = 63
// TypeExpr is a type expression, such as "base.u32", "base.u32[..= 8]", "foo",
// "", "ptr T", "array[8] T", "slice T" or "table T":
// - ID0: <0|IDArray|IDFunc|IDNptr|IDPtr|IDSlice|IDTable>
// - ID1: <0|pkg>
// - ID2: <0|type name>
// - LHS: <nil|Expr>
// - MHS: <nil|Expr>
// - RHS: <nil|TypeExpr>
// An IDNptr or IDPtr ID0 means "nptr RHS" or "ptr RHS". RHS is the inner type.
// An IDArray ID0 means "array[LHS] RHS". RHS is the inner type.
// An IDSlice ID0 means "slice RHS". RHS is the inner type.
// An IDTable ID0 means "table RHS". RHS is the inner type.
// An IDFunc ID0 means "func ID2" or "func (LHS).ID2", a function or method
// type. LHS is the receiver type, which may be nil. If non-nil, it will be a
// pointee type: "T" instead of "ptr T", "ptr ptr T", etc.
// TODO: method effects: "foo" vs "foo!" vs "foo?".
// A zero ID0 means a (possibly package-qualified) type like "" or
// "foo". ID1 is the "pkg" or zero, ID2 is the "foo".
// Numeric types can be refined as "foo[LHS ..= MHS]". LHS and MHS are Expr's,
// possibly nil. For example, the LHS for "base.u32[..= 4095]" is nil.
// TODO: struct types, list types, nptr vs ptr.
type TypeExpr Node
func (n *TypeExpr) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *TypeExpr) Decorator() t.ID { return n.id0 }
func (n *TypeExpr) QID() t.QID { return t.QID{n.id1, n.id2} }
func (n *TypeExpr) FuncName() t.ID { return n.id2 }
func (n *TypeExpr) ArrayLength() *Expr { return n.lhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *TypeExpr) Receiver() *TypeExpr { return n.lhs.AsTypeExpr() }
func (n *TypeExpr) Bounds() [2]*Expr { return [2]*Expr{n.lhs.AsExpr(), n.mhs.AsExpr()} }
func (n *TypeExpr) Min() *Expr { return n.lhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *TypeExpr) Max() *Expr { return n.mhs.AsExpr() }
func (n *TypeExpr) Inner() *TypeExpr { return n.rhs.AsTypeExpr() }
func (n *TypeExpr) Innermost() *TypeExpr {
for ; n != nil && n.Inner() != nil; n = n.Inner() {
return n
func (n *TypeExpr) Pointee() *TypeExpr {
for ; n != nil && (n.id0 == t.IDNptr || n.id0 == t.IDPtr); n = n.Inner() {
return n
func (n *TypeExpr) IsBool() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase && n.id2 == t.IDBool
func (n *TypeExpr) IsIdeal() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase && n.id2 == t.IDQIdeal
func (n *TypeExpr) IsIOType() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase &&
(n.id2 == t.IDIOReader || n.id2 == t.IDIOWriter)
func (n *TypeExpr) IsTokenType() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase &&
(n.id2 == t.IDTokenReader || n.id2 == t.IDTokenWriter)
func (n *TypeExpr) IsIOTokenType() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase &&
(n.id2 == t.IDIOReader || n.id2 == t.IDIOWriter ||
n.id2 == t.IDTokenReader || n.id2 == t.IDTokenWriter)
func (n *TypeExpr) IsNullptr() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase && n.id2 == t.IDQNullptr
func (n *TypeExpr) IsNumType() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase && n.id2.IsNumType()
func (n *TypeExpr) IsNumTypeOrIdeal() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase && n.id2.IsNumTypeOrIdeal()
func (n *TypeExpr) IsRefined() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase && n.id2.IsNumType() && (n.lhs != nil || n.mhs != nil)
func (n *TypeExpr) IsStatus() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase && n.id2 == t.IDStatus
func (n *TypeExpr) IsArrayType() bool {
return n.id0 == t.IDArray
func (n *TypeExpr) IsPointerType() bool {
return n.id0 == t.IDNptr || n.id0 == t.IDPtr
func (n *TypeExpr) IsSliceType() bool {
return n.id0 == t.IDSlice
func (n *TypeExpr) IsTableType() bool {
return n.id0 == t.IDTable
func (n *TypeExpr) IsUnsignedInteger() bool {
return n.id0 == 0 && n.id1 == t.IDBase &&
(n.id2 == t.IDU8 || n.id2 == t.IDU16 || n.id2 == t.IDU32 || n.id2 == t.IDU64)
func (n *TypeExpr) HasPointers() bool {
for ; n != nil; n = n.Inner() {
switch n.id0 {
case 0:
if n.id1 == t.IDBase {
switch n.id2 {
case t.IDIOReader, t.IDIOWriter:
return true
case t.IDNptr, t.IDPtr, t.IDSlice, t.IDTable:
return true
return false
func (n *TypeExpr) Unrefined() *TypeExpr {
if !n.IsRefined() {
return n
return &TypeExpr{
kind: KTypeExpr,
id1: n.id1,
id2: n.id2,
func NewTypeExpr(decorator t.ID, pkg t.ID, name t.ID, alenRecvMin *Node, max *Expr, inner *TypeExpr) *TypeExpr {
return &TypeExpr{
kind: KTypeExpr,
id0: decorator,
id1: pkg,
id2: name,
lhs: alenRecvMin,
mhs: max.AsNode(),
rhs: inner.AsNode(),
// MaxBodyDepth is an advisory limit for a function body's recursion depth.
const MaxBodyDepth = 255
// Func is "func ID2.ID0(LHS)(RHS) { List2 }":
// - FlagsPublic is "pub" vs "pri"
// - ID0: funcName
// - ID1: <0|receiverPkg> (set by calling SetPackage)
// - ID2: <0|receiverName>
// - LHS: <Struct> in-parameters
// - RHS: <Struct> out-parameters
// - List1: <Assert> asserts
// - List2: <Statement> body
// Statement means one of:
// - Assert
// - Assign
// - IOBind
// - If
// - Iterate
// - Jump
// - Ret
// - Var
// - While
type Func Node
func (n *Func) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Func) Effect() Effect { return Effect(n.flags) }
func (n *Func) Public() bool { return n.flags&FlagsPublic != 0 }
func (n *Func) Filename() string { return n.filename }
func (n *Func) Line() uint32 { return n.line }
func (n *Func) QQID() t.QQID { return t.QQID{n.id1, n.id2, n.id0} }
func (n *Func) Receiver() t.QID { return t.QID{n.id1, n.id2} }
func (n *Func) FuncName() t.ID { return n.id0 }
func (n *Func) In() *Struct { return n.lhs.AsStruct() }
func (n *Func) Out() *TypeExpr { return n.rhs.AsTypeExpr() }
func (n *Func) Asserts() []*Node { return n.list1 }
func (n *Func) Body() []*Node { return n.list2 }
func (n *Func) BodyEndsWithReturn() bool {
if len(n.list2) == 0 {
return false
end := n.list2[len(n.list2)-1]
return (end.kind == KRet) && (end.AsRet().Keyword() == t.IDReturn)
func NewFunc(flags Flags, filename string, line uint32, receiverName t.ID, funcName t.ID, in *Struct, out *TypeExpr, asserts []*Node, body []*Node) *Func {
return &Func{
kind: KFunc,
flags: flags,
filename: filename,
line: line,
id0: funcName,
id2: receiverName,
lhs: in.AsNode(),
rhs: out.AsNode(),
list1: asserts,
list2: body,
// Status is "error (RHS) ID2" or "suspension (RHS) ID2":
// - FlagsPublic is "pub" vs "pri"
// - ID1: <0|pkg> (set by calling SetPackage)
// - ID2: message
type Status Node
func (n *Status) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Status) Public() bool { return n.flags&FlagsPublic != 0 }
func (n *Status) Filename() string { return n.filename }
func (n *Status) Line() uint32 { return n.line }
func (n *Status) QID() t.QID { return t.QID{n.id1, n.id2} }
func NewStatus(flags Flags, filename string, line uint32, message t.ID) *Status {
return &Status{
kind: KStatus,
flags: flags,
filename: filename,
line: line,
id2: message,
// Const is "const ID2 LHS = RHS":
// - FlagsPublic is "pub" vs "pri"
// - ID1: <0|pkg> (set by calling SetPackage)
// - ID2: name
// - LHS: <TypeExpr>
// - RHS: <Expr>
type Const Node
func (n *Const) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Const) Public() bool { return n.flags&FlagsPublic != 0 }
func (n *Const) Filename() string { return n.filename }
func (n *Const) Line() uint32 { return n.line }
func (n *Const) QID() t.QID { return t.QID{n.id1, n.id2} }
func (n *Const) XType() *TypeExpr { return n.lhs.AsTypeExpr() }
func (n *Const) Value() *Expr { return n.rhs.AsExpr() }
func NewConst(flags Flags, filename string, line uint32, name t.ID, xType *TypeExpr, value *Expr) *Const {
return &Const{
kind: KConst,
flags: flags,
filename: filename,
line: line,
id2: name,
lhs: xType.AsNode(),
rhs: value.AsNode(),
// MaxImplements is an advisory limit for the number of interfaces a Struct can
// implement.
const MaxImplements = 63
// Struct is "struct ID2? implements List0 (List1)":
// - FlagsPublic is "pub" vs "pri"
// - FlagsClassy is "ID2" vs "ID2?"
// - ID1: <0|pkg> (set by calling SetPackage)
// - ID2: name
// - List0: <TypeExpr> implements
// - List1: <Field> fields
// The question mark indicates a classy struct - one that supports methods,
// especially coroutines.
type Struct Node
func (n *Struct) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Struct) Classy() bool { return n.flags&FlagsClassy != 0 }
func (n *Struct) Public() bool { return n.flags&FlagsPublic != 0 }
func (n *Struct) Filename() string { return n.filename }
func (n *Struct) Line() uint32 { return n.line }
func (n *Struct) QID() t.QID { return t.QID{n.id1, n.id2} }
func (n *Struct) Implements() []*Node { return n.list0 }
func (n *Struct) Fields() []*Node { return n.list1 }
func NewStruct(flags Flags, filename string, line uint32, name t.ID, implements []*Node, fields []*Node) *Struct {
return &Struct{
kind: KStruct,
flags: flags,
filename: filename,
line: line,
id2: name,
list0: implements,
list1: fields,
// Use is "use ID2":
// - ID2: <string literal> package path
type Use Node
func (n *Use) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *Use) Filename() string { return n.filename }
func (n *Use) Line() uint32 { return n.line }
func (n *Use) Path() t.ID { return n.id2 }
func NewUse(filename string, line uint32, path t.ID) *Use {
return &Use{
kind: KUse,
filename: filename,
line: line,
id2: path,
// File is a file of source code:
// - List0: <Const|Func|Status|Struct|Use> top-level declarations
type File Node
func (n *File) AsNode() *Node { return (*Node)(n) }
func (n *File) Filename() string { return n.filename }
func (n *File) TopLevelDecls() []*Node { return n.list0 }
func NewFile(filename string, topLevelDecls []*Node) *File {
return &File{
kind: KFile,
filename: filename,
list0: topLevelDecls,