blob: 474148e36420a4a185d1b113fec48afa0d682c63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
pri func decoder.decode_huffman_slow?(dst: base.io_writer, src: base.io_reader) {
var bits : base.u32
var n_bits : base.u32
var table_entry : base.u32
var table_entry_n_bits : base.u32[..= 15]
var lmask : base.u32[..= 511]
var dmask : base.u32[..= 511]
var b0 : base.u32[..= 255]
var redir_top : base.u32[..= 0xFFFF]
var redir_mask : base.u32[..= 0x7FFF]
var b1 : base.u32[..= 255]
var length : base.u32[..= 258]
var b2 : base.u32[..= 255]
var b3 : base.u32[..= 255]
var b4 : base.u32[..= 255]
var dist_minus_1 : base.u32[..= 0x7FFF]
var b5 : base.u32[..= 255]
var n_copied : base.u32
var hlen : base.u32[..= 0x7FFF]
var hdist : base.u32
// When editing this function, consider making the equivalent change to the
// decode_huffman_fast function. Keep the diff between the two
// decode_huffman_*.wuffs files as small as possible, while retaining both
// correctness and performance.
if (this.n_bits >= 8) or ((this.bits >> (this.n_bits & 7)) <> 0) {
return "#internal error: inconsistent n_bits"
bits = this.bits
n_bits = this.n_bits
lmask = ((1 as base.u32) << this.n_huffs_bits[0]) - 1
dmask = ((1 as base.u32) << this.n_huffs_bits[1]) - 1
while.loop not coroutine_resumed {
// Decode an lcode symbol from H-L.
while true {
table_entry = this.huffs[0][bits & lmask]
table_entry_n_bits = table_entry & 0x0F
if n_bits >= table_entry_n_bits {
bits >>= table_entry_n_bits
n_bits -= table_entry_n_bits
assert n_bits < 15 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: table_entry_n_bits)
b0 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b0 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
} endwhile
if (table_entry >> 31) <> 0 {
// Literal.
args.dst.write_u8?(a: ((table_entry >> 8) & 0xFF) as base.u8)
} else if (table_entry >> 30) <> 0 {
// No-op; code continues past the if-else chain.
} else if (table_entry >> 29) <> 0 {
// End of block.
this.end_of_block = true
} else if (table_entry >> 28) <> 0 {
// Redirect.
redir_top = (table_entry >> 8) & 0xFFFF
redir_mask = ((1 as base.u32) << ((table_entry >> 4) & 0x0F)) - 1
while true {
table_entry = this.huffs[0][(redir_top + (bits & redir_mask)) & HUFFS_TABLE_MASK]
table_entry_n_bits = table_entry & 0x0F
if n_bits >= table_entry_n_bits {
bits >>= table_entry_n_bits
n_bits -= table_entry_n_bits
assert n_bits < 15 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: table_entry_n_bits)
b1 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b1 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
} endwhile
if (table_entry >> 31) <> 0 {
// Literal.
args.dst.write_u8?(a: ((table_entry >> 8) & 0xFF) as base.u8)
} else if (table_entry >> 30) <> 0 {
// No-op; code continues past the if-else chain.
} else if (table_entry >> 29) <> 0 {
// End of block.
this.end_of_block = true
} else if (table_entry >> 28) <> 0 {
return "#internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
} else if (table_entry >> 27) <> 0 {
return "#bad Huffman code"
} else {
return "#internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
} else if (table_entry >> 27) <> 0 {
return "#bad Huffman code"
} else {
return "#internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
// length = base_number_minus_3 + 3 + extra_bits.
// The -3 is from the bias in script/print-deflate-magic-numbers.go.
// That bias makes the "& 0xFF" 1 and 15-ish lines below correct.
length = ((table_entry >> 8) & 0xFF) + 3
table_entry_n_bits = (table_entry >> 4) & 0x0F
if table_entry_n_bits > 0 {
while n_bits < table_entry_n_bits,
post n_bits >= table_entry_n_bits,
assert n_bits < 15 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: table_entry_n_bits)
b2 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b2 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
} endwhile
// The "+ 253" is the same as "- 3", after the "& 0xFF", but the
// plus form won't require an underflow check.
length = ((length + 253 + bits.low_bits(n: table_entry_n_bits)) & 0xFF) + 3
bits >>= table_entry_n_bits
n_bits -= table_entry_n_bits
// Decode a dcode symbol from H-D.
while true {
table_entry = this.huffs[1][bits & dmask]
table_entry_n_bits = table_entry & 15
if n_bits >= table_entry_n_bits {
bits >>= table_entry_n_bits
n_bits -= table_entry_n_bits
assert n_bits < 15 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: table_entry_n_bits)
b3 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b3 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
} endwhile
// Check for a redirect.
if (table_entry >> 28) == 1 {
redir_top = (table_entry >> 8) & 0xFFFF
redir_mask = ((1 as base.u32) << ((table_entry >> 4) & 0x0F)) - 1
while true {
table_entry = this.huffs[1][(redir_top + (bits & redir_mask)) & HUFFS_TABLE_MASK]
table_entry_n_bits = table_entry & 0x0F
if n_bits >= table_entry_n_bits {
bits >>= table_entry_n_bits
n_bits -= table_entry_n_bits
assert n_bits < 15 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: table_entry_n_bits)
b4 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b4 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
} endwhile
// For H-D, all symbols should be base_number + extra_bits.
if (table_entry >> 24) <> 0x40 {
if (table_entry >> 24) == 0x08 {
return "#bad Huffman code"
return "#internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
// dist_minus_1 = base_number_minus_1 + extra_bits.
// distance = dist_minus_1 + 1.
// The -1 is from the bias in script/print-deflate-magic-numbers.go.
// That bias makes the "& 0x7FFF" 2 and 15-ish lines below correct and
// undoing that bias makes proving (dist_minus_1 + 1) > 0 trivial.
dist_minus_1 = (table_entry >> 8) & 0x7FFF
table_entry_n_bits = (table_entry >> 4) & 0x0F
if table_entry_n_bits > 0 {
while n_bits < table_entry_n_bits,
post n_bits >= table_entry_n_bits,
assert n_bits < 15 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: table_entry_n_bits)
b5 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b5 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
} endwhile
dist_minus_1 = (dist_minus_1 + bits.low_bits(n: table_entry_n_bits)) & 0x7FFF
bits >>= table_entry_n_bits
n_bits -= table_entry_n_bits
while true {
// Copy from this.history.
if ((dist_minus_1 + 1) as base.u64) > args.dst.history_available() {
// Set (hlen, hdist) to be the length-distance pair to copy
// from this.history, and (length, distance) to be the
// remaining length-distance pair to copy from args.dst.
hdist = (((dist_minus_1 + 1) as base.u64) - args.dst.history_available()) as base.u32
if length > hdist {
assert hdist < length via "a < b: b > a"()
assert hdist < 0x8000 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: length)
length -= hdist
hlen = hdist
} else {
hlen = length
length = 0
if this.history_index < hdist {
return "#bad distance"
// Re-purpose the hdist variable as the this.history index to
// start copying from.
hdist = this.history_index - hdist
// Copy from hdist to the end of this.history.
while true {
n_copied = args.dst.copy_n32_from_slice!(
n: hlen, s: this.history[hdist & 0x7FFF .. 0x8000])
if hlen <= n_copied {
hlen = 0
if n_copied > 0 {
hlen -= n_copied
hdist = (hdist ~mod+ n_copied) & 0x7FFF
if hdist == 0 {
// Wrap around the this.history ringbuffer.
yield? base."$short write"
} endwhile
// Copy from the start of this.history, if we wrapped around.
if hlen > 0 {
while true {
n_copied = args.dst.copy_n32_from_slice!(
n: hlen, s: this.history[hdist & 0x7FFF .. 0x8000])
if hlen <= n_copied {
hlen = 0
hlen -= n_copied
hdist ~mod+= n_copied
yield? base."$short write"
} endwhile
if length == 0 {
// No need to copy from args.dst.
// Copy from args.dst.
n_copied = args.dst.copy_n32_from_history!(n: length, distance: (dist_minus_1 + 1))
if length <= n_copied {
length = 0
length -= n_copied
yield? base."$short write"
} endwhile
} endwhile.loop
// TODO: "assert n_bits < 8"? What about (bits >> n_bits)?
this.bits = bits
this.n_bits = n_bits
if (this.n_bits >= 8) or ((this.bits >> (this.n_bits & 7)) <> 0) {
return "#internal error: inconsistent n_bits"