blob: 77229196d22f97798835ff316ad781fb0531067c [file] [log] [blame]
# Feed this file to script/make-artificial.go
# This modifies abraca.txt.bz2.make-artificial.txt to have 51 Huffman-coded
# symbols (bitslice (p)) but only 1 section (bitslice (l)). At 50 symbols per
# section, this should be invalid.
make bzip2
# Bitslices (a) ..= (g)
bits 16 0x425A
bits 8 0x68
bits 8 0x39
bits 48 0x314159265359
bits 32 0x76A70995
bits 1 0x0
bits 24 0x000001
# Bitslices (h) ..= (j)
bits 16 0x0300
bits 16 0x7000
bits 16 0x2000
# Bitslices (k) ..= (m)
bits 3 0x2
bits 15 0x0001
bits 1 0x0
# Bitslices (n) ..= (o)
bits 19 0x0CD34
bits 19 0x0CD34
# Bitslice (p)
repeat 50 [
bits 2 0x0
bits 3 0x7
# Bitslices (q) ..= (s)
bits 48 0x177245385090
bits 32 0x76A70995
bits 5 0x00