Update doc/wuffs-the-language.md
diff --git a/doc/glossary.md b/doc/glossary.md
index 316a71e..aa2e933 100644
--- a/doc/glossary.md
+++ b/doc/glossary.md
@@ -79,8 +79,12 @@
 ..= 99]` then it is an unsigned 8-bit integer whose value must be less than
 `100`. Without the refinement, `x` could be as high as `255`.
-`base.u8[0 ..= 99]` and `base.u32[0 ..= 99]` are two different types. They can
-have different run-time representations.
+Bounds may be omitted, where the base integer type provides the implicit bound.
+`base.u8[0 ..= 99]` and `base.u8[..= 99]` are the same type.
+`base.u8[0 ..= 99]` and `base.u32[0 ..= 99]` are two different types, as they
+have different unrefined types. They can have different run-time
 Non-nullable pointer types can be thought of as a refinement of regular pointer
 types, where the refined range excludes the `nullptr` value.
diff --git a/doc/wuffs-the-language.md b/doc/wuffs-the-language.md
index e9e36e8..306b10f 100644
--- a/doc/wuffs-the-language.md
+++ b/doc/wuffs-the-language.md
@@ -1,296 +1,87 @@
 # Wuffs the Language
-Wuffs is an imperative, C-like language and much of it should look familiar to
-somebody versed in any one of C, C++, D, Go, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C,
-Rust, Swift, etc. Accordingly, this section is not an exhaustive specification,
-merely a rough guide of where Wuffs differs.
+The Wuffs project is both a programming language and a standard library written
+in that programming language (and then e.g. transpiled to C). For more details
+on the latter, see the [Wuffs the Library](/doc/wuffs-the-library.md) document.
+As for Wuffs the Language, it is an imperative C-like *memory-safe* language
+that should look roughly familiar to somebody versed in one of C, C++, Go,
+Java, JavaScript, Rust, etc. The major differentiating features are:
-Like Go, [semi-colons can be omitted](https://golang.org/ref/spec#Semicolons),
-and `wuffsfmt` will remove them. Similarly, the body of an `if` or `while` must
-be enclosed by curly `{}`s. There is no 'dangling else' ambiguity.
+- [Facts](/doc/note/facts.md) and compile-time
+  [assertions](/doc/note/assertions.md).
+- Type [refinements](/doc/glossary.md#refinement-type).
+- [Coroutines](/doc/note/coroutines.md) and an [effects](/doc/note/effects.md)
+  system. The `!` and `?` exclamation and question marks denote impure and
+  coroutine effects.
+- No way to dynamically allocate or free [memory](/doc/note/memory-safety.md).
+Minor features or restrictions include:
-## Keywords
+- Nullable and non-nullable pointers, spelled `nptr T` and `ptr T`.
+- Integrated [I/O](/doc/note/io-input-output.md).
+- [Iterate loops](/doc/note/iterate-loops.md).
+- Public vs private API is marked with the `pub` and `pri` keywords. Visibility
+  boundaries are at the package level, unlike C++ or Java's type level.
+- No string type, only [slices](/doc/note/slices-arrays-and-tables.md) of
+  `base.u8`. Literals like `"#bad checksum"` are actually
+  [statuses](/doc/note/statuses.md).
+- No variable shadowing. All local variables must be declared before any other
+  statements in a function body.
+- Like Go, semi-colons can be omitted. Similarly, the `()` parentheses around
+  an `if` or `while` condition are optional, but the `{}` curly braces are
+  mandatory. There is no 'dangling else' ambiguity.
+- Labeled jumps look like `break.loopname` and `continue.loopname`, for a
+  matching `while.loopname`.
-7 keywords introduce top-level concepts:
-- `const`
-- `error`
-- `func`
-- `packageid`
-- `struct`
-- `suspension`
-- `use`
-2 keywords distinguish between public and private API:
-- `pri`
-- `pub`
-8 keywords deal with control flow within a function:
-- `break`
-- `continue`
-- `else`
-- `if`
-- `iterate`
-- `return`
-- `while`
-- `yield`
-5 keywords deal with assertions:
-- `assert`
-- `inv`
-- `post`
-- `pre`
-- `via`
-2 keywords deal with types:
-- `nptr`
-- `ptr`
-1 keyword deals with local variables:
-- `var`
-TODO: categorize try, io\_bind. Also: and, or, not, as, ref, deref, false,
-true, in, out, this, u8, u16, etc.
-## Operators
-There is no operator precedence. `a * b + c` is an invalid expression. You must
-explicitly write either `(a * b) + c` or `a * (b + c)`.
-Some binary operators (`+`, `*`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `and`, `or`) are also
-associative: `(a + b) + c` and `a + (b + c)` are equivalent, and can be written
-as `a + b + c`.
-The logical operators, `&&` and `||` and `!` in C, are written as `and` and
-`or` and `not` in Wuffs.
-TODO: ignore-overflow ops, equivalent to Swift's `&+`.
-Converting an expression `x` to the type `T` is written as `x as T`.
+Wuffs code is formatted by the
+[`wuffsfmt`](https://godoc.org/github.com/google/wuffs/cmd/wuffsfmt) program.
 ## Types
-Types read from left to right: `ptr array [100] u32` is a pointer to a
-100-element array of unsigned 32-bit integers. `ptr` here means a non-null
-pointer. Use `nptr` for a nullable pointer type.
-Integer types can also be refined: `var x u32[10..20]` defines a variable x
-that is stored as 4 bytes (32 bits) and can be combined arithmetically (e.g.
-added, compared) with other `u32`s, but whose value must be between 10 and 20
-inclusive. The syntax is reminiscent of Pascal's subranges, but in Wuffs, a
-subsequent assignment like `x = 21` or even `x = y + z` is a compile time error
-unless the right hand side can be proven to be within range.
-Types can also provide a default value, such as `u32[10..20] = 16`, especially
-if zero is out of range. If not specified, the implicit default is zero.
-Refinement bounds may be omitted, where the base integer type provides the
-implicit bound. `var x u8[..5]` means that `x` is between 0 and 5. `var y
-i8[-7..]` means that `y` is between -7 and +127. `var z u32[..]` is equivalent
-to `var z u32`.
-Refinement bounds must be constant expressions. `var x u32[..2+3]` is valid,
-but `var x u32; var y u32[..x]` is not. Wuffs does not have dependent types.
-Relationships such as `y <= x` are expressible as assertions (see below), but
-not by the type system.
+Types read from left to right: `ptr array[100] base.u32` is a non-null pointer
+to a 100-element array of unsigned 32-bit integers. Types can also be
 ## Structs
-Structs are a list of fields, enclosed in parentheses: `struct point(x i32, y
-i32)`. The struct name may be followed by a question mark `?`, which means that
-its methods may be coroutines. (See below).
+Structs are a list of fields, enclosed in parentheses: `struct foo(x: base.u32,
+y: base.u32)`, possibly extended with a second list of [optionally
+initialized](/doc/note/initialization.md#partial-zero-initialization) fields.
+The struct name, `foo`, may be followed by a question mark `?`, which means
+that its methods may be [coroutines](/doc/note/coroutines.md).
 ## Functions
-Function signatures read from left to right: `func max(x i32, y i32)(z i32)` is
-a function that takes two `i32`s and returns one `i32`. Two pairs of
-parentheses are required: a function that in other languages would return
-`void` in Wuffs returns the empty struct `()`, also known as the unit type.
+All functions are methods (with an implicit `this` argument). There are no
+free-standing functions.
-When calling a function, each argument must be named. It is `m = max(x:10,
-y:20)` and not `m = max(10, 20)`.
-The function name, such as `max`, may be followed by either an exclamation mark
-`!` or a question mark `?` but not both. An exclamation mark means that the
-function is impure, and may assign to things other than its local variables. A
-question mark means that the function is impure and furthermore a coroutine: it
-can return a (recoverable) suspension code, such as needing more input data, or
-return a (fatal) error code, such as being invalid with respect to a file
-format. If suspended, calling that function again will resume at the suspension
-point, not necessarily at the top of the function body. If an error was
-returned, calling that function again will return the same error.
-Some functions are methods, with syntax `func foo.bar(etc)(etc)`, where `foo`
-names a struct type and `bar` is the method name. Within the function body, an
-implicit `this` argument will point to the receiving struct. Methods can also
-be marked as impure or coroutines.
+Function definitions read from left to right. `func foo.bar(x: base.u32, y:
+base.u32) base.u32` is a function (a method on the `foo` struct type) that
+takes two `base.u32`s and returns a `base.u32`. Each argument must be named at
+the call site. It is `m = f.bar(x: 10, y: 20)`, not `m = f.bar(10, 20)`.
-## Variables
+## Operators
-Variable declarations are [hoisted like
-so that all variables have function scope. Proofs are easier to work with, for
-both humans and computers, when one variable can't shadow another variable with
-the same name.
+There is no operator precedence. A bare `a * b + c` is an invalid expression.
+You must explicitly write either `(a * b) + c` or `a * (b + c)`.
+Some binary operators (`+`, `*`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `and`, `or`) are also
+associative: `(a + b) + c` and `a + (b + c)` are equivalent, and can be spelled
+`a + b + c`.
-## Assertions
+The logical operators, `&&` and `||` and `!` in C, are spelled `and` and `or`
+and `not` in Wuffs. Not-equals is spelled `<>`, as the `!` exclamation mark is
+reserved for impure effects.
-Assertions state a boolean typed, pure expression, such as `assert x >= y`,
-that the compiler must prove. As a consequence, the compiler can then prove
-that, if `x` and `y` have type `u32`, the expression `x - y` will not
+Expressions involving the standard arithmetic operators (e.g. `*`, `+`), will
+not compile if overflow is possible. Some of these operators have alternative
+'tilde' forms (e.g. `~mod*`, `~sat+`) which provide
+[modular](/doc/glossary.md#modular-arithmetic.md) and
+[saturating](/doc/glossary.md#saturating-arithmetic.md) arithmetic. By
+definition, these never overflow.
-An assertion applies for a particular point in the program. Subsequent
-assignments or impure function calls, such as `x = z` or `f!()`, can invalidate
-previous assertions. See the "Facts" section below for more details.
-Arithmetic inside assertions is performed in ideal integer math, working in the
-integer ring ℤ. An expression like `x + y` in an assertion never overflows,
-even if `x` and `y` have a realized (non-ideal) integer type like `u32`.
-The `assert` keyword makes an assertion as a statement, and can occur inside a
-block of code like any other statement, such as an assignment `x = y` or an
-`if` statement. The `pre`, `post` and `inv` keywords are similar to `assert`, but
-apply only to `func` bodies and `while` loops.
-`pre` states a pre-condition: an assertion that must be proven on every
-function call or on every entry to the loop. Loop entry means the initial
-execution of the loop, plus every explicit `continue` statement that targets
-that `while` loop, plus the implicit `continue` at the end of the loop. For
-`while` loops, the pre-condition must be proven before the condition (the `x <
-y` in `while x < y { etc }`) executes.
-`post` states a post-condition: an assertion that must be proven on every
-function return (whether by an explicit `return` statement or by an implicit
-`return` at the end of the function body) or on every loop exit (whether by an
-explicit `break` statement or by the implicit `break` when the condition
-evaluates false).
-For example, a `while` loop that contains no explicit `break` statements can
-always claim the inverse of its condition as a post-condition: `while x < y,
-post x >= y { etc }`.
-`inv` states an invariant, which is simply an assertion that is both a
-pre-condition and post-condition.
-When a `func` or `while` has multiple assertions, they must be listed in `pre`,
-`inv` and then `post` order.
-## Facts
-Static constraints are expressed in the type system and apply for the lifetime
-of the variable, struct field or function argument. For example, `var x u32`
-and `var p ptr u32` constrain `x` to be non-negative and `p` to be non-null.
-Furthermore, `var y u32[..20]` constrains `y` to be less than or equal to `20`.
-Dynamic constraints, also known as facts, are previously seen assertions,
-explicit or implicit, that are known to hold at a particular point in the
-program. The set of known facts can grow and shrink over the analysis of a
-program's statements. For example, the assignment `x = 7` can both add the
-implicit assertion `x == 7` to the set of known facts, as well as remove any
-other facts that mention the variable `x`, as `x`'s value might have changed.
-TODO: define exactly when facts are dropped or updated.
-Similarly, the sequence `assert x < y; z = 3` would result in set of known
-facts that include both the explicit assertion `x < y` and the implicit
-assertion `z == 3`, if none of `x`, `y` and `z` alias another (e.g. they are
-all local variables).
-Wuffs has two forms of non-sequential control flow: `if` branches (including
-`if`, `else if`, `else if` chains) and `while` loops.
-For an `if` statement, such as `if b { etc0 } else { etc1 }`, the condition `b`
-is a known fact inside the if-true branch `etc0` and its inverse `not b` is a
-known fact inside the if-false branch `etc1`. After that `if` statement, the
-overall set of known facts is the intersection of the set of known facts after
-each non-terminating branch. A terminating branch is a non-empty block of code
-whose final statement is a `return`, `break`, `continue` or an `if`, `else if`
-chain where the final `else` is present and all branches terminate. TODO: also
-allow ending in `while true`?
-For a `while` statement, such as `while b { etc }`, the set of known facts at
-the start of the body `etc` is precisely the condition `b` plus all `pre` and
-`inv` assertions. No other prior facts carry into the loop body, as the loop
-can re-start coming from other points in the program (i.e. an explicit or
-implicit `continue`) If the `while` loop makes no such `pre` or `inv`
-assertions, no facts are known other than `b`.
-Similarly, the set of known facts after the `while` loop exits is precisely its
-`inv` and `post` assertions, and no other. In other words, a `while` loop must
-explicitly list its state of the world just before and just after it executes.
-This includes facts (i.e. invariants) about variables that are not mentioned at
-all by the `while` condition or its body but are proven before the `while` loop
-and assumed after it.
-## Proofs
-Wuffs' assertion and bounds checking system is a proof checker, not a full SMT
-solver or automated theorem prover. It verifies explicit annotations instead of
-the more open-ended task of searching for implicit proof steps. This involves
-more explicit work by the programmer, but compile times matter, so Wuffs is
-fast (and dumb) instead of smart (and slow).
-Nonetheless, the Wuffs syntax is regular (and unlike C++, does not require a
-symbol table to parse), so it should be straightforward to transform Wuffs code
-to and from file formats used by more sophisticated proof engines.
-Some rules are applied automatically by the proof checker. For example, if `x
-<= 10` and `y <= 5` are both known true, whether by a static constraint (the
-type system) or dynamic constraint (an asserted fact), then the checker knows
-that the expression `x + y` is bounded above by `10 + 5` and therefore will not
-overflow a `u8` (but would overflow a `u8[..12]`).
-TODO: rigorously specify these automatic rules, when we have written more Wuffs
-code and thus have more experience on what rules are needed to implement
-multiple, real world image codecs.
-Other rules are built in to the proof checker but are not applied automatically
-(see "fast... instead of smart" above). Such rules have double-quote enclosed
-names that look a little like mathematical statements. They are axiomatic, in
-that these rules are assumed, not proved, by the Wuffs toolchain. They are
-typically at a higher level than e.g. Peano axioms, as Wuffs emphasizes
-practicality over theoretical minimalism. As they are axiomatic, they endeavour
-to only encode 'obvious' mathematical rules. For example, the rule named `"a <
-b: a < c; c <= b"` is one expression of transitivity: the assertion `a < b` is
-proven if both `a < c` and `c <= b` are provable, for some expression `c`.
-Terms like `a`, `b` and `c` here are all integers in ℤ, they do not encompass
-floating point concepts like negative zero, `NaN`s or rounding.
-Such rules are invoked by the `via` keyword. For example, `assert n_bits < 12
-via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:width)` makes the assertion `n_bits < 12` by
-applying that transitivity rule, where `a` is `n_bits`, `b` is `12` and `c` is
-`width`. The trailing `(c:width)` syntax is deliberately similar to a function
-call (recall that when calling a function, each argument must be named), but
-the `"a < b: a < c; c <= b"` named rule is not a function-typed expression.
-TODO: specify these built-in `via` rules, again after more experience.
-## Miscellaneous Language Notes
-Labeled `break` and `continue` statements enable jumping out of loops that
-aren't the most deeply nested. The syntax for labels is `while:label` instead
-of Java's `label:while`, as the former is slightly easier to parse, and Wuffs
-does not otherwise use labels for switch cases or goto targets.
-TODO: describe the built in `buf1` and `buf2` types: 1- and 2-dimensional
-buffers of bytes, such as an I/O stream or a table of pixel data.
-Updated on April 2018.
+The `as` operator, e.g. `x as T`, converts an expression `x` to the type `T`.