blob: fbe81b805d3b073e5ba403fa807d4fe15e14ca99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
pub status "#bad Huffman code (over-subscribed)"
pub status "#bad Huffman code (under-subscribed)"
pub status "#bad block header"
pub status "#bad block length"
pub status "#bad checksum"
pub status "#bad header"
pub status "#bad number of Huffman codes"
pub status "#bad number of sections"
pub status "#unsupported Huffman code"
pub status "#unsupported block randomization"
pri status "#internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
pri const CLAMP_TO_5 : array[8] base.u8[..= 5] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5]
pub struct decoder? implements base.io_transformer(
bits : base.u32,
n_bits : base.u32[..= 31],
// Block size is measured prior to the RLE1 step.
max_incl_block_size : base.u32[..= 900000],
block_size : base.u32[..= 900000],
decode_huffman_finished : base.bool,
decode_huffman_which : base.u8[..= 5],
decode_huffman_ticks : base.u32[..= 50],
decode_huffman_section : base.u32,
decode_huffman_run_shift : base.u32[..= 23],
flush_pointer : base.u32[..= 1_048575],
flush_repeat_count : base.u32[..= 255],
flush_prev : base.u8,
ignore_checksum : base.bool,
final_checksum_have : base.u32,
block_checksum_have : base.u32,
block_checksum_want : base.u32,
original_pointer : base.u32,
num_symbols : base.u32[..= 258],
num_huffman_codes : base.u32[..= 6],
num_sections : base.u32[..= 18001],
code_lengths_bitmask : base.u32,
util : base.utility,
scratch : base.u32,
letter_counts : array[256] base.u32,
// presence[i] being non-zero is whether the byte value i occurs in the
// block's decompressed output.
presence : array[256] base.u8,
// mtft is the Move To Front Transform state.
mtft : array[256] base.u8,
// huffman_selectors selects which of the huffman_trees to use for each
// 50-symbol section.
huffman_selectors : array[32768] base.u8,
// Each array[2] base.u16 is a Huffman tree node. The build_huffman_tree
// method comment details what the base.u16 values mean.
// 1024 is just a guess for the worst case number of nodes needed. TODO: be
// more rigorous about deriving this upper bound.
huffman_trees : array[6] array[1024] array[2] base.u16,
// huffman_tables[which] caches the result of walking huffman_trees[which]
// for each possible 8-bit input. The base.u16 value decomposes as:
// - The low 11 bits are the final node, where finality comes either from
// hitting a leaf node or from spending all 8 bits of the input. As per
// the build_huffman_tree method, a value of 0x3FF = 1023 or less means
// a branch node and 0x400 = 1024 or more means a leaf node.
// - The middle bit is unused.
// - The high 4 bits are the number of input bits spent.
huffman_tables : array[6] array[256] base.u16,
// bwt is the Burrows Wheeler Transform state. Per the file, each
// entry is a row with the low 8 bits holding the L column and the high 20
// bits holding the U column. The middle 4 bits are unused.
// The read_code_lengths and build_huffman_tree methods also re-purpose
// this buffer to temporarily hold up to 258 symbols' code lengths.
bwt : array[1_048576] base.u32,
pub func decoder.set_quirk_enabled!(quirk: base.u32, enabled: base.bool) {
if args.quirk == base.QUIRK_IGNORE_CHECKSUM {
this.ignore_checksum = args.enabled
pub func decoder.workbuf_len() base.range_ii_u64 {
return this.util.make_range_ii_u64(
pub func decoder.transform_io?(dst: base.io_writer, src: base.io_reader, workbuf: slice base.u8) {
var c : base.u8
var i : base.u32
var tag : base.u64
var status : base.status
var final_checksum_want : base.u32
// Read the header.
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if c <> 0x42 {
return "#bad header"
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if c <> 0x5A {
return "#bad header"
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if c <> 0x68 {
return "#bad header"
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if (c < '1') or ('9' < c) {
return "#bad header"
this.max_incl_block_size = ((c - '0') as base.u32) * 100000
while true {
// Read the 48-bit tag.
tag = 0
i = 0
while i < 48 {
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
tag ~mod<<= 1
tag |= (this.bits >> 31) as base.u64
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
i += 1
} endwhile
if tag == 0x1772_4538_5090 {
} else if tag <> 0x3141_5926_5359 {
return "#bad block header"
this.prepare_block?(src: args.src)
this.block_size = 0
this.decode_huffman_finished = false
this.decode_huffman_which = CLAMP_TO_5[this.huffman_selectors[0] & 7]
this.decode_huffman_ticks = 50
this.decode_huffman_section = 0
this.decode_huffman_run_shift = 0
while not this.decode_huffman_finished {
status = this.decode_huffman_fast!(src: args.src)
if status.is_error() {
return status
} else if this.decode_huffman_finished {
this.decode_huffman_slow?(src: args.src)
} endwhile
this.block_checksum_have = 0xFFFF_FFFF
if this.original_pointer >= this.block_size {
return "#bad block length"
assert this.original_pointer < 900000 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: this.block_size)
this.flush_pointer = this.bwt[this.original_pointer] >> 12
this.flush_repeat_count = 0
this.flush_prev = 0
while this.block_size > 0 {
this.flush_fast!(dst: args.dst)
if this.block_size <= 0 {
this.flush_slow?(dst: args.dst)
} endwhile
this.block_checksum_have ^= 0xFFFF_FFFF
if (not this.ignore_checksum) and (this.block_checksum_have <> this.block_checksum_want) {
return "#bad checksum"
this.final_checksum_have = this.block_checksum_have ^ (
(this.final_checksum_have >> 31) |
(this.final_checksum_have ~mod<< 1))
} endwhile
// Read the 32-bit final checksum.
final_checksum_want = 0
i = 0
while i < 32 {
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
final_checksum_want ~mod<<= 1
final_checksum_want |= this.bits >> 31
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
i += 1
} endwhile
if (not this.ignore_checksum) and (this.final_checksum_have <> final_checksum_want) {
return "#bad checksum"
pri func decoder.prepare_block?(src: base.io_reader) {
var c : base.u8
var i : base.u32
var j : base.u32
var selector : base.u32
var sel_ff : base.u32
var movee : base.u8
var status : base.status
// Read the 32-bit block checksum.
this.block_checksum_want = 0
i = 0
while i < 32 {
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
this.block_checksum_want ~mod<<= 1
this.block_checksum_want |= this.bits >> 31
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
i += 1
} endwhile
// Read the "block randomized" bit.
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
if (this.bits >> 31) <> 0 {
return "#unsupported block randomization"
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
// Read the 24-bit original pointer. The BWT technical report calls this I.
this.original_pointer = 0
i = 0
while i < 24 {
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
this.original_pointer ~mod<<= 1
this.original_pointer |= this.bits >> 31
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
i += 1
} endwhile
// Reset the presence bitmap.
i = 0
while i < 256 {
this.presence[i] = 0
i += 1
} endwhile
// Read the 16-bit high-level presence bitmap.
i = 0
while i < 256 {
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
if (this.bits >> 31) <> 0 {
this.presence[i] = 1
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
i += 16
} endwhile
// Read the 16-bit low-level presence bitmaps.
this.scratch = 0
i = 0
while i < 256 {
if this.presence[i] == 0 {
i += 16
while true {
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
this.scratch ~mod+= this.bits >> 31
this.presence[i & 0xFF] = (this.bits >> 31) as base.u8
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
i ~mod+= 1
if (i & 15) == 0 {
} endwhile
} endwhile
if (this.scratch < 1) or (256 < this.scratch) {
return "#bad block header"
this.num_symbols = this.scratch + 2
// Read the 3-bit number of Huffman codes.
this.scratch = 0
i = 0
while i < 3 {
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
this.scratch ~mod<<= 1
this.scratch |= this.bits >> 31
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
i += 1
} endwhile
if (this.scratch < 2) or (6 < this.scratch) {
return "#bad block header"
this.num_huffman_codes = this.scratch
// Read the 15-bit number of sections.
this.scratch = 0
i = 0
while i < 15 {
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
this.scratch ~mod<<= 1
this.scratch |= this.bits >> 31
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
i += 1
} endwhile
if (this.scratch < 1) or (18001 < this.scratch) {
return "#bad block header"
this.num_sections = this.scratch
// Initialize the MTFT state.
i = 0
while i < this.num_huffman_codes {
assert i < 6 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: this.num_huffman_codes)
this.mtft[i] = i as base.u8
i += 1
} endwhile
// Read each section's Huffman code selector, applying the MTFT.
i = 0
while i < this.num_sections {
assert i < 18001 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: this.num_sections)
selector = 0
// Read a unary encoded natural number.
while true,
inv i < 18001,
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
if (this.bits >> 31) == 0 {
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
selector ~mod+= 1
if selector >= this.num_huffman_codes {
return "#bad block header"
} endwhile
// Move to front.
if selector == 0 {
this.huffman_selectors[i] = this.mtft[0]
} else {
sel_ff = selector & 0xFF
movee = this.mtft[sel_ff]
this.mtft[1 .. 1 + sel_ff].copy_from_slice!(
s: this.mtft[.. sel_ff])
this.mtft[0] = movee
this.huffman_selectors[i] = movee
i += 1
} endwhile
// Read the Huffman codes.
i = 0
while i < this.num_huffman_codes {
assert i < 6 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: this.num_huffman_codes)
this.read_code_lengths?(src: args.src)
status = this.build_huffman_tree!(which: i)
if status.is_error() {
return status
this.build_huffman_table!(which: i)
i += 1
} endwhile
// Initialize the MTFT state.
i = 0
j = 0
while i < 256 {
if this.presence[i] <> 0 {
this.mtft[j & 0xFF] = i as base.u8
j ~mod+= 1
i += 1
} endwhile
// Initialize the letter counts.
i = 0
while i < 256 {
this.letter_counts[i] = 0
i += 1
} endwhile
pri func decoder.read_code_lengths?(src: base.io_reader) {
var c : base.u8
var i : base.u32
var code_length : base.u32
this.code_lengths_bitmask = 0
// Read the 5-bit starting value.
i = 0
while i < 5 {
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
code_length ~mod<<= 1
code_length |= this.bits >> 31
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
i += 1
} endwhile
// Read the code lengths.
i = 0
while i < this.num_symbols {
assert i < 258 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: this.num_symbols)
while true,
inv i < 258,
if (code_length < 1) or (20 < code_length) {
return "#bad block header"
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
if (this.bits >> 31) == 0 {
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
if this.n_bits <= 0 {
c = args.src.read_u8?()
this.bits = (c as base.u32) << 24
this.n_bits = 8
assert this.n_bits > 0
if (this.bits >> 31) == 0 {
code_length ~mod+= 1
} else {
code_length ~mod-= 1
this.bits ~mod<<= 1
this.n_bits -= 1
} endwhile
this.code_lengths_bitmask |= (1 as base.u32) << (code_length & 31)
this.bwt[i] = code_length
i += 1
} endwhile
// build_huffman_tree builds a canonical Huffman tree given the symbols' code
// lengths. For the "abraca.txt.bz2" example, the code lengths are:
// - symbol=0x500 (RUNA) cl=3
// - symbol=0x501 (RUNB) cl=3
// - symbol=0x401 (m01) cl=2
// - symbol=0x402 (m02) cl=3
// - symbol=0x403 (m03) cl=2
// - symbol=0x7FF (EOB) cl=3
// The bitstring mapping is:
// - "00" 0x401 (m01)
// - "01" 0x403 (m03)
// - "100" 0x500 (RUNA)
// - "101" 0x501 (RUNB)
// - "110" 0x402 (m02)
// - "111" 0x7FF (EOB)
// The Huffman tree has 5 nodes. Each node has two children, represented by a
// base.u16 value. 1023 or less means that the child is a branch node. 1024 =
// 0x400 or above means a leaf node (with the symbol values as above).
// - node0 = [0x001 (node1), 0x002 (node2)]
// - node1 = [0x401 (m01) , 0x403 (m03) ]
// - node2 = [0x003 (node3), 0x004 (node4)]
// - node3 = [0x500 (RUNA) , 0x501 (RUNB) ]
// - node4 = [0x402 (m02) , 0x7FF (EOB) ]
// For example, the tree walk from node0 right (1) to node2 left (0) to node3
// left (0) to RUNA means that the RUNA bitstring is "100".
// The tree is built incrementally by considering symbols in increasing code
// length order, maintaining a stack of nodes that's the path from the root
// (node0) to the latest created-but-unfinished node. Created means that their
// left child is assigned (non-zero). Unfinished means that their right child
// is pending (zero). For example, after adding the 0x401, 0x403 and 0x500
// symbols, we would have this (in-progress) tree:
// - node0 = [0x001 (node1), 0x002 (node2)]
// - node1 = [0x401 (m01) , 0x403 (m03) ]
// - node2 = [0x003 (node3), 0 ]
// - node3 = [0x500 (RUNA) , 0 ]
// The stack would be [node0, node2, node3]. The next symbol would fill in the
// top of the stack, node3. If that symbol's code length matches the stack
// height (here, 3) then it would pop the stack. Otherwise it would push new
// nodes onto the stack until the stack height matched that code length.
pri func decoder.build_huffman_tree!(which: base.u32[..= 5]) base.status {
var code_length : base.u32
var symbol_index : base.u32
var num_nodes : base.u32[..= 1023]
var stack_height : base.u32[..= 21]
var stack_values : array[21] base.u32[..= 1023]
var node_index : base.u32[..= 1023]
var leaf_value : base.u16
// Push a root node.
this.huffman_trees[args.which][0][0] = 0
this.huffman_trees[args.which][0][1] = 0
num_nodes = 1
stack_height = 1
stack_values[0] = 0
code_length = 1
while code_length <= 20 {
if (this.code_lengths_bitmask & ((1 as base.u32) << code_length)) == 0 {
code_length += 1
symbol_index = 0
while symbol_index < this.num_symbols,
inv code_length <= 20,
assert symbol_index < 258 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: this.num_symbols)
if this.bwt[symbol_index] <> code_length {
symbol_index += 1
while true,
inv code_length <= 20,
inv symbol_index < 258,
post stack_height > 0,
if stack_height <= 0 {
return "#bad Huffman code (over-subscribed)"
} else if stack_height >= code_length {
assert stack_height < 20 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: code_length)
node_index = stack_values[stack_height - 1]
if this.huffman_trees[args.which][node_index][0] == 0 {
this.huffman_trees[args.which][node_index][0] = num_nodes as base.u16
} else {
this.huffman_trees[args.which][node_index][1] = num_nodes as base.u16
if num_nodes >= 1023 {
return "#unsupported Huffman code"
stack_values[stack_height] = num_nodes
this.huffman_trees[args.which][num_nodes][0] = 0
this.huffman_trees[args.which][num_nodes][1] = 0
num_nodes += 1
stack_height += 1
} endwhile
node_index = stack_values[stack_height - 1]
if symbol_index < 2 {
leaf_value = (0x500 + symbol_index) as base.u16
} else if (symbol_index + 1) < this.num_symbols {
leaf_value = (0x3FF + symbol_index) as base.u16
} else {
leaf_value = 0x7FF
if this.huffman_trees[args.which][node_index][0] == 0 {
this.huffman_trees[args.which][node_index][0] = leaf_value
} else {
this.huffman_trees[args.which][node_index][1] = leaf_value
stack_height -= 1
while stack_height > 0,
inv code_length <= 20,
inv symbol_index < 258,
node_index = stack_values[stack_height - 1]
if this.huffman_trees[args.which][node_index][1] == 0 {
stack_height -= 1
} endwhile
symbol_index += 1
} endwhile
code_length += 1
} endwhile
if stack_height <> 0 {
return "#bad Huffman code (under-subscribed)"
return ok
pri func decoder.build_huffman_table!(which: base.u32[..= 5]) {
var i : base.u32
var bits : base.u32
var n_bits : base.u16[..= 8]
var child : base.u16
while i < 256 {
bits = i << 24
n_bits = 0
child = 0
while (child < 1024) and (n_bits < 8),
inv i < 256,
child = this.huffman_trees[args.which][child][bits >> 31]
bits ~mod<<= 1
n_bits += 1
} endwhile
this.huffman_tables[args.which][i] = (child | (n_bits << 12)) as base.u16
i += 1
} endwhile
// invert_bwt performs "two passes over the data, and one pass over the
// alphabet", per the BWT technical report, except that the first data pass
// (accumulating this.letter_counts) is integrated into the decode_huffman_etc
// methods.
pri func decoder.invert_bwt!() {
var i : base.u32
var letter : base.u32[..= 255]
var sum : base.u32
var old_sum : base.u32
// Alphabet pass.
sum = 0
i = 0
while i < 256 {
old_sum = sum
sum ~mod+= this.letter_counts[i]
this.letter_counts[i] = old_sum
i += 1
} endwhile
// Second data pass, but per the file, calculate the U column
// instead of the BWT technical report's T column.
i = 0
while i < this.block_size {
assert i < 900000 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: this.block_size)
letter = this.bwt[i] & 0xFF
this.bwt[this.letter_counts[letter] & 1_048575] |= i << 12
this.letter_counts[letter] ~mod+= 1
i += 1
} endwhile
// The table below was created by script/print-crc32-magic-numbers.go with the
// -reverse flag set.
pri const REV_CRC32_TABLE : array[256] base.u32 = [
0x0000_0000, 0x04C1_1DB7, 0x0982_3B6E, 0x0D43_26D9, 0x1304_76DC, 0x17C5_6B6B, 0x1A86_4DB2, 0x1E47_5005,
0x2608_EDB8, 0x22C9_F00F, 0x2F8A_D6D6, 0x2B4B_CB61, 0x350C_9B64, 0x31CD_86D3, 0x3C8E_A00A, 0x384F_BDBD,
0x4C11_DB70, 0x48D0_C6C7, 0x4593_E01E, 0x4152_FDA9, 0x5F15_ADAC, 0x5BD4_B01B, 0x5697_96C2, 0x5256_8B75,
0x6A19_36C8, 0x6ED8_2B7F, 0x639B_0DA6, 0x675A_1011, 0x791D_4014, 0x7DDC_5DA3, 0x709F_7B7A, 0x745E_66CD,
0x9823_B6E0, 0x9CE2_AB57, 0x91A1_8D8E, 0x9560_9039, 0x8B27_C03C, 0x8FE6_DD8B, 0x82A5_FB52, 0x8664_E6E5,
0xBE2B_5B58, 0xBAEA_46EF, 0xB7A9_6036, 0xB368_7D81, 0xAD2F_2D84, 0xA9EE_3033, 0xA4AD_16EA, 0xA06C_0B5D,
0xD432_6D90, 0xD0F3_7027, 0xDDB0_56FE, 0xD971_4B49, 0xC736_1B4C, 0xC3F7_06FB, 0xCEB4_2022, 0xCA75_3D95,
0xF23A_8028, 0xF6FB_9D9F, 0xFBB8_BB46, 0xFF79_A6F1, 0xE13E_F6F4, 0xE5FF_EB43, 0xE8BC_CD9A, 0xEC7D_D02D,
0x3486_7077, 0x3047_6DC0, 0x3D04_4B19, 0x39C5_56AE, 0x2782_06AB, 0x2343_1B1C, 0x2E00_3DC5, 0x2AC1_2072,
0x128E_9DCF, 0x164F_8078, 0x1B0C_A6A1, 0x1FCD_BB16, 0x018A_EB13, 0x054B_F6A4, 0x0808_D07D, 0x0CC9_CDCA,
0x7897_AB07, 0x7C56_B6B0, 0x7115_9069, 0x75D4_8DDE, 0x6B93_DDDB, 0x6F52_C06C, 0x6211_E6B5, 0x66D0_FB02,
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0x0315_D626, 0x07D4_CB91, 0x0A97_ED48, 0x0E56_F0FF, 0x1011_A0FA, 0x14D0_BD4D, 0x1993_9B94, 0x1D52_8623,
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0xBD3E_8D7E, 0xB9FF_90C9, 0xB4BC_B610, 0xB07D_ABA7, 0xAE3A_FBA2, 0xAAFB_E615, 0xA7B8_C0CC, 0xA379_DD7B,
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0xAFB0_10B1, 0xAB71_0D06, 0xA632_2BDF, 0xA2F3_3668, 0xBCB4_666D, 0xB875_7BDA, 0xB536_5D03, 0xB1F7_40B4,