blob: 3345b57de648276a6520ccc9aa1ae55a8562d4b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------
jsonptr is a JSON formatter (pretty-printer) that supports the JSON Pointer
(RFC 6901) query syntax. It reads UTF-8 JSON from stdin and writes
canonicalized, formatted UTF-8 JSON to stdout.
See the "const char* usage" string below for details.
JSON Pointer (and this program's implementation) is one of many JSON query
languages and JSON tools, such as jq, jql and JMESPath. This one is relatively
simple and fewer-featured compared to those others.
One benefit of simplicity is that this program's JSON and JSON Pointer
implementations do not dynamically allocate or free memory (yet it does not
require that the entire input fits in memory at once). They are therefore
trivially protected against certain bug classes: memory leaks, double-frees and
The core JSON implementation is also written in the Wuffs programming language
(and then transpiled to C/C++), which is memory-safe but also guards against
integer arithmetic overflows.
For defense in depth, on Linux, this program also self-imposes a
SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT sandbox before reading (or otherwise processing) its input
or writing its output. Under this sandbox, the only permitted system calls are
read, write, exit and sigreturn.
All together, this program aims to safely handle untrusted JSON files without
fear of security bugs such as remote code execution.
As of 2020-02-24, this program passes all 318 "test_parsing" cases from the
JSON test suite (, an appendix to the
"Parsing JSON is a Minefield" article ( that
was first published on 2016-10-26 and updated on 2018-03-30.
After modifying this program, run " example/jsonptr/" and then
"script/" to catch correctness regressions.
This example program differs from most other example Wuffs programs in that it
is written in C++, not C.
$CXX && ./a.out < ../../test/data/github-tags.json; rm -f a.out
for a C++ compiler $CXX, such as clang++ or g++.
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// Wuffs ships as a "single file C library" or "header file library" as per
// To use that single file as a "foo.c"-like implementation, instead of a
// "foo.h"-like header, #define WUFFS_IMPLEMENTATION before #include'ing or
// compiling it.
// Defining the WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE* macros are optional, but it lets users of
// release/c/etc.c whitelist which parts of Wuffs to build. That file contains
// the entire Wuffs standard library, implementing a variety of codecs and file
// formats. Without this macro definition, an optimizing compiler or linker may
// very well discard Wuffs code for unused codecs, but listing the Wuffs
// modules we use makes that process explicit. Preprocessing means that such
// code simply isn't compiled.
// If building this program in an environment that doesn't easily accommodate
// relative includes, you can use the script/inline-c-relative-includes.go
// program to generate a stand-alone C++ file.
#include "../../release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c"
#if defined(__linux__)
#include <linux/prctl.h>
#include <linux/seccomp.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#define TRY(error_msg) \
do { \
const char* z = error_msg; \
if (z) { \
return z; \
} \
} while (false)
static const char* eod = "main: end of data";
static const char* usage =
"Usage: jsonptr -flags input.json\n"
" -c -compact\n"
" -i=NUM -indent=NUM\n"
" -o=NUM -max-output-depth=NUM\n"
" -q=STR -query=STR\n"
" -t -tabs\n"
" -fail-if-unsandboxed\n"
"The input.json filename is optional. If absent, it reads from stdin.\n"
"jsonptr is a JSON formatter (pretty-printer) that supports the JSON\n"
"Pointer (RFC 6901) query syntax. It reads UTF-8 JSON from stdin and\n"
"writes canonicalized, formatted UTF-8 JSON to stdout.\n"
"Canonicalized means that e.g. \"abc\\u000A\\tx\\u0177z\" is re-written\n"
"as \"abc\\n\\txŷz\". It does not sort object keys, nor does it reject\n"
"duplicate keys. Canonicalization does not imply Unicode normalization.\n"
"Formatted means that arrays' and objects' elements are indented, each\n"
"on its own line. Configure this with the -c / -compact, -i=NUM /\n"
"-indent=NUM (for NUM ranging from 0 to 8) and -t / -tabs flags.\n"
"The -q=STR or -query=STR flag gives an optional JSON Pointer query, to\n"
"print a subset of the input. For example, given RFC 6901 section 5's\n"
"sample input (, this command:\n"
" jsonptr -query=/foo/1 rfc-6901-json-pointer.json\n"
"will print:\n"
" \"baz\"\n"
"An absent query is equivalent to the empty query, which identifies the\n"
"entire input (the root value). Unlike a file system, the \"/\" query\n"
"does not identify the root. Instead, it identifies the child (the value\n"
"in a key-value pair) of the root whose key is the empty string.\n"
"Similarly, \"/foo\" and \"/foo/\" identify two different nodes.\n"
"If the query found a valid JSON value, this program will return a zero\n"
"exit code even if the rest of the input isn't valid JSON. If the query\n"
"did not find a value, or found an invalid one, this program returns a\n"
"non-zero exit code, but may still print partial output to stdout.\n"
"The JSON specification ( permits implementations that\n"
"allow duplicate keys, as this one does. This JSON Pointer implementation\n"
"is also greedy, following the first match for each fragment without\n"
"back-tracking. For example, the \"/foo/bar\" query will fail if the root\n"
"object has multiple \"foo\" children but the first one doesn't have a\n"
"\"bar\" child, even if later ones do.\n"
"The -o=NUM or -max-output-depth=NUM flag gives the maximum (inclusive)\n"
"output depth. JSON containers ([] arrays and {} objects) can hold other\n"
"containers. When this flag is set, containers at depth NUM are replaced\n"
"with \"[…]\" or \"{…}\". A bare -o or -max-output-depth is equivalent to\n"
"NUM=1. The flag's absence is equivalent to an unlimited output depth.\n"
"The -max-output-depth flag only affects the program's output. It doesn't\n"
"affect whether or not the input is considered valid JSON. The JSON\n"
"specification permits implementations to set their own maximum input\n"
"depth. This JSON implementation sets it to 1024.\n"
"Depth is measured in terms of nested containers. It is unaffected by the\n"
"number of spaces or tabs used to indent.\n"
"When both -max-output-depth and -query are set, the output depth is\n"
"measured from when the query resolves, not from the input root. The\n"
"input depth (measured from the root) is still limited to 1024.\n"
"The -fail-if-unsandboxed flag causes the program to exit if it does not\n"
"self-impose a sandbox. On Linux, it self-imposes a SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT\n"
"sandbox, regardless of whether this flag was set.";
// ----
bool sandboxed = false;
int input_file_descriptor = 0; // A 0 default means stdin.
#define MAX_INDENT 8
#define INDENT_TAB_STRING "\t"
#define DST_BUFFER_ARRAY_SIZE (32 * 1024)
#define SRC_BUFFER_ARRAY_SIZE (32 * 1024)
#define TOKEN_BUFFER_ARRAY_SIZE (4 * 1024)
uint8_t dst_array[DST_BUFFER_ARRAY_SIZE];
uint8_t src_array[SRC_BUFFER_ARRAY_SIZE];
wuffs_base__token tok_array[TOKEN_BUFFER_ARRAY_SIZE];
wuffs_base__io_buffer dst;
wuffs_base__io_buffer src;
wuffs_base__token_buffer tok;
// curr_token_end_src_index is the index of the end of the current
// token. An invariant is that (curr_token_end_src_index <= src.meta.ri).
size_t curr_token_end_src_index;
uint32_t depth;
enum class context {
} ctx;
bool //
in_dict_before_key() {
return (ctx == context::in_dict_after_brace) ||
(ctx == context::in_dict_after_value);
uint32_t suppress_write_dst;
bool wrote_to_dst;
wuffs_json__decoder dec;
// ----
// Query is a JSON Pointer query. After initializing with a NUL-terminated C
// string, its multiple fragments are consumed as the program walks the JSON
// data from stdin. For example, letting "$" denote a NUL, suppose that we
// started with a query string of "/apple/banana/12/durian" and are currently
// trying to match the second fragment, "banana", so that Query::depth is 2:
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// / a p p l e / b a n a n a / 1 2 / d u r i a n $
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// ^ ^
// frag_i frag_k
// The two pointers frag_i and frag_k are the start (inclusive) and end
// (exclusive) of the fragment. They satisfy (frag_i <= frag_k) and may be
// equal if the fragment empty (note that "" is a valid JSON object key).
// The frag_j pointer moves between these two, or is nullptr. An invariant is
// that (((frag_i <= frag_j) && (frag_j <= frag_k)) || (frag_j == nullptr)).
// Wuffs' JSON tokenizer can portray a single JSON string as multiple Wuffs
// tokens, as backslash-escaped values within that JSON string may each get
// their own token.
// At the start of each object key (a JSON string), frag_j is set to frag_i.
// While frag_j remains non-nullptr, each token's unescaped contents are then
// compared to that part of the fragment from frag_j to frag_k. If it is a
// prefix (including the case of an exact match), then frag_j is advanced by
// the unescaped length. Otherwise, frag_j is set to nullptr.
// Comparison accounts for JSON Pointer's escaping notation: "~0" and "~1" in
// the query (not the JSON value) are unescaped to "~" and "/" respectively.
// The frag_j pointer therefore advances from frag_i to frag_k, or drops out,
// as we incrementally match the object key with the query fragment. For
// example, if we have already matched the "ban" of "banana", then we would
// accept any of an "ana" token, an "a" token or a "\u0061" token, amongst
// others. They would advance frag_j by 3, 1 or 1 bytes respectively.
// frag_j
// v
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// / a p p l e / b a n a n a / 1 2 / d u r i a n $
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// ^ ^
// frag_i frag_k
// At the end of each object key (or equivalently, at the start of each object
// value), if frag_j is non-nullptr and equal to (but not less than) frag_k
// then we have a fragment match: the query fragment equals the object key. If
// there is a next fragment (in this example, "12") we move the frag_etc
// pointers to its start and end and increment Query::depth. Otherwise, we have
// matched the complete query, and the upcoming JSON value is the result of
// that query.
// The discussion above centers on object keys. If the query fragment is
// numeric then it can also match as an array index: the string fragment "12"
// will match an array's 13th element (starting counting from zero). See RFC
// 6901 for its precise definition of an "array index" number.
// Array index fragment match is represented by the Query::array_index field,
// whose type (wuffs_base__result_u64) is a result type. An error result means
// that the fragment is not an array index. A value result holds the number of
// list elements remaining. When matching a query fragment in an array (instead
// of in an object), each element ticks this number down towards zero. At zero,
// the upcoming JSON value is the one that matches the query fragment.
class Query {
uint8_t* frag_i;
uint8_t* frag_j;
uint8_t* frag_k;
uint32_t depth;
wuffs_base__result_u64 array_index;
void reset(char* query_c_string) {
this->frag_i = (uint8_t*)query_c_string;
this->frag_j = (uint8_t*)query_c_string;
this->frag_k = (uint8_t*)query_c_string;
this->depth = 0;
this->array_index.status.repr = "#main: not an array index query fragment";
this->array_index.value = 0;
void restart_fragment(bool enable) {
this->frag_j = enable ? this->frag_i : nullptr;
bool is_at(uint32_t depth) { return this->depth == depth; }
// tick returns whether the fragment is a valid array index whose value is
// zero. If valid but non-zero, it decrements it and returns false.
bool tick() {
if (this->array_index.status.is_ok()) {
if (this->array_index.value == 0) {
return true;
return false;
// next_fragment moves to the next fragment, returning whether it existed.
bool next_fragment() {
uint8_t* k = this->frag_k;
uint32_t d = this->depth;
if (!k || (*k != '/')) {
return false;
bool all_digits = true;
uint8_t* i = k;
while ((*k != '\x00') && (*k != '/')) {
all_digits = all_digits && ('0' <= *k) && (*k <= '9');
this->frag_i = i;
this->frag_j = i;
this->frag_k = k;
this->depth = d + 1;
if (all_digits) {
// wuffs_base__parse_number_u64 rejects leading zeroes, e.g. "00", "07".
this->array_index =
wuffs_base__parse_number_u64(wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(i, k - i));
return true;
bool matched_all() { return this->frag_k == nullptr; }
bool matched_fragment() {
return this->frag_j && (this->frag_j == this->frag_k);
void incremental_match_slice(uint8_t* ptr, size_t len) {
if (!this->frag_j) {
uint8_t* j = this->frag_j;
while (true) {
if (len == 0) {
this->frag_j = j;
if (*j == '\x00') {
} else if (*j == '~') {
if (*j == '0') {
if (*ptr != '~') {
} else if (*j == '1') {
if (*ptr != '/') {
} else {
} else if (*j != *ptr) {
this->frag_j = nullptr;
void incremental_match_code_point(uint32_t code_point) {
if (!this->frag_j) {
size_t n = wuffs_base__utf_8__encode(
if (n > 0) {
this->incremental_match_slice(&u[0], n);
// validate returns whether the (ptr, len) arguments form a valid JSON
// Pointer. In particular, it must be valid UTF-8, and either be empty or
// start with a '/'. Any '~' within must immediately be followed by either
// '0' or '1'.
static bool validate(char* query_c_string, size_t length) {
if (length <= 0) {
return true;
if (query_c_string[0] != '/') {
return false;
wuffs_base__slice_u8 s =
wuffs_base__make_slice_u8((uint8_t*)query_c_string, length);
bool previous_was_tilde = false;
while (s.len > 0) {
wuffs_base__utf_8__next__output o = wuffs_base__utf_8__next(s);
if (!o.is_valid()) {
return false;
if (previous_was_tilde && (o.code_point != '0') &&
(o.code_point != '1')) {
return false;
previous_was_tilde = o.code_point == '~';
s.ptr += o.byte_length;
s.len -= o.byte_length;
return !previous_was_tilde;
} query;
// ----
struct {
int remaining_argc;
char** remaining_argv;
bool compact;
bool fail_if_unsandboxed;
size_t indent;
uint32_t max_output_depth;
char* query_c_string;
bool tabs;
} flags = {0};
const char* //
parse_flags(int argc, char** argv) {
flags.indent = 4;
flags.max_output_depth = 0xFFFFFFFF;
int c = (argc > 0) ? 1 : 0; // Skip argv[0], the program name.
for (; c < argc; c++) {
char* arg = argv[c];
if (*arg++ != '-') {
// A double-dash "--foo" is equivalent to a single-dash "-foo". As special
// cases, a bare "-" is not a flag (some programs may interpret it as
// stdin) and a bare "--" means to stop parsing flags.
if (*arg == '\x00') {
} else if (*arg == '-') {
if (*arg == '\x00') {
if (!strcmp(arg, "c") || !strcmp(arg, "compact")) {
flags.compact = true;
if (!strcmp(arg, "fail-if-unsandboxed")) {
flags.fail_if_unsandboxed = true;
if (!strncmp(arg, "i=", 2) || !strncmp(arg, "indent=", 7)) {
while (*arg++ != '=') {
if (('0' <= arg[0]) && (arg[0] <= '8') && (arg[1] == '\x00')) {
flags.indent = arg[0] - '0';
return usage;
if (!strcmp(arg, "o") || !strcmp(arg, "max-output-depth")) {
flags.max_output_depth = 1;
} else if (!strncmp(arg, "o=", 2) ||
!strncmp(arg, "max-output-depth=", 16)) {
while (*arg++ != '=') {
wuffs_base__result_u64 u = wuffs_base__parse_number_u64(
wuffs_base__make_slice_u8((uint8_t*)arg, strlen(arg)));
if (wuffs_base__status__is_ok(&u.status) && (u.value <= 0xFFFFFFFF)) {
flags.max_output_depth = (uint32_t)(u.value);
return usage;
if (!strncmp(arg, "q=", 2) || !strncmp(arg, "query=", 6)) {
while (*arg++ != '=') {
if (Query::validate(arg, strlen(arg))) {
flags.query_c_string = arg;
return usage;
if (!strcmp(arg, "t") || !strcmp(arg, "tabs")) {
flags.tabs = true;
return usage;
flags.remaining_argc = argc - c;
flags.remaining_argv = argv + c;
return nullptr;
const char* //
initialize_globals(int argc, char** argv) {
dst = wuffs_base__make_io_buffer(
wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(dst_array, DST_BUFFER_ARRAY_SIZE),
src = wuffs_base__make_io_buffer(
wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(src_array, SRC_BUFFER_ARRAY_SIZE),
tok = wuffs_base__make_token_buffer(
wuffs_base__make_slice_token(tok_array, TOKEN_BUFFER_ARRAY_SIZE),
curr_token_end_src_index = 0;
depth = 0;
ctx = context::none;
TRY(parse_flags(argc, argv));
if (flags.fail_if_unsandboxed && !sandboxed) {
return "main: unsandboxed";
const int stdin_fd = 0;
if (flags.remaining_argc > ((input_file_descriptor != stdin_fd) ? 1 : 0)) {
return usage;
// If the query is non-empty, suprress writing to stdout until we've
// completed the query.
suppress_write_dst = query.next_fragment() ? 1 : 0;
wrote_to_dst = false;
return dec.initialize(sizeof__wuffs_json__decoder(), WUFFS_VERSION, 0)
// ----
// ignore_return_value suppresses errors from -Wall -Werror.
static void //
ignore_return_value(int ignored) {}
const char* //
read_src() {
if (src.meta.closed) {
return "main: internal error: read requested on a closed source";
if (src.meta.wi >= {
return "main: src buffer is full";
while (true) {
ssize_t n = read(input_file_descriptor, + src.meta.wi, - src.meta.wi);
if (n >= 0) {
src.meta.wi += n;
src.meta.closed = n == 0;
} else if (errno != EINTR) {
return strerror(errno);
return nullptr;
const char* //
flush_dst() {
while (true) {
size_t n = dst.meta.wi - dst.meta.ri;
if (n == 0) {
const int stdout_fd = 1;
ssize_t i = write(stdout_fd, + dst.meta.ri, n);
if (i >= 0) {
dst.meta.ri += i;
} else if (errno != EINTR) {
return strerror(errno);
return nullptr;
const char* //
write_dst(const void* s, size_t n) {
if (suppress_write_dst > 0) {
return nullptr;
const uint8_t* p = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(s);
while (n > 0) {
size_t i = dst.writer_available();
if (i == 0) {
const char* z = flush_dst();
if (z) {
return z;
i = dst.writer_available();
if (i == 0) {
return "main: dst buffer is full";
if (i > n) {
i = n;
memcpy( + dst.meta.wi, p, i);
dst.meta.wi += i;
p += i;
n -= i;
wrote_to_dst = true;
return nullptr;
// ----
uint8_t //
hex_digit(uint8_t nibble) {
nibble &= 0x0F;
if (nibble <= 9) {
return '0' + nibble;
return ('A' - 10) + nibble;
const char* //
handle_unicode_code_point(uint32_t ucp) {
if (ucp < 0x0020) {
switch (ucp) {
case '\b':
return write_dst("\\b", 2);
case '\f':
return write_dst("\\f", 2);
case '\n':
return write_dst("\\n", 2);
case '\r':
return write_dst("\\r", 2);
case '\t':
return write_dst("\\t", 2);
default: {
// Other bytes less than 0x0020 are valid UTF-8 but not valid in a
// JSON string. They need to remain escaped.
uint8_t esc6[6];
esc6[0] = '\\';
esc6[1] = 'u';
esc6[2] = '0';
esc6[3] = '0';
esc6[4] = hex_digit(ucp >> 4);
esc6[5] = hex_digit(ucp >> 0);
return write_dst(&esc6[0], 6);
} else if (ucp == '\"') {
return write_dst("\\\"", 2);
} else if (ucp == '\\') {
return write_dst("\\\\", 2);
} else {
size_t n = wuffs_base__utf_8__encode(
if (n > 0) {
return write_dst(&u[0], n);
return "main: internal error: unexpected Unicode code point";
const char* //
handle_token(wuffs_base__token t) {
do {
uint64_t vbc = t.value_base_category();
uint64_t vbd = t.value_base_detail();
uint64_t len = t.length();
// Handle ']' or '}'.
if (query.is_at(depth)) {
return "main: no match for query";
if (depth <= 0) {
return "main: internal error: inconsistent depth";
if (query.matched_all() && (depth >= flags.max_output_depth)) {
// '…' is U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, which is 3 UTF-8 bytes.
? "\"[…]\""
: "\"{…}\"",
} else {
// Write preceding whitespace.
if ((ctx != context::in_list_after_bracket) &&
(ctx != context::in_dict_after_brace) && !flags.compact) {
TRY(write_dst("\n", 1));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
flags.tabs ? 1 : flags.indent));
? context::in_list_after_value
: context::in_dict_after_key;
goto after_value;
// Write preceding whitespace and punctuation, if it wasn't ']', '}' or a
// continuation of a multi-token chain.
if (!t.link_prev()) {
if (ctx == context::in_dict_after_key) {
TRY(write_dst(": ", flags.compact ? 1 : 2));
} else if (ctx != context::none) {
if ((ctx != context::in_list_after_bracket) &&
(ctx != context::in_dict_after_brace)) {
TRY(write_dst(",", 1));
if (!flags.compact) {
TRY(write_dst("\n", 1));
for (size_t i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
flags.tabs ? 1 : flags.indent));
bool query_matched_fragment = false;
if (query.is_at(depth)) {
switch (ctx) {
case context::in_list_after_bracket:
case context::in_list_after_value:
query_matched_fragment = query.tick();
case context::in_dict_after_key:
query_matched_fragment = query.matched_fragment();
if (!query_matched_fragment) {
// No-op.
} else if (!query.next_fragment()) {
// There is no next fragment. We have matched the complete query, and
// the upcoming JSON value is the result of that query.
// Un-suppress writing to stdout and reset the ctx and depth as if we
// were about to decode a top-level value. This makes any subsequent
// indentation be relative to this point, and we will return eod after
// the upcoming JSON value is complete.
if (suppress_write_dst != 1) {
return "main: internal error: inconsistent suppress_write_dst";
suppress_write_dst = 0;
ctx = context::none;
depth = 0;
} else if ((vbc != WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VBC__STRUCTURE) ||
// The query has moved on to the next fragment but the upcoming JSON
// value is not a container.
return "main: no match for query";
// Handle the token itself: either a container ('[' or '{') or a simple
// value: string (a chain of raw or escaped parts), literal or number.
switch (vbc) {
if (query.matched_all() && (depth >= flags.max_output_depth)) {
} else {
? context::in_list_after_bracket
: context::in_dict_after_brace;
return nullptr;
if (!t.link_prev()) {
TRY(write_dst("\"", 1));
query.restart_fragment(in_dict_before_key() && query.is_at(depth));
// No-op.
} else if (vbd &
uint8_t* ptr = + curr_token_end_src_index - len;
TRY(write_dst(ptr, len));
query.incremental_match_slice(ptr, len);
} else {
return "main: internal error: unexpected string-token conversion";
if (t.link_next()) {
return nullptr;
TRY(write_dst("\"", 1));
goto after_value;
if (!t.link_prev() || !t.link_next()) {
return "main: internal error: unexpected unlinked token";
return nullptr;
TRY(write_dst( + curr_token_end_src_index - len, len));
goto after_value;
// Return an error if we didn't match the (vbc, vbd) pair.
return "main: internal error: unexpected token";
} while (0);
// Book-keeping after completing a value (whether a container value or a
// simple value). Empty parent containers are no longer empty. If the parent
// container is a "{...}" object, toggle between keys and values.
if (depth == 0) {
return eod;
switch (ctx) {
case context::in_list_after_bracket:
ctx = context::in_list_after_value;
case context::in_dict_after_brace:
ctx = context::in_dict_after_key;
case context::in_dict_after_key:
ctx = context::in_dict_after_value;
case context::in_dict_after_value:
ctx = context::in_dict_after_key;
return nullptr;
const char* //
main1(int argc, char** argv) {
TRY(initialize_globals(argc, argv));
while (true) {
wuffs_base__status status = dec.decode_tokens(&tok, &src);
while (tok.meta.ri < tok.meta.wi) {
wuffs_base__token t =[tok.meta.ri++];
uint64_t n = t.length();
if ((src.meta.ri - curr_token_end_src_index) < n) {
return "main: internal error: inconsistent src indexes";
curr_token_end_src_index += n;
if (t.value() == 0) {
const char* z = handle_token(t);
if (z == nullptr) {
} else if (z == eod) {
goto end_of_data;
return z;
if (status.repr == nullptr) {
return "main: internal error: unexpected end of token stream";
} else if (status.repr == wuffs_base__suspension__short_read) {
if (curr_token_end_src_index != src.meta.ri) {
return "main: internal error: inconsistent src indexes";
curr_token_end_src_index = src.meta.ri;
} else if (status.repr == wuffs_base__suspension__short_write) {
} else {
return status.message();
// With a non-empty query, don't try to consume trailing whitespace or
// confirm that we've processed all the tokens.
if (flags.query_c_string && *flags.query_c_string) {
return nullptr;
// Consume an optional whitespace trailer. This isn't part of the JSON spec,
// but it works better with line oriented Unix tools (such as "echo 123 |
// jsonptr" where it's "echo", not "echo -n") or hand-edited JSON files which
// can accidentally contain trailing whitespace.
// A whitespace trailer is zero or more ' ' and then zero or one '\n'.
while (true) {
if (src.meta.ri < src.meta.wi) {
uint8_t c =[src.meta.ri];
if (c == ' ') {
} else if (c == '\n') {
// The "exhausted the input" check below will fail.
} else if (src.meta.closed) {
// Check that we've exhausted the input.
if ((src.meta.ri == src.meta.wi) && !src.meta.closed) {
if ((src.meta.ri < src.meta.wi) || !src.meta.closed) {
return "main: valid JSON followed by further (unexpected) data";
// Check that we've used all of the decoded tokens, other than trailing
// filler tokens. For example, a bare `"foo"` string is valid JSON, but even
// without a trailing '\n', the Wuffs JSON parser emits a filler token for
// the final '\"'.
for (; tok.meta.ri < tok.meta.wi; tok.meta.ri++) {
if ([tok.meta.ri].value_base_category() !=
return "main: internal error: decoded OK but unprocessed tokens remain";
return nullptr;
int //
compute_exit_code(const char* status_msg) {
if (!status_msg) {
return 0;
size_t n;
if (status_msg == usage) {
n = strlen(status_msg);
} else {
n = strnlen(status_msg, 2047);
if (n >= 2047) {
status_msg = "main: internal error: error message is too long";
n = strnlen(status_msg, 2047);
const int stderr_fd = 2;
ignore_return_value(write(stderr_fd, status_msg, n));
ignore_return_value(write(stderr_fd, "\n", 1));
// Return an exit code of 1 for regular (forseen) errors, e.g. badly
// formatted or unsupported input.
// Return an exit code of 2 for internal (exceptional) errors, e.g. defensive
// run-time checks found that an internal invariant did not hold.
// Automated testing, including badly formatted inputs, can therefore
// discriminate between expected failure (exit code 1) and unexpected failure
// (other non-zero exit codes). Specifically, exit code 2 for internal
// invariant violation, exit code 139 (which is 128 + SIGSEGV on x86_64
// linux) for a segmentation fault (e.g. null pointer dereference).
return strstr(status_msg, "internal error:") ? 2 : 1;
int //
main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Look for an input filename (the first non-flag argument) in argv. If there
// is one, open it (but do not read from it) before we self-impose a sandbox.
// Flags start with "-", unless it comes after a bare "--" arg.
bool dash_dash = false;
int a;
for (a = 1; a < argc; a++) {
char* arg = argv[a];
if ((arg[0] == '-') && !dash_dash) {
dash_dash = (arg[1] == '-') && (arg[2] == '\x00');
input_file_descriptor = open(arg, O_RDONLY);
if (input_file_descriptor < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", arg, strerror(errno));
return 1;
sandboxed = true;
const char* z = main1(argc, argv);
if (wrote_to_dst) {
const char* z1 = write_dst("\n", 1);
const char* z2 = flush_dst();
z = z ? z : (z1 ? z1 : z2);
int exit_code = compute_exit_code(z);
// Call SYS_exit explicitly, instead of calling SYS_exit_group implicitly by
// either calling _exit or returning from main. SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT allows
// only SYS_exit.
syscall(SYS_exit, exit_code);
return exit_code;