blob: 1eedfa242c20ec9d1633f42fa1935399a5ed960f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use "std/crc32"
use "std/zlib"
pub struct decoder? implements base.image_decoder(
width : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
height : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
// pass_bytes_per_row doesn't include the 1 byte for the per-row filter.
pass_bytes_per_row : base.u64[..= 0x07FF_FFF8],
workbuf_wi : base.u64,
workbuf_hist_pos_base : base.u64,
// The inclusive upper bound, DECODER_WORKBUF_LEN_MAX_INCL_WORST_CASE, is
// derived from the width and height upper bounds at up to 8 bytes per
// pixel. It equals (((8 * M) + 1) * M), where M is 0x00FF_FFFF.
overall_workbuf_length : base.u64[..= 0x0007_FFFF_F100_0007],
pass_workbuf_length : base.u64[..= 0x0007_FFFF_F100_0007],
// The call sequence state machine is discussed in
// (/doc/std/
call_sequence : base.u8,
report_metadata_chrm : base.bool,
report_metadata_exif : base.bool,
report_metadata_gama : base.bool,
report_metadata_iccp : base.bool,
report_metadata_kvp : base.bool,
report_metadata_srgb : base.bool,
ignore_checksum : base.bool,
depth : base.u8[..= 16],
color_type : base.u8[..= 6],
filter_distance : base.u8[..= 8],
interlace_pass : base.u8[..= 7],
seen_actl : base.bool,
seen_chrm : base.bool,
seen_fctl : base.bool,
seen_exif : base.bool,
seen_gama : base.bool,
seen_iccp : base.bool,
seen_idat : base.bool,
seen_ihdr : base.bool,
seen_plte : base.bool,
seen_srgb : base.bool,
seen_trns : base.bool,
metadata_is_zlib_compressed : base.bool,
zlib_is_dirty : base.bool,
chunk_type : base.u32,
chunk_type_array : array[4] base.u8,
chunk_length : base.u32,
// remap_transparency, if non-zero, is the 32-bit or 64-bit (depending on
// this.depth) argb_nonpremul color that is nominally opaque but remapped
// to transparent black.
// "Remapped" is an unofficial term. This is where the IHDR color type is 0
// (Y) or 2 (RGB) but there's also a tRNS chunk.
// PNG transparency that isn't "remapped" is color type 3 (indexed) with
// tRNS, color type 4 (YA) or color type 6 (RGBA).
remap_transparency : base.u64,
dst_pixfmt : base.u32,
src_pixfmt : base.u32,
num_animation_frames_value : base.u32,
num_animation_loops_value : base.u32,
num_decoded_frame_configs_value : base.u32,
num_decoded_frames_value : base.u32,
// The frame_etc fields correspond to the base.frame_config argument passed
// to decode_frame_config. For animated APNG, these are explicitly given in
// the file's fcTL chunks. For still PNG, these are implicitly given in the
// file's IHDR chunk.
// Either way, decode_image_config has to read all the way to the start of
// the first IDAT / fdAT chunk (e.g. to see if there's a PLTE chunk). While
// later frame's restart io_positions are located just before fcTL chunks,
// the first frame's restart io_position is located just before the IDAT /
// fdAT chunk, so we also have to cache the first frame's configuration as
// we cannot re-read the first fcTL. Hence, there are first_etc fields for
// every frame_etc field.
// For the etc_duration fields, there are 705_600000 flicks per second and
// the maximum frame duration is 65535 seconds.
// The fields are ordered to minimize alignment wastage.
frame_rect_x0 : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
frame_rect_y0 : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
frame_rect_x1 : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
frame_rect_y1 : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
first_rect_x0 : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
first_rect_y0 : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
first_rect_x1 : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
first_rect_y1 : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF],
frame_config_io_position : base.u64,
first_config_io_position : base.u64,
frame_duration : base.u64[..= 0x2A0E_6FF1_6600],
first_duration : base.u64[..= 0x2A0E_6FF1_6600],
frame_disposal : base.u8,
first_disposal : base.u8,
frame_overwrite_instead_of_blend : base.bool,
first_overwrite_instead_of_blend : base.bool,
next_animation_seq_num : base.u32,
metadata_flavor : base.u32,
metadata_fourcc : base.u32,
metadata_x : base.u64,
metadata_y : base.u64,
metadata_z : base.u64,
// ztxt_ri and ztxt_wi are read and write indexes into the dst_palette
// buffer, re-purposed as a zlib uncompression buffer for zTXt chunks. The
// upper bound, 1024, is the same as the dst_palette length.
ztxt_ri : base.u32[..= 1024],
ztxt_wi : base.u32[..= 1024],
// ztxt_hist_pos is the history position: how many uncompressed bytes have
// been generated.
ztxt_hist_pos : base.u64,
swizzler : base.pixel_swizzler,
util : base.utility,
) + (
crc32 : crc32.ieee_hasher,
zlib : zlib.decoder,
// dst_palette and src_palette are used by the swizzler, during
// decode_frame. src_palette is initialized by processing the PLTE chunk.
// dst_palette is also re-purposed as a zlib uncompression buffer for zTXt
// chunks, during decode_image_config.
dst_palette : array[4 * 256] base.u8,
src_palette : array[4 * 256] base.u8,
pub func decoder.set_quirk!(key: base.u32, value: base.u64) base.status {
if args.key == base.QUIRK_IGNORE_CHECKSUM {
this.ignore_checksum = args.value > 0
this.zlib.set_quirk!(key: args.key, value: args.value)
return ok
return base."#unsupported option"
pub func decoder.decode_image_config?(dst: nptr base.image_config, src: base.io_reader) {
var status : base.status
while true {
status =? this.do_decode_image_config?(dst: args.dst, src: args.src)
if (status == base."$short read") and args.src.is_closed() {
return "#truncated input"
yield? status
} endwhile
pri func decoder.do_decode_image_config?(dst: nptr base.image_config, src: base.io_reader) {
var magic : base.u64
var mark : base.u64
var checksum_have : base.u32
var checksum_want : base.u32
var status : base.status
if this.call_sequence <> 0x00 {
return base."#bad call sequence"
} else if not this.seen_ihdr {
magic = args.src.read_u64le?()
if magic <> '\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A'le {
return "#bad header"
magic = args.src.read_u64le?()
if magic <> '\x00\x00\x00\x0DIHDR'le {
if magic == '\x00\x00\x00\x04CgBI'le {
// TODO: add support for Apple's unofficial CgBI extension to
// PNG, once there exists good documentation for it. See
return "#unsupported CgBI extension"
return "#bad header"
this.chunk_type_array[0] = 'I'
this.chunk_type_array[1] = 'H'
this.chunk_type_array[2] = 'D'
this.chunk_type_array[3] = 'R'
this.crc32.update_u32!(x: this.chunk_type_array[..])
while true {
mark = args.src.mark()
status =? this.decode_ihdr?(src: args.src)
if not this.ignore_checksum {
checksum_have = this.crc32.update_u32!(x: args.src.since(mark: mark))
if status.is_ok() {
yield? status
} endwhile
// Verify CRC-32 checksum.
checksum_want = args.src.read_u32be?()
if (not this.ignore_checksum) and (checksum_have <> checksum_want) {
return "#bad checksum"
this.seen_ihdr = true
} else if this.metadata_fourcc <> 0 {
this.call_sequence = 0x10
return base."@metadata reported"
// Read up until an IDAT or fdAT chunk.
// By default, libpng "warns and discards" when seeing ancillary chunk
// checksum failures (as opposed to critical chunk checksum failures) but
// it still continues to decode the image. Wuffs' decoder is similar,
// simply always ignoring ancillary chunks' CRC-32 checksums.
// We've already seen the IHDR chunk. We're not expecting an IEND chunk. An
// IDAT chunk breaks the loop. The only other possible critical chunk is a
// PLTE chunk. We verify PLTE checksums here but ignore other checksums.
while true {
if args.src.length() < 8 {
yield? base."$short read"
this.chunk_length = args.src.peek_u32be()
this.chunk_type = (args.src.peek_u64le() >> 32) as base.u32
if this.chunk_type == 'IDAT'le {
if (not this.seen_actl) or this.seen_fctl {
this.seen_idat = true
} else if this.chunk_type == 'fdAT'le {
if this.seen_idat and this.seen_fctl {
return "#bad chunk"
args.src.skip_u32_fast!(actual: 8, worst_case: 8)
if (not this.ignore_checksum) and ((this.chunk_type & ANCILLARY_BIT) == 0) {
this.chunk_type_array[0] = ((this.chunk_type >> 0) & 0xFF) as base.u8
this.chunk_type_array[1] = ((this.chunk_type >> 8) & 0xFF) as base.u8
this.chunk_type_array[2] = ((this.chunk_type >> 16) & 0xFF) as base.u8
this.chunk_type_array[3] = ((this.chunk_type >> 24) & 0xFF) as base.u8
this.crc32.update_u32!(x: this.chunk_type_array[..])
while true {
mark = args.src.mark()
status =? this.decode_other_chunk?(src: args.src, framy: false)
if (not this.ignore_checksum) and ((this.chunk_type & ANCILLARY_BIT) == 0) {
checksum_have = this.crc32.update_u32!(x: args.src.since(mark: mark))
if status.is_ok() {
yield? status
} endwhile
// If we have metadata, delay reading (skipping) the ancillary chunk's
// CRC-32 checksum until the end of tell_me_more.
if this.metadata_fourcc <> 0 {
this.call_sequence = 0x10
return base."@metadata reported"
checksum_want = args.src.read_u32be?()
if (not this.ignore_checksum) and ((this.chunk_type & ANCILLARY_BIT) == 0) and
(checksum_have <> checksum_want) {
return "#bad checksum"
} endwhile
if (this.color_type == 3) and (not this.seen_plte) {
return "#missing palette"
this.frame_config_io_position = args.src.position()
this.first_config_io_position = this.frame_config_io_position
if args.dst <> nullptr {
pixfmt: this.dst_pixfmt,
pixsub: 0,
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
first_frame_io_position: this.first_config_io_position,
first_frame_is_opaque: (this.color_type <= 3) and (not this.seen_trns))
// For still (non-animated) PNGs, the first and only frame's configuration
// is implied by the IHDR chunk instead of an explicit fcTL chunk.
if not this.seen_actl {
this.num_animation_frames_value = 1
this.first_rect_x0 = 0
this.first_rect_y0 = 0
this.first_rect_x1 = this.width
this.first_rect_y1 = this.height
this.first_duration = 0
this.first_disposal = base.ANIMATION_DISPOSAL__NONE
this.first_overwrite_instead_of_blend = false
this.call_sequence = 0x20
pri func decoder.decode_ihdr?(src: base.io_reader) {
var a32 : base.u32
var a8 : base.u8
a32 = args.src.read_u32be?()
if (a32 == 0) or (a32 > 0x7FFF_FFFF) {
return "#bad header"
} else if a32 > 0xFF_FFFF {
return base."#unsupported image dimension"
this.width = a32
a32 = args.src.read_u32be?()
if (a32 == 0) or (a32 > 0x7FFF_FFFF) {
return "#bad header"
} else if a32 > 0xFF_FFFF {
return base."#unsupported image dimension"
this.height = a32
// Depth.
a8 = args.src.read_u8?()
if a8 > 16 {
return "#bad header"
this.depth = a8
// Color.
a8 = args.src.read_u8?()
if (a8 == 1) or (a8 == 5) or (a8 > 6) {
return "#bad header"
this.color_type = a8
// Compression.
a8 = args.src.read_u8?()
if a8 <> 0 {
return "#unsupported PNG compression method"
// Filter.
a8 = args.src.read_u8?()
if a8 <> 0 {
return "#bad header"
// Interlace.
a8 = args.src.read_u8?()
if a8 == 0 {
this.interlace_pass = 0
} else if a8 == 1 {
this.interlace_pass = 1
choose filter_and_swizzle = [filter_and_swizzle_tricky]
} else {
return "#bad header"
// Derived fields.
this.filter_distance = 0
if this.filter_distance == 0 {
return "#bad header"
this.overall_workbuf_length = (this.height as base.u64) *
(1 + this.calculate_bytes_per_row(width: this.width))
pri func decoder.assign_filter_distance!() {
if this.depth < 8 {
if (this.depth <> 1) and (this.depth <> 2) and (this.depth <> 4) {
return nothing
} else if this.color_type == 0 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__Y
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__Y
} else if this.color_type == 3 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_BINARY
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_BINARY
} else {
return nothing
this.filter_distance = 1
choose filter_and_swizzle = [filter_and_swizzle_tricky]
} else if this.color_type == 0 {
if this.depth == 8 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__Y
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__Y
this.filter_distance = 1
} else if this.depth == 16 {
if this.interlace_pass == 0 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__Y_16LE
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__Y_16BE
} else {
// Interlaced means choosing filter_and_swizzle_tricky.
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.filter_distance = 2
} else if this.color_type == 2 {
if this.depth == 8 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__RGB
this.filter_distance = 3
} else if this.depth == 16 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.filter_distance = 6
choose filter_and_swizzle = [filter_and_swizzle_tricky]
} else if this.color_type == 3 {
if this.depth == 8 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_BINARY
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_BINARY
this.filter_distance = 1
} else if this.color_type == 4 {
if this.depth == 8 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL
this.filter_distance = 2
choose filter_and_swizzle = [filter_and_swizzle_tricky]
} else if this.depth == 16 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.filter_distance = 4
choose filter_and_swizzle = [filter_and_swizzle_tricky]
} else if this.color_type == 6 {
if this.depth == 8 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_NONPREMUL
this.filter_distance = 4
} else if this.depth == 16 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.filter_distance = 8
choose filter_and_swizzle = [filter_and_swizzle_tricky]
pri func decoder.calculate_bytes_per_row(width: base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF]) base.u64[..= 0x07FF_FFF8] {
var bytes_per_channel : base.u64[..= 2]
if this.depth == 1 {
return ((args.width + 7) / 8) as base.u64
} else if this.depth == 2 {
return ((args.width + 3) / 4) as base.u64
} else if this.depth == 4 {
return ((args.width + 1) / 2) as base.u64
bytes_per_channel = (this.depth >> 3) as base.u64
return (args.width as base.u64) * bytes_per_channel *
(NUM_CHANNELS[this.color_type] as base.u64)
pri func decoder.choose_filter_implementations!() {
// Filter 0 is a no-op. Filter 2, the up filter, should already vectorize
// easily by a good optimizing C compiler.
if this.filter_distance == 3 {
choose filter_1 = [filter_1_distance_3_fallback]
choose filter_3 = [filter_3_distance_3_fallback]
choose filter_4 = [
} else if this.filter_distance == 4 {
choose filter_1 = [
choose filter_3 = [
choose filter_4 = [
// framy is:
// - false when coming from decode_image_config.
// - true when coming from decode_frame_config.
pri func decoder.decode_other_chunk?(src: base.io_reader, framy: base.bool) {
if (this.chunk_type == 'PLTE'le) and (not args.framy) {
if this.seen_plte {
return "#bad chunk"
} else if this.color_type == 3 {
// Color type 3 means paletted.
this.decode_plte?(src: args.src)
} else if (this.color_type == 2) or (this.color_type == 6) {
// Color types 2 and 6 means RGB and RGBA. In these cases, the PLTE
// chunk is merely a hint, like a sPLT "suggested palette" chunk.
// We ignore it.
} else {
return "#bad chunk"
this.seen_plte = true
} else if (this.chunk_type & ANCILLARY_BIT) == 0 {
if this.chunk_type <> 'IDAT'le {
return "#bad chunk"
if this.chunk_type == 'eXIf'le {
if this.report_metadata_exif {
if this.seen_exif {
return "#bad chunk"
this.decode_exif?(src: args.src)
this.seen_exif = true
} else if (this.chunk_type == 'iTXt'le) or
(this.chunk_type == 'tEXt'le) or
(this.chunk_type == 'zTXt'le) {
if this.report_metadata_kvp {
this.metadata_fourcc = 'KVPK'be
this.metadata_x = 0
this.metadata_y = 0
this.metadata_z = 0
} else if not args.framy {
if this.chunk_type == 'acTL'le {
if this.seen_actl {
return "#bad chunk"
this.decode_actl?(src: args.src)
this.seen_actl = true
} else if this.chunk_type == 'cHRM'le {
if this.report_metadata_chrm {
if this.seen_chrm {
return "#bad chunk"
this.decode_chrm?(src: args.src)
this.seen_chrm = true
} else if this.chunk_type == 'fcTL'le {
if this.seen_fctl {
return "#bad chunk"
this.decode_fctl?(src: args.src)
this.seen_fctl = true
} else if this.chunk_type == 'gAMA'le {
if this.report_metadata_gama {
if this.seen_gama {
return "#bad chunk"
this.decode_gama?(src: args.src)
this.seen_gama = true
} else if this.chunk_type == 'iCCP'le {
if this.report_metadata_iccp {
if this.seen_iccp {
return "#bad chunk"
this.decode_iccp?(src: args.src)
this.seen_iccp = true
} else if this.chunk_type == 'sRGB'le {
if this.report_metadata_srgb {
if this.seen_srgb {
return "#bad chunk"
this.decode_srgb?(src: args.src)
this.seen_srgb = true
} else if this.chunk_type == 'tRNS'le {
if this.seen_trns or (this.color_type > 3) or
((this.color_type == 3) and (not this.seen_plte)) {
return "#bad chunk"
this.decode_trns?(src: args.src)
this.seen_trns = true
if this.metadata_fourcc == 0 {
args.src.skip_u32?(n: this.chunk_length)
pri func decoder.decode_actl?(src: base.io_reader) {
if this.chunk_length <> 8 {
return "#bad chunk"
} else if this.interlace_pass > 0 {
// doesn't say whether the
// interlace pattern starts at the image or frame top-left corner. We
// avoid the question by returning "unsupported" for now.
return "#unsupported PNG file"
this.chunk_length = 0
this.num_animation_frames_value = args.src.read_u32be?()
if this.num_animation_frames_value == 0 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.num_animation_loops_value = args.src.read_u32be?()
pri func decoder.decode_chrm?(src: base.io_reader) {
var u : base.u64
if this.chunk_length <> 32 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length = 0
this.metadata_fourcc = 'CHRM'be
this.metadata_x = 0
this.metadata_y = 0
this.metadata_z = 0
// See the wuffs_base__more_information__metadata_parsed__chrm comments for
// how we pack the eight chromaticity values into three u64 fields. This
// admittedly truncates chromaticity values from 32 to 24 bits, but in
// practice they only range between 0 and 100000 (which is 0x01_86A0).
u = args.src.read_u32be_as_u64?()
this.metadata_x |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) << 0
u = args.src.read_u32be_as_u64?()
this.metadata_x |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) << 24
u = args.src.read_u32be_as_u64?()
this.metadata_x |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) ~mod<< 48
this.metadata_y |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) >> 16
u = args.src.read_u32be_as_u64?()
this.metadata_y |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) << 8
u = args.src.read_u32be_as_u64?()
this.metadata_y |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) << 32
u = args.src.read_u32be_as_u64?()
this.metadata_y |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) ~mod<< 56
this.metadata_z |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) >> 8
u = args.src.read_u32be_as_u64?()
this.metadata_z |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) << 16
u = args.src.read_u32be_as_u64?()
this.metadata_z |= (0xFF_FFFF & u) << 40
pri func decoder.decode_exif?(src: base.io_reader) {
if this.chunk_length < 4 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.metadata_fourcc = 'EXIF'be
this.metadata_x = 0
this.metadata_y = args.src.position()
this.metadata_z = this.metadata_y ~sat+ (this.chunk_length as base.u64)
this.chunk_length = 0
pri func decoder.decode_fctl?(src: base.io_reader) {
var x0 : base.u32
var y0 : base.u32
var x1 : base.u32
var y1 : base.u32
if this.chunk_length <> 26 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length = 0
x0 = args.src.read_u32be?()
if x0 <> this.next_animation_seq_num {
return "#bad animation sequence number"
} else if this.next_animation_seq_num >= 0xFFFF_FFFF {
return "#unsupported PNG file"
this.next_animation_seq_num += 1
x1 = args.src.read_u32be?()
y1 = args.src.read_u32be?()
x0 = args.src.read_u32be?()
y0 = args.src.read_u32be?()
x1 ~mod+= x0
y1 ~mod+= y0
if (x0 >= x1) or (x0 > this.width) or (x1 > this.width) or
(y0 >= y1) or (y0 > this.height) or (y1 > this.height) {
return "#bad chunk"
assert x1 <= 0x00FF_FFFF via "a <= b: a <= c; c <= b"(c: this.width)
assert y1 <= 0x00FF_FFFF via "a <= b: a <= c; c <= b"(c: this.height)
assert x0 <= 0x00FF_FFFF via "a <= b: a <= c; c <= b"(c: x1)
assert y0 <= 0x00FF_FFFF via "a <= b: a <= c; c <= b"(c: y1)
this.frame_rect_x0 = x0
this.frame_rect_y0 = y0
this.frame_rect_x1 = x1
this.frame_rect_y1 = y1
// There are 705_600000 flicks per second. A nominally zero denominator
// means to use 100 instead (the units are centiseconds, the same as GIF).
x0 = args.src.read_u16be_as_u32?()
x1 = args.src.read_u16be_as_u32?()
if x1 <= 0 {
this.frame_duration = (x0 as base.u64) * 7_056000
} else {
this.frame_duration = ((x0 as base.u64) * 705_600000) / (x1 as base.u64)
x0 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
if x0 == 0 {
this.frame_disposal = base.ANIMATION_DISPOSAL__NONE
} else if x0 == 1 {
} else if x0 == 2 {
} else {
return "#bad chunk"
x0 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
if x0 == 0 {
this.frame_overwrite_instead_of_blend = true
} else if x0 == 1 {
this.frame_overwrite_instead_of_blend = false
} else {
return "#bad chunk"
if this.num_decoded_frame_configs_value == 0 {
this.first_rect_x0 = this.frame_rect_x0
this.first_rect_y0 = this.frame_rect_y0
this.first_rect_x1 = this.frame_rect_x1
this.first_rect_y1 = this.frame_rect_y1
this.first_duration = this.frame_duration
this.first_disposal = this.frame_disposal
this.first_overwrite_instead_of_blend = this.frame_overwrite_instead_of_blend
pri func decoder.decode_gama?(src: base.io_reader) {
if this.chunk_length <> 4 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length = 0
this.metadata_fourcc = 'GAMA'be
this.metadata_x = args.src.read_u32be_as_u64?()
this.metadata_y = 0
this.metadata_z = 0
pri func decoder.decode_iccp?(src: base.io_reader) {
var c : base.u8
// Skip the NUL-terminated color profile name.
while true {
if this.chunk_length <= 0 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length -= 1
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if c == 0 {
} endwhile
// Compression method.
if this.chunk_length <= 0 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length -= 1
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if c <> 0 {
return "#unsupported PNG compression method"
this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed = true
this.metadata_fourcc = 'ICCP'be
this.metadata_x = 0
this.metadata_y = 0
this.metadata_z = 0
pri func decoder.decode_plte?(src: base.io_reader) {
var num_entries : base.u32[..= 256]
var i : base.u32
var argb : base.u32
if (this.chunk_length > 768) or ((this.chunk_length % 3) <> 0) {
return "#bad chunk"
num_entries = (this.chunk_length as base.u32) / 3
this.chunk_length = 0
while i < num_entries {
assert i < 256 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: num_entries)
// Convert from RGB (in memory order) to ARGB (in native u32 order)
// to BGRA (in memory order).
argb = args.src.read_u24be_as_u32?()
argb |= 0xFF00_0000
this.src_palette[(4 * i) + 0] = ((argb >> 0) & 0xFF) as base.u8
this.src_palette[(4 * i) + 1] = ((argb >> 8) & 0xFF) as base.u8
this.src_palette[(4 * i) + 2] = ((argb >> 16) & 0xFF) as base.u8
this.src_palette[(4 * i) + 3] = ((argb >> 24) & 0xFF) as base.u8
i += 1
} endwhile
// Set the remaining palette entries to opaque black.
while i < 256 {
this.src_palette[(4 * i) + 0] = 0x00
this.src_palette[(4 * i) + 1] = 0x00
this.src_palette[(4 * i) + 2] = 0x00
this.src_palette[(4 * i) + 3] = 0xFF
i += 1
} endwhile
pri func decoder.decode_srgb?(src: base.io_reader) {
if this.chunk_length <> 1 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length = 0
this.metadata_fourcc = 'SRGB'be
this.metadata_x = args.src.read_u8_as_u64?()
this.metadata_y = 0
this.metadata_z = 0
pri func decoder.decode_trns?(src: base.io_reader) {
var i : base.u32
var n : base.u32[..= 256]
var u : base.u64
if this.color_type == 0 {
choose filter_and_swizzle = [filter_and_swizzle_tricky]
if this.depth <= 8 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL
} else {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
if this.chunk_length <> 2 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length = 0
u = args.src.read_u16be_as_u64?()
if this.depth <= 1 {
this.remap_transparency = ((u & 0x01) * 0xFF_FFFF) | 0xFF00_0000
} else if this.depth <= 2 {
this.remap_transparency = ((u & 0x03) * 0x55_5555) | 0xFF00_0000
} else if this.depth <= 4 {
this.remap_transparency = ((u & 0x0F) * 0x11_1111) | 0xFF00_0000
} else if this.depth <= 8 {
this.remap_transparency = ((u & 0xFF) * 0x01_0101) | 0xFF00_0000
} else {
this.remap_transparency = (u * 0x0001_0001_0001) | 0xFFFF_0000_0000_0000
} else if this.color_type == 2 {
choose filter_and_swizzle = [filter_and_swizzle_tricky]
if this.depth <= 8 {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL
} else {
this.dst_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
this.src_pixfmt = base.PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL_4X16LE
if this.chunk_length <> 6 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length = 0
u = args.src.read_u48be_as_u64?()
if this.depth <= 8 {
this.remap_transparency =
(0x0000_00FF & (u >> 0)) |
(0x0000_FF00 & (u >> 8)) |
(0x00FF_0000 & (u >> 16)) |
} else {
this.remap_transparency = u | 0xFFFF_0000_0000_0000
} else if this.color_type == 3 {
if this.chunk_length > 256 {
return "#bad chunk"
n = this.chunk_length as base.u32
this.chunk_length = 0
while i < n {
assert i < 256 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: n)
this.src_palette[(4 * i) + 3] = args.src.read_u8?()
i += 1
} endwhile
} else {
return "#bad chunk"
pub func decoder.decode_frame_config?(dst: nptr base.frame_config, src: base.io_reader) {
var status : base.status
while true {
status =? this.do_decode_frame_config?(dst: args.dst, src: args.src)
if (status == base."$short read") and args.src.is_closed() {
return "#truncated input"
yield? status
} endwhile
pri func decoder.do_decode_frame_config?(dst: nptr base.frame_config, src: base.io_reader) {
var checksum_have : base.u32
if (this.call_sequence & 0x10) <> 0 {
return base."#bad call sequence"
} else if this.call_sequence == 0x20 {
// No-op.
} else if this.call_sequence < 0x20 {
this.do_decode_image_config?(dst: nullptr, src: args.src)
} else if this.call_sequence == 0x28 {
if this.frame_config_io_position <> args.src.position() {
return base."#bad restart"
} else if this.call_sequence == 0x40 {
this.skip_frame?(src: args.src)
} else {
return base."@end of data"
if this.metadata_fourcc <> 0 {
this.call_sequence = 0x30
return base."@metadata reported"
if this.num_decoded_frame_configs_value == 0 {
this.frame_rect_x0 = this.first_rect_x0
this.frame_rect_y0 = this.first_rect_y0
this.frame_rect_x1 = this.first_rect_x1
this.frame_rect_y1 = this.first_rect_y1
this.frame_config_io_position = this.first_config_io_position
this.frame_duration = this.first_duration
this.frame_disposal = this.first_disposal
this.frame_overwrite_instead_of_blend = this.first_overwrite_instead_of_blend
} else {
// Decode the next IEND or fcTL chunk.
while true {
this.chunk_length = args.src.read_u32be?()
this.chunk_type = args.src.read_u32le?()
if this.chunk_type == 'IEND'le {
if this.chunk_length <> 0 {
return "#bad chunk"
checksum_have = args.src.read_u32le?()
if (not this.ignore_checksum) and (checksum_have <> 0x8260_42AE) {
return "#bad checksum"
this.call_sequence = 0x60
return base."@end of data"
} else if this.chunk_type == 'fdAT'le {
return "#bad chunk"
} else if this.chunk_type == 'fcTL'le {
this.frame_config_io_position = args.src.position() ~mod- 8
this.decode_fctl?(src: args.src)
args.src.skip?(n: 4) // Skip the checksum.
this.decode_other_chunk?(src: args.src, framy: true)
if this.metadata_fourcc <> 0 {
this.call_sequence = 0x30
return base."@metadata reported"
args.src.skip_u32?(n: 4) // Skip the checksum.
this.chunk_length = 0
} endwhile
if args.dst <> nullptr {
args.dst.set!(bounds: this.util.make_rect_ie_u32(
min_incl_x: this.frame_rect_x0,
min_incl_y: this.frame_rect_y0,
max_excl_x: this.frame_rect_x1,
max_excl_y: this.frame_rect_y1),
duration: this.frame_duration,
index: this.num_decoded_frame_configs_value as base.u64,
io_position: this.frame_config_io_position,
disposal: this.frame_disposal,
opaque_within_bounds: (this.color_type <= 3) and (not this.seen_trns),
overwrite_instead_of_blend: this.frame_overwrite_instead_of_blend,
background_color: 0x0000_0000)
this.num_decoded_frame_configs_value ~sat+= 1
this.call_sequence = 0x40
pri func decoder.skip_frame?(src: base.io_reader) {
var seq_num : base.u32
this.chunk_type_array[0] = 0
this.chunk_type_array[1] = 0
this.chunk_type_array[2] = 0
this.chunk_type_array[3] = 0
while true {
if args.src.length() < 8 {
yield? base."$short read"
this.chunk_length = args.src.peek_u32be()
this.chunk_type = (args.src.peek_u64le() >> 32) as base.u32
if this.chunk_type == 'IDAT'le {
if this.chunk_type_array[0] == 'f' {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_type_array[0] = 'I'
this.chunk_type_array[1] = 'D'
this.chunk_type_array[2] = 'A'
this.chunk_type_array[3] = 'T'
} else if this.chunk_type == 'fdAT'le {
if this.chunk_type_array[0] == 'I' {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_type_array[0] = 'f'
this.chunk_type_array[1] = 'd'
this.chunk_type_array[2] = 'A'
this.chunk_type_array[3] = 'T'
if this.chunk_length < 4 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length -= 4
args.src.skip_u32_fast!(actual: 8, worst_case: 8)
seq_num = args.src.read_u32be?()
if seq_num <> this.next_animation_seq_num {
return "#bad animation sequence number"
} else if this.next_animation_seq_num >= 0xFFFF_FFFF {
return "#unsupported PNG file"
this.next_animation_seq_num += 1
args.src.skip?(n: (this.chunk_length as base.u64) + 4) // +4 for the checksum.
this.chunk_length = 0
} else if this.chunk_type_array[0] <> 0 {
} else if this.chunk_type == 'fcTL'le {
return "#bad chunk"
// +12 for chunk length, chunk type and checksum.
args.src.skip?(n: (this.chunk_length as base.u64) + 12)
this.chunk_length = 0
} endwhile
this.num_decoded_frames_value ~sat+= 1
this.call_sequence = 0x20
pub func decoder.decode_frame?(dst: ptr base.pixel_buffer, src: base.io_reader, blend: base.pixel_blend, workbuf: slice base.u8, opts: nptr base.decode_frame_options) {
var status : base.status
while true {
status =? this.do_decode_frame?(dst: args.dst, src: args.src, blend: args.blend, workbuf: args.workbuf, opts: args.opts)
if (status == base."$short read") and args.src.is_closed() {
return "#truncated input"
yield? status
} endwhile
pri func decoder.do_decode_frame?(dst: ptr base.pixel_buffer, src: base.io_reader, blend: base.pixel_blend, workbuf: slice base.u8, opts: nptr base.decode_frame_options) {
var seq_num : base.u32
var status : base.status
var pass_width : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF]
var pass_height : base.u32[..= 0x00FF_FFFF]
if (this.call_sequence & 0x10) <> 0 {
return base."#bad call sequence"
} else if this.call_sequence >= 0x60 {
return base."@end of data"
} else if this.call_sequence <> 0x40 {
this.do_decode_frame_config?(dst: nullptr, src: args.src)
while true {
if args.src.length() < 8 {
yield? base."$short read"
this.chunk_length = args.src.peek_u32be()
this.chunk_type = (args.src.peek_u64le() >> 32) as base.u32
if this.chunk_type == 'IDAT'le {
this.chunk_type_array[0] = 'I'
this.chunk_type_array[1] = 'D'
this.chunk_type_array[2] = 'A'
this.chunk_type_array[3] = 'T'
args.src.skip_u32_fast!(actual: 8, worst_case: 8)
if not this.ignore_checksum {
this.crc32.update_u32!(x: this.chunk_type_array[..])
} else if this.chunk_type == 'fdAT'le {
this.chunk_type_array[0] = 'f'
this.chunk_type_array[1] = 'd'
this.chunk_type_array[2] = 'A'
this.chunk_type_array[3] = 'T'
if this.chunk_length < 4 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length -= 4
args.src.skip_u32_fast!(actual: 8, worst_case: 8)
seq_num = args.src.read_u32be?()
if seq_num <> this.next_animation_seq_num {
return "#bad animation sequence number"
} else if this.next_animation_seq_num >= 0xFFFF_FFFF {
return "#unsupported PNG file"
this.next_animation_seq_num += 1
} else if this.chunk_type == 'fcTL'le {
return "#bad chunk"
// +12 for chunk length, chunk type and checksum.
args.src.skip?(n: (this.chunk_length as base.u64) + 12)
this.chunk_length = 0
} endwhile
if this.zlib_is_dirty {
if this.ignore_checksum {
this.zlib.set_quirk!(key: base.QUIRK_IGNORE_CHECKSUM, value: 1)
this.zlib_is_dirty = true
status = this.swizzler.prepare!(
dst_pixfmt: args.dst.pixel_format(),
dst_palette: args.dst.palette_or_else(fallback: this.dst_palette[..]),
src_pixfmt: this.util.make_pixel_format(repr: this.src_pixfmt),
src_palette: this.src_palette[..],
blend: args.blend)
if not status.is_ok() {
return status
this.workbuf_hist_pos_base = 0
while true {
if (this.chunk_type_array[0] == 'I') {
pass_width = 0x00FF_FFFF &
(((INTERLACING[this.interlace_pass][1] as base.u32) + this.width) >>
pass_height = 0x00FF_FFFF &
(((INTERLACING[this.interlace_pass][4] as base.u32) + this.height) >>
} else {
pass_width = 0x00FF_FFFF & (this.frame_rect_x1 ~mod- this.frame_rect_x0)
pass_height = 0x00FF_FFFF & (this.frame_rect_y1 ~mod- this.frame_rect_y0)
if (pass_width > 0) and (pass_height > 0) {
this.pass_bytes_per_row = this.calculate_bytes_per_row(width: pass_width)
this.pass_workbuf_length = (pass_height as base.u64) * (1 + this.pass_bytes_per_row)
while true {
status =? this.decode_pass?(src: args.src, workbuf: args.workbuf)
if status.is_ok() {
} else if status.is_error() or
((status == base."$short read") and args.src.is_closed()) {
// The input was invalid or truncated. Produce whatever
// pixels we can.
if this.workbuf_wi <= args.workbuf.length() {
// This might return "#internal error: inconsistent
// workbuf length" because of the ".. this.workbuf_wi".
// We just ignore the error.
this.filter_and_swizzle!(dst: args.dst, workbuf: args.workbuf[.. this.workbuf_wi])
if status == base."$short read" {
return "#truncated input"
yield? status
} endwhile
status = this.filter_and_swizzle!(dst: args.dst, workbuf: args.workbuf)
if not status.is_ok() {
return status
this.workbuf_hist_pos_base ~mod+= this.pass_workbuf_length
if (this.interlace_pass == 0) or (this.interlace_pass >= 7) {
this.interlace_pass += 1
} endwhile
this.num_decoded_frames_value ~sat+= 1
this.call_sequence = 0x20
pri func decoder.decode_pass?(src: base.io_reader, workbuf: slice base.u8) {
var w : base.io_writer
var w_mark : base.u64
var r_mark : base.u64
var zlib_status : base.status
var checksum_have : base.u32
var checksum_want : base.u32
var seq_num : base.u32
this.workbuf_wi = 0
while true {
if (this.workbuf_wi > this.pass_workbuf_length) or (
this.pass_workbuf_length > args.workbuf.length()) {
return base."#bad workbuf length"
io_bind (io: w, data: args.workbuf[this.workbuf_wi .. this.pass_workbuf_length], history_position: this.workbuf_hist_pos_base ~mod+ this.workbuf_wi) {
io_limit (io: args.src, limit: (this.chunk_length as base.u64)) {
w_mark = w.mark()
r_mark = args.src.mark()
zlib_status =? this.zlib.transform_io?(
dst: w, src: args.src, workbuf: this.util.empty_slice_u8())
if not this.ignore_checksum {
this.crc32.update_u32!(x: args.src.since(mark: r_mark))
this.chunk_length ~sat-= (args.src.count_since(mark: r_mark) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as base.u32
this.workbuf_wi ~sat+= w.count_since(mark: w_mark)
if zlib_status.is_ok() {
if this.chunk_length > 0 {
// TODO: should this really be a fatal error?
return base."#too much data"
checksum_want = args.src.read_u32be?()
// Verify the final IDAT chunk's CRC-32 checksum.
if (not this.ignore_checksum) and (this.chunk_type_array[0] == 'I') {
checksum_have = this.crc32.update_u32!(x: this.util.empty_slice_u8())
if checksum_have <> checksum_want {
return "#bad checksum"
} else if zlib_status == base."$short write" {
if (1 <= this.interlace_pass) and (this.interlace_pass <= 6) {
return base."#too much data"
} else if zlib_status <> base."$short read" {
return zlib_status
} else if this.chunk_length == 0 {
// Verify the non-final IDAT chunk's CRC-32 checksum.
checksum_want = args.src.read_u32be?()
if (not this.ignore_checksum) and (this.chunk_type_array[0] == 'I') {
checksum_have = this.crc32.update_u32!(x: this.util.empty_slice_u8())
if checksum_have <> checksum_want {
return "#bad checksum"
// The next chunk should be another IDAT or fdAT.
this.chunk_length = args.src.read_u32be?()
this.chunk_type = args.src.read_u32le?()
if (this.chunk_type_array[0] == 'I') {
if this.chunk_type <> 'IDAT'le {
return "#bad chunk"
// The IDAT is part of the next CRC-32 checksum's input.
if not this.ignore_checksum {
this.crc32.update_u32!(x: this.chunk_type_array[..])
} else {
if (this.chunk_type <> 'fdAT'le) or (this.chunk_length < 4) {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length -= 4
seq_num = args.src.read_u32be?()
if seq_num <> this.next_animation_seq_num {
return "#bad animation sequence number"
} else if this.next_animation_seq_num >= 0xFFFF_FFFF {
return "#unsupported PNG file"
this.next_animation_seq_num += 1
} else if args.src.length() > 0 {
return "#internal error: zlib decoder did not exhaust its input"
yield? base."$short read"
} endwhile
if this.workbuf_wi <> this.pass_workbuf_length {
return base."#not enough data"
} else if 0 < args.workbuf.length() {
// For the top row, the Paeth filter (4) is equivalent to the Sub
// filter (1), but the Paeth implementation is simpler if it can assume
// that there is a previous row.
if args.workbuf[0] == 4 {
args.workbuf[0] = 1
pub func decoder.frame_dirty_rect() base.rect_ie_u32 {
return this.util.make_rect_ie_u32(
min_incl_x: this.frame_rect_x0,
min_incl_y: this.frame_rect_y0,
max_excl_x: this.frame_rect_x1,
max_excl_y: this.frame_rect_y1)
pub func decoder.num_animation_loops() base.u32 {
return this.num_animation_loops_value
pub func decoder.num_decoded_frame_configs() base.u64 {
return this.num_decoded_frame_configs_value as base.u64
pub func decoder.num_decoded_frames() base.u64 {
return this.num_decoded_frames_value as base.u64
pub func decoder.restart_frame!(index: base.u64, io_position: base.u64) base.status {
if this.call_sequence < 0x20 {
return base."#bad call sequence"
} else if (args.index >= (this.num_animation_frames_value as base.u64)) or
((args.index == 0) and (args.io_position <> this.first_config_io_position)) {
return base."#bad argument"
this.call_sequence = 0x28
if this.interlace_pass >= 1 {
this.interlace_pass = 1
this.frame_config_io_position = args.io_position
this.num_decoded_frame_configs_value = (args.index & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as base.u32
this.num_decoded_frames_value = this.num_decoded_frame_configs_value
return ok
pub func decoder.set_report_metadata!(fourcc: base.u32, report: base.bool) {
if args.fourcc == 'CHRM'be {
this.report_metadata_chrm =
} else if args.fourcc == 'EXIF'be {
this.report_metadata_exif =
} else if args.fourcc == 'GAMA'be {
this.report_metadata_gama =
} else if args.fourcc == 'ICCP'be {
this.report_metadata_iccp =
} else if args.fourcc == 'KVP 'be {
this.report_metadata_kvp =
} else if args.fourcc == 'SRGB'be {
this.report_metadata_srgb =
pub func decoder.tell_me_more?(dst: base.io_writer, minfo: nptr base.more_information, src: base.io_reader) {
var status : base.status
while true {
status =? this.do_tell_me_more?(dst: args.dst, minfo: args.minfo, src: args.src)
if (status == base."$short read") and args.src.is_closed() {
return "#truncated input"
yield? status
} endwhile
pri func decoder.do_tell_me_more?(dst: base.io_writer, minfo: nptr base.more_information, src: base.io_reader) {
var c : base.u8
var c2 : base.u16
var w : base.io_writer
var num_written : base.u64
var w_mark : base.u64
var r_mark : base.u64
var zlib_status : base.status
if (this.call_sequence & 0x10) == 0 {
return base."#bad call sequence"
if this.metadata_fourcc == 0 {
return base."#no more information"
while.goto_done true {{
while true {
if args.src.position() <> this.metadata_y {
return base."#bad I/O position"
} else if args.minfo <> nullptr {
flavor: this.metadata_flavor,
w: this.metadata_fourcc,
x: this.metadata_x,
y: this.metadata_y,
z: this.metadata_z)
if this.metadata_y >= this.metadata_z {
this.metadata_y = this.metadata_z
yield? base."$even more information"
} endwhile
if this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed {
if this.zlib_is_dirty {
if this.ignore_checksum {
this.zlib.set_quirk!(key: base.QUIRK_IGNORE_CHECKSUM, value: 1)
this.zlib_is_dirty = true
this.ztxt_hist_pos = 0
while.loop true {
if args.minfo <> nullptr {
flavor: this.metadata_flavor,
w: this.metadata_fourcc,
x: this.metadata_x,
y: this.metadata_y,
z: this.metadata_z)
if this.metadata_flavor <> base.MORE_INFORMATION__FLAVOR__METADATA_RAW_TRANSFORM {
if this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed {
if this.chunk_type == 'iCCP'le {
io_limit (io: args.src, limit: this.chunk_length as base.u64) {
r_mark = args.src.mark()
zlib_status =? this.zlib.transform_io?(
dst: args.dst, src: args.src, workbuf: this.util.empty_slice_u8())
this.chunk_length ~sat-=
(args.src.count_since(mark: r_mark) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as base.u32
if zlib_status.is_ok() {
this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed = false
} else if not zlib_status.is_suspension() {
return zlib_status
yield? zlib_status
} else if this.chunk_type == 'iTXt'le {
// TODO: verify uncompressed data is UTF-8.
io_limit (io: args.src, limit: this.chunk_length as base.u64) {
r_mark = args.src.mark()
zlib_status =? this.zlib.transform_io?(
dst: args.dst, src: args.src, workbuf: this.util.empty_slice_u8())
this.chunk_length ~sat-=
(args.src.count_since(mark: r_mark) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as base.u32
if zlib_status.is_ok() {
this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed = false
} else if not zlib_status.is_suspension() {
return zlib_status
yield? zlib_status
} else if this.chunk_type == 'zTXt'le {
// Fill this.dst_palette, zlib-uncompressing producing Latin-1.
if this.ztxt_ri == this.ztxt_wi {
io_bind (io: w, data: this.dst_palette[..], history_position: this.ztxt_hist_pos) {
io_limit (io: args.src, limit: this.chunk_length as base.u64) {
w_mark = w.mark()
r_mark = args.src.mark()
zlib_status =? this.zlib.transform_io?(
dst: w, src: args.src, workbuf: this.util.empty_slice_u8())
this.chunk_length ~sat-=
(args.src.count_since(mark: r_mark) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as base.u32
num_written = w.count_since(mark: w_mark)
if num_written > 1024 {
return "#internal error: inconsistent I/O"
this.ztxt_ri = 0
this.ztxt_wi = num_written as base.u32
this.ztxt_hist_pos ~sat+= num_written
// Drain this.dst_palette, converting from Latin-1 to UTF-8.
while this.ztxt_ri < this.ztxt_wi {
assert this.ztxt_ri < 1024 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c: this.ztxt_wi)
c2 = LATIN_1[this.dst_palette[this.ztxt_ri]]
if c2 == 0 {
return "#bad text chunk (not Latin-1)"
} else if c2 <= 0x7F {
if args.dst.length() <= 0 {
yield? base."$short write"
this.ztxt_ri += 1
args.dst.write_u8_fast!(a: c2 as base.u8)
} else {
if args.dst.length() <= 1 {
yield? base."$short write"
this.ztxt_ri += 1
args.dst.write_u16le_fast!(a: c2)
} endwhile
if zlib_status.is_ok() {
this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed = false
} else if not zlib_status.is_suspension() {
return zlib_status
} else if zlib_status <> base."$short write" {
yield? zlib_status
} else {
return "#internal error: inconsistent chunk type"
} else if (this.chunk_type == 'iTXt'le) and (this.metadata_fourcc == 'KVPV'be) {
// iTXt value is UTF-8.
// TODO: verify data is UTF-8.
while true {
if this.chunk_length <= 0 {
} else if args.src.length() <= 0 {
yield? base."$short read"
} else if args.dst.length() <= 0 {
yield? base."$short write"
this.chunk_length -= 1
c = args.src.peek_u8()
args.src.skip_u32_fast!(actual: 1, worst_case: 1)
args.dst.write_u8_fast!(a: c)
} endwhile
} else {
// Other uncompressed keys and values are Latin-1.
while true {
if this.chunk_length <= 0 {
// Keys are NUL-terminated but values are not.
if this.metadata_fourcc == 'KVPK'be {
return "#bad chunk"
} else if args.src.length() <= 0 {
yield? base."$short read"
c = args.src.peek_u8()
if c == 0 {
this.chunk_length -= 1
args.src.skip_u32_fast!(actual: 1, worst_case: 1)
c2 = LATIN_1[c]
if c2 == 0 {
return "#bad text chunk (not Latin-1)"
} else if c2 <= 0x7F {
if args.dst.length() <= 0 {
yield? base."$short write"
this.chunk_length -= 1
args.src.skip_u32_fast!(actual: 1, worst_case: 1)
args.dst.write_u8_fast!(a: c2 as base.u8)
} else {
if args.dst.length() <= 1 {
yield? base."$short write"
this.chunk_length -= 1
args.src.skip_u32_fast!(actual: 1, worst_case: 1)
args.dst.write_u16le_fast!(a: c2)
} endwhile
} endwhile.loop
// Key-value pairs come in... pairs.
if this.metadata_fourcc == 'KVPK'be {
this.metadata_fourcc = 'KVPV'be
if this.chunk_type == 'iTXt'le {
// Compression flag, compression method.
if this.chunk_length <= 1 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length -= 2
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if c == 0 {
this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed = false
} else if c == 1 {
this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed = true
} else {
return "#bad chunk"
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if (c <> 0) and this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed {
return "#unsupported PNG compression method"
// Skip the language tag and translated keyword: two iterations
// looking for a NUL terminator.
this.metadata_fourcc ~mod-= 2
while this.metadata_fourcc <> 'KVPV'be {
this.metadata_fourcc ~mod+= 1
while true {
if this.chunk_length <= 0 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length -= 1
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if c == 0 {
} endwhile
} endwhile
} else if this.chunk_type == 'zTXt'le {
// Compression method.
if this.chunk_length <= 0 {
return "#bad chunk"
this.chunk_length -= 1
c = args.src.read_u8?()
if c <> 0 {
return "#unsupported PNG compression method"
this.metadata_is_zlib_compressed = true
this.call_sequence &= 0xEF
return ok
}} endwhile.goto_done
if this.chunk_length <> 0 {
return "#bad chunk"
// Skip the ancillary chunk's CRC-32 checksum.
args.src.skip?(n: 4)
this.metadata_flavor = 0
this.metadata_fourcc = 0
this.metadata_x = 0
this.metadata_y = 0
this.metadata_z = 0
this.call_sequence &= 0xEF
return ok
pub func decoder.workbuf_len() base.range_ii_u64 {
return this.util.make_range_ii_u64(
min_incl: this.overall_workbuf_length,
max_incl: this.overall_workbuf_length)