blob: e8eee139e8c4861c842f6c4f26d6411478b6cf0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// --------
// Quirks are discussed in (/doc/note/
// The base38 encoding of "json" is 0x12_4265. Left shifting by 10 gives
// 0x4909_9400.
// --------
// When this quirk is enabled, e.g. "abc\az" is accepted as a JSON string,
// equivalent to "abc\u0007z", containing an ASCII Bell control character.
pub const quirk_allow_backslash_a base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x00
// When this quirk is enabled, e.g. "abc\U0001F4A9z" is accepted as a JSON
// string, equivalent to "abc\uD83D\uDCA9z", containing the U+0001F4A9 PILE OF
// POO Unicode code point. There are exactly 8 encoded bytes after each "\U".
// This quirk can combine with quirk_replace_invalid_unicode.
pub const quirk_allow_backslash_capital_u base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x01
// When this quirk is enabled, e.g. "abc\ez" is accepted as a JSON string,
// equivalent to "abc\u001Bz", containing an ASCII Escape control character.
pub const quirk_allow_backslash_e base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x02
// When this quirk is enabled, e.g. "abc\?z" is accepted as a JSON string,
// equivalent to "abc?z".
pub const quirk_allow_backslash_question_mark base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x03
// When this quirk is enabled, e.g. "abc\'z" is accepted as a JSON string,
// equivalent to "abc'z".
pub const quirk_allow_backslash_single_quote base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x04
// When this quirk is enabled, e.g. "abc\vz" is accepted as a JSON string,
// equivalent to "abc\u000Bz", containing an ASCII Vertical Tab control
// character.
pub const quirk_allow_backslash_v base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x05
// When this quirk is enabled, e.g. "abc\xeFz" is accepted as a JSON string,
// decoding to 5 bytes: 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0xEF and 0x7A. There are exactly 2
// encoded bytes after each "\x".
// Decoded strings are byte strings, no longer guaranteed to be valid UTF-8 and
// even if the overall byte string is valid UTF-8, tokens are also no longer
// guaranteed to split on UTF-8 boundaries.
// "\x", "\x9", "\x9$" and "\X99" are all still rejected.
pub const quirk_allow_backslash_x base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x06
// When this quirk is enabled, e.g. "abc\0z" is accepted as a JSON string,
// equivalent to "abc\u0000z", containing an ASCII NUL control character.
pub const quirk_allow_backslash_zero base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x07
// When this quirk is enabled, "/* C/C++ style block comments */" are accepted
// anywhere whitespace would be, although see the quirk_allow_trailing_new_line
// comment for additional interaction when combining multiple quirks.
// They produce WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VBD__FILLER__COMMENT_BLOCK tokens. The token
// chain's source bytes includes the starting "/*" and the ending "*/".
pub const quirk_allow_comment_block base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x08
// When this quirk is enabled, "// C/C++ style line comments\n" are accepted
// anywhere whitespace would be, although see the quirk_allow_trailing_new_line
// comment for additional interaction when combining multiple quirks.
// A line comment may not omit the ending "\n", even if there is no input
// afterwards (i.e. the prospective line comment ends with the end-of-file).
// They produce WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VBD__FILLER__COMMENT_LINE tokens. The token
// chain's source bytes includes the starting "//" and the ending "\n".
// Even if the line comments are on consecutive lines, each line comment is a
// separate token chain. There may be whitespace tokens between one line
// comment's ending "\n" and the next one's starting "//".
pub const quirk_allow_comment_line base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x09
// When this quirk is enabled, there may be a comma after the final array
// element or object key-value pair and before the closing "]" or "}". A comma
// can therefore be a terminator (not just a separator) for elements / pairs,
// which can simplify incremental edits and line oriented diffs.
// For example, `[1,]`, `[1,2,3,]` and `{"k":"v",}` all become acceptable, but
// `[,]`, `{,}` and `{"k",:"v"}` are still rejected.
pub const quirk_allow_extra_comma base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x0A
// When this quirk is enabled, "inf", "Infinity", "NAN" and their
// case-insensitive variants, optionally preceded immediately by "-" or "+",
// are accepted anywhere a JSON number would be.
pub const quirk_allow_inf_nan_numbers base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x0B
// When this quirk is enabled, the input byte stream may optionally start with
// "\x1E" (the ASCII Record Separator control character). That byte is skipped
// and decoding proceeds normally.
// When combined with quirk_allow_leading_unicode_byte_order_mark, either mark
// may come first in the byte stream.
// When combined with quirk_allow_trailing_new_line, this format is also known
// as RFC 7464, Json Text Sequences and MIME type "application/json-seq".
pub const quirk_allow_leading_ascii_record_separator base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x0C
// When this quirk is enabled, the input byte stream may optionally start with
// "\xEF\xBB\xBF", the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode BOM (Byte Order Mark).
// Those 3 bytes are skipped and decoding proceeds normally.
// When combined with quirk_allow_leading_ascii_record_separator, either mark
// may come first in the byte stream.
pub const quirk_allow_leading_unicode_byte_order_mark base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x0D
// When this quirk is enabled, following a successful decoding of a top-level
// JSON value, any trailing whitespace (ASCII characters 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0D or
// 0x20) is also consumed (and WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VBC__FILLER tokens emitted)
// up to the end-of-file or up to and including a single new line (ASCII 0x0A,
// also known as '\n'), whichever comes first. This trailing whitespace is not
// mandatory, but it is consumed if present.
// When enabled, trailing non-whitespace (before a '\n') is an error. For
// example, with "007" input, decoding with this quirk disabled (the default
// case) will consume just 1 byte ("0") and leave the rest ("07") unread
// without error, as "0" is a perfectly valid JSON value (but "00" is not).
// Decoding "007" (or "007\n") with this quirk enabled will return an error.
// When enabled, the decoder will not consume more than one trailing '\n', nor
// will it consume any other whitespace immediately after a trailing '\n'.
// If a JSON encoder avoids emitting (optional) '\n' bytes, other than a single
// '\n' after each top-level value in a multi-JSON-value stream, this format is
// also known as Line-delimited JSON (LDJSON), newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON)
// and JSON lines (JSONL, With or without this quirk
// enabled, this decoder always accepts '\n' bytes before the end of a
// top-level JSON value, anywhere whitespace is valid per the JSON spec, but
// such bytes may confuse other line oriented Unix tools that assume exactly
// one JSON value per line.
// When combined with quirk_allow_leading_ascii_record_separator, this format
// is also known as RFC 7464, Json Text Sequences and MIME type
// "application/json-seq".
// When combined with quirk_allow_comment_block or quirk_allow_comment_line, it
// is an error for a comment to occur in this trailing whitespace, before an
// end-of-file or '\n' is encountered. Treating this as an error avoids any
// ambiguity in accounting for new lines within a block comment or ending a
// line comment.
pub const quirk_allow_trailing_new_line base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x0E
// When this quirk is enabled, invalid UTF-8 inside a JSON string is accepted.
// Each byte of invalid UTF-8 is equivalent to "\uFFFD", the Unicode
// Replacement Character. The UTF-8 encoding of U+FFFD is "\xEF\xBF\xBD".
// Invalid UTF-8 outside a JSON string remains an error.
// Similarly, for backslash-u escapes featuring incorrectly paired Unicode
// surrogates, each backslash-u 6-byte unit is replaced. For example,
// "abc\uDC00z" and "ijk\uD800\uDBFFz" are equivalent to "abc\uFFFDz" and
// "ijk\uFFFD\uFFFDz".
// When combined with quirk_allow_backslash_capital_u, a "\U12345678" 10-byte
// unit that is an invalid Unicode code point (i.e. in the range U+D800 ..=
// U+DFFF or above U+10FFFF) is similarly replaced with U+FFFD.
pub const quirk_replace_invalid_unicode base.u32 = 0x4909_9400 | 0x0F